
Qiao Zhenhai hadn't finished speaking yet. When he heard the Leiming drone, Modalahan suddenly spoke up and interrupted Qiao Zhenhai's voice.

Before Qiao Zhenhai could say more, Modalahan continued: "Qiao, you said your combined brigade also has Leiming drones?"

Hearing this, the camels beside him and the others all brightened up.

They were naturally familiar with Leiming drones.

During this period of time, Leiming and Thor drones were almost everywhere on the Internet.

Especially Leiming, because he went to Dongying Village for a walk every day, Leiming appeared on major network platforms almost every day.

Especially the network of Dongying Village, even though Dongying Village had suppressed it to the greatest extent.

But the Leiming drone acted so swaggeringly, and even deliberately lowered its altitude, using the huge noise of the propeller to declare its existence!

In this case, Dongying Village couldn't suppress it even if it wanted to!

It can be said that Leiming is now, to some extent, the most handsome guy among drones!

It's no exaggeration to say that it is a star drone!

Modalahan had proposed to buy Leiming before, but was rejected by Qian Zhizhong at that time. According to Qian Zhizhong, Leiming is not for sale!

And now, Qiao Zhenhai actually put Leiming in the combined brigade?

In other words, Leiming can also be exported?

Facing Modalahan's inquiry and the shining eyes of a group of camels, Qiao Zhenhai pondered for a moment, and then nodded slightly:

"Considering our friendship and our friendly cooperation during this period, if His Royal Highness wants to purchase a combined brigade, then Leiming UAVs can also be exported in packages"

"According to the standards of our combined brigade, a drone battalion includes eighteen Leiming unmanned bombers and six Leiming unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, in addition to one hundred and twenty Judge UAVs!"

Hearing this, Modalahan's eyes became even brighter.

Eighteen Leiming bombers may not seem like a lot, but they are Leiming. According to the bomb load, the bomb load of eighteen Leiming is almost equivalent to thirty-six Falcon UAVs!

There are so many drone bombers in a drone battalion. To some extent, such a firepower configuration can be described as crazy!

And there are 120 Judge drones.

The so-called Judge drone is naturally the disposable drone that Su Heng took out before!

Originally, it had no name, and even no number, but since it was sold, it naturally had to be given a resounding name.

Just like the castrated version of the X1 drone, the X1E drone, which was originally just a castrated product of a scrap draft dug out of the trash can, it was directly turned into a Falcon drone when it was exported!

It is obvious which one is better, X1E or Falcon!

And the Judge was also named by Su Heng based on the characteristics of this disposable drone.

Fifty kilograms of payload, even if it is not fully loaded, only one-fifth of the TT explosives are carried. Once it is fired, you can say whether it is a judgment!

And such a Judge drone, the synthetic battalion of the synthetic brigade actually has 120!

Then there are the six Thunder UAVs. Although Qiao Zhenhai has not yet mentioned the performance of these six UAVs, he has imported Falcon UAVs from Su Heng before, and is very clear about the performance of Longcun's UAVs.

Even the previously exported Falcon UAVs, their reconnaissance capabilities are not much different from the Global Hawk that the Black and White Hawk publicly disclosed!

And the performance of the Thunder UAVs used by Longcun cannot be bad, and it should be at the same level as the Global Hawk, or even higher!

In this way, the combat effectiveness of this UAV battalion is probably beyond the imagination of ordinary people!

In front of Modalahaner and other camels, listening to Qiao Zhenhai's voice, Qian Zhizhong and others were watching their noses and hearts, and there was no strangeness on their faces.

The Thunder UAVs of the UAV battalion are indeed real, but the Judge UAVs, they all just knew about the "Judge" not long ago, where did the UAV battalion get the Judge?

There is no doubt that this was simply added by Qiao Zhenhai temporarily.

But it doesn't matter.

It's just 120 Judges. If the camels really want them, it's no problem to add them temporarily.

As long as they help coordinate the command issues, other problems are not big.

And with these 120 Judges, the camels will be more interested in the combined brigade.

Similarly, with these 120 Judges, the combat effectiveness of the combined brigade will be further improved!

This is a matter of 100 benefits and no harm to the camels. Even if the camels know about it, it doesn't matter...

