On the other side of the phone, Su Heng couldn't help showing helplessness when he heard Qiao Zhenhai's voice.

He didn't expect that he just took out a disposable low-level drone.

And it was snatched up.

You know, because it was only a one-time use, the materials used in this drone were very bad.

The engine life was less than 24 hours!

The fuselage life was also only 30 hours!

Compared with the drones such as Thunder Thor and Double Tail, which had a life of tens of thousands of hours, this disposable drone, which didn't even have a name or code before exporting it to the camels, was simply real industrial garbage!

The most fundamental reason why Su Heng took it out before was just to protect his industry on the camel side.

He has an industry worth hundreds of billions of dollars on the desert camel side!

If the camel fell, wouldn't he cry to death?

No matter how rich he was, he couldn't just throw away an industry worth hundreds of billions!

What landlord family dared to make it like this?

However, now, this industrial waste has become a hot commodity.

This made Su Heng a little bit laughable.

Seeing that Qiao Zhenhai and others seemed to be arguing further, Su Heng finally couldn't help but speak:

"Mr. Qiao, don't argue anymore. We have them all. Aren't they just some drones? I'll adjust and expand the production line here, and then I'll sell them to you wholesale..."

"And Mr. Qin, your drone cargo ship, I'll study it here and give you the results in a week at the latest..."

"As for Mr. Qian, your Nantianmen, the project is a bit large, I have to verify it carefully..."

Hearing this, Qian Zhizhong and the other two looked at each other, and after a moment of silence, they all nodded slightly.

They were not really arguing, they just wanted to strengthen the team as much as possible.

If they were strong enough, there wouldn't be so many shitty things now, and Black and White Eagle wouldn't dare to show his teeth to Long Village.

Dare to show his teeth?

Your face will be smashed and your teeth will be pulled out one by one!

The problem is that they are not strong enough now, and their foundation is too shallow, so they want to strengthen their strength as much as possible.

Only by turning the puffy fat man into a real giant, can we deter all the demons and monsters!

"Xiao Su, then I'll trouble you..."

After nodding, Qiao Zhenhai said in a deep voice.

"No trouble, it's my job, and don't forget, Qiao Lao, my rocket engine is still under the Pacific Ocean, and Black and White Eagle hasn't compensated me yet, I've always remembered this grudge..."

Facing Qiao Zhenhai's voice, Su Heng also said with a smile.

Hearing this, Qiao Zhenhai and the other two looked at each other, and then they couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Well, Su Heng still remembers that rocket engine now.

It's obvious that Su Heng had quietly taken the bully's big black fish worth 1 billion knives, about 7 billion dragon coins, to the bottom of the sea to feed the fish...

In terms of value, this big black fish is much more expensive than Su Heng's rocket engine.

But on second thought, it seems reasonable for Su Heng to hold a grudge like this.

No matter how valuable the big black fish is, it's all done secretly.

Now the bully probably doesn't know how the big black fish disappeared, so this can't be considered revenge.

More importantly, no matter how valuable the big black fish is, the engine that Su Heng lost is still a loss, and no one has come to compensate for it!

This can't be considered revenge!

Thinking of this, Qian Zhizhong and the other two looked at each other, and then said in a deep voice:

"Don't worry, Xiao Su, we will definitely make that bully compensate you for your engine, at least ten times or a hundred times!"

Hearing this, Su Heng also smiled.

Ten times or a hundred times?

It doesn't really matter, what matters is compensation!


Compensation and apology openly!

He just wants the world to know that if he doesn't give his things, no one can take them!

Otherwise, no matter who it is, even Yingzi, will have to pay the price!

End the call with Su Heng.

Qian Zhizhong and the others looked at each other, and then Qian Zhizhong slowly said:

"Xiao Su has already taken action, so we can't sit idle. Don't the camels want Jian 20 fighters and anti-aircraft missiles? Give them!"

"And all the shells, bullets, and explosives they need, gather them all!"

"Black and White Eagle Village wants to play? Then we will play with them to their heart's content!"

"The desert can be the graveyard of polar bears, and it will also be their graveyard!"


