Chi Lin looked at the two girls, one big and one small, as bright and bright as sunflowers, and also smiled and said, "Okay, my little girls! Let's go to the roller coaster together!"

  When the words fell, he directly hugged Ayumi, and turned his head gently to look at Xiaolan.

  When Xiao Lan heard that she was also called a little girl, her heart jumped uncontrollably.

  The balloon in his hand was warm, and an unfamiliar warm current spread from his fingers to his limbs.

  Next second,

  Xiaolan lowered her head subconsciously and shyly, and made a soft "um" sound like a mosquito.



  The roller coaster queue.

  Chi Rin hugged Ayumi, guarding Xiaolan and looking for Kudo Shinichi's figure.

  He lifted Ayumi high and said, "Ayumi, help us to find it together!"

  Ayumi naturally agreed, although she hadn't really seen it, but she had seen the picture of the famous high school detective Kudo Shinichi in the newspaper!

  And because of the high line of sight, she found it almost instantly.

  She quickly pointed to the passage about two meters away and said, "Brother Lin, I'm looking for..."

  However, before the words were finished, Ayumi suddenly wrinkled Xiao Qiong's nose and hesitated: "Uh... I may have read it wrong, I saw that big brother like Kudo's brother was peeking at the bottom of other girls' skirts, And touch people's hands!"


  Xiaolan and Chi Lin, who pretended to be shocked, looked at each other.

  Although Chi Rin couldn't see it, he was sure that it was Kudo Shinichi!

  As for those lewd behaviors... Chi Lin recalled the plot of Conan, it should be that he was playing a game of reasoning with Miss Murderer!

  Although he didn't expect to see Bumei so coincidentally, he wouldn't let go of that misunderstanding.

  Therefore, he said in surprise: "It should be Ayumi who saw it wrong!"

  He pushed aside the crowd in front of him without a trace, letting Shinichi Kudo fall into Xiaolan's sight.

  So, Xiaolan: "..." Convex

  Although she didn't see Xinyi peeking at the bottom of his skirt, but she did see his hands!

  And Ayumi is a child with no bad intentions, how could she lie?

  Not to mention the voice of Shinichi floating in my ears:

  "Haha~~ How can I be so good! It's all just reasoning... Oh? Are you also interested in reasoning? That's great, I..."

  The sound drifted away.

  Because Xiao Lan had already pulled Chi Lin expressionlessly and turned away.

  "Eh? Xiaolan, I seem to have seen Kudo, why don't we just go to him?" Chi Rin pretended.

  "Don't look for it, he had a good time chatting with other girls, and he didn't want us to disturb him, and it wouldn't be good if we said that we would jump in the queue later!"

  Xiaolan said solemnly, "Let's queue up by ourselves!"

  Obviously her previous good mood was completely destroyed!


  (ps: Only balloon dogs can be found on the Internet, probably like this...Rose imagine it by herself!

  Balloon Dog: Although I'm not a real dog, Chi Rin is a real dog!I applied to send me to Kudo Shinichi!

  Chi Rin: Wait for me to make up only green ones! ).

Chapter 7

  Although they were re-queuing, they were not too far behind Kudo Shinichi, probably only a dozen people.

  However, in the middle of the team, Chi Lin saw two men in black, one with the iconic long silver hair, and the other with a sturdy figure and a naive look.

  Obviously gin and vodka!

  Chi Lin rolled his eyes, knowing that after gin and vodka, he would go to a corner of the amusement park and extort about [-] million yuan in cash from the president of a company.

  And now he is short of money!

  In fact, it was not that he hadn't considered whether to cut off Hu's [-] million yuan before.

  But at that time, I just had a good physique, but I didn't have any battle experience.

  Even if the anime doesn't say that the president has any skills, he is a criminal after all!

  If something goes wrong, he doesn't want to be noticed by the black organization so early!

  So at that time, out of prudence, Chi Lin chose to give up.

  But now, Chi Lin is looking at the three potentials of karate, luck, and cooking, who have just grown to become proficient...

  "I can't deal with gin, but with spiritual communication and karate, it shouldn't be a problem to deal with that timid fat boss!"

  Thinking of this, Chi Lin no longer hesitated, turned around and said to Xiaolan and Ayumi that he was going to the bathroom, and left directly...

  As for Xiaolan, who still needs comfort?

  For a relationship between men and women, constant, just-right care does nothing but make people accustomed to it.

  The only way to quickly warm up the relationship is to be close and far away!



  Not long after.

  Chi Lin returned to Xiaolan's side, as if it was no different from before leaving.

  But if you go to carry his backpack you will find it sinks a lot!

  It's about as heavy as one hundred million banknotes!

  And the process of getting them is much easier than Chi Lin imagined!

  After he used spiritual communication to successfully find the president!

  sneak attack!

  take money!

  Afterwards again!

  No luck!

  I was too cautious before!

  At this time, Xiaolan's reminder sounded: "Arin, it's our time, save your bags!"

  "it is good!"

  One hundred million yuan left temporarily, and Chi Lin was not worried.

  What he is more concerned about now is the future residence of Kudo Shinichi, who will soon be transformed into Conan!

  Although he made Xiaolan keep away from bad boys like Conan before, it was not enough!

  As a qualified tauren, how can future girlfriends and other men live under the same roof?

  So he either made Conan unable to live in Xiaolan's house, or let Xiaolan move out...

  And he prefers the latter!

  Almost instantly, Chi Lin formed a plan in his mind, and it was a plan that killed two birds with one stone!

  The plan consists of four steps:

  The first step: Approaching Mouri Kogoro, pretending to entrust him, but in fact giving him evil money!

  Step [-]: Design Kogoro Mori and drag him into the abyss of depravity!

  Step [-]: Go to lawyer Fei Yingli with evidence of Maori Xiaogoro eating, drinking, prostituting and gambling. Fei Yingli was disappointed and took Xiaolan away!

  Step [-]: Conan moves into Maori Kogoro's house and finds that Xiaolan has moved to her mother's house!

  So the general term for this plan is:

  "Conan Kogoro Cohabitation Notes: I want to know more about Fei Yingri!" "…

  Just as Chi Rin was constantly refining the details of the plan in his mind, the roller coaster was already in sight.

  Unlike the only eight seats in the anime, the roller coaster in reality is still very large.

  One performance can accommodate at least twenty or thirty passengers.

  Kudo Shinichi was sitting in the first half. At this time, he was still talking about Sherlock Holmes with the young lady in front of him, and he completely forgot about Chi Rin and the others.

  Gin and vodka were in the row behind him.

  As for Xiaolan and Ayumi, they were sitting in the penultimate row, with Chi Rin behind them.

  Chi Lin is very satisfied with this, they will definitely not be splattered with blood when they are so far away...

  "Boom boom boom"

  The roller coaster starts to start.

  For the first time, I was looking forward to sitting on such an exciting thing.

  However, the sudden system prompt made him stunned on the spot.

  [The system detects that the host is riding a roller coaster: stimulate the flying potential! 】

  "That's okay too?"

  Without waiting for Chi Rin to recover, the prompt continued:


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