The military industry is investigating you and you are investigating me? I sell fishing rods!

Chapter 244: Looting! Don’t ask if you can take a beating, just ask if you are full!

After an unknown amount of time, Su Heng's voice finally rang again:

"Mr. Qian, I can't give you a definite answer to this matter for the time being. Give me some time, I will do some technical verification, if the verification is feasible, I will inform you..."

Hearing this, Qian Zhizhong nodded slightly.

He also knew very well that this kind of thing was not something that could be done by just talking.

Let alone other things, just how to build such a large aircraft is a question that makes people's scalps numb!

Looking at the entire Blue Star, I'm afraid only Su Heng can possibly make this thing.

Otherwise, even in the next twenty, thirty, or even fifty years, no one may really be able to make this thing.

Thinking of this, Qian Zhizhong slowly said: "Okay, Xiao Su, you can do it yourself. We can't help you with technical matters. If you can make it, that's the best. If you can't make it, we won't force it. Anyway, now we have these things you gave, which is enough..."

At the end, Qian Zhizhong couldn't help but think of the picture of the drone mounted on the drone that Su Heng just mentioned.

And the scene of their drones facing the black and white eagle in the future!

Even the horror scene of the black and white eagle and others seeing their drones facing the black and white eagle!

Now the two thousand X1 thunder drones and one thousand X3 Thor drones they purchased from Su Heng have all been delivered.

And they have all been installed!

In addition, one thousand double-tail drones have been delivered, and it is expected that they will be installed in the next two months!

According to what Su Heng just said, these four thousand drones alone can carry at least 19,000 disposable drones mentioned by Su Heng!

Just imagine, what would it look like if 19,000 such drones were dispatched together?

That would be truly overwhelming!

What is saturation?

This is saturation! !

With so many drones out, no one in the entire Blue Star can stop them!

No matter whether it is the black and white eagle or anyone else, even Long Village itself can't stop it!

Any village that encounters this level of attack will have only one consequence, that is-finished!

It can be said that with this thing, Long Village is truly invincible!

Back then, Longcun was able to fight 1V17. When all these things are put into service, 1V170 will not be a problem!

After saying that, Qian Zhizhong was ready to end the call.

But at this moment——

"Enough is bullshit!"

A voice suddenly sounded.

Then, before Qian Zhizhong could think about it, the phone in Qian Zhizhong's hand was instantly snatched away by a figure.

"Xiao Su, don't listen to what the old man Qian said about Nantianmen and aerial platforms. Can that thing fly? Xiao Su, you might as well consider our navy. We don't need to fly. Give us a large cargo ship and we can take your drones around the world!"

"Hundreds of kilograms of things, we can find a cargo ship to pull tens of thousands! Isn't this better than that aerial platform?"

Grabbing the phone, before Qian Zhizhong could do anything, the voice of the person who took the phone sounded directly.

Looking at the source of the sound, the person who spoke was Qin Shan, who had been listening before.

Qin Shan couldn't sit still when he heard Su Heng talking about disposable drones just now.

Now that he heard that Qian Zhizhong actually dragged Su Heng to work on Nantianmen, Qin Shan couldn't sit still anymore.

Of course he knew about Nantianmen, but could the Nantianmen that Qian Zhizhong just mentioned be realized in a short time?

In comparison, how good is their navy?

Any 10,000-ton cargo ship can carry thousands of such drones everywhere.

According to what Su Heng just said, this drone can be launched by just setting up a bracket. If this thing is placed in their navy, it must be a magic weapon?

If they can just set up a bracket on the ground, why can't they be on their ships?

When the time comes, they will build more than a dozen 10,000-ton cargo ships, and a cargo ship can pull thousands of such drones. Isn't that a perfect arsenal ship? ?

Then let the aircraft carrier and the fleet escort these arsenal ships, and any few arsenal ships can wipe out the fleet of that bully!

This cost-effectiveness is not higher than that of Nantianmen? ?


You said that the warships in other villages are all escorting aircraft carriers, and there is no precedent for aircraft carriers escorting other warships?

So what if there is no precedent?

No war is immutable. Who says that only fleets can escort aircraft carriers, but not aircraft carriers can escort fleets?

No matter how advanced an aircraft carrier is, can it deliver thousands or even hundreds of thousands of heavy firepower?