Just when Modalahan and others were fascinated, Qiao Zhenhai continued:

"In addition to the drones of the drone battalion, the logistics support battalion, combat support battalion and reconnaissance battalion are also equipped with a certain number of drones. Among them, the logistics support battalion is equipped with XF series rotor drones. The maximum load of these drones ranges from 200 kilograms to 300 kilograms..."

"The drones equipped by the combat support battalion are also judges. In addition to heavy weapons such as missiles and rockets, a combat support battalion also has 120 judge drones..."

"Then as for the reconnaissance battalion, the reconnaissance battalion is equipped with a full twelve thunder reconnaissance aircraft and thirty-six XF series rotor reconnaissance drones..."

Qiao Zhenhai spoke eloquently for more than half an hour, and finally finished the presentation on how to configure the drones of the synthetic brigade.

From the drone battalion to the reconnaissance battalion, from the reconnaissance battalion to the reconnaissance company of the heavy-duty combined battalion...

After listening to what Qiao Zhenhai said, Modalahan'er and Luotuo couldn't help but stare straight.

According to Qiao Zhenhai, the entire synthetic brigade is equipped with as many as forty-eight Thunder series drones!

Four hundred and twenty-eight Judge drones!

There are more than 120 XF series drones!

Three hundred other small reconnaissance drones or multi-purpose rotor drones!

The configuration of the drone alone has reached an outrageous level.

Just these drones, Modala Haner and others can no longer suppress the idea of ​​​​purchasing them!

Not to mention that this combined brigade also contains a lot of modern weapons including main battle tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, self-propelled artillery, self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, electronic interference vehicles, communication command vehicles, air defense missiles, etc.

With so many good things, as long as they are used properly, Modala Haner can't help but think of the combat effectiveness of such a combined brigade!

If they were equipped with such a synthetic brigade.

At that time, the reconnaissance aircraft in the sky will conduct 24-hour reconnaissance, and then the Inquisitor will destroy important targets such as air defense systems in real time. Then the Thunder bombers will destroy the coverage, and the self-propelled artillery, howitzers and rocket launchers will then saturate the coverage. The ground armored forces will advance in coordination. If they encounter hidden targets again The fortifications that even the armored forces could not deal with, the Judge continued to strike accurately...

After such an offensive, who else can withstand it?

"Qiao, there is no need to talk about the light and medium synthetic brigades. Let's just talk about the heavy synthetic brigade. How much does such a heavy synthetic brigade cost? If we purchase it, Qiao, how long will it take for you to help us build such a synthetic brigade? How long will it take for the brigade to form effective combat effectiveness?”

For a long time, when Qiao Zhenhai was about to continue explaining the medium and light combined brigades, Modalahan directly interrupted Qiao Zhenhai.

Light to medium duty?

Sorry, they are camels!

Why do their camels need light and medium ones?

The important thing is to have a large amount and be satisfied!

Being interrupted by Mo Darahan'er, Qiao Zhenhai was not angry. He looked at each other with Qian Zhizhong and others next to him, and then slowly said:

"In terms of funding, His Royal Highness and I have said before that the cost of a synthetic brigade is relatively high. The cost of such a heavily equipped synthetic brigade is approximately 5.2 billion green coins!"

"However, the most expensive part is still high-tech equipment such as drones, and exoskeleton assistance systems that are equipped in large quantities. If the proportion of these high-tech equipment is reduced, then the cost can be based on this... "

Before Qiao Zhenhai finished speaking——


Modalahan's voice sounded directly!

Before Qiao Zhenhai could say more, Modalahaner continued: "Qiao, there is no need to lower these high-tech equipment, I want this, this is what we need!"

Buy Synthetic Brigade but not high technology?

What else should I buy?

Giving up high technology in order to save money is not cutting off both arms?

For Modalahan, this is something that is absolutely intolerable!

After the words fell, before Qiao Zhenhai could respond, Mo Darahaner said again:

"Qiao, what about time? How long will it take for such a combined brigade to be armed and trained?"

Facing the inquiry, Qiao Zhenhai smiled slightly and then said:

"In terms of equipment, if His Highness the Prince doesn't mind, then we can completely deliver our own equipment that is in service directly to His Highness the Prince!"

"As for the training issue, it depends on the basic conditions of the soldiers you provide, Your Highness. If the basic quality of the soldiers is sufficient, then I can guarantee that we will be able to help Your Highness, the Prince, train a qualified synthetic force in up to half a year. Transform the troops!”