"Qian, you mean, you agree to export Jian 20 stealth fighters to us?"

After hearing the news brought by Qian Zhizhong, Modalahan, who was already excited about Su Heng's help, couldn't help showing ecstasy on his face!

Jian 20 fighter!

That is one of the only five-generation fighters in the world!

Although under the control of the fishing reel of the Black and White Eagle, the entire Ansa world is belittling Jian 20.

Various "experts" came out to disclose the various shortcomings of Jian 20.

What stealth ability is not good.

What maneuverability is not good.

What canard layout is too bad.

What a garbage engine.


In short, in the mouth of the Ansa media, Jian 20 is bad in every way, pure industrial garbage!

For example, the three idiots even said that their Glory can easily beat Jian 20!

The same goes for the Bangzi Village next door. According to them, their castrated fighting falcons can easily lift a sword and hammer it!

Bangzi even came up with the so-called evidence, which was their computer-simulated battle data. According to their data, their War Falcon and Jian Erwen had a simulated confrontation. The battle loss ratio is as high as 1:150! !

One hundred and fifty swords and twenty can defeat a fighting falcon!

It's so scary!

In short, Sword Twenty means nothing to the villages headed by Black and White Eagle, but the problem is that such a powerful Black and White Eagle now dare not approach Long Village for two thousand kilometers!

Even bases within two thousand kilometers of Longcun are already withdrawing troops on a large scale!

The fleet has completely withdrawn from two thousand kilometers away!

The external announcement is to prepare for the next peaceful joint competition!

However, in fact, anyone with some eyes and brains knows that if Black and White Eagle really has the strength to confront Jian Erwen head-on, is there any need to retreat like this?

Will the joint competition, which has been widely announced for a long time, be pushed back again and again?

In this case, there is no doubt about the performance of Sword Twenty!

But now, Mo Darahaner originally just asked with the attitude of giving it a try, and did not expect too much that Longcun would now export Sword Twenty.

Unexpectedly, Qian Zhizhong agreed directly!

For a moment, Modalahan couldn't even believe his ears!

But when Modalahan was ecstatic, Qian Zhizhong in front of Modalahan smiled slightly, and then said:

"Your Highness the Prince, as our largest partner and best friend, after our internal resolution, we have approved this export plan of twenty swords to your Highness the Prince, and because of your sincerity before, Your Highness the Prince, the first batch of Two squadrons and forty-eight sword twenty will be exported at the lowest cost price!"

Hearing this, Mo Darahan'er's face became even more ecstatic.

At this moment, Mo Darahan was extremely happy and grateful for the 20 billion dollars he had invested before!

It only cost 20 billion dollars to buy such an advanced stealth fighter!

With Sword Twenty and the help provided by Su Heng, wouldn't it be easy for them to deal with Squid?

Even with these equipment, they might be able to completely drive the black and white eagles out of the desert and turn the desert into a real desert that belongs to their camels!

The only pity is that they do not have more advanced ground equipment. The ground equipment they have now, except for ordinary firearms, such as main battle tanks, are basically imported from the Black and White Eagle.

Putting aside the issue of whether they would be monitored when using these, even if they were not, the existing ammunition reserves in their hands would not be able to sustain their use for long if the supply was cut off by Black and White Eagle.

Without ground power, relying only on air power can only destroy it at most, but not occupy it.

Thinking of this, Mo Darahan'er's heart moved, and then he looked directly at the other old man next to Qian Zhizhong and said:

"Qiao, we also want some ground equipment. I wonder if you can export some to us?"

Hearing this, the old man next to Qian Zhizhong, Qiao Zhenhai, glanced at Qian Zhizhong next to him. After pondering for a moment, he slowly said:

"I wonder what ground equipment His Royal Highness wants?"

Facing Qian Zhizhong's inquiry, Modalahaner felt happy.

He knew that the idea of ​​importing ground equipment this time was basically no problem.

After all, if Qiao Zhenhai had refused, the issue would not have been raised now.

Thinking of this, Modalahan said directly:

"Qiao, we want everything, rifles, machine guns, cannons, self-propelled artillery, main battle tanks, armored vehicles, rocket vehicles, missiles..."

