The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 2115 borrowing space technology

When the masked woman heard Lin Tian's words, she said, "this problem has been bothering people for a long time, but they didn't understand it together."

That servant girl is more puzzled, "if this month the palace has any purpose, then why let Ning Laozu appear in this city?"

Masked women also want to know, so look to Lin Tian, and Lin Tian tidies up a smile, "go and have a look, you will know."

Finish saying, Lin Tian takes them, after making a search, found that tavern, but the tavern is still crowded at the moment.

Lin Tian looks at the picture of the wooden slips. After confirming that it is the tavern, he goes in.

Only see that Ning old ancestor, sit in a place daze, and hold wine in hand.

That servant girl sees after excited way, "see, this Ning old ancestor is there!"

"Let's go and have a look." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he went to the crowd, and the masked women followed him until they came to Naning's side through the crowd.

But this Ning old ancestor still didn't know that there was someone on the edge, or sat there in a daze, and the servant girl tried to shout, "Ning old ancestor?"

But Ning's father was still indifferent, as if he didn't hear the voice of the servant girl.

"What's the matter?" The servant girl was shocked, and the masked woman also wanted to know. As for Lin Tian, she put her hand on the shoulder of Ning Laozu, who knew that a strong force was blowing Lin Tian away.

People around laughed, and some even said, "young man, don't touch this drunkard, or you will be bounced away."

"That's right, this guy. It's not easy." Some people even laughed, and the bartender said, "you, for safety's sake, you'd better not touch him."

"Now, what's going on?" The servant girl couldn't help but ask, and the waiter didn't understand, "he has been drinking here for several days, and every time he finishes drinking, he pays to leave, never talks to anyone, but if anyone dares to touch him, he will be bounced by his strength."

The servant girl was shocked, and the masked woman doubted, "it's really weird."

Lin Tian tries to condense and destroy the enemy's body with one hand, but it has no effect at all, just as the stone falls to the bottom of the sea and never appears again.

Lin Tian had to say, "wait."

"Wait?" The masked woman didn't know what Lin Tian was waiting for, and the servant girl was even more curious and showed a strange look.

About a few hours later, the drunkard suddenly put down some Xianjing, and then got up and went out.

All of them gave way and did not dare to stop him. But the servant girl said in a hurry, "he, he is going."

"Go, follow him and see where he goes." Lin Tian says, and that servant girl gracious sound, then everybody follows silently.

Ning Laozu left the tavern and went out of the city. At last, he ran to a pile of rubble and found a place to lie down and sleep.

"What does that mean?" The servant girl was covered, and the masked woman looked at Lin Tian. "Now, what can I do?"

"Don't worry, look first." Lin Tian was very calm, and he also stared at Ning Laozu.

This time passed a little, until night fell, the Ning ancestor opened his eyes again, and went to a clearing, and then looked up at the sky.

Then a flash of light appeared in the sky, and this Ning ancestor jumped into the white light, and then the whole person disappeared.

Lin Tian wants to follow up, the result that white light disappears, and that servant girl Jing way, "this, is not same as before he disappears white light?"

The masked woman also doubted, "how did you change him again?"

"Wait." Lin Tian suddenly sat down calmly, and the servant girl doubted, "wait?"


Masked women and servant girls are suspicious to see Lin Tian, and Lin Tian closed his eyes, waiting there slowly.

Until the next day, a figure flashed in the air, and the Ning ancestor appeared again, and then walked to the city.

That servant girl Leng, "see, he appears again."

Lin Tian continues to keep up, and so does the masked woman and her maid.

As for Ning Laozu, like yesterday, he entered the pub for a drink, left after a few hours, then lay down in the rubble for a day, and finally disappeared at night.

"See." Lin Tian looked at the other two, and the masked woman was puzzled, "what do you mean?"

Her servant girl is also very curious, "he does repeated things every day?"

Lin Tian laughs at the masked woman. "Don't you know the art of space?"

"I know, but I used it on him and it didn't work."

Lin Tian hesitated, "if you don't mind, show me your space skill, maybe I can use it."

"To you?" The masked woman was shocked, and the servant girl immediately said, "no, absolutely not."

Lin Tianhu asked, "why?"

The servant girl wanted to say something, but the masked woman said, "I will give it to you."

The servant girl said urgently, "Miss, do you forget that?"

"Well, if you don't say that, it's important for us to find the moon palace now." Finish saying, masked woman takes out a hide note.

"Here, there is the space technique recorded by my family Wen, but I only learned part of it." And when the masked woman had finished speaking, she gave it to Lin Tian.

Lin Tian is very happy. He immediately throws his body away and lets it study in a thousand times the space of the lamp. The servant girl pulls the masked woman aside.

"Miss, do you forget what my grandfather said?" The servant girl said in a hurry.

"What time is it?" The masked woman frowned, but the servant girl said in a hurry, "my grandfather said that it's not for the Wen family to learn. It will bring troubles to our Wen family."

"What kind of trouble can it cause? Besides, it's all rumor. Have you ever seen it? " Asked the masked woman.

The servant girl was worried, "but rumours don't come from nowhere."

"Anyway, we can only rely on him now, otherwise we will never know the secret of the Moon Palace." That masked woman now looks forward to Lin Tianneng's thorough study, so as to understand as soon as possible where the Ning ancestor has gone.

But her servant girl is in a hurry, and Lin Tian seems to have nothing to do, and sits there waiting in silence.

"Miss, this is not a joke."

"Well, no more." The masked woman asked her to stop talking, and the servant girl had to wait in depression.

Until the next day, Lin tianben received Meng Lin's news, and he got up and said, "go, go to Meng's first."

"Meng family?" The masked woman didn't understand and stared at Lin Tian, but the servant girl didn't understand. "What are you going to the Meng family for?"

"The Meng family young master has the messenger news." Lin Tian then left, and the masked woman asked, "are you interested in the messenger?"

Not only the masked woman, but also her servant girl was curious, while Lin Tian said, "this emissary is not simple, and there are some secrets hidden in him."

The masked woman and her servant girl have never experienced anything in the immortal system, so they don't know what happened, so they can only follow Lin Tian silently.

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