
  "..." Chi Lin spread his hands and sighed Versailles in his heart, "Ah~ why are you saying that it's so easy to become stronger!"

  "Crack! Kick! ——"

  The roller coaster has begun to slowly climb up...  

  In Chi Lin's mind, the flying potential will sound a reminder to increase experience every few seconds.

  "Eh? How did this flying potential increase so fast?"

  Chi Lin suddenly thought thoughtfully: "If there is a difference... I am riding a roller coaster, so is it possible that the way to quickly gain experience is to take a ride?"


  I'll have a chance to try it later...

  Soon, the roller coaster had reached its highest point.

  The stimulation from the high place and the slightly cold air made the surrounding passengers hold their breath subconsciously, timid and even pale.

  Although Chi Lin was sitting for the first time, as a calm person, he was not affected much.

  And he can quietly activate his potential to make his hearing become extremely sensitive, trying to distinguish certain sounds that have been deliberately suppressed...

  Roller coaster middle seat.

  "Brother, that guy has already arrived, leaning on a big tree and looking around! It seems that he is scared!"

  "Did he come alone? Are there any signs around?"

  "No, big brother, how dare that fellow dare to betray us?"

  "Count that guy's fun!"...

  Hearing the conversation between gin and vodka completely, Chi Rin slightly curled his lips.

  The fat president was naturally in a coma long ago.

  What the two of Jin and Jiu saw was nothing but a big tree ordered by Chi Lin, and it was just pretending to be pulled by its branches!

  At this time, with the rapid dive of the roller coaster.

  The wind that was blowing slightly on everyone's cheeks suddenly changed, and it began to wash the hair and body of every passenger, and a trembling scream sounded uncontrollably!



  Hearing those harsh and frightening screams, Chi Lin, who felt the adrenaline for the first time, smiled.

  He narrowed his eyes and felt...

  At the same time, through the gap of the seat, I saw Xiao Lan and Ayumi's hair blowing in the wind and the snow-white wrists next to each other, one big and one small, as shiny and lovely as suet and white jade.

  Chi Lin couldn't help but sigh with emotion:

  So nice...to be in this world! ~~


  (ps: The update is over today, and there will be four chapters every day after that! The new book needs to be watered when it sets sail, please collect, reward, flowers, and evaluation tickets!!!).

Chapter 8

  But all good things will be interrupted eventually!

  With a shrill scream, the murder came as scheduled!

  Kudo Shinichi jumped up and down immediately, looking suspiciously at every passenger on the roller coaster.

  When his eyes fell on Chi Lin and Xiaolan in the crowd, he was stunned for a moment and subconsciously said: "Eh? Xiaolan, Chi Jun, were you on the speeding car just now?"

  Chi Lin and Xiaolan: "..."

  "Yeah! Kudo, just now..." Chi Rin hesitated and glanced at Xiaolan, who had no expression on his face, and said euphemistically, "There were too many people just now and we couldn't find you!"

  "Is that so! I thought you were entangled, and I thought it was getting late, so I'll come to play first, and if you don't catch up, I can tell you!"

  Kudo Shinichi couldn't see Xiaolan's darkened face at all, he just said to himself: "But you guys played just fine, not much to say, I'm busy solving the case now, bye~~"

  After the words fell, without any hesitation, he turned around and threw himself into solving the case!

  Seeing this, Ayumi suddenly couldn't help but said: "Brother Lin, this big brother is so bad!  …"

  Chi Lin touched Ayumi's head, and couldn't help feeling that Ayumi was such a good assist!

  In the future, my brother will definitely invite you to see goldfish, eat fried dough sticks for Lantern Festival, drink soy milk, and take you to eat, drink and have fun...

  Of course, Chi Lin naturally showed a disapproving face on the face, and said in a profound tone: "Don't say that to Ayumi, Kudo is just too addicted to the case!"

  "No, he didn't take advantage of other women before, and he left you too much to play with himself. Now that such a terrible thing happened, he didn't care about you, aren't you friends?"

  Ayumi was filled with righteous indignation: "Fortunately, sister Xiaolan and I are protected by brother Rin, thank you brother Rin!"

  Ayumi turned around and hugged Chi Lin's thigh directly, and said with a milky smile, "Brother Rin is the best brother in the world!"

  Ayumi's innocent and innocent voice reminded Xiaolan.

  She also quickly echoed in a sincere tone: "Yeah! Arin, thanks to you covering my eyes and Ayumi's eyes at the time, otherwise I would... thank you for such a terrifying scene!"

  At this time, her heart couldn't help but be afraid.

  Especially seeing the girls on the other side hugging each other and breaking down crying, I am even more glad that I didn't see anything!

  Chi Lin naturally has to be modest.

  He bent down and picked up the little loli, and said with a chuckle: "It doesn't matter, a cute little girl like Ayumi would want to be protected by anyone!"

  Xiaolan heard this, and subconsciously flashed in her mind the words when Chi Lin gave her the puppy balloon with roses!

  Her heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

  Wait, Ah Rin won't change "Ayumi" to "Xiao Ran" again, and then say something like this to me?

  Hmm, ashamed, but it sounds... wait!

  If I'm so ashamed, why am I expecting something? !

  However, Xiao Lan, who was worried about gain and loss, had not waited for Chi Lin to speak to her, and the police had already arrived!

  After that, a series of investigation procedures followed...

  Chi Rin looked at the police at the scene, including those who were taking notes in the crowd, but did not find Miwako Sato's shadow.

  Apparently she didn't come this time!

  Then why does he need to be there?

  As for the tiring work of solving a case, if there is no benefit, even if it is just a bit of saliva, he is too lazy to do it!

  So, after finishing the transcript, Chi Lin turned to look at Xiaolan and said, "Xiaolan, Ayumi is too young to stay in such an environment, let's go outside and wait for Kudo!"


  The kind Xiaolan hesitated, but she couldn't bear the thought of keeping the lovely Ayumi at the crime scene!

  Looking at Kudo Shinichi busy at the scene, I don't care if they are there or not.

  So, she just hesitated for a moment and nodded, "Okay!"

  When the three were leaving.

  Chi Rin also glanced at Kudo Shinichi who was busy and jubilant.

  He thought of a word that is very suitable for evaluating himself and Kudo Shinichi now!

  That is:

  Have fun! ~~



  Later in the evening, it gets darker.

  In the cafe outside the roller coaster, only Chi Lin and Xiaolan stayed alone.

  As for Ayumi.

  Earlier, Chi Lin was afraid that Ayumi would go back too late, and the family would be worried.

  He asked her for a phone number, and asked Bumei's mother to come and pick her up!

  I have to say that Mrs. Yoshida, who is a single mother, is indeed a gentle and virtuous beautiful woman, that plump... ahem, beside the point!

  Back to topic.

  After just a short period of time alone.

  Xiaolan swept away the haze before, and chatted happily with Chi Lin.

  However, the atmosphere was good, but there were spoilers to interrupt.

  Kudo Shinichi, who just solved the murder case, rushes into the cafe.

  As soon as they saw Chi Lin, they complained: "Chi Jun, Xiaolan, I finally found you!

  I said that you should stay at that time, so that you can see my super powerful reasoning process! "

  Kudo Shinichi said proudly and proudly:

  "You don't know that the murderer almost escaped at that time. If I hadn't found the key evidence and shocked her, she..."

  Just halfway through his words, Chi Rin suddenly interrupted him: "Kudou, I want to forget things like that before, so I don't want to know more details!"

  Xiaolan was startled!


  Arin is obviously about the same age as herself.

  Not everyone is a reasoning freak like Shinichi!

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