
"Fuck Fuck!"

"Damn guys, how dare they! How dare they talk to us like this!"

"Fake Squid!!"

When the reply from Longcun reached the other side of the ocean, Alster and others who had already suppressed their anger suddenly became furious!

Voices full of anger sounded one after another in the round table conference room!

At this moment, all the round table members were furious!

Unparalleled anger, almost igniting everyone!

No one thought that not long ago, they were like a doormat. They destroyed a rocket engine without saying anything. Even when they beat it in front of the whole world, they could only break the teeth and swallow the blood of the dragon. The village has expanded to such an extent in just one year!

Not only did he face them head-on many times!

Now he even dares to say such arrogant words!

After more than an hour, the furious people finally suppressed the anger in their hearts.

Then, the middle-aged man with blond curly hair who spoke before said with a gloomy face:

"I think we don't need to worry about anything else now. The existence of Dragon Village has become our biggest threat!"

"We must suppress Longcun at all costs! Otherwise, today's incident will only be the beginning, and there will only be more and more such incidents in the future!"

As soon as the middle-aged man with blond curly hair finished speaking, several other voices followed:

"Yes, I agree with Mr. Piersis's point of view. Now Longcun is clearly challenging our status. Blue Star can only have one king, and that is us! We must make these damn Longcun people pay the price, let They know we are the real kings and they are just a bunch of upstarts!”

"You're right, we must make those damn guys pay the price and completely put an end to what happened today!"


One after another, suppressed angry voices sounded in the conference room one after another.

Until a certain moment——

"Everyone, what you said is correct, but I want to ask, what are you planning to do to make the people of Longcun pay the price?"

A low voice suddenly sounded in the conference room.

In an instant, all the sounds stopped abruptly at this moment!

"Mr. Kate, what do you mean?"

When everyone was completely quiet, the middle-aged man with curly blond hair who spoke first looked directly at the person who had just spoken and asked with an unkind look on his face.

Not only the middle-aged man with blond curly hair, but also the other round table members looked at the person who just spoke with dissatisfaction.

Facing everyone's gaze, Kate, the tall and thin old man who just spoke, looked around at everyone, and then said in a deep voice:

"I don't mean anything, I just want to ask you, what are you going to use to make Longcun pay the price? With your mouth? Or with incompetent rage? Or directly start a war?"

Hearing this, the faces of everyone present turned a little dark.

This was especially true for the middle-aged man with blond curly hair who was leading the group.

After a long time, the middle-aged man with blond curly hair gritted his teeth and then said:

"If they want war, then give them war! No matter what, we have to make them pay for their stupid behavior! We must let the whole world know that anyone who dares to provoke us will have only one fate, then It’s the second silly wood!”

"Silly Damu?" As soon as the middle-aged man with blond curly hair finished speaking, Kate sneered. Before the middle-aged man with blond curly hair could say anything more, Kate looked directly at him and said, "Mr. Piersis, what do you think?" Is Longcun the second Silly Damu?”

Hearing this, the middle-aged man with blond curly hair looked gloomy and said:

"They may look very strong now, but Shadamu was also known as the third in the world back then, and looked even stronger than Longcun back then!"

"And we, in just one month, pushed Silly Damu down!"

"Facts have proven that we are the strongest in Blue Star. In front of us, any resistance is just a ridiculous joke!"

After listening to what the middle-aged man with blond curly hair said, Kate shook her head slightly and said:

"Mr. Piersis, you are right, so please tell me, how do you deal with Thunder, Thor drone bombers? And Sword Twenty, how do you plan to deal with them?"

Facing Kate's inquiry, the middle-aged man with blond curly hair said directly:

"Their stealth fighters are indeed very powerful, but Blue Star is not the only one who has stealth fighters, we also have them!"

