The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

1802 animal bones in urgent need

Lei Wuxing snorted, "how much? Is that great? "

"I've seen your attack. I can attack one piece at most, but it's still hard to finish it all." Lin Tian's ghosts laughed at each other.

Hearing this, Lei Wuxing hums, "then you can see."

At this time, Lei Wuxing started again, and countless arrows rained in the air, covering the whole area, hitting the shadows one by one.

These shadows disappear one by one, and Lin Tian makes a lot of them. The attack speed of Lei Wuxing can't match Lin Tian's split speed at all.

Seeing the master of Haifu in his eyes, he was stupid, "who is this guy? How terrible. "

No matter what, the night fire said to Lei Wuxing, "master Lei, as long as you clean him up, everything in my night house is yours."

Lei Wuxing immediately moved his heart and said, "this is what you said."

"Yes, as long as you kill him, you can say anything." The fire blew out this night.

So Lei Wuxing increases his strength, while Lin Tian smiles heavily and continues to release the magic shadow crazily.

After a while, Lin Tian said with a smile, "OK, it's over."

At this time, the ghost hand of hell appeared again, and Lei Wuxing scolded, "you are waiting for my talisman to disappear?"

"Yes, your rune lasts for at most a quarter of an hour, and it's precious. I don't believe you. It's always there." Lin Tian smiles at Lei Wuxing.

There is only one ray in the five elements, so when I saw the innumerable ghost hand of hell, he was so angry that he dodged madly. How could there be the destruction of innumerable ghosts.

Within a short time, Lei Wuxing was so upset that he rose to the sky and said to the Lord of Haifu, "withdraw."

The Lord of the sea has no chance to withdraw, especially there are magic shadows everywhere. It's hard for them to get out.

Lei Wuxing can only hide himself, while Lin Tian's ghosts laugh at the Lord of Haifu. "The people you invited, you escaped."

"Boy, don't be complacent. He will come again." The Lord of Haifu believed, but Lin Tian laughed, "Oh? Is it? But I don't think so. "

"You can wait," said the Lord of Haifu

"I don't think I have time to wait." Lin Tian finished, just like these people in Tianhai mansion.

Those people were scared to leave with the talisman, and Lin Tian put away his shadow and fell into meditation.

After a while, Shayuan and others came out of the ruins.

"Little master, that guy, why are you so terrible?" That Shayuan thought of Lei Wuxing and looked depressed.

"This guy is an expert of Zhou Chaoxian's mansion. I think he will come again." Lin Tian explained.

"If he took more anti ghost talismans, wouldn't you not be able to take him?" said Shayuan

"It's really hard." Lin Tian said without hesitation, after all, he is a three-star immortal, and the other side is a powerful golden immortal. The gap in strength is obvious.

When Shayuan heard this, he began to worry. "What can I do?"

"Don't worry, I'll think of another way." Lin Tian began to ponder, so he took out the Guqin he made, and after thinking about it, he smiled, "yes."

Shayuan wondered, "what's the matter?"

Lin Tian looked at the Lord of the night and asked, "do you have the animal bones of the heavenly sound immortal beast?"

Embarrassed, the night Master said, "it's hard to find this immortal beast, let alone this beast bone."

Shayuan hesitated and said, "I'll ask my people to look for it. If there is one, I'll ask them to send it right away."


Shayuan immediately took out the sound stone and began to order.

After the Lord of Haifu and others fled back to the mansion, Lei Wuxing was sitting in the hall drinking tea and waiting happily.

The master of Haifu looked depressed. "Master Lei, you almost killed us."

"Kill you? Don't you have a talisman? How could it kill you? " The five elements of thunder already know the same.

The master of Haifu said gloomily, "master Lei, can't we use the talisman every time? It costs a lot. "

"Then help me find the anti ghost talisman. The more the better, I will have more time to deal with that boy." Said Lei Wuxing.

The head of Haifu frowned. "This kind of talisman is very precious. I have to spend more time."

"Then hurry up." Lei Wuxing said, but the night fire said, "what if those people escape?"

But the Lord of Haifu said, "don't worry, I'll send someone to monitor them. If they have any movement, I'll know."

The night fire wind was relieved, and the Lord of Haifu immediately arranged for someone to look for it. Only Lei Wuxing's eyes twinkled with different light, but his heart murmured to himself, "this boy, who in the end, why is there such a powerful ghost skill?"

Seeing Lei Wuxing stupefied, the Lord of Haifu asked, "master Lei, do you know what else we need?"

The Lord of the sea mansion hesitated and said, "no need to deal with him. As long as there is anti ghost talisman, everything else is easy to do."


Then the Lord of Haifu is here waiting for the news.

About three days later, the Lord of Haifu collected five pieces and looked at Lei Wuxing. "Master Lei, this is our collection, and each one is very precious."

"A quarter of an hour, five, enough." Lei Wuxing said confidently, and the Lord of Haifu said excitedly, "let's go?"

"Well, let's go." Lei Wuxing can't wait for him, so he takes them with him and goes to the night house again.

Lin Tian is still waiting at night, and Sha Yuan says to Lin Tian, "little master, the bone has been found. Look."

"Where is it?"

Shayuan takes out some bones, which are immortal beast bones.

Lin Tian took it over and smiled, "well, I'll go and do something first. You'll wait for me here."

With that, Lin Tian entered the secret room under the ruins and began to be busy. The owner of that night wondered, "what is this adult doing?"

Sha Yuan said with a smile, "whatever he does, he must be of great use."

People are puzzled, especially that Jin Lanqin feels that there are many secrets hidden in Lin Tian, and that Sha Yuan's attitude towards Lin Tian is not a simple doctor-patient relationship.

So Jin Lanqin carefully observed every move of Shayuan there, until half an hour later, the outside army came again.

This time, the Lord of Haifu said with a smile, "what about that kid? Get him out of here. "

Shayuan immediately said excitedly, "here comes again."

"What now?" The master of the night is in a hurry.

"Quit, let my little master come." That Sha Yuan finish saying, immediately prepare to take a person to retreat, but thunder five element speed is very fast, once blocked their way and said with a smile, "where to go?"

Sha Yuan stares at Lei Wuxing. "Don't think you are very powerful."

"What? Do you want to do it? "

"Do you know who I am?" That sand yuan finish saying, turn into innumerable sand immediately, that thunder five lines two eyes twinkle unusual light, "day sand Zong of."

"Yes, I am the Lord of Tiansha clan. If you are afraid, go away."

But Lei Wuxing laughed and said, "master Sha, your life is very valuable. If you are arrested and handed over to others, it will be invaluable."

When the night fire wind heard Lei Wuxing's words, he was shocked, "Damn it, let him know the identity of this guy."

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