After listening to what Qiao Zhenhai said, Qian Zhizhong and Qin Shan and others beside him looked at each other.

Then they all nodded slightly.

Yes, if the Black and White Eagle really dared to get angry, then with their current strength, they could indeed pluck all the feathers of the Black and White Eagle directly!

Apart from anything else, just the cluster of bombers carrying Judge UAVs that Su Heng just mentioned can easily destroy the defense of any village!

Even the Black and White Eagle is like this!

The Black and White Eagle's fleet that is rampant in the world and unparalleled in the world may be powerful, but so what?

There is no need to use the double tails. Thousands of Thunder UAVs carrying 3,000 Judge UAVs can destroy any fleet with a salvo!

An attack from 800 kilometers away, let alone whether you can discover it in advance, even if you discover it, it will be useless!

If you are poor, you can use tactics to intersperse, and if you are rich, you can use firepower to cover!

Tactics + firepower, specialize in all disobedience!


While Qiao Zhenhai and others were busy preparing for the synthetic brigade.

On the other side, in the underground laboratory of Jiuding Group——

"Almost done..."

Looking at the huge monster in front of him, which is 187 meters long and 29 meters wide, Su Heng muttered to himself.

This huge monster is the product of Su Heng's research on the concept of drone freighter proposed by Qin Shan during this period.

The main body is a 27,000-ton freighter that Longyuan Shipyard has already manufactured.

After the modification, the surface of the freighter has been replaced with a flat straight-through deck. There is also an island.

It is similar to an amphibious assault ship.

Of course, because it only carries small disposable drones such as the Judge, the deck of this freighter is not as strong as an amphibious assault ship.

Even the deck can be opened directly!

And under the deck, there are huge drone warehouses!

And a full fifty drone launch systems and two electromagnetic catapult systems!

These drone warehouses are designed to carry a full 10,000 Judge drones!

The drone launch system under the deck is directly connected to the drone warehouse, and can launch all 10,000 Judge drones within half an hour!

In addition, on this modified freighter, Su Heng is also equipped with six Thunder unmanned reconnaissance aircraft that can fold their wings after being modified and strengthened, and four double-tail unmanned early warning aircraft that can be folded after being modified by Su Heng.

The electromagnetic catapult system on the freighter is equipped for these Thunder and double-tail drones.

As for the Judge, Su Heng originally planned to use the electromagnetic catapult system to launch the Judge.

However, after verification, this idea was abandoned by Su Heng.

The reason is very simple. The fuselage strength of the Judge is not enough. The huge load brought by the electromagnetic catapult can instantly scrap the Judge!

And if you want to meet the needs of electromagnetic catapults, you can only strengthen the fuselage strength of the Judge.

But in that case, the cost of the Judge, which is only a disposable item, will increase significantly.

This is completely putting the cart before the horse!

The Judge itself relies on low cost and quantity to accumulate value!

If the cost is still increased, what's the point?

If you have that time, wouldn't it be better to just build a bunch of Thunder Thunder God and Double Tail?

Not to mention the Judge, even the Leiming, Twin Tail unmanned reconnaissance aircraft and early warning aircraft on board now have been redesigned and strengthened by Su Heng to meet the needs of shipboard and electromagnetic catapult.

Otherwise, even the Leiming and Twin Tail cannot take off and land on the freighter.

In general, after the upgrade and modification, the freighter has now completely become a drone mothership.

The only flaw is that this drone mothership does not have much defense capability.

Su Heng originally wanted to add some electronic countermeasure equipment and electromagnetic weapons to it.

However, after comprehensive consideration, Su Heng gave up this idea.

The reason is very simple, there is no need.

Whether it is the drone mothership or the Judge drone on the drone mothership, the initial positioning is consumables.

The cost of 10,000 drones is only 100 million. Even if gunpowder and navigation positioning equipment and basic intelligent programs are included, the cost will not exceed 200 million, and it is dragon coins!

Then there are the Leiming reconnaissance aircraft and Twin Tail unmanned early warning aircraft above.

The cost of these ten drones is much higher. The basic model of the Thunder UAV Su Heng only costs 800,000 yuan to the National Defense Force, and the cost is 700,000 yuan, but the Thunder UAV is equipped with a large number of reconnaissance and observation equipment, which is much more valuable than the Thunder UAV itself.

Even if these equipment are self-developed and produced by Su Heng...

In addition, this is a ship-borne model, and the body needs to be upgraded to meet the space and take-off and landing requirements of the ship.

This also caused the cost of the Thunder UAV to soar directly from 700,000 to 6.3 million!

