Even if these things are his own, as long as he doesn't bring them into the other side, Su Heng can clearly feel the scene that can be called the destruction of the world!

And it's not just these disposable drones. If necessary, X1 Thunder, X3 Thor and even the twin-tail drones can all be transformed into disposable drones!

Anyway, the most expensive of these drones is only about 3 million, even with the intelligent biological signal helmet, it's only more than 5 million, and in fact the helmet can still be reused, as long as the data is reset, it can be docked with other drones!

In this way, a twin-tail drone carries eight disposable drones.

Then the large amount of redundant loads due to the volume of disposable drones can also carry tons of blue explosives!

Let me ask, let alone a few tons, even one ton of blue explosives is about nine tons of TT explosives. What can withstand this kind of power?

Even the Black and White Eagle aircraft carrier, which claims to be able to withstand a number of mushrooms, can't stand it!

Even if it doesn't sink, this one shot can definitely make any aircraft carrier lose its combat effectiveness!

What is the difference between a non-combat aircraft carrier and a scrapped one?

You don't even need to destroy the aircraft carrier. As long as the deck is destroyed, the aircraft carrier will be a large piece of scrap metal!

After all, the combat effectiveness of an aircraft carrier depends entirely on fighters. If the deck is blown up, the fighters will not be able to take off. Isn't an aircraft carrier without fighters a waste?

Although both Lei Ming and Thor are not fast, Lei Ming's maximum speed is only more than 400 kilometers, and Thor's maximum speed is only more than 600 kilometers.

Even the maximum speed of the twin tails is only more than 900 kilometers.

Such a large target is easy for the fleet to intercept.

But the problem is that I have already carried out a saturation strike!

After a saturation strike, how many warships can you survive?

Even if you still survive, do you still have combat effectiveness?

In this way, whether it is Lei Ming, Thor, or Twin Tail, going up is just a finishing blow!

The probability of being intercepted is infinitely close to zero!

If you see a warship that has not sunk, just go up and give it a big shot!

Then there are hundreds or thousands of kilograms of blue explosives. Can you handle it?

Thinking of this, Su Heng's thoughts became more active.

He was even a little impatient to make these things!

The advantages of this thing are really too great.

To a certain extent, it also perfectly solves the danger that the drones of Shuangwei may be intercepted by enemy fighters!

After all, firepower can be delivered from 800 kilometers away. Who can withstand this?

The carrier-based aircraft of Black and White Hawk has a combat radius of 1,000 kilometers at most!

I threw the drone away from 800 kilometers and ran away. Do you have the ability to fly over and chase me?

I have a range of thousands of kilometers. You will be finished if you see me walk or not!

After a long time, Su Heng came back to his senses, and then directly explained his ideas to Qian Zhizhong.

After hearing what Su Heng said, Qian Zhizhong was also stunned.

Drone with drone? ?

Can it be played like this? ?

Put it here to nest dolls?

But just a moment later, Qian Zhizhong's eyes began to shine.

He just didn't think about this aspect for a while, not that he didn't know the advantages of these things.

Just like Su Heng, he just didn't think about these things before, and then Qian Zhizhong mentioned it, and then he thought of the drone carrying the drone.

As long as you think about it, you can judge the amazing advantages of this operation!

Thinking about it, Qian Zhizhong's breathing became rapid.

If this idea can really be realized, then the absolute domain of their Long Village will be directly expanded from the previous 2,500 kilometers of Jian Twenty to at least 4,000 kilometers!

If the return needs of drones such as Shuangwei are not considered, this absolute domain will directly expand to more than 8,000 kilometers!

What is the concept of an absolute domain of 8,000 kilometers?

The port where Xiao Baga attacked the Black and White Eagle was only 8,000 kilometers away from Long Village!

In other words, the absolute domain of Long Village can reach the face of the Black and White Eagle!


Thinking of this, Qian Zhizhong couldn't help but take a breath.

