Following Alster's orders.

Instructions are sent to the world one after another.

Regarding the failure in the desert, it was directly hidden in the snow.

When it comes to fishing boats, the black and white eagles and squids can be said to have absolute control!

More than 90% of the media outlets in the entire Angsa world are in their hands. It can be said that as long as they don't want to, it is impossible for the whole world to know the news from the outside world!

Even if some information comes out occasionally, they can easily turn a deer into a horse and turn the fishing boat around.

In this case, the name of "Evil Dragon" spread like a storm throughout the entire Angsa Circle...

On the other side, when the world was in turmoil, Capello had also arrived at Dragon Village overnight with the mission of Alster...

Looking at the empty airport, Capello and the people around him looked a little unhappy.

Before coming, they had informed Longcun of their itinerary.

Under normal circumstances, no matter where they go, they should receive the most solemn welcome.

The same is true for Longcun. They have been to Longcun in the past. Every time they come to Longcun, they receive the most solemn reception.

However, this time, looking around, there was no official Longcun staff in the entire airport except for the reception staff they arranged themselves!

There is no doubt that Longcun didn't take their arrival to heart at all!

This couldn't help but make the whole group feel very dissatisfied.

But while he was dissatisfied, Capello's heart sank again.

It can be seen from the subtle details that their trip this time will definitely be extremely difficult!

"It's troublesome..."

Capello frowned when he thought of what Alster had told him before coming here.


the other side--

"The Black and White Eagle people are here?"

In an extremely ordinary office, Qian Zhizhong looked thoughtfully at the figure arriving in front of him.

"Yes." Faced with Qian Zhizhong's inquiry, the visitor nodded slightly, and immediately said: "I just received news that Capello's team, representing the Black and White Eagles, has landed at the Imperial Airport and is now heading towards us... …”

Hearing this, Qian Zhizhong nodded calmly, and then said: "They didn't cause any trouble, right?"

Facing the inquiry, the visitor shook his head slightly and said: "No, after they got off the plane, they got directly into their own reception vehicle. Nothing happened, but their faces were not very pretty, and they seemed to be very concerned about our actions. dissatisfied……"

"Dissatisfied?" After listening to what the old man in front of him said, Qian Zhizhong was not worried, and even showed an unabashed smile on his face, "It's okay to be dissatisfied! If they are dissatisfied, that means we succeeded!"

Hearing this, Qiao Zhenhai in front of Qian Zhizhong also nodded slightly and sighed: "Yes, they are right to be dissatisfied!"

Once upon a time, it was Longcun who was treated like this!

They went to Black and White Eagle Village countless times and were treated like this countless times, or even more excessively!

At that time, they were also dissatisfied, but they could only hold it in!

Even if the black and white eagle touches their noses and faces, they can only hold it in!

Because they are not strong enough, if they don't hold back, they will definitely bring unimaginable losses to Longcun!

And now, offensive and defensive types!

They don't have to look for the Black and White Eagle with shy faces and smiles. Instead, the Black and White Eagle needs to take the initiative to come to them!

Time has changed, the world has changed, and the world has changed like this!

For a long time, Qiao Zhenhai shook his head slightly, shaking off the thoughts in his mind, and then said: "What should I say? Do you want to go see them?"

Hearing this, Qian Zhizhong shook his head and said: "What are they doing? The purpose of their coming is nothing more than those things that can be thought of with their toes.

Just let Lao Wang handle it..."

After listening to what Qian Zhizhong said, Qiao Zhenhai nodded and said, "Yes, let Lao Wang see what they say..."


On the other side, Longcun Foreign Affairs Center——

"Damn guy!"

Looking at the ground in front of them, which also lacked any welcome ceremony, not even the most basic red carpet, the faces of the Black and White Eagles became increasingly ugly.

Three hours have passed since their plane landed!

In order to prepare Longcun, they even deliberately slowed down their arrival speed and even took a detour!

However, until now, Longcun still has no intention of preparing to welcome it!

The meaning revealed in this is already obvious!