This is more than the price of a basic model of the double tail plus an intelligent biological helmet, plus a basic model of the Thunder!

And the double-tail unmanned early warning aircraft is even more so.

The cost of a ship-borne version of the double-tail unmanned early warning aircraft is as high as 18 million dragon coins!

It is almost equal to the price of four double-tail drones plus three intelligent biological helmets!

The cost is not low.

However, the cost of these double-tail unmanned early warning aircraft and the Thunder UAV is much higher than that of the Judge.

But the number was only ten.

After calculation, plus some supporting equipment, the total cost is just over 100 million!

And it’s also a dragon coin!

In other words, the total cost of all drones added up is more than 300 million dragon coins.

As for the UAV aircraft carrier itself, because there is no need to consider the design and development costs, the only real investment required is the basic costs of labor and materials.

According to Su Heng's estimation, the cost of building a drone aircraft carrier will not exceed 400 million, dragon coins!

This is the cost after adding the electromagnetic ejection, necessary communication control and other messy equipment inside.

In total, the cost of such a drone mothership will not exceed 800 million dragon coins.

It’s the price of an ordinary destroyer or even a frigate!

What kind of defense does this thing need?

Even if it was really bombed, I wouldn’t feel bad at all!

Not to mention that there are knife-wielding guards like the Longyuan battleship beside this drone aircraft carrier!

The Longyuan battleship is almost a master of defense!

Whether it’s electromagnetic weapons or electronic countermeasures weapons, we have them all!

As long as Long Yuan is there, it doesn't matter whether the drone aircraft carrier has defenses. Without Long Yuan, it would be meaningless even if the drone aircraft carrier is equipped with electromagnetic guns.

You can’t also upgrade the drone aircraft carrier’s armaments to the level of Long Yuan, right?

Enough support?

So Su Heng simply gave up equipping the drone aircraft carrier with a defense system.

Dedicate people to do specific tasks, and use consumables to do their job. Don’t worry about anything else.

Of course, if we insist on speaking, drone aircraft carriers are not completely defenseless.

Those unmanned reconnaissance aircraft and early warning aircraft can completely monitor a radius of hundreds of kilometers around the clock!

Once any dangerous target approaches, the judges on the drone carrier can launch a fatal strike on the target immediately!

If you want to threaten the drone aircraft carrier, you must first avoid the warning of the drone reconnaissance aircraft and early warning aircraft!

A defense circle with a radius of 800 kilometers. To a certain extent, this is absolute defense!

Ten thousand drones that are comparable to heavy-duty anti-ship missiles, let me ask you whether you are moved or not!


Are you saying that the Judge cannot hit underwater targets?

Are there any big black fish underwater?

Then we're back to square one.

I knew I had no underwater defense, so why would I go out alone?

I'm an ADC and I'm going to fight face-to-face with a warrior or assassin?

Is there something wrong with my mind?

Let’s take a step back.

Leave aside Long Yuan.

Do you want to know about the Chiki attack submarine, which has a full load displacement of 13,000 tons, eight torpedo tubes and twelve missile silos, and can carry one hundred torpedoes and twelve submarine-launched ballistic missiles when fully loaded?

Even if it is really necessary, the drone aircraft carrier can carry a few more FQ-1 anti-submarine drones from Longyuan!

FQ-1, this is the rotary-wing anti-submarine drone that Su Heng equipped Long Yuan with.

The maximum ceiling is 2,000 meters, the maximum range is 400 kilometers, the maximum endurance is 40 hours, the maximum flight speed is 230 kilometers per hour, and the maximum load is 1,500 kilograms. Anti-submarine cranes with different modules can be mounted as needed. cabin.

Even if such drones are placed on the deck of a drone aircraft carrier, there is no problem in placing dozens of them at a time.

Anti-submarine radius of two hundred kilometers!

In this case, what kind of big snakeheaded fish dares to come close, and what kind of big snakeheaded fish can come close? ?

After conducting another technical verification test.

Su Heng directly looked away from the drone aircraft carrier in front of him.

Then he continued to look at a very illusory and almost completely transparent data model next to him.

From the appearance point of view, this is an oversized version of an aircraft with a flying wing layout.

There is also a string of data information next to the model.

According to the data, this model is three hundred meters long and has a wingspan of eight hundred meters. It is an out-and-out behemoth.

However, this model is now very illusory, even more illusory than the raptor model that Su Heng simulated based on the few raptor data provided by the National Defense Force!

In other words, this model is basically not supported by actual technical data!

It's just an empty shell with nothing but appearances!

"The air platform is a bit troublesome..."