Push the gun to someone's face and output face to face?

"Isn't this a bit too bullying?"

At this moment, even Qian Zhizhong felt that it was a bit too much.

Don't play like this.

Is this going to make people live?


After a long time, Qian Zhizhong finally came back to his senses, and then couldn't help but ask:

"Xiao Su, if so many drones take off at the same time, can you do it technically?"

Hearing this, Su Heng didn't even think about it and said directly:

"This is not a difficult technology. I will upgrade the communication and control modules of these disposable drones. At that time, these disposable drones can be manually controlled via satellite!"

"In addition, I can also upgrade the intelligent control system of the drone. Although the cost will increase, it is not a big problem. This kind of disposable cannon fodder drone does not need advanced intelligence. The intelligent program of the wild boar drone that I gave to Qian Lao before will do."

"If I replace it with that thing, the cost will only increase by a few hundred yuan at most. Then as long as I set the target parameters in advance and add my satellite navigation and positioning, these drones can completely launch and leave them alone. You can fly it, just wait until you reach the destination and explode it yourself!”

"In addition, I can also write a core instruction set for them. With one instruction set, hundreds or thousands of such drones can be controlled. I don't need this kind of technology. Any drone in our Galaxy Technology can A mechanical engineer or even an ordinary technician can do it..."

After listening to what Su Heng said, Qian Zhizhong's heart became hot.

Although this is indeed a bit excessive.

But what’s wrong with going too far?

If the bully on the other side of the ocean hadn't caused trouble, then they wouldn't have put their guns to each other's heads.

If the other party is really causing trouble, don't blame them for being rude!

The barrel of the gun is pressed against your head. Let me ask you whether you are moved or not!

The more he thought about it, the hotter Qian Zhizhong became.

After another long time passed, Qian Zhizhong took a deep breath, forced down the heat in his heart, and then said again:

"Xiao Su, when can you come up with this drone combination?"

Facing the inquiry, Su Heng pondered for a moment, and then said: "This technique is not difficult. Give me a day, and I should be able to do it in one day..."

One day, in fact, this was just a conservative answer from Su Heng.

Again, for Su Heng, this basic technology didn't even require him to do it himself.

After all, whether it is satellites or drones, he has already prepared all the core things.

What needs to be done next is just to make some simple basic modifications to the drone.

As for allowing the twin-tail drones to mount such disposable drones, there is no problem. The twin-tail drones themselves have a large number of missile and rocket pylons.

Just install some modules that can be mounted on these disposable drones, and then it will be completely effortless to mount these two-tailed drones!

On the other side of the phone, after receiving Su Heng's affirmative reply, Qian Zhizhong's face became more ecstatic.

In my mind, I can't help but think of the terrifying scene of a drone mounted on a drone in the future!

But at this moment, a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed through his mind.

Then, Qian Zhizhong said directly:

"Xiao Su, have you heard of the Nantianmen Project?"

Su Heng, who was also thinking about the drone issue, was stunned for a moment by the sudden change of topic.

But just a moment later, Su Heng came back to his senses and said:

"You know, is it the plan that was mentioned in the bureau forum before?"

Su Heng also watched the previous video of the bureau, but at that time he was busy studying Ba Ye and Jade Bird and did not have time to learn more about it.

I just know that the director said this...

Facing Su Heng's inquiry, Qian Zhizhong nodded slightly, and then continued:

"Yes, that's the plan. It was a plan we came up with after discussion to deceive Black and White Eagle. However, Black and White Eagle is not stupid and was not fooled..."

After a pause, Qian Zhizhong continued: "But now, I think we need to officially put this plan on the agenda!"

Hearing this, Su Heng was thoughtful.

After pondering for a moment, Su very slowly asked: "Mr. Qian, what do you mean?"

Faced with the inquiry, Qian Zhizhong thought for a moment, and then said: "The drone tactics you just proposed gave me a new idea. Since these twin-tail drones can carry these disposable small drones, aircraft, then can we build a larger platform to carry larger drones or even fighter jets?”

