In the minds of all the round table members, the image of the overwhelming drone attack emerged involuntarily!

If there are really so many drones attacking, they don’t need 50,000, only need 10,000 or even thousands of drones to appear at the same time, which can cause them heavy losses!

Even if all of their more than 200 active warships are together, they can never defend against thousands or tens of thousands of drones!

Especially this kind of drone that can fly low over the sea!

You know, although their Burke-class destroyers have more than 90 vertical launch units, the early models of Burke-class destroyers have only three firepower channels!

The sea detection distance is only less than 40 kilometers!

Even the latest model of the Burke-class has a theoretical maximum firepower channel of only six!

And due to design defects, in the same direction, such as the bow and stern, there are only three effective firepower channels at most!

In other words, the number of sea-skimming targets that their Burke-class can deal with at the same time, if they are in the same direction, will not exceed three at most!

Although they have medium- and short-range defense systems such as SeaRAM, Sea Sparrow, and Phalanx close-in defense guns in addition to the anti-aircraft missiles in the silos.

But the defense capabilities of these air defense systems are also very limited.

Even if the flight speed of these drones is not fast enough for these defense systems to react, the range and ammunition reserves of these defense systems are not enough to support their saturation defense.

Take the Phalanx as an example. The Phalanx has a firing rate of up to 4,500 rounds per minute, but the Phalanx has only 1,500 rounds of ammunition reserves!

In other words, if a saturation attack is carried out, the Phalanx's ammunition reserves are only enough to consume 20 seconds!

In this case, if there is really an attack of thousands or even tens of thousands of targets, let alone a few destroyers.

Even if all their destroyers, cruisers, and even frigates are pulled together, I am afraid they will have to kneel down on the spot!

Especially when there is no prior preparation.

Thinking of this, all the members of the round table meeting broke out in cold sweat.

Everyone felt dry mouth and throat rolling...

"Sir, what should we do now?"

After an unknown amount of time, a hoarse voice finally sounded in the conference room again.

After hearing this, everyone couldn't help but look at the leader, Alster.

Facing the gazes of everyone, Alster had a gloomy face, clenched his hands, and didn't respond for a long time.

What to do?

He also wanted to know what to do!

If what Brian, the director of FBl, said was true, then before those drones were solved, their competition would be forced to stop again!

Even their actions in the desert would end completely!

If it deteriorates further, their position in the desert will end as a result!

Such a result is simply not something they can bear.

"This bunch of trash!"

Thinking of this, Alster couldn't help but look at the director of FBl next to him, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

They spend so much money every year in Black and White Eagle Village to support these people, but at the critical moment, none of these people can play a role!

And those squids are also trash!

The Samoyeds, which Squid claimed to be one of the top three intelligence agencies in the world, were bombed without even a single word!

What else is this?

Not only the Samoyeds, but Squids are also trash!

They had given Squids so much support before, including planes, cannons, and missiles, but they hadn't taken down Camel in a few months, and now they were directly pushed back by someone!

From the front to the rear, from the airport to the air defense system, almost everything was bombed!

If they had hidden these things before and covered them up, how could they have suffered such a huge loss without being discovered?

Thinking of this, Alster's fists were clenched even more, and his veins were exposed!

"All trash! A bunch of trash!!"


Facing Alster's silence, the members of the round table in front of Alster looked at each other, and then fell into silence.

Even the middle-aged man with golden curly hair who had previously clamored to take direct action against Longcun did not make a sound at this moment.

After an unknown amount of time, Alster's low and hoarse voice finally sounded in the conference room:

"Everyone, tell me, what should we do now?"

Hearing this, everyone looked at each other.

Then they all fell silent again.

After a long while, another voice finally sounded in the conference room:

"Sir, I think our top priority now is to find out the source of these drones!"

"In other words, find out through what channels these drones enter the desert! We must cut off this channel!"

"Eliminate the camels' logistics from the source!"

"Secondly, the camels can achieve such precise strikes, there must be someone behind them providing them with intelligence and precise positioning data, and this person must be the damn Dragon Village, if nothing unexpected happens, we must stop them from continuing to provide this data to the desert!"

"In addition, we need to further investigate whether these camels really have so many judge drones, and whether the performance of these judge drones really reaches the level that Brian said. !”

"The last point is that we must take action to stop the desert camels. Now the squid has collapsed on a large scale. If the camels are allowed to further expand their results, then the squid may be completely driven out of the sea!"

"At that time, we will also lose our outpost in the desert. Without Squid, our remaining bases will be in danger! Our ability to control the desert will also drop to freezing point!"

"Even if we do not fail militarily, after losing control of oil, our currency tied to oil will lose its effectiveness, and the economy will surely collapse!"

Following the voice of the speaker, problems and solutions to the problems appeared one after another in everyone's ears.

After more than half an hour, the speaker finally finished explaining his thoughts.

However, after listening to what this round table member said, the brows of everyone present not only did not relax, but even frowned more and more.

After a short silence, another voice quietly sounded:

"I agree with Mr. Field's point of view. We must support the squid to prevent the situation in the desert from deteriorating further!"

"Similarly, we must also cut off the camels' foreign aid channels! Let them completely become an isolated island!"


At the end of the sentence, the speaker turned his attention to the round table members who had spoken before and said:

"As for assistance from Dragon Village, Mr. Field, how should we prevent Dragon Village from providing support and help to the camels?"

Hearing this, the middle-aged man who just spoke fell silent again.

Not only the middle-aged man, but also other round table members lowered their heads again after looking at each other.

The problem seems to be back to square one.

The most critical place to solve the desert problem is Longcun.

But how to solve Longcun?


This is simply impossible!

Even camels have acquired such advanced drones!