Modalahan's eyes lit up when he heard that he could directly receive the equipment currently in service in Longcun.

The equipment currently in service in Longcun may have been used, but if it is for personal use, wouldn't they feel more confident using it?

Although Modalahan doesn't like second-hand goods, at this critical moment, Modalahan naturally won't stick to these details.

The sooner you use these things, the better!

But after hearing Qiao Zhenhai say that it would take at least half a year, Modalahan couldn't help but frown.

Half a year is not a long time.

But now they are in an extraordinary period. Back then, Black and White Eagle took action against Silly Dam and bulldozed Silly Dam to the ground within a month!

If Black and White Eagle gets serious, grass will grow on their graves in half a year...

Not only Mo Darahan'er, but Luotuo and others who were also very excited next to him looked at each other and couldn't help but frown.

Seeing this, Qiao Zhenhai was not surprised. After looking at each other with Qian Zhizhong and others next to him, Qiao Zhenhai said directly:

"Your Highness, if it's a matter of time, then I don't think you need to worry so much. Xiao Su has provided your Highnesses with cutting-edge equipment before. With those equipments available, Your Highnesses, you won't have any problem dealing with the squids!"

"This way, Your Highness, you will have enough time to train. I think half a year is enough!"

Hearing this, Modalahan was thoughtful.

In his mind, he couldn't help but recall the things he had traded with Su Heng before.

At this time, Qiao Zhenhai continued:

"And there is another point. The Sword 20 stealth fighter you purchased, Your Highness, also needs a lot of time to train before it can be driven. This time is conservatively estimated to be more than half a year!"

"I personally think that after the training of the Sword 20 is completed, combined with the synthetic brigade that has also completed the training, Your Highness, you can completely drive the squid out of the desert!"

"Even drive out the black and white eagles!"

"At that time, the desert will truly become your desert, Your Highness, and no longer the desert of the black and white eagles!"

After listening to what Qiao Zhenhai said, Modalahan fell into deep thought again.

One thought after another, like lightning, kept passing through his mind.

After more than half an hour, Modalahan finally nodded and said:

"Qiao, you are right, we can still hold on for half a year!"

"And we still have the equipment Su gave us, with which we can even fight back! Let those damn squids pay for their crimes!"


After a full week, after discussing the specific cooperation matters, Modalahan and others finally left Long Village quietly.

"Old Qiao, do you really want to sell our current equipment to the camels?"

Looking at the pile of cooperation documents in front of him, Qian Zhizhong couldn't help but speak.

Facing Qian Zhizhong's inquiry, Qiao Zhenhai smiled and then said, "Why not sell it?"

Without waiting for Qian Zhizhong to say anything more, Qiao Zhenhai continued:

"Those equipment are a bit outdated for us. With the technology brought by Xiao Su, our current technology is improving almost every day. Now the products we have, even if we don't count those developed by Xiao Su himself, the equipment we developed based on Xiao Su's technology has been upgraded for several generations!"

"For example, our air defense missiles, the research institute has deduced the technology in Xiao Su's missiles horizontally, and now the latest surface-to-air missiles in our hands have a performance improvement of more than 50% compared to those in service!"

"And this is just the beginning! This improvement will only become more and more exaggerated in the future!"

"Now we need to iterate our equipment, and the camels need equipment. We just take this opportunity to update our equipment. They get what they want, and we get what we want. Isn't this the best of both worlds?"

Hearing this, Qian Zhizhong was silent.

After a moment, Qian Zhizhong nodded slightly.

It seems that it is indeed what Qiao Zhenhai said.

The synthetic brigade is very expensive!

Even if they produce their own equipment, the cost of each combined brigade is an astronomical figure.

If the entire National Defense Force wants to change its equipment without external funds, it may not be possible in ten or eight years!

But it is different with camels.

Camels have plenty of money, and even if they don’t have money, they have resources.

Even if they can’t help them achieve the complete replacement of equipment, at least they can replace part of it!

And in this process, the camels can also get what they want.

The real best of both worlds!


"Old Qiao, if we do this, will the black and white eagles really get angry if they know about it?"

"Get angry?" Hearing Qian Zhizhong's voice, Qiao Zhenhai said disdainfully: "If they dare to get angry, then we will just pluck all their hair!"

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