"As for their unmanned bombers, we can use Tomahawks or militiamen to destroy their drones on the airport! Just like we dealt with Camel this time, no matter how advanced the Yinglong fighter jets in Camel's hands are, as long as their If the plane can’t fly, it’s just a piece of waste!”

Hearing this, Kate nodded slightly and said: "Mr. Piersis, you are right. So, Mr. Piersis, how do you avoid the air defense radar of Longcun, go deep into Longcun, and arrive at those Dragoncun airports?"

"Don't talk about the militia. Mr. Piersis should know very well what the militia means. Neither you nor I, nor Mr. Alster, have the right to use the militia privately. It is a Pandora's box. Once opened, No matter you, me or all of us, we will all become Pandora’s victims!”

"Even if you and I are lucky enough to survive, we will all become rats that can only live underground!"

"Mr. Piersis, is this what you want to see?"

After hearing what Kate said, the face of the middle-aged man with blond curly hair, Piersis, became even more gloomy.

After a while, Piersis gritted his teeth and said again:

"We also have stealth strategic bombers! We can avoid their radar without anyone noticing and turn their airports and drones into ruins!"

"Really?" As soon as Piersis finished speaking, Kate's voice sounded again: "Mr. Piersis, let alone whether Longcun has anti-stealth capabilities, even if it doesn't, do you know how many airports Longcun has built now? ?”

"I can tell you with certainty that not to mention other places, just their Eastern Province, their highways in Eastern Province are all built according to the standards of combat-ready airports!"

"Once they enter a state of war, they can always convert those highways into real airports!"

"Mr. Piersis, do you know the total mileage of highways in their Eastern Province?"

"More than five thousand kilometers! That's more than five thousand kilometers!!"

"According to the information I have, the total mileage of Longcun's highways in Eastern Province has exceeded 5,000 kilometers! Mr. Piersis, tell me how much ammunition, how much time, how much manpower and material resources we have to invest to be able to Destroy 5,000 kilometers of airports?”

"When we destroy their airport, will they stay there waiting for us to destroy it?"

"How many times will our airport near them be destroyed over such a long period of time? What will we use to win the war?"

Hearing this, Piersis's face turned even more ashen.

But just a moment later, he gritted his teeth and said again: "Mr. Kate, you are alarmist!"

"No one can build such a huge airport! And even if there is one, so what? Those Longcun people are just a bunch of cowards! As long as we act strong enough, they will not dare to have any real outbreak with us. How many times have we attacked them in recent years? When did they not just protest?"

"Mr. Piersis!" Before Piersis could finish speaking, Kate's voice rang directly. Before Piersis could say anything more, Kate continued: "You are right, but that was all in the past! But now, Longcun is no longer the same one!"

"And don't forget, we thought so when we were in Bang Village, but in the end Long Village took action! One of their villages used the worst equipment to challenge seventeen of our villages!"

"And now their equipment is a hundred and a thousand times more advanced than before! They can even suppress us in turn! In this case, why does Mr. Piersis think they will retreat? Why do you still think that if an outbreak occurs? If there is a war, will we be the victors?"

As soon as Kate finished speaking, Piersis's voice, which could no longer suppress his anger, sounded directly:

"Mr. Kate! This won't work, and that won't work either. So what do you think we should do? Do we have to watch Dragon Village step on our heads and shit and urinate on our heads?"

Hearing this, Kate also fell silent.

Seeing this, Piersis suddenly showed a look of disdain and said: "It seems that Mr. Kate has no better way, so I think..."

"Mr. Piersis, I have something to say!" Before Piersis finished speaking, a voice suddenly sounded from the door of the conference room.

Looking towards the source of the sound, I saw at the door of the conference room, the new director of FBl, who had just left not long ago, walked in from the door again.

Under the gaze of everyone, Director FBl directly handed the newly obtained information to Alster, the leader, and said at the same time:

"Sir, this is the intelligence I got from just activating the senior agent Vulture buried among the Camels. According to the intelligence content, the drone used by the Camels in this air strike is a disposable drone called the Judge. Man-machine!”