"Let's go in first and then talk..."

For a long time, the leader Capello took a deep breath, suppressed the dissatisfaction in his heart, and then gave up the idea of ​​waiting here and walked directly forward.

There is no doubt that there is no point in continuing to wait here.

Longcun's attitude is already very obvious, whether love comes or not, get out!

After entering the Foreign Affairs Center, Capello and others finally met the reception staff arranged by Longcun.

A young man who looks like he is only in his twenties!

Seeing this young man, Capello and others couldn't help clenching their fists.

They came as the representative team of Black and White Eagle, but Longcun only arranged for one person to receive them, and he was a young man in his twenties who was just starting out! !

They even doubted whether this young man was just a secretary responsible for serving tea and water! !

This is simply a humiliation! !

At this moment, the group of people behind Capello almost wanted to have a fit on the spot!

However, thinking of the purpose of their visit, the group still suppressed the anger in their hearts.

Then he followed the young man and slowly headed towards the reception living room...

It didn't take long for the group to arrive at the ambassador's reception living room. After everyone sat down, the young man sat directly opposite the group under the almost cannibalistic gaze of Capello and others.

Before anyone could speak, the young man spoke directly:

"I'm sorry, Mr. Capello. Mr. Wang is a little sick and can't come for the time being, so I will be solely responsible for today's reception..."

After speaking, without waiting for anyone to respond, the young man continued:

"You can directly explain your purpose to me, and I will truthfully record your purpose..."

"Asshole!" After listening to what the young man said, a middle-aged man behind Capello finally couldn't bear it any longer and started shooting the case, angrily yelling:

"Damn guys, your Dragon Village has always claimed to be a country of etiquette, and this is your etiquette? Fake Squid!!"

"That's right! What you did is a complete provocation and insult to our Black and White Eagle!"


Following the appearance of the first voice, one voice after another sounded one after another.

Facing these voices, Capello, the leader, did not speak. He just sat there with his eyebrows lowered and his ears lowered, waiting for the young man's response.

Having a seizure does not mean they have lost their mind.

Of course they are dissatisfied, but they are negotiators and they know what to do when.

The reason for the attack was not only to vent their emotions, but also to express their current attitude, or their attitude of black and white eagle!

They are angry now!

The black and white eagle behind them is also very angry!

And anger will cause trouble!

Intimidation, inducement, pretense, arrogance...

Negotiations have already started from the moment you get off the plane!

However, in the face of all this, the young man still smiled and remained unmoved.

It wasn't until ten minutes later, when everyone behind Capello had calmed down, that the young man said calmly:

"Everyone, if you have something to do, please just talk about it. If nothing happens, you can continue to drink tea here. I have a lot of time. Whether it is tea or coffee, I have no problem..."

Hearing this, Capello and others turned pale.


Capello's heart sank again.

What they feared most during negotiations was encountered by them.

If the people who come out of Longcun are important, then at least there is still room for discussion on this matter. Even if the person who comes out is a person who deliberately disgusts them, it also shows that there is still some room for mediation in this matter.

At least Longcun is expressing Longcun's dissatisfaction with their Black and White Eagle through such behavior.

As long as they can resolve some of Longcun's dissatisfaction, they might be able to open up a channel for negotiation.

But now, they are facing a man who obviously has no right to speak, but is smiling!

This means that Longcun has no intention of negotiating with them!

Whether they are happy, angry, coercive, etc.

In the eyes of the other party, I'm afraid it's just an impromptu performance like a clown!

The negotiation fell apart immediately at the first step!


For a long time, Capello took a deep breath, then looked at the young man coldly, and said coldly:

“This time we came here, we originally came with the concept of peaceful development, mutual benefit and win-win, thinking that we should exchange our needs, make progress together, and work together for the peace and development of mankind, but since you have not spoken to us Sincerity, then we can only express regret..."

After saying that, without waiting for the young man to respond, Cappe stood up and walked out of the living room without hesitation.

Seeing this, the group of people following Capello also looked at the young man coldly, and also got up and left without hesitation.

