The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 1803 Road 99, xianhun District

The Lord of Haifu was also shocked. He was afraid that Lei Wuxing would find some secrets. But Sha Yuan laughed in the sand and said, "it's impossible for you to take me."

"Is it?"

"Then try." After that, more and more sand, and Lei Wuxing began to attack the sand, but there was a lot of sand, he didn't know where the sand was hidden.

"You are all a bunch of hateful guys," said the angry Lei Wuxing

The night master and others took the opportunity to go back to the secret room and peep at the outside situation in the dark, while that Shayuan continued to turn into sand, and even said, "don't worry, wait for my little master to come out and clean you up."

"Your little master?"

"Yes, that's the one before." That Shayuan complacent way, and Lei Wuxing hum way, "a fairy, unexpectedly can be your master, I see you this day sand Zong, really lonely to a few o'clock."

"Lonely? It's still early. Sooner or later, your grandfather and I will let you know how terrible tianshazong is. "

Lei Wuxing doesn't want to talk with each other. He continues to attack crazily, while Shayuan continues to stimulate.

After a while, Lin Tian's breath appeared, and he stood in a pile of ruins and said with a smile, "have you had enough?"

When Shayuan saw Lin Tian coming, he immediately gathered himself together and went back to Lin Tian and said with a smile, "look, I've helped you delay him for a long time."

Lin Tian said with a smile, "you are really a rascal."

"What is a scoundrel? It's fierce." That Sha Yuan explains, and Lin Tian smiles and stares at Lei Wuxing.

Lei Wuxing stares at Lin Tian coldly. "Boy, I'm here again."

"I know."

"In order to deal with you, I have prepared many anti ghost talismans. I just don't know if you can fight with me." Lei Wuxing laughs.

Lin Tian smiled, "right? However, this time, you have anti ghost talisman, which is useless. "

"What do you mean?"

Lin Tian then took out the Guqin and looked at him with a smile. "What about me? I just added the animal bone of Tianyin to my Guqin."

"Voice of heaven beast bone? What's the use? " Lei Wuxing is puzzled, and Lin Tian says with a smile, "try it, you will know."

When Lin Tian played the piano, the sound of the piano was all around, and the people immediately felt harsh, and that Shayuan ran away immediately, "I'm going first."

After that, Shayuan entered the secret chamber, but the voice was so terrible that he could only bear it and avoid it.

Jin Lanqin was shocked to hear the voice in the secret room. "A piece of animal bone can play such a powerful force?"

But Shayuan said there, "don't underestimate my little master. His ability is beyond your imagination."

Jinlanqin frowns, feeling that the forest is not as simple as the surface. However, at the moment, people in Tianhai mansion are scared away.

Lei Wuxing insisted, "boy, isn't it the piano sound? I'm not afraid! "

"Have you heard the immortal soul song?"

"Immortal soul song? Just you broken piano? Do you want to make a fairy soul song? " That Lei Wuxing doesn't believe it, and Lin Tian says with a smile, "then listen."

Lin Tian uses his opponent's soul power, adds the guqin, and plays it all kinds of times. Then a strong voice makes the five elements of Lei blood boil.

Not only that, Lei Wuxing's eyes are red and his face is red, but he insists, "boy, I'm not afraid!"

"The immortal soul song has ninety-nine attacks, and each time is better than the other. Now you have been hit by me for ten times. You can carry the ones behind you."

"I can."

Lei Wuxing is pretentious, but Lin Tian accelerates the speed, stacking them one by one, and the Lei Wuxing can't stand up gradually, and then a mouthful of blood gushes out, and finally his face is pale with fear, "wait, I won't let you go."

Lei Wuxing turns around and disappears in a hurry, but the people in Tianhai mansion have already fled.

Lin Tian put up his piano and smiled, "I'll depend on you later."

At this time, Shayuan and others ran out, and then worshipped and stared at Lin Tian.

"Little master, what kind of piano are you? It's so powerful." Shayuan stared at the Qin and said excitedly.

"This zither, called Tianyin zither, is different from ordinary zither. There are ninety-nine strings in total, which can perform immortal soul music and ninety-nine attacks." Lin Tian said with a smile.

Sha Yuan exclaimed, "it's powerful."

Jinlanqin frowned, "immortal soul music, in the immortal world, there are not many people, and immortal soul music is generally ten or twenty, how can there be ninety-nine?"

But Sha Yuan retorted, "that's someone else. Can you compare with my little master?"

"I'm just curious." Jin Lanqin stared at Lin Tian's strange way, but Lin Tian didn't say much, but turned to the ruins.

But Shayuan asked curiously, "little master, what shall we do now?"

"Wait, they will come again." Lin Tian is not afraid to have this musical instrument now. Then he goes to the ruins and looks for that Luda.

Luda has absorbed a lot of Xiange, and his accomplishments have reached the level of celestial wasteland.

Lin Tian smiled at him. "How is it?"

"Master, as long as I continue to absorb it, I will soon be able to completely integrate with this immortal lattice to reach the golden immortal." "That Ruda excites a way.

Lin Tianen said with a smile, "that line, you can continue to absorb."


Lin Tian finds a place to rest and continues to modify the instrument.


after a while, they all went back to Tianhai mansion in a panic. But Lei Wuxing was pale. Instead of the previous look, he was angry.

When the Lord of Haifu and other people came back, they looked at each other and didn't know what to say. However, Lei Wuxing stared at them and said, "you already know the Lord of Tiansha clan?"

The Lord of Haifu nodded, and the night fire wind knew that it could not be concealed, so he said, "yes, they seek revenge from our night house, because our night house has been looking for them."

Lei Wuxing glared, "that's so. Do you have any way to deal with them?"

"Master Lei, you can't do it, we can't even do it," said the Lord

Lei Wuxing's face was ugly. "I can't resist that voice. If someone can resist it, I think it will be much easier."

The Lord of Haifu hesitated and said, "what can I do?"

Lei Wuxing hesitated, "we can't talk about the secret of master Sha, or we will have nothing if we are robbed."

Everyone knows that the secret can't be said, but how to solve it at the moment is still a problem, and Lei Wuhang said repeatedly, "I'll invite someone. It's estimated that it will take a while."

"But what if they escape?" The Lord of that sea mansion worried. As for Lei Wuxing, after thinking about it, he took out a map. "Here, give them this map. I think they must be interested."

The Lord of Haifu was puzzled. Then he took the map and was surprised to see the contents. "Master Lei, do you give them all such precious maps?"

"Only in this way can we hold them back and trap them, or what if they escape?" Lei Wuxing stared.

"Well, I'll send someone over." The Lord of Haifu said, and Lei Wuxing got up and left. As for the fire at night, he wondered, "Lord of Haifu, what is this map?"

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