"According to Camel's internal information obtained by Vulture, the maximum range of this drone is up to 1,300 kilometers! The maximum speed is up to 400 kilometers per hour, the maximum load is up to 100 kilograms, and it can fly 50 meters below 200 meters. Flying in the ultra-low altitude area above!”

“In addition, this drone has multiple guidance capabilities. It can be guided by the Camels’ Falcon unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, or it can use preset geographical parameters for image guidance, or it can also be operated manually. Perform manual guidance and even satellite guidance through satellite positioning!”

"According to Camel's internal data, when guided by a Falcon unmanned reconnaissance aircraft or satellite, the error of this drone within the ultimate range will not exceed one meter!"

"In addition, these drones are very light. With the exoskeleton auxiliary devices exported by Longcun, members of a squad can directly carry two such drones around. Anywhere, as long as the launch bracket is set up, they can fly at any time. All can launch these drones without the need for a dedicated runway!”

"More importantly, according to the internal information obtained by Vulture, Sha Luo Tuo and Yi Luo Tuo have more than 50,000 such Judge UAVs! And this time, they only used 5,000 such Judge UAVs for their operation. drone!”

Fifty thousand? ?


Upon hearing this number, all the round table members present couldn't help but take a breath of air.

Many pupils even began to tremble!

1,300 kilometers of flight range!

100 kilograms of payload!

1 meter error!

A squad carries two planes everywhere, no runway is needed!

50,000 planes!

One by one, plus the heavy loss data from the Squid not long ago, all the combined data makes people's hearts tremble!

"Is this news true?"

After an unknown amount of time, a member of the round table swallowed hard, and then spoke in a hoarse voice.

Faced with the inquiry, the FB1 supervisor nodded slightly, and then said: "The news came from Vulture. Vulture is a senior agent we have planted inside Camel. He has been silent in Camel for ten years and has never been activated. Now his identity is also very special. He heard this news at a high-level meeting in Camel with a very high level of confidentiality..."

Hearing this, everyone present couldn't help swallowing their saliva.

If the news is correct, then they are in big trouble this time!

Each of these data should not be underestimated, and when all are gathered together, it is simply a nightmare!

One hundred kilograms of payload means huge power!

A range of 1,300 kilometers means that most of the desert is within the coverage range!

One meter error means super high precision!

No need for a runway, being able to run everywhere means that they can't target them at all!

The previous method of restricting fighter planes by destroying airports will have no effect on these drones!

And the lowest ultra-low altitude of 50 meters means that their radar is almost scrap metal facing this type of drone!

And 50,000 aircraft means a desperate and terrifying number!

The previous 5,000 aircraft caused huge casualties like the squid, what is the concept of 50,000 aircraft?

At this time, the FBl director continued: "In addition, I got another piece of news from the vulture, that is, the delivery channel of these drones!"

"According to the information obtained by the vulture, these drones were transported to the sand camel through the underground passage of the camel. The camel built a large number of underground fortifications and underground tunnels in the desert, almost connecting the camel village in the entire desert..."

"And according to what the vulture said, the camels seem to have built a defense line based on underground tunnels and judge drones around the Oil Bay, intending to use these judges and those Falcons, Yinglong, and Tianlong fighters to block the entire Oil Bay and Camel Sea, and even intend to take the opportunity to destroy our fleet, and then completely clean up all our bases in the desert!"

Hua La! ! !

Accompanied by the voice of the FBl director, the entire conference room was instantly in an uproar!

"How dare they...how dare they do this!!"

At this moment, all the round table members were shocked!

They never thought that the camels had done so many things without knowing it!

Thinking about the competition they were just preparing to hold in the Oil Bay

In an instant, all the round table members could not help but sweat on their foreheads.

Even the clothes on their backs were instantly soaked with cold sweat!

The coldness rushed directly from the heels to the top of the head!

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