The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 2116 array is empty!

Lin Tian also doesn't care whether these two people understand or not, and takes them directly to the Meng family.

But at the gate of Meng's house, Meng Lin looked at Lin Tian excitedly, and rushed to Lin Tian, "you finally come."

"What about people?"

"My father said, he's coming right away." Meng Lin looks at the Meng family leader behind him, but the Meng family leader stares at Lin Tian and asks, "boy, you are the one who controls my son."

Lin Tian didn't seem to welcome the Meng family leader very much, then he said with a smile, "yes."

"Do you think I will tell you where the messenger is?" The Meng family leader asked, and Lin Tian said with a smile, "so, don't you want to tell me?"

That Meng Lin is in a hurry, "Dad, didn't you say you would tell him?"

"I'm just saying that to get him in." The Meng family leader finished, sneered, and then came to this Meng Lin again, a rune hit him.

At that moment, Meng Lin was frozen there again, and then did not move.

At the same time, the array began to flash around, and the masked woman was shocked, "no, I'm cheated!"

Not only the masked woman, but also the servant girl screamed, and the Meng family leader took Meng Lin to the mansion, and then laughed, "boy, enjoy this array slowly."

Lin Tian stands there and laughs, "deal with me by one array?"

"Boy, don't look down on this formation. It's terrible." The Lord of the Meng family said confidently, while Lin Tian said with a smile, "I will tell you, does this array have any effect on me?"

"No impact? You brag! " The Lord of the Meng family hums, and Lin Tian walks to the gate of the Meng family step by step.

At this time, there was a powerful force on the gate. It hit Lin Tian, but Lin Tian's golden body resisted the attack one by one.

The Meng family leader in the dark doesn't believe in evil. He continues to let the people who control the array in the dark increase their strength, so as to kill Lin Tian.

However, this array has become very powerful, that is to say, Lin Tian can't do anything about it. Even Lin Tian can easily come to the gate.

At the moment, all the people in Meng's yard stare at Lin Tian in surprise, especially the guards who maintain the array.

"Here, is this still Xianjun?"

The Lord of the Meng family ordered directly, "what is your stupidity? All of you attack him! "


All the people immediately began to besiege Lin Tian, but Lin Tian laughed and let them attack.

But no matter how hard these people tried, they couldn't do anything about Lin Tian. But Lin Tian stared at the Lord of the Meng family and said with a smile, "it's a waste of time."

"What do you mean, boy?" The Lord of the Meng family stared at Lin Tian, whose right hand held a pen.

The Lord of the Meng family had a sense of foreboding, so he ordered all the people, "here, stop him for me."

One by one, those people rushed over, and Lin Tian's countless shadows scattered, and once again, they were scared to flee.

Lin tianben continued to draw chains and entangled the immortal soul of the Meng family leader, which made him unable to break free, while others could only hide in the dark to peep.

"You said, what do you want me to do?" Lin Tian finishes saying that, he directly drags the immortal soul of the other party, and then enters the soul seal.

But at this time, a voice in the distance shouted, "boy, I really think my Meng family is empty, right?"

After that, an old man came, and he was the ancestor of Meng family. He stared at Lin Tian with a serious face, and Lin Tian smiled at him. "I just want to know the whereabouts of your emissaries. I really don't want to worry about other things, but if you still refuse to tell me, I have to take all the people of Meng family."

However, Meng Laozu hums, "it's beyond his capacity."

"You can't help yourself? Then come on, I'll give you a chance. " Lin Tian stands in front of Meng Laozu and stares at him.

Meng Laozu stared at Lin Tian like a monster. "Are you sure?"

"Come on." Lin Tian stands there and laughs at Meng Laozu, while Meng Jiazhu is thrown aside by Lin Tian.

The Lord of the Meng family can only stare at one side because he has been beaten with a soul seal. As for the master of the Meng family, he clenched his fist tightly, then countless stones on his fist agglomerated, and finally turned into a huge stone. The goal is Lin Tian.

"Boom." Hit Lin Tian, but Lin Tian didn't do anything. He still laughed at Meng Laozu. "Is this your strength?"

Meng Laozu was shocked. "I have more than nine thousand Fairies in my hall. How can I not break a fairyland like you?"

"Don't say more than 9000, that's 15000. I've tried all of them." Lin Tian laughed at the thought of the ghost mountain.

But Meng Laozu was angry. "Don't be crazy, boy. I'll let you know my strength later!"

With that, Meng Laozu changed a brown fan, then danced, and Lin Tian was hit by countless stones on his head.

The guards thought Lin Tian should die, but the servant girl said with a smile, "Miss, these people are beyond their means."

"They are ignorant." The masked woman replied, but Meng Laozu looked dignified until Lin Tian came out of the stone heap and said with a smile, "attack me by stone? Is it interesting? "

Meng Laozu began to be a little uneasy, even staring at Lin Tian. "Boy, I admit you are strong in defense, but it is impossible for you to destroy our Meng family."

"I didn't plan to destroy your Meng family, but if you don't tell me where the messenger is, I'll have to do my best." Lin Tian stares at Meng Laozu and says.

But Meng Laozu said, "you can catch me."

Finish saying, this Meng Laozu a turn around, whew of disappear, and Lin Tian helpless wry smile, "can only escape."

The leader of the Meng family immediately said, "my Lord, the ancestor went to the basement."

"Oh? You know? "

"Yes, that's the place where our forefathers stayed in seclusion." The Lord of the Meng family nodded and betrayed Meng Laozu directly.

Lin Tian looks at Meng Lin and smiles, "your son, you can untie it."

The Lord of the Meng family quickly went to untie it, and Meng Lin said, "Dad, you!"

"Well, stop it. I'm under his control, too." The Lord of the Meng family was depressed, and Meng Lin was relieved. "I knew that before. Why did I do that?"

"I don't want to either." The Lord of the Meng family sighed after he was depressed. Lin Tian asked the Lord, "where is this messenger?"

"Only the ancestor knows, I really don't know." The Meng family leader was helpless, but Lin Tian had to clear up his mind and let them lead the way to the maze.

The Meng family leader quickly leads the way, but the guards whisper on the side. As for the girl beside the masked woman, she worries, "Miss, do you think the underground maze of the Meng family will be deceiving?"

"A liar?"

"Yes, trick us in and trap us." This servant girl wants to open her way, but the masked woman says with a smile, "the Lord of the Meng family has surrendered. He leads the way, so it shouldn't be."

"But this old ancestor looks very vicious, regardless of the way his relatives died and lived." The servant girl analyzed.

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