Do it as soon as you think of it.

Su Heng has never been a procrastinator.

After sorting out the relevant technologies about drone motherships and drone carriers in his hands, handing them over to the technical department, and arranging the transaction with the camels, Su Heng directly invested in the research of "Nantianmen"...


In the blink of an eye, another half a month passed quietly.

For half a month, Su Heng was immersed in the laboratory most of the time.

And outside the laboratory, things on Blue Star did not stop because of Su Heng's experiments.

Qiao Zhenhai and others are still arranging the export of the heavy-duty synthetic brigade in full swing.

Large quantities of equipment flowed into the hands of the sand camels through the channels of Xiaoba and Xiaopang.

At the same time, those members of the teaching group who temporarily took off their military uniforms and went to the desert as instructors also went to the desert.

The task of these instructors is to help the camels train their own synthetic brigades!

In addition to these, the things prepared by Su Heng are also being sent to the desert in full swing.

They also go through the channels of Xiaoba and Xiaopang.

It's not that Su Heng himself doesn't have a channel, but for the sake of safety. After all, Yingzi is going crazy now. Who knows when this guy will explode and "break the ties"?

And Xiaoba and Xiaopang, the two villages, have no objection to being the middlemen between Long Village and the camels.

The reason is simple, the camels have superpowers!

Xiaoba has a good relationship with the black and white eagles, but has a better relationship with the camels!

And the camels are very generous and directly helped Xiaoba purchase a squadron of Tianlong fighters!

This made Xiaoba, who had long been envious of Tianlong and Yinglong fighters, but had no money to buy Tianlong fighters, let alone maintain Tianlong fighters, and also had a good relationship with Long Village, directly agreed to be the middleman without hesitation.

As for Xiaopang, let alone.

He didn't even put forward any conditions. According to Xiaopang, whoever did Yingzi, they would help!

Unconditional help!

Then everything went smoothly!


Another half a month later——

"Report! All targets have been checked and locked, please give instructions!"

In the desert, in a hidden semi-hidden underground base, a voice suddenly sounded.

Looking at the source of the sound, the person who spoke was a camel officer with two bars and three stars on his shoulders.

In front of the camel officer with two bars was a middle-aged man without any epaulettes on his shoulders.

Looking closely, the middle-aged man was Modalahaner!

Facing the voice of the two-bar officer, Modalahaner nodded slightly, but did not speak immediately, but cast his eyes on the wall in front of him.

On the wall, countless pictures kept flashing in the screens.

In some pictures, you can even see some squids in squid uniforms!

In addition, there are more standard weapons and fortifications of various squids.

For example, missiles, rockets, radars, heavy artillery, self-propelled artillery, tanks, bunkers, fortresses, etc.

The images are extremely clear, as if they were taken close to the face.

After zooming in, even the desert camouflage on some squids in the picture can be seen clearly!

Even in the picture, some squid officers are still talking and laughing while drinking red wine and smoking cigars!

In addition to these pictures, on another wall, the display screens show another scene that is like hell on earth!

It is a picture that has completely turned into ruins!

From the remaining ruins, it can be seen that this ruin was obviously a tall building!

In many of the ruins of tall buildings, there are also pieces of tattered clothes.

On these clothes, in addition to stains, there are countless blood stains!

A discerning person can see at a glance what the owners of these clothes have experienced.

Similarly, in every corner of these broken walls, you can see some figures buried under the ruins from time to time.

Even broken limbs and arms!

Among them, there are even many young children whose height is obviously less than one meter!

His eyes swept across the pictures one by one. After an unknown period of time, a cold light flashed quietly in Modalahan's eyes. Then, Modalahan did not waste any more time and said directly: "Pass my order, action in three minutes!"


Hearing Modalahan's order, the two-bar officer saluted immediately, and then turned and left directly.

Looking at the back of the officer leaving, the cold light in Modalahan's eyes became more and more intense.