Looking at the illusory model in front of him, Su Heng murmured secretly.

During this week, in addition to studying drone aircraft carriers and transforming Thunder, Thor, and twin-tailed drones.

The rest of the time was spent tinkering with the "Southern Gate" proposed by Qian Zhizhong.

However, until now, a week has passed, and he still has no clue.

If you want to build an aerial strategic platform that forms a group like what Qian Zhizhong said, you are destined to not be able to do it in a small way like drones like Lei Ming carrying judge drones.

That has no value at all, let alone meaning.

But if you want to expand, how to make this platform fly, how to make this platform continue to fly at an altitude of thirty or forty kilometers, how to control flight costs, etc., etc., are all problems!

Su Heng had previously tried to use pulse detonation engines and variable cycle engines, but after verification, both ideas failed.

Without it, the cost-effectiveness ratio is too low!

You can fly, but taking off once will cost hundreds of millions of dollars!

And the consumption every minute or even every second is an astronomical figure!

That is a complete gold-eating beast!

Gold is being thrown into it every second!

No village can afford this thing...

So both the pulse detonation engine and the variable cycle engine were abandoned by Su Heng.

And now it is like this. After a week of research, nothing has been produced except an empty shell with a false appearance.

Looking at the model in front of him, Su Heng frowned, and thoughts kept passing through his mind.

I don’t know how long it took--


A flash of inspiration suddenly passed through Su Heng's mind!

"Two or three thousand meters won't work. The air resistance is too great. It is difficult for such a large platform to fly. Then what about two or three hundred thousand, three or four hundred thousand meters?"

The figures of satellites and space stations quietly emerged in Su Heng's mind.

As we all know, satellites and space stations do not need power to fly.

Or in other words, only weak power is needed to maintain flight in space.

The reason is very simple. At an altitude of 100,000 meters or even 200,000 or 300,000 meters, the air is very thin!

Correspondingly, the resistance encountered by the aircraft is also greatly reduced!

Then under the action of gravity and centrifugal force, the satellite can fly at high altitude with very weak power, or even without power.

The same is true for the space station.

"If I transform the Origin into a large spaceport and then arrange spacecraft on it, can I achieve the same effect as the 'Nantianmen'?"

Thinking of the Origin, Su Heng's eyes flickered.

In his mind, countless thoughts flashed through his mind.

The biggest problem restricting the "Nantianmen" is gravity and air resistance.

Gravity is needless to say, planetary gravity, junior high school knowledge.

As long as it is on the planet, any object cannot escape the control of gravity.

The same is true for airplanes.

The reason why airplanes can take off is the lift generated by the difference in air flow rate. When the upward lift is greater than the downward gravity, the airplane will naturally fly up.

In other words, if you want to overcome gravity, you must create a force that can counteract gravity.

The lift brought by the air is not enough to meet the needs of super-large aircraft such as the "Nantianmen".

In other words, even if it is satisfied, its cost-effectiveness is too low to be bearable!

Su Heng has also tried to develop anti-gravity equipment, but there is no clue yet!

Like the anti-gravity engine in the movie, this thing is too advanced, and it is impossible to make it in a short time!

As for air resistance, this is also junior high school knowledge.

To expand, refer to the sound barrier encountered when the plane is flying.

The so-called sound barrier is actually air resistance!

Like gravity, any object on the blue planet will encounter air resistance if it wants to move quickly.

To give a simple example, when you encounter a strong wind while running, the strong wind in front of you reaches a certain level and you can't run, or even be pushed in the opposite direction by the strong wind!

This is resistance!

The sound barrier is the product of the aircraft compressing the air in front to an extreme after the speed approaches the speed of sound, which is equivalent to an invisible diaphragm!

If the aircraft can break through this diaphragm, then the so-called supersonic aircraft is born...

And the larger the aircraft, the greater the resistance brought by high-speed flight!

For a behemoth like "Nantianmen", its resistance is so huge that it is unimaginable for ordinary people!

In order to obtain the lift to get rid of gravity, "Nantianmen" must fly at high speed!

In this way, resistance becomes a natural barrier for "Nantianmen"!

But it is different at high altitudes.

For example, at the altitude of 400 kilometers where the Origin is running, the air at this altitude is already extremely thin.

The corresponding resistance is almost non-existent!

If "Nantianmen" is placed at this altitude, then the resistance and gravity problems encountered by "Nantianmen" can be completely solved.

Thinking of this, Su Heng's mind suddenly became active.

Originally, he had a plan to build the Origin into a large space station, or even a spaceport.

Now, "Nantianmen" and his ideas are not coincident?

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