"And then there are the matching ammunition that are also needed..."

All in all, Modalahan has almost mentioned all the equipment needed by the ground troops!

They range from main battle tanks and missiles to rifles and even bullets and magazines.

It has everything you need!

"This is a complete change of clothes..."

After listening to what Modala Haner said, Qiao Zhenhai and others looked at each other, and they all saw the same message in each other's eyes.

You need so many things, what is it but a complete makeover?

But considering the current situation of the camels, it doesn't seem strange to completely change their clothes.

Let’s not talk about cutting-edge weapons. Ordinary rifles are now stuck in the neck of the Black and White Eagle. Although the rifle does not have electronic devices that can be remotely controlled, the bullets require logistics!

Camels do not have the ability to produce bullets.

Once all the bullets in the hands are used up, the rifles and other items in the camels' hands will become fire sticks!

Thinking of this, Qiao Zhenhai pondered for a moment, and then said:

"Your Highness, if you want to completely change your clothes, we have a package that is very suitable for you."

Hearing this, Modalahan was startled and subconsciously asked: "What set meal?"

"Synthetic Brigade!"

Faced with Mo Darahan'er's inquiry, Qiao Zhenhai spoke directly.

"Synthetic Brigade?"

After hearing Qiao Zhenhai's response, Modalahan was stunned again, and then he suddenly reacted, "Qiao, are you talking about the Black and White Eagle and your kind of combined brigade?"

"That's right." When asked, Qiao Zhenhai nodded directly.

After a pause, Qiao Zhenhai continued: "His Royal Highness should have heard about the combat effectiveness of the combined brigade. There is no doubt that this is a perfect unit!"

"The only drawback is that the combined brigade has very high requirements on the basic quality of its soldiers, and the equipment configuration of the combined brigade is expensive..."

"But I think these should not be a problem for His Highness the Prince. If His Highness wants to build a powerful ground force, you might as well consider the combined brigade. I think they will bring enough surprises to His Highness... "

After listening to what Qiao Zhenhai said, Mo Darahan'er's eyes flickered.

Indeed, as Qiao Zhenhai said, these two shortcomings are not a problem for their camels.

Even in terms of the quality of the soldiers, let alone other Luotuo people, because Shaluotuo has no shortage of money, the education rate of its citizens is very high!

Correspondingly, the level of knowledge that can be accepted is also higher!

In this way, even if the quality of the soldiers is different from the standard of the combined brigade, the gap will not be too big.

Without these two problems, and because the combined brigade requires fewer soldiers, the combined brigade is a perfect match for them!

After all, their camel population is small!

There is the synthetic brigade, plus the drones provided by Su Heng, as well as Yinglong and Jian Erwen in the air.

How strong will their fighting power be by then?

Thinking of this, Mo Darahan's heart suddenly moved.

Not only Modalahan'er, but not far from Modalahan'er, the camels and other camels who had been silently beside them also had their eyes flickering.

They are similar to Sha Luotuo, they are both owners who are not short of money, or in other words, not short of resources!

Even though they have been sanctioned for many years and their economy has plummeted, they may not have that many green coins, but they still have a lot of oil!

As long as they can trade with resources such as oil, then money is not a problem for them!

In this way, whatever satisfies the needs of the sand camels also satisfies their needs!

After a long time, Modalahan came back to his senses, and then said in a deep voice:

"Qiao, can you tell me the specific configuration of the synthetic brigade?"

Hearing this, Qiao Zhenhai nodded slightly, and then slowly said:

"According to the configuration of our National Defense Forces, the combined brigade has three levels, namely the heavy combined brigade, the medium combined brigade and the light combined brigade..."

"The heavy-duty synthetic brigade has ten synthetic battalions..."

"Including 4 heavy-armed combined battalions, 1 artillery battalion, 1 reconnaissance battalion, 1 combat support battalion, 1 logistics support battalion, 1 drone battalion and 1 air defense battalion..."

"In terms of equipment configuration, a heavy-duty combined brigade has 120 heavy-duty main battle tanks, 18 heavy-duty infantry fighting vehicles, 18 self-propelled howitzers, and thunder drones..."

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