It was not aimed at this officer, but at the squids in the picture!

For nearly a month, they have been waiting for the arrival of equipment from Long Village and Su Heng.

And during this nearly one month of waiting, their airports and other important facilities have been destroyed over and over again by squids and other lackeys of the Black and White Eagle Village!

The airports and fighter planes on the surface have been almost completely destroyed!

Those high-tech equipment such as air defense missiles and radars purchased from the Black and White Eagle Village have also been basically scrapped!

The loss is extremely heavy!

The direct economic losses have exceeded 10 billion!

Now, after more than half a month of waiting and preparation, they finally received the first batch of equipment sent by Su Heng.

Next, they will use these equipment to give these damn squids a big gift!

Three minutes is not a long time.

In the blink of an eye, three minutes passed quietly.

When the time hand points to the last second——


Modalahaner gave the order without hesitation!

With the voice of Modala Haner, hidden bunkers were opened one after another in various parts of the desert, and then the Judge drones that had been prepared for a long time showed their true colors in the sun for the first time!

Almost at the same time that the bunker was withdrawn, the propellers behind the Judges quickly began to rotate.

Until a certain moment, when the rotation of the propeller has reached its extreme, the blocking device on the launcher is instantly released!

Almost at the moment the blocking device was released, the Judges soared directly into the sky!


On the other side, above the squid position——

"Garyol, from the operation the day before yesterday, I heard that your harvest seemed to be very good?"

A bearded middle-aged man came to another muscular middle-aged man with a smile on his face.

Faced with the bearded middle-aged voice, another sturdy middle-aged man, the bearded Galliol, smiled proudly, and then said:

"Of course, I personally killed thirty-three rebels the day before yesterday, and also arrested two Bichi who tried to seduce me. Those two Bichi actually wanted to resist me, but it's a pity that their power is in front of me. They were like little children, I took off their arms easily!"

"It's a pity that those two Bichi were disobedient. They even wanted to bite my neck off when I was most comfortable and relaxed. In the end, I accidentally killed them in my anger..."

"It's such a shame, Harold, can you believe it? Those two bitches taste so delicious, and they are twins. I am right next to the corpses of their parents..."

As the topic unfolded, Galliol became excited as if he were on drugs.

There was also an undisguised look of aftertaste and regret on his face.

Listening to Galliu's voice, the bearded middle-aged man in front of Galliu also looked envious.

I don’t know how long it took, but Galliu finally finished talking about his “glorious” deeds.

Then he was ready to continue saying something, but at this moment——

Buzz! ! !

A strange buzzing sound suddenly came.

The sudden sound made the two of them and even all the squids gathered around them startled.

"what sound?"

With doubts in their hearts, a group of squids subconsciously turned their attention to the direction of the sound source.

Not long after, under the gaze of a group of squids, a figure quickly appeared in front of everyone from the end of the field of vision.

"This is?"

Seeing the rapidly enlarging figure, all the squids were stunned for a moment, and then their expressions suddenly changed!

"It's a drone! Get out of the way!!"


Hearing this sudden exclamation.

All the squid’s faces changed drastically!

Then he didn't dare to think too much, and hurriedly rushed out towards the nearest bunker.

In the past few months, although they have not experienced drones, many of their teammates have encountered drone attacks from Balutuo!

Their Squid officers had already issued orders to prepare for drone raids.

It's just that they are not the front line, they are even more than ten kilometers away from the front line, and the Pakistani camels' drones cannot reach them at all.

That's why no one paid too much attention.

And now, the drone in front of them flew right in their faces!

"Damn it! How can these damn camel drones fly that far?"

At this moment, every squid couldn't help but curse in their hearts!

But before they could think too much, the next moment——

boom! !

In the final acceleration stage, the drone that flew over at the fastest speed crashed directly into their position and landed accurately next to the two Galliuers in the center of the crowd!

Boom! ! !

