The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

1763 the so-called pilgrimage of the Holy Spirit

Here, there are black mountains, and the Black Mountains send out strong power, which can make people's soul stronger.

Not only that, Lin Tian also found that there are many traces left by other souls around these mountains.

"Why are these mountains so like the spirit of the gods Montenegro?"

Lingheishan, which can really enhance the soul, is a lot of people in the divine world. They like to go there to practice, but people who practice in this place are easily affected by lingheishan.

The influence of this is that the soul cannot be reincarnated, which means that once it has been cultivated in this place for a long time, it is impossible for the soul to enter the ghost kingdom again and reincarnate through reincarnation.

This means that once the living soul becomes the dead soul, it means that the ghost kingdom is the solitary soul, floating among the ghost domains, at the mercy of others.

But this kind of secret, few people know, and at this moment Lin Tian saw this, dignified up, "a piece of fragment, so many lingheishan, isn't this breaking yuan power more?"

At this moment, Lin Tian gradually has a strange feeling, that is, breaking yuan force. Although it can make people become gods, it must end badly.

But Lin Tian can't be sure until he finds the breaking force first, so Lin Tian flies out of this piece.

Seeing Lin Tian's reversion, little black ball asked curiously, "how about boss? Is there any news? "

"The so-called enhancement of the soul and the enhancement of cultivation are only illusions." Lin Tian sighs with emotion, and little black ball doubts, "illusion?"

"Yes, for a moment, but it's a tragedy." Lin Tian said, but little black ball didn't understand. After Lin Tian explained one by one, little black ball took a breath, "it's terrible."

"But many people just want to be powerful, but never want to be miserable after death."

Small black ball immediately shivers, "this kind of strength, send me not to want."

"I don't want it either, but I still need to find this broken yuan power. Maybe it can lead to that guy." Lin tianxie laughed.

Little black ball knew that Lin Tian was talking about the big people behind those people, but Lin Tian picked up his mood, walked out of the picture, and then looked around the chamber of secrets and said, "go."

When Lin Tian and little black ball reappeared, they continued to shuttle in the snow mountain until they finally came to the outside of an ice cellar. The entrance of the ice cellar was not affected by the snowflakes everywhere, and still stood there, just like the ancient "cemetery".

Seeing this, little black ball said excitedly, "yes, that's it. When I was a child, I used to play outside."

"Let's go. Maybe the poyuanli you see is still here." Lin Tian is looking forward to it at the moment, and Xiao heiqiu's benediction brings Lin Tian into this ice cellar.

The ice cellar is very simple everywhere, just some small rooms, nothing else left, and the little black ball is here, skillfully walked up.

Finally came to a ladder and said, "that's it."

"Do you see it here?"

"Well, there are so many scales on that thing, and then it floats with white light. As soon as I get close to it, it will enter the dark place under this ladder, and I always want to go down, there will be a force to fly me."

Lin Tian was dubious, and then walked down the stairs. At this time, a powerful white light bounced a man and a beast away.

"Small black ball excitedly way," look, as before, once bounced to fly, did not even dodge the opportunity

"It's a little powerful." Lin Tian sighed and continued to try, but the result was the same. No matter how he tried, he couldn't get close to the ladder.

"Small black ball sighs a way," it seems, can see only, cannot go down

Lin Tian hesitated, "that's not necessarily true."

"Boss, what can you do?"

"I think, soul and body, it should be OK." When Lin Tian finished, he took out the ghost book and released the black spirit king.

The black spirit king, is the soul body. Once it penetrates into the bottom, Lin Tian can see the situation through it.

The little black ball exclaimed, "boss, you're really good. That's all right."

But Lin Tian said as he looked carefully, "it's not so simple here."

"Boss, what did you find?" Small black ball immediately confused, and Lin Tianning heavy way, "under this, there are many potholes, but also a lot of space cracks."

"Space cracks? Is this crack related to that guy? "

"I don't know for the moment. Let's have a look." Lin Tian continues to let the black spirit king wander below.

Finally, Lin Tian sees a black vortex, and Lin Tian hesitates to let the black spirit king continue to enter.

But when the king of Heiling went in, he lost contact with Lin Tian.

This makes Lin Tian frown, "Damn it."

"How's it going, boss?" the little black ball said

"Lost contact." Lin Tian looks ugly at the moment, and the little black ball is shocked, "what should I do now?"

"I'm the only one who wants to understand." Lin Tian explained, and the little black ball was shocked, "is this too dangerous?"

"It's the same as before. I'll paint it. You'll watch it for me here." Finish saying, Lin Tian takes out the picture, then hides the body in the picture, Yuan Shen flies out of the body.

The little black ball had to hold the picture and wait there silently, while Lin Tian rushed down into the black vortex.

When Lin Tian reappears, he stands in a dark space, and there are cracks all over the dark space, just like the sky cracks. At the same time, there are many things that can be seen from time to time.

Seeing Lin Tian coming, the king of Heiling hurriedly said, "my Lord."

"How is it? What's the difference? "

"No, I didn't find anything. I could only see the sky split from time to time, just like the eyes." The Dark Lord explained.

Lin Tian hesitated and said, "I'll go up and have a look. You wait."


Lin Tian makes a leap and rushes into those cracked places. When Lin Tian appears, he finds himself standing in the void. In front of Lin Tian, there is something full of scales.

This thing is like a piglet with full body armed, and it seems to be absorbing something in that piece.

As for the void, it is a transparent cover. Through the cover, Lin Tian can see countless Holy Spirits outside.

"Here." When Lin Tian saw the Holy Spirit, he realized that he was standing in the sky of the ancient battlefield.

At this moment, the ancient battlefield is in the daytime, especially in wanjiecheng, where you can clearly see those people moving.

At this time, the sky gradually darkened, but the light of the Holy Spirit was very strong. Not only that, the pig like thing began to open its eyes slightly, and then it released white light.

This white light makes the whole void shine, and the spirits outside surround each other, forming the so-called worship of all souls.

"It turns out that the worship of all spirits was made by this guy." After Lin Tian finally understood what was going on, he stared at the little thing strangely.

The little thing opened his eyes and saw someone here. He was scared at once and stepped back step by step. He was afraid of strangers.

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