Even if the escort fails, it doesn't matter if these "arsenal ships" are bombed.

Anyway, a cargo ship is not worth much money, and those disposable drones are not worth much money even if there are 10,000 of them according to the price Su Heng just said.

Compared with the price of an aircraft carrier, which is often tens of billions, this amount of money is simply a drop in the bucket!

In short, this is a completely cost-effective creation!

How could Qin Shan let go of such a good thing?

After Qin Shan directly snatched the phone, Qian Zhizhong's mouth twitched slightly.

However, after hearing what Qin Shan said, Qian Zhizhong also fell into thought.

It seems to be true.

An aircraft weighing dozens of tons is considered a large aircraft.

And a ship weighing dozens of tons can only be considered a small fishing boat!

Cargo ships, for example, are often tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of tons. The current maximum cargo ship on Blue Star has a full load displacement of up to 600,000 tons!

The nuclear-powered aircraft carriers of the Black and White Hawks are nothing compared to these things!

Of course, this does not mean that these cargo ships are stronger than aircraft carriers.

These cargo ships cannot compare to aircraft carriers, let alone take off and land fighters.

But is it important?

Do these drones of Su Heng need the take-off and landing conditions of fighters?

Didn't Su Heng say that a few people can take off by carrying a rack and building a rack?

As for landing, what is the need for a disposable thing to land?

It is not necessary at all.

With this calculation, Qin Shan's statement of building a bunch of cargo ships as arsenal ships seems to be correct, and the feasibility is much higher than his Nantianmen!

If it is really built, and Longyuan, Chiwen, and Bixi take these arsenal ships around, then anyone who sees it will be scared!

At that time, there will be no need for aircraft carriers to do anything. When something happens, it will be "saturated" and it will be done!

Don't ask whether the freighter can withstand a beating, just ask whether it is full or not?


On the other side of the phone, Su Heng was also lost in thought after hearing what Qin Shan said.

Qian Zhizhong's idea is fine.

And Qin Shan's idea seems to be even finer!

In fact, to some extent, Qin Shan's idea is even more practical.

After all, as Qin Shan said, any freighter can carry his disposable drones around the world.

If he spends some time designing it, he can easily design a freighter into a drone mothership!

It is a bit difficult for a 10,000-ton freighter to carry tens of thousands of disposable drones. After all, the launch space and the space occupied by the drone itself must be considered.

But there is no problem at all to carry thousands of such drones at one time.

Even considering the launch efficiency of drones, he can also design catapults for these drones!

He even has an electromagnetic gun, so it's no problem to build an electromagnetic catapult, right?

This is like asking a first-class mathematician to solve a quadratic equation. Is it difficult?

As for safety, let's not talk about the carrier-based aircraft of Jian 21.

Do you know about Longyuan's four electromagnetic close-in defense guns and one electromagnetic gun main gun?

Do you know about Longyuan's electronic warfare system?

Do you know about Longyuan's 112 large-caliber cold and hot co-launching units?

Do you know about the one pit four eggs technology?

According to Su Heng's design, if all the launch silos of Longyuan are replaced with air defense missiles.

In the extreme case of one pit and four eggs.

Longyuan can carry 448 medium and long-range air defense missiles at a time!

With four electromagnetic close-in defense guns and one electromagnetic gun main gun, a Longyuan can continuously deal with tens of thousands of incoming targets under extreme conditions!

Of course, considering the problem of firepower channels, Longyuan has only sixty-eight firepower channels, and air defense missiles cannot be launched all at once. The four electromagnetic guns can effectively intercept only four hundred targets in the extreme state, so Longyuan can deal with no more than four hundred and sixty-eight targets at the same time.

But even so, Longyuan is an absolute firepower behemoth!

After all, whose warship has sixty-eight fire channels, and whose warship can deal with more than four hundred targets?

More importantly, who can use more than four hundred missiles to deal with a warship at the same time?

Even if it is the Black and White Eagle, does a fleet of anti-ship missiles, whether airborne or shipborne, add up to four hundred?

To put it bluntly, a Longyuan is an unbreakable shield!

Although it is impossible for Longyuan to carry anti-aircraft missiles in all silos.

