The snow, wind and thunder are going crazy. The people in the stronghold, except the stronghold leader, are better. Others can only escape.

All of a sudden, the whole area was left with the snow, wind and thunder. Lin Tian stared at him and asked with a smile, "now you are the one."

Looking at the distance, those people had already fled, and the snow thunder hummed, "a person is better, so I can concentrate on dealing with you."

"You don't know who I am, how to deal with me?" Lin Tian laughed at the snow and thunder, and the snow and thunder said angrily, "boy, how can I clean you up!"

"Don't worry, let them play with you." After Lin Tian finished, he released the shitaihe Tianwan.

The immortal spirits of these two people, however, can be said to be very powerful, much more powerful than the 20000 immortal spirits of this snow, wind and thunder.

However, Xue Fenglei didn't see anything, but stared at the two people and laughed, "boy, you let the two immortal spirits come out?"

"What? Do you look down on them? " Lin Tian asks with a smile, and Ning Laozu and others are curious about the origin of these two immortal souls released by Lin Tian.

Especially the servant girl asked, "Miss, these two, can you deal with that guy?"

Masked women are not very clear, can only say, "Mr. Lin, even let them out, that must have his reason."

The servant girl nodded. "That's right."

At this time, the snow, wind and thunder stared at the two immortal souls and sneered, "look how I killed them!"

Lin Tian said to them, "go and repair him."

When the two spirits heard this, they immediately whetted and rushed into the body of the snow, wind and thunder.

Snow, wind and thunder think that their souls are very strong and can resist these two immortal souls.

Who knows that when these two immortal souls enter the body, the snow, wind and thunder will know how terrible they are. Moreover, when powerful immortal souls enter other people's bodies, it is easy to take away other people's bodies.

So the snow, wind and thunder were in a hurry, and they began to struggle wildly. Lin Tian's ghost King took the opportunity to let them go. Until the ghost King rushed into his immortal soul, Lin Tian asked them to come back.

Snow, wind and thunder were red. "Boy, you almost killed me."

"How is it? Do you want them to come out again and play with you? " Lin Tian laughs at snow and thunder, and snow and thunder scolds, "you bastard, I can't spare you."

Finish saying, snow wind thunder wants to kill Lin Tian quickly, but just walk a few steps, Lin Tian says to him with a smile, "stop, stand there and don't move."

Snow, wind and thunder stood there, then did not move, but looked ugly, "this, what's the matter?"

"How is it? Feel comfortable? " Lin Tian asked the snow storm with a smile, and the snow storm was in a hurry. "Boy, you, what did you do to me?"

"It's nothing. It's just controlling you." Lin Tian smiled at him, and the look of snow, wind and thunder changed greatly. "What?"

The villagers in the distance were frightened, especially the stronghold leader said, "withdraw!"

Black Yao peak but depressed, "Dad, we are like this?"

"What else do you want? Hurry up! " The stronghold leader didn't want to be controlled like snow, wind and thunder. But snow, wind and thunder were in a hurry. He also stared at Lin Tian and scolded him.

Lin Tian laughs at him and goes over step by step, then breaks into the soul seal and steals the memory, only to find that this man has a piece of memory that is missing.

"Have you been erased?" Lin Tian stares at the snow and thunder strangely, and the snow and thunder hum, "that's right!"


"I want to know. I've already got it. I'll come here to rob?" Snow, wind and thunder are in a hurry, but Ning Laozu and others come here.

The servant girl asked around the snow, wind and thunder, "does he have no memory?"

"It's not a lack of memory, it's a partial loss, as if it can be erased by someone, and it's erased in the snow forest." Lin Tian explained.

Everyone exclaimed, and the snow, wind and thunder hummed, "yes, my memory is erased here, otherwise why do I come here? Just trying to figure out what's going on! "

Ning Laozu was curious and asked, "then why haven't you been led by the power since you are twenty thousand immortals?"

"I don't know. I'm here anyway. I'm fine all the time." "That snow wind thunder is not willing to answer.

Ning Laozu doubts, "the Moon Palace will not let everyone go."

The servant girl was more suspicious, but the masked woman said to Lin Tian, "Mr. Lin, it seems that this is not so simple."

Lin Tian's voice, and the snow, wind and thunder gave Lin Tian a white look, and said, "let me go, or I will never finish with you."

"Let you go? You're completely under my control now, and you don't even deserve to die. " Lin Tian smiles at him.

This makes snow, wind and thunder furious. "You, you bastard!"

"Oh? Not afraid of death? "

"I have no memory. I live like a walking corpse every day, so I am used to death." Said the snow, wind and thunder, not afraid of death.

But the servant girl laughed, "just now, those two immortal spirits enter your body, how can you be scared to death?"

"I'm not afraid to die, but I don't want to die like this." The snow, wind and thunder contradicted each other.

The servant girl continued to tease, but the snow, wind and thunder ignored. As for Lin Tian's mood, he said, "your life, I keep it, but you have to follow me."

"What if I don't go?"

"No way." Lin Tian finished, let the snow and thunder follow, and the huge sea, Lin Tian let him leave, after all, he has not been to the road behind.

But Xue Fenglei often works in this generation. He will be familiar with this place, so Lin Tiancai plans to take him with him.

But it annoyed Xue Fenglei and scolded Lin Tian, "you bastard, hurry, let me go."

Lin Tian didn't pay any attention to it, and let him call directly. But he was so noisy that Lin Tian had to walk and say, "you didn't think about your lack of memory, which is related to the North District."

"North District? Boy, are you kidding? " That snow, wind and thunder don't channel, but Lin Tian laughs and says, "don't forget that you came here to go to the North District, and then your memory disappears. Don't you think it's related to the North District?"

Lin Tian's words shocked snow, wind and thunder, but he did think about it many times, but he didn't dare to go to the North District every time, so he asked strangely, "you don't want to go to the North District, do you?"

"Yes, I'm going to the North District, don't you want to?" Lin Tian laughs at him, and the snow, wind and thunder naturally think, but just stay thinking, dare not go.

So the snow, wind and thunder fell into deep thought, and Lin Tian smiled and said, "follow us, we will take you."

But Xue Fenglei laughed, "how many people want to go to the North District, but has anyone succeeded? Not at all! "

"How do you know if you don't try? Or do you want to stay here forever as a bandit and wait for your memory to recover? " Lin Tian smiles at him.

Snow, wind and thunder were asked about the heart, and suddenly the whole person pondered, and Lin Tian picked up the mood and said, "think about it."

Finish saying, Lin Tian continues to move forward, but that servant girl smiles to see that snow storm thunder, "we are not afraid, you are a person of twenty thousand fairyland, even can be afraid!"

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