So will there be no Longcun?

Even with Longcun's consistent habit of hiding his clumsiness, the drones in Longcun's hands will only become more advanced!

Coupled with the unimaginable intelligence capabilities and precise positioning capabilities demonstrated by Longcun this time.

The combination of the two is a complete nightmare!

To put it bluntly, the avenues for war have basically been completely blocked!

If they can't defeat Longcun, then how can they make Longcun stop?

For a moment, the entire conference room fell into dead silence.

You can hear a pin drop!

"Let's negotiate!"

I don’t know how long it took, but a voice finally sounded again.

Looking towards the source of the sound, the person speaking this time was the tall, thin old man Kate from before.

Hearing Kate's voice, almost everyone present frowned.

"Mr. Kate, do you want us to surrender to Dragon Village?"

The middle-aged man with blond curly hair couldn't help but speak directly.

Hearing this, Kate glanced at the other party, and then said directly: "Mr. Piersis, negotiation does not mean submission. War is not the only way to compete for interests. Appropriate concessions can sometimes help us obtain more benefits!"

"Our top priority now is to stabilize the situation in the desert, especially the situation on the squid side. We must save the squid, otherwise our decades of accumulation in the desert will be in vain! At such a price, no matter what Mr. Piersis, neither you, nor me, nor any of us here can bear it!”

"Only when the situation in the desert is stabilized can we have enough time to study how to deal with Longcun!"

After hearing what Kate said, everyone frowned slightly.

Although Kate said there was no problem, asking them to negotiate with Longcun was still a bit difficult for them to accept.

Who are they after all?

A year ago, they were still the undisputed overlord of Blue Star!

No matter who sees them, they have to stay away!

In the previous Long Village, they could bully as much as they wanted, and suppress as much as they wanted!

That is to say, their attention was distracted by the Imperial Cemetery and they had no time to pay attention to Longcun. Otherwise, how could Longcun get the opportunity to develop?

In other words, they have never looked at Longcun!

And now, Kate actually wants them to negotiate with Longcun!

It's said to be a negotiation, but to them, isn't that just a disguised form of submission?

Let a king bow his head to an upstart?

Thinking of this, everyone frowned even more. As arrogant as they were, they really couldn't accept such a thing.

Seeing everyone's looks, Kate shook her head slightly, and then continued:

"Everyone, this is the best way for us at the moment, and it is also the only way I can think of. If we don't do this, continue to put pressure on Longcun, or directly talk to Longcun through threats of gunfire, I will I think the final result will be counterproductive! The current Longcun is no longer the previous one..."

After the words fell, Kate didn't say anything more. She just sat quietly in her seat, waiting for everyone's response.

After hearing what Kate said, everyone's brows became more and more frowned.

Again, they all understand the truth, but they cannot accept it at all if they are asked to bow their heads and submit!

They are black and white eagles! !

"Okay, if you don't have any other opinions, then follow Mr. Kate's wishes and support the squids, investigate the camels' drones, and contact Dragon Village for negotiations!"

After another long silence, seeing that everyone still couldn't think of any other solution, Alster, the leader, finally spoke with a gloomy face.

Hearing this, everyone present looked a little ugly.

Alster's words undoubtedly officially confirmed the matter of making them bow their heads and submit!

Their king, who has ruled the world for decades, is about to bow his head in front of a low-class village that they have never seen!

Thinking of this, almost all the roundtable members felt as uncomfortable as if they had eaten the answer!

Several radical members, led by a middle-aged man with blond curly hair, opened their mouths several times, wanting to say something more.

But in the end, all the sounds were stuck in his throat.

For a moment, several people were even more heartbroken and extremely aggrieved!

Just when everyone was feeling extremely aggrieved, Alster cast his eyes on a middle-aged man outside the round table, and then said in a deep voice:

"Mr. Capello, I leave the negotiation to you. I hope you can give us a satisfactory answer. Can you do it?"

Hearing this, the middle-aged man's expression froze.

I almost subconsciously wanted to refuse.

Let him negotiate with Longcun?

At this moment, the middle-aged man couldn't help but picture Lucas being scolded by Zhao Shanhe at the Blue Star Federation.

At that time, they had not reached this stage, but even then, Zhao Shanhe, the representative of Longcun at that time, dared to tear up their archway mercilessly in front of the whole world!

And now that the offense and defense are changing, and they are being restrained at every step, they still want to negotiate with Longcun?

And judging from Alster's intentions, it seems that he still wants to get some satisfactory answer?

How can this be?

What they couldn't do with such threats before, let him do it with his mouth?

What can’t be obtained below the negotiation table, can you get it at the negotiation table?

It's like there is a world-class BOSS that even their most powerful warriors can't deal with, and then someone tells him to let him, a first-level soldier, kill this BOSS?

Are you kidding me?

However, he wanted to think about it, but after seeing Alster's gloomy face, the middle-aged man still suppressed the thoughts in his mind.

Then he nodded bitterly and said: "Yes Sir!"

After receiving a positive answer, Alster's face brightened slightly, and then he turned his attention to another figure again and said directly:

"Mr. Mellen, I hope you can keep up with the fishing boat matters. I don't want the whole world to know about the desert failure!"

Hearing this, the person who was stared at by Alster nodded slightly: "Okay sir, we will always pay attention..."

"Yes." After receiving a positive reply, Alster nodded, and then continued: "Not only is it blocking the news, but you also need to spread the news about the threats to the world from Longcun, such as this attack, remember, it is They attacked us! They are the destroyers of world peace!"

"And we are defending peace and guarding peace! We are the guardians of peace!"

"Within one day, I will let the whole world know that the evil dragon has endangered the world!"

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