"Further extension, Xiao Su, you have a lot of advanced drone technology in your hands, so can we consider turning fighter jets into drones? Then use a fighter jet as the core and control one or even multiple drone fighter jets. fighting!"

"I'm thinking that drones have advantages that a lot of manned fighter jets don't have, such as overload resistance. Any fighter, no matter how advanced it is, needs to consider the pilot's endurance when designing it."

"The reason why the world's mainstream fighter jets are now limited to speeds below Mach 3 is not because the technology cannot reach above Mach 3, but because the human body cannot withstand the maneuvering overload caused by speeds above Mach 3!"

"But drones don't need to worry about this at all. The mechanical endurance is far greater than the human body at any time!"

"So, if we transform the Sword Ten Kai, Sword Eleven Kai and Sword Twenty-One into drones, with their advanced stealth capabilities and extremely excellent performance, their combat effectiveness will definitely be able to A substantial improvement on the existing basis!”

"If we build a large aerial platform at an altitude of 30,000 or even 40,000 meters that cannot be reached by existing fighter planes, and install high-power radar and other equipment on this large platform, then use this platform to As the core, we can guide these fighters and even a large number of drones to fight together, and then combine them with a large number of tankers, transport aircraft and other supply forces to form an air combat cluster. Can we create a new combat system? "

After listening to what Qian Zhizhong said, Su Heng also fell into deep thought.

Many of Qian Zhizhong's ideas coincide with his previous ideas, such as converting fighters such as Jian 10 and Jian 21 into drones.

Although he did not modify Jian 10 and Jian 11, Jian 21 has been converted into Bluebird by him!

He also converted Ba Ye into a brand new Ba Ye!

Su Heng did not expect that Qian Zhizhong had thought of this before he had even exposed Ba Ye and Bluebird!

What Su Heng did not expect was that Qian Zhizhong actually thought of building a large aerial platform at an altitude of thirty or forty kilometers to create a brand new combat system!

Good guy, really - aircraft carrier? ? ?

To be honest, it is very difficult to realize this idea!

To some extent, it can even be said to be whimsical!

Let's not talk about the issue of drones first. How big is an aerial platform that can carry a large number of drones or even fighters?

At the very least, it is estimated that it must carry dozens of drones or fighters to be considered large.

Then what power is used to maintain such a large platform?

Even let alone the ability to stay in the air for a long time, just to take off, what kind of power can make such a big guy fly?

Install a rocket engine?

Rocket engines may allow such a big guy to take off, but what about after taking off?

Rocket engines are just pure gold throwing. Does this thing have economic endurance?

With the current technology of Blue Star, it is impossible to realize this conjecture!

At least it will not be possible in the next few decades!

But it is different for Su Heng.

It is impossible for others, but it does not mean it is impossible for him!

Not enough power?

Learn about the pulse detonation engine of Mr. Ba!

Learn about the variable cycle engine of Blue Bird!

Not enough?

No problem, learn about the "big radiation" of Yunniang!

Not enough?

That's okay, learn about Jinwu!

Su Heng has never lacked technology. There are 360 ​​kinds, and there is always one suitable for you!

In other words, things that are impossible for others are really possible for Su Heng!

And it is very likely!

As time went by, one thought after another, countless techniques flashed through Su Heng's mind...

During this time, Qian Zhizhong did not continue to speak, but while thinking, he also quietly waited for Su Heng's answer.

"Nantianmen" was just a fantasy before, and now it is also his sudden whim.

He didn't know if it would work. In fact, if there was no Su Heng, Nantianmen would only be a fantasy for a long time in the future.

But now there is Su Heng, what if it can work?

If it really works, then the future combat pattern of Blue Star will be completely rewritten!

In the future, the entire Blue Star will have to leave the mark of Dragon Village!

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