In an instant, an earth-shaking explosion suddenly exploded on the battlefield!

A small mushroom cloud visible to the naked eye emerged directly above the position!

The shock wave caused by the explosion of tens of kilograms of TT explosives swept dozens of meters in an instant!

Within the coverage area, every squid was overturned!

Not only that, the explosives mixed with countless steel balls were like bullets, shooting out crazily towards the surroundings!

Everything he passed turned into a hornet's nest in an instant!

Boom boom boom! ! !

The first explosion is just the beginning!

In the next more than half an hour.

Deafening explosions exploded one after another on the battlefield!

Not only the positions, but also various missile and other heavy weapons bases located behind were exploding at the same time!

One after another, the Judge drones swept out overwhelmingly towards Squid's important target from all angles.

The Judge flying below a hundred meters altitude did not attract the attention of any Squid air defense force at all.

Even if the noise of the propellers was heard, the Judge's speed would not give the squids a chance to defend themselves.

Even a squid that hears the noise cannot react at all from the time it takes from entering visual distance to leaving visual distance!

Suddenly, countless fireworks and mushrooms bloomed one after another on the squid's territory or the territory occupied by them!

"You owe us this!"

"This is just the beginning!"

Looking at the countless fireworks and mushrooms blooming, Modalahan's eyes flashed with coldness...


On the other side, the Squid Command Center——

"The situation on Ba Luotuo's side has basically stabilized. We have basically eliminated the power of Ba Luotuo on the surface, and the rest have hidden in the sewers. There is nothing to fear at all. Next, our key target will be …”

In front of a huge electronic sand table, a squid commander was talking confidently.

But before he could finish speaking——

boom! ! !

The door to the command center suddenly opened.

Immediately afterwards, a panicked figure rushed in directly from the door!

Seeing the figure rushing in without any rules at all, the squid commanders present were furious.

But before they could say anything more, the figure who rushed into the command center spoke directly and said in horror:

"Report! We just received an emergency report from Base 3. They were attacked by Camels from the air. Now their radar center has been hit hard. Six 'Iron Poor' defense systems, three 'Slings', and two' Arrow's defense system was completely destroyed!"

What? ?

Hearing the voice of the visitor, a group of squid commanders present who were about to have a fit suddenly changed their expressions!

"This is impossible! What did you say? Say it again!!"

The squid commander who was still speaking just now stepped forward and grabbed the person's collar.

But before the person who was grabbed could respond, another panicked figure rushed in from the door.

At the same time, the obviously panicked voice sounded in the command center again:

"Report! Received an urgent report from Base No. 7! They were attacked by unknown forces from the air. Two radars and air defense systems were completely destroyed. Six rocket vehicles were completely destroyed. Eighteen self-propelled artillery pieces and twelve Mei-type main guns were completely destroyed. The battle tank was completely destroyed, with more than 300 casualties, and the base commander died on the spot..."

Hearing this, the faces of all the commanders present turned even more ashen.

At this moment——

brush! ! !

Another panicked figure rushed in from the door quickly, and then the panicked voice sounded again:

"Report! Received an urgent report from Position 2! They were attacked by unknown forces from the air. Three radars and air defense systems were completely destroyed. Twelve 155mm heavy howitzers and ten Mei-type main battle tanks were completely destroyed. Six The Mei-type main battle tank was severely damaged, the ammunition depot was completely destroyed, and there were more than 500 casualties! "

Before he finished speaking, another figure quickly rushed in from outside.

At the same time, the same panicky voice sounded again...


the second!

The third!

It only takes less than ten minutes.

Fully sixteen communications personnel arrived at the command center.

Every communication person arrives with a shocking number!

With the arrival of communication personnel one by one, the entire command center was furious from the beginning.

By the end, his face was as pale as paper.

" could this happen?"

I don't know how long it took, but the commander finally turned pale and made intermittent trembling sounds.

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