The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 2140 wounded by villains

The next day, when they passed a path, there appeared some people dancing black flags on the edge. However, the huge sea startled, "how can it be so unlucky?"

The servant girl wondered, "what's the situation?"

Huge sea can't help but explain, "snow forest, there are three strongest Shanzhai, and what we meet now is one of them, called black snow forest, which is located near the black snow mountain."

"Black snow mountain?" The servant girl didn't know where the place was, but Pang Dahai took a deep breath and said, "I don't think I can communicate with them."

After that, Pang Dahai went out, took out a talisman from his arms, and injected power into it. Then the talisman floated into the air and turned into a white shadow, like a white flag.

"What's this guy doing?" The servant girl was suspicious, and the masked woman explained, "I think it's surrender or confession."

"Ah? So spineless? " The servant girl was stunned, but the huge sea called out to those people, "I'm from a nearby mountain stronghold. Tell me what you need."

When those people heard that they were in the same way, they put down their flags one after another, and then walked out of a young man with two hands back to back, laughing at the huge sea and Lin Tian and others behind them, "where are you going?"

"I, let's go around."

"This is the place of our black snow forest. You have reached too far, haven't you?" The young man said with a smile that he looked very kind.

"We are not going to make trouble in it," said the huge sea awkwardly

"Then what do you want to do? Let's hear it. " The young man asked with a smile, and all kinds of ideas flashed in his mind. Finally, he said, "it's just a few new people from our Shanzhai. I'm going to take them to have a look around. The provincial people don't know that the neighborhood is yours."

"Oh? Are you new? Let me see. " After that, the young man jumped and came to Pang Dahai and others.

The servant girl was frightened to stand beside the masked woman. "Miss."

"Nothing." The masked woman appeased, but the young man came behind the huge sea and took a look at Lin Tian. He didn't take it seriously. Then he looked at the servant girl and Ning Laozu. After he didn't find anything, he stared at the masked woman.

"Girl, take off the veil." The young man stared at her and the masked woman frowned, "why?"

"That servant girl is also urgent way," why does our young lady want to pick the veil? "

But the young man laughed, "we deal with countless people every day, and there are many people who offend, and there are many people who escape, so we should make sure that you are not the one we want to catch, or our enemy."

But the servant girl still replied, "we are here for the first time, which is not what you know."

"Let's just pick it. What's so much nonsense?" The young man began to get serious, but the servant girl was in a hurry. As for the masked woman, her eyebrows were wrinkled, "is this really the case?"

"Yes, that's it." The young man said coldly, and the servant girl hurriedly looked at Lin Tian, "don't let my young lady pick it."

Lin Tian didn't know what was wrong with Miss Wen, but the other side helped him, so Lin Tian smiled at the young man and said, "we really came for the first time."

Huge sea also quickly explained, "yes, they are all new."

"Is it new? I'm not sure if it's time for you to talk nonsense!" When the young man finished, he was not happy, and even slapped Lin Tian.

But Ning Laozu blinked, and came to Lin Tian, and opened the cover, the other hand hit Ning Laozu directly.

The young man immediately said, "do you know who I am?"

That huge sea knew that the other side was angry, so quickly said, "don't be excited!"

"Hum, I'm heixuelin, the youngest son of the stronghold leader, heiyaofeng."

When Pang Dahai heard the origin of the other party, he immediately opened his eyes and looked unbelievable. But Ning Laozu said, "I don't care what your name is. If you are smart, you should make way quickly, otherwise."

"How dare you talk to me like this?" The black Yao peak immediately stormed out of the airway, and the nearby people came forward and surrounded them.

Huge sea knew that the trouble was going to be big, and at this time that Ning old ancestor glared, "really want to find something?"

"You stinky old man, believe it or not, I'll take care of you first?" This black Yao peak glared, and Ning Laozu directly released the immortal way.

They were immediately shocked. Some stuttered, "one, ten thousand immortals?"

"That's terrible."

Heiyaofeng didn't expect to meet a tough guy, but he was still young and vigorous, and he said, "my father is the stronghold leader, surrounded by experts like clouds, if you don't want to die, you can gather your strength."

Now the black Yao peak finish saying, still two eyes stare at Ning old ancestor, in the heart actually dark scold, "damn."

Ning Laozu grabbed him with one hand, others were shocked, and the black Yao peak said, "you, what do you want to do?"

"Let your people go, or I'll take care of you the first time." Naning master grabs his airway.

Black Yao Feng was completely afraid and shouted to those people, "let's get out of the way!"

Those people step aside one by one.

After the black Yao peak shouted, he asked the Ning ancestor, "is that ok?"

"Yes." When Ning Laozu finished speaking, he looked at Lin Tian, but this black Yaofeng took advantage of Ning Laozu's inattention, and suddenly a black snake crawled out of his sleeve and bit Ning Laozu.

Ning Laozu quickly let go, and the black peak disappeared into a dark shadow, while others also withdrew.

Later, Ning Laozu's arm turned black immediately, even his body was stiff.

The servant girl was shocked when she saw it. "This, what kind of snake."

Huge sea urgent way, "is a kind of poisonous snake in the snow forest, it is said that no matter how many fairyland people, as long as they are bitten, they will slowly stiffen, and finally die."

People's faces changed greatly. Lin Tian was the only one who was calm, while Hei Yaofeng in the dark laughed, "want to catch me? Don't see who I am! "

Ning Laozu was depressed. "Am I going to finish like this?"

While the servant girl comforted, "die, we will bury you."

"You little girl, curse me to death." That rather old ancestor afflicts way, and servant girl says however, "is not it?"

Ning Laozu had to sigh, "I didn't expect to die on a snake after ten thousand immortals."

At this time, Lin Tian grabbed his arm with one hand, inserted some needles, and then quickly dealt with the wound, as well as detoxification.

Only see Ning old ancestor's arm facial expression restores, and the whole person also had the big happy way after the vitality, "thank you adult."

Lin Tian put down his hand and said, "take a rest now. Don't use the immortal Qi, or you will be poisoned again."

"Ah? When will it be ok? "

"One day." Lin Tian replied, and Ning Laozu said gloomily, "then I can only watch it. I can't help you."

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