The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 1762 immortality

The old voice said, "I am the leader of this church."

"This teaching? So, you're from Xiandan palace, too? "

"Yes, but the Xiandan palace is in the fairyland, and all the people in this world are called Xiandan sect. I am the leader of the sect. Xiandan is not evil."

Lin Tian said coldly, "I don't care what your name is. I'll let the girl go."

"Let it go? I didn't catch her, just took her to heal, or to send her back to fairyland, is there any problem? " This elixir is not evil there.

"Let her go!"

"Lindy, don't you understand? I'm trying to save her. " That elixir is not evil, but Lin Tian said, "you are all controlled by one person, think I don't know?"

The immortal Dan admitted, "yes, we are all under the control of adults, and they also told us to wait for you here."

When Lin Tian heard this, he didn't talk nonsense. He flew into the air. In the clouds, the man disappeared into a shadow. Then he said with a smile, "Lin Di, I won't play with you. I'm going back to the fairyland. Goodbye!"

The other side finish saying, disappear completely, and small black ball doubts way, "eldest brother, this Xiandan palace, what come from?"

"Once the first alchemy palace in the fairyland, but unexpectedly, they also fell." Lin Tian's eyebrows wrinkled, and he couldn't help thinking of the woman.

"And this woman?"

"An old friend's daughter, named LAN Xuan, I used to live there for a period of time, and I was also a disciple there. At the same time, I saved her father. Later, her father betrothed her to me, but I didn't mean that, so I left. I just didn't expect that." Lin Tian said this and exclaimed.

Little black ball joked, "boss, I didn't expect this girl Lan Xuan to be afraid of death and help you stop that attack."

"Funny?" Lin Tian is not in the mood at the moment. He takes a white look at the little black ball, and the little black ball says awkwardly, "I don't mean that."

Lin Tian sighed helplessly, "no matter what, sooner or later, I will wake them up one by one and not let them be controlled."

The little black ball agreed, "yes, the boss is right."

Lin Tian took a deep breath and said, "let's go."

"Where to?"

"Keep looking for that piece." Lin Tian knew that the debris was still in the ninth area, and he sensed it.

Little black ball didn't understand, "fragment? Didn't it go to their leader? "

"That's the case, but I sensed that maybe the Pope didn't take it or for some reason, the fragment remained in the ninth district."

Little black ball Oh sound, immediately with the steps of the forest, together in this snow mountain to find.

About a while later, Lin Tian saw a frozen man in the snow. It was the old woman, who was apparently frozen here because of the efficacy of the pill.

When she felt Lin Tian, she said excitedly, "Lin Di, help, help me."

"Want me to save you?"

"Lindy, as long as you save me, I will listen to you."

"Are you not afraid of those who control you behind your back?" Lin Tian asked, and the old lady said, "I know you must have a solution, don't you?"

Lin Tian said coldly, "if you surrender earlier, I may be forgiving, but now, death is not a pity."

"Lindy, I'm not going to fight you." That old woman is aggrieved way, and Lin Tian no longer listens to her dazzling chance encounter, but reads her memory, just a turn to leave.

The old woman said in a hurry, "no, don't go."

However, Lin Tian ignored her and left here, letting her be blown by the wind and snow until the whole body was covered by the wind and snow, and Lin Tian had already gone far.

"Boss, why don't you save the old lady?" The little black ball did not understand and asked, and Lin Tian explained, "she has no value. What can I do to save her?"

"That's right, too."

But Lin Tian said, "there is something useful in her memory."


"In the front, there is a place where their leader usually practices. I think that thing should be there." Lin Tian finished and began to speed up.

The little black ball chased after him. Half an hour later, he came to a snow mountain. At the top of the snow mountain, Lin Tian saw a well.

The wellhead is not covered with snow, and when the nearby snow falls, it will turn into gas and disappear.

"Look, boss, this well is a little interesting." Little black ball was surprised, and Lin Tianen said, "it's really interesting."

"Then go down?"

"Go." Lin Tian didn't say a word, but he jumped straight down, and the little black ball also jumped in.

At the beginning of the crazy fall, but gradually stable, and finally there is a corridor, and in front of a stone gate.

"Little black ball exclaimed," unexpectedly someone made such a training place in this mountain. "

Lin Tian also had to admire the immortal elixir, and when he came to the stone gate in front of him, there was a strong force on the stone gate to prevent others from approaching.

Lin Tian opens the reincarnation Yuanshen and directly absorbs the power one by one. At last, the stone door opens slowly. There are many bookshelves and cabinets in it, and some precious pills are placed at the same time.

After little black ball went in, he looked around in surprise. "Boss, here, it's like a library."

Lin Tian looked through those books and found that they were all big and small things happened in the ancient battlefield.

"It seems that this is the place where the Pope collects information and keeps her away."

The little black ball is puzzled and asks, "what about this fragment?"

Lin Tian went to a pile of bookshelves and took out a book. When the book was opened, there was a piece of scale here. It was the fragment Lin Tian was looking for.

Seeing the fragment, little black ball said excitedly, "look what it can do."

"Well, I think it's necessary to infiltrate consciousness, but it may also be dangerous, so I'll arrange the surroundings later."

"Yes." Little black ball nodded, and Lin Tian took out a picture after arranging the array around him. He took the little black ball with him and walked into the picture, then closed the entrance of the picture.

In this way, if someone comes to hang a picture on the wall of the training room, he will not find anything unusual in it.

For Lin Tian, he found a place, then sat down, and said to the little black ball, "I need to be conscious now, you can show me my body."

"Good." The little black ball nodded, and Lin Tian then held the pieces, sat down and closed his eyes.

After a while, Lin Tian's consciousness left his body, and the whole body was dead. As for the little black ball, he said uneasily, "is it OK for the boss to go in like this?"

However, thinking of Lin Tian's strength, Xiao heiqiu soon calmed down, and then sat and waited.

But after Lin Tian's consciousness entered the space, he saw an incredible spectacle.

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