Su Heng did not think so at first, but now with the "Arsenal Ship", anti-ship tasks can be completely handed over to the "Arsenal Ship". Compared with Longyuan's "unbreakable shield", the "Arsenal Ship" is a completely "undefended spear"!

With the Arsenal Ship, Longyuan only needs to do anti-submarine and air defense, and the defense force will naturally be greater!

In this case, it is basically impossible for anything to break through Longyuan's defense!

If a few Chiwen attack submarines are equipped underwater, what else can break through the defense of the Longcun Fleet?

Then, the combination of an unbreakable shield and an undefended spear is more than just a perverted one.

Su Heng could only think of two words after racking his brains, that is - invincible! !

After a long time, Su Heng came back to his senses from his contemplation, and then slowly said:

"Mr. Qin, I think your idea is feasible. I will conduct relevant technical verification during this period, and notify you as soon as there is a result..."

Hearing Su Heng's response, Qin Shan's mouth was grinning to his ears.

The smile on his face could no longer be concealed.

The absolute domain of the Air Force is only 8,000 kilometers in radius, and as long as the "Arsenal Ship" and Longyuan are launched, the range of 800 kilometers in radius, that is, 1,600 kilometers in diameter, will be their absolute domain!

Wherever you go is where you go!

In the four oceans, any place, wherever the fleet goes, it is all Han territory! !

Looking at Qin Shan's proud look, Qian Zhizhong is fine, after all, they will soon have a "Matryoshka UAV", and Qin Shan's pride is nothing, but Qiao Zhenhai next to him can't sit still.

"Xiao Su, you can't be partial to one and ignore the other. Our Lujun is also your home. Lulu is still with you now. We are real family!"

Before Qin Shan could feel proud, Qiao Zhenhai snatched the phone from Qin Shan's hand at a speed that was totally incompatible with his age...

"Not Old Qiao, what are you snatching?"

"You have so many logs in the road army, as well as those electromagnetic gun helicopters and power armored troops. Aren't these enough? Are you still snatching these trifles from us?"

Qin Shan was suddenly annoyed when Qiao Zhenhai snatched the phone away.

"What the hell!" As soon as Qin Shan finished speaking, Qiao Zhenhai's unceremonious voice sounded directly.

Before Qin Shan could say anything more, Qiao Zhenhai continued:

"Also, what do you mean by robbing? Xiao Su and I are family members. I am his grandfather in terms of seniority. How can you say that something of our family is robbing?"

Hearing this, Qin Shan could not help but widen his eyes and said, "Old Qiao, do you still have any shame? Your Lulu and Xiao Su haven't even started dating yet, and they are already family members?"

As soon as Qin Shan finished speaking, Qiao Zhenhai's voice rang out directly:

"Go away, what do you mean by not even starting dating yet? Yesterday, Lulu's mother and Xiao Su's mother had already checked their horoscopes. Xiao Su and Lulu's horoscopes are a perfect match made in heaven! When Xiao Su has time to get the marriage certificate with Lulu, Xiao Su and I, the old man, will be real family members!"

"What are you guys doing to get involved in our family affairs..."

Hearing this, the corners of Qin Shan's mouths and Qian Zhizhong and others beside him couldn't help but twitch slightly.

Before they could say anything more, Qiao Zhenhai's voice sounded again: "Besides, even if we put aside the relationship between Xiao Su and me, why can't our Lu Army have these drones?"

"Didn't you hear Xiao Su say that a few people can carry this thing to form a combat team and run around?"

"The exoskeleton auxiliary power system in the hands of those camels has only half the performance of our own. They can carry it around, so we only need half of their people to carry this thing around. At that time, we will have two people in a group, 10,000 people can form 5,000 combat teams, and 100,000 people can form 50,000 combat teams!"

"It's not worse than your navy, not to mention that if our 50,000 groups are dispersed, one can radiate 1,600 kilometers, and 50,000 can circle the blue planet for thousands of times. Can you do it?"

After listening to what Qiao Zhenhai said, not only Qian Zhizhong and the others, but also the other old men next to them couldn't help twitching their mouths.

Okay, okay, this is how the account is calculated, right?

It seems that your Lu Army will stand in a row when fighting, and a group of people stand every 1,600 kilometers, right?

Who taught you to deploy your troops like this?

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