In just a moment, the group of people disappeared directly outside the door of the living room.

Faced with all this, the young man still looked calm, as if he had not thought about the consequences after Capello and others left.

It wasn't until a few minutes later, when Capello and others had completely left, that the young man stood up, then took out a laptop and turned on the laptop's camera——

Not long after, the network was connected, and an old man with some gray hair appeared directly on the screen.


The video was connected, and the old man on the screen asked directly.

Hearing this, the young man did not show off and said directly: "As you might imagine, they were very angry and very dissatisfied with our arrangements. They have all left directly now..."

Leave directly?

After listening to what the young man said, the old man shook his head.

After pondering for a moment, the old man continued: "Since they left, don't worry about them. If they come back, you can continue drinking tea with them. Don't worry about anything else. Don't pay attention to what they say. Just write it down." Already..."

Hearing this, the young man nodded slightly and said, "Okay, Mr. Wang, I understand..."

"Yeah" received the young man's response, the old man nodded, and then ended the video communication.

After thinking for a while, the old man picked up another phone next to him and dialed a number.

"Old Wang, how are you? What do those black and white eagles say?"

As soon as the phone was connected, a voice came directly from it.

Hearing this, the old man smiled and then said: "What else can I say? These black and white eagles are still as arrogant as ever, putting on airs and being arrogant..."

After listening to what the old man said, the voice on the phone also smiled and said: "This is normal. After all, they have been the overlords for decades. It is not surprising that they look down on us. If they really put down their attitude all of a sudden, that would be true." It’s weird…”

Hearing this, the old man nodded slightly and said: "That's true. These people have always had their noses turned upward. It's just a pity that now and then, we are no longer the sick men who need to look up to them!"

Along with the old man's voice, Qian Zhizhong on the other side of the phone also fell into a brief silence.

There was some sadness in his expression.

But just a moment later, this sadness turned into determination again.

Then, Qian Zhizhong solemnly said: "Yes, we are no longer the sick man!!"

After a long while, Qian Zhizhong took a deep breath, and then said again:

"So Lao Wang, what are you going to do next? Just leave them alone?"

Hearing this, the old man nodded slightly and said: "Of course, the Black and White Eagle is an eagle with a very proud temperament. What we need to do now is to boil the eagle!"

"Whenever the pride of this eagle is gone, it will be time for us to reap the rewards!"

After a pause, the old man continued: "But before that, I have to confirm with you, Lao Qian, are you sure there is no problem there?"

Faced with the inquiry, Qian Zhizhong was startled, and then said directly: "Don't worry, there is no problem at all on our side. I can guarantee that if Black and White Eagle really dares to do anything, then we are 100% sure that we can take their brains out." Type them all out!”

After receiving a positive reply, the old man also showed a smile on his face and said: "That's good. In that case, we can do it with confidence. We have been suffocating at the table for decades. This time we We are finally proud and proud. If we don’t pluck all their eagle feathers, we will lose..."


At the same time, on the other side, across the ocean——

"Did they really do that?"

Hearing the news from Capello, Alster's face turned dark.

"Yes Sir, they have no intention of negotiating with us at all. We haven't even seen anyone they can talk to!" Faced with the inquiry, Capello responded in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Alster's face became even more ugly.

After a long time, a cold light flashed across Alster's eyes quietly.

Then, Alster hung up the phone directly.

After doing this, Alster directly looked at his confidant Preston in front of him and said coldly:

"Send me an order to have the Third, Fourth, and Sixth Fleets immediately blockade the Oil Bay and issue a global announcement prohibiting any ship from entering the Camel Sea!"

"In addition, the 1st, 3rd, 4th, and 6th Wings of the Air Force are stationed at Squid Base!"

"The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Bomb Wings are stationed at the 10th Air Force Base and are on standby!"

"Order the Third, Tenth, and Fifteenth Road Troops to station in Squid and be on standby!"

"All members of the SEALs and Delta canceled their vacations and followed the Third Combined Fleet to the Camel Sea area to be on standby!"

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