The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 2437 looking for people in ghost mountain

The Lord of the ghost maze thought that he was familiar with the painting. It was impossible for Lin Tian to find himself.

But the palace leader never thought that Lin Tian had a better understanding of the painting. He knew where he was. The ghost maze palace leader said, "boy, if you chase me again, I will let you know my horror."

"Oh? Do you want to continue the ghost thunder technique? " Lin Tian asked, and the master of the ghost maze hummed, "I will let you see more terrible."

"How terrible! Come on, let me see." Lin Tian stared at the ghost labyrinth palace leader and said, and the ghost labyrinth palace leader hummed, and then the fog came out on his body. The next moment, the whole person disappeared.

The fog surrounded Lin Tian, and the palace leader said proudly, "as long as I keep this transparent state, you can't know where I am."

"Then you really look down on me." Lin tianxie laughed, then closed his eyes and used space peeping.

The other party didn't know. He thought Lin Tian was in a daze, until Lin Tian suddenly played a virtual extinction to some place.

That emptiness fell on the palace leader, which made the palace leader scream.

Then the ghost labyrinth palace Lord appeared and the fog disappeared. Lin Tian smiled at him and said, "keep hiding."

The Lord of the ghost maze is afraid of Lin Tian. He can only stare at Lin Tian. "That man is a ghost statue, and a very terrible ghost statue."

"Oh? Is that right? " Lin Tian said coldly, while the master of ghost maze said urgently, "what I said is true."

"It's true, it's not true until you see it." Lin Tian finished saying, and then he flew away again. The master of the ghost maze dodged.

Lin Tian sneers, "still want to hide?"

"I've told you, but you don't let me go. Of course I'll hide." The master of the ghost maze apologized.

Lin Tian laughs, "if I catch you, I will make your life worse than death."

"By what?"

"With your participation against my apprentice!" Lin Tian's eyes flashed coldly, and then he played virtual extinction again, and the palace leader did not let Lin Tian encounter him.

Lin Tian had to say, "unexpectedly, I'll let you know that I'm terrible."

then, the space in the painting began to change, and the activity scope of the ghost maze palace master was getting smaller and smaller, as if something was squeezing the space.

"What's the matter?" The master of the ghost maze was in a hurry, and Lin Tian said with a smile, "I have transformed the painting."

"Painting? How can you transform the painting? "

"Because I can draw, too." Lin tianxie laughs, and the ghost maze palace leader is crazy, "you are a monster."

Lin Tian said coldly, "can't anyone tell you that I can't be offended?"

The ghost labyrinth palace leader was so worried that he began to struggle there, but the surrounding space was squeezed, leaving him nowhere to hide. He could only stare at it.

Lin Tian stared at him. "Don't struggle."

Struggle is bound to struggle, so the leader of the ghost maze palace is still struggling. Lin Tian laughs, "still struggling? Then I won't let you move. "

Finish saying, Lin Tian speeds up and binds the ghost labyrinth palace leader there.

After ghost labyrinth palace failed to take the initiative, his face became ugly. Lin Tian came to him and asked, "do you want to continue?"

The ghost labyrinth palace leader was depressed. "What should I say? What else do you want?"

"Of course, take a close look." After that, Lin Tian and his soul seal enter each other's soul.

The Lord of the ghost maze wants to resist, but Lin Tian's soul is too strong to resist at all, which makes him immediately be left with the soul seal.

This time, the master of ghost labyrinth was completely blinded and stared at Lin Tian innocently. "What do you want?"

"Tell me, that ghost, who is it."

"An old ghost of Guishan palace, who is haunted by spirits, no one knows where he is."

"What does it look like?"

The master of the ghost maze looked embarrassed. "I didn't see his face. I only knew that when he found me, he gave me this task."

Lin Tian had to ask, "what's special about him?"

"Special? It's very strong, and he said he's the old ghost of ghost mountain. He didn't leave any other information. "

After hearing this, Lin Tian took out a seal, sealed the ghost maze palace leader, and then added the soul devouring charm to make the palace leader scream.

Lin Tian doesn't pay attention to it. Instead, he cleans up his mind and leaves the palace of ghost maze. The ghost beasts stare at Lin Tian like monsters.

But Lin Tian left in a leap, and the black lion and other monsters looked at each other.

As for Lin Tian, after going out of the ghost maze and coming to the hill outside, Lin Tian brings out the black figure clay figure and the enchanting cold.

Seeing that he had come out again, meiyouhan wondered, "master, did he escape?"

"No, it's here." Lin Tian takes out that talisman, and meiyouhan laughs after seeing that the palace leader is tortured, "master, you are too cruel."

"Who told him to target you?" Lin Tian said casually, and the black figure mud figure on one side was frightened.

However, meiyouhan looks at the black figure and clay figure, "it seems that you are lucky."

"Thank you for not killing me," said the figure trembling

Meiyouhan smiled at him. "Later, be honest with me."


Lin Tian, however, saw his black figure and clay figure, "take me to ghost mountain."

"Ghost, ghost mountain?" The black figure clay figure was covered, but the spirit was cold and puzzled. "Master, what is this ghost mountain?"

"Guishan, the master of the ghost Kingdom, is also one of the ten guardians of the reincarnation hall."

Meiyou cold startled, "come so big."

"It's big, but they have a ghost Lord who instructs the leader of the ghost maze palace. I have to find him and clean him up." Lin Tian explained.

Hearing this, meiyouhan immediately startled, "is there anyone else?"

"The black shadow mud man is covered," it's the ghost mountain man

"No matter where I am, as long as I dare to target me, I will pull them out one by one and let them bury with me!"

The black figure clay man was afraid to speak, but the ghost cold stared at the black figure clay man and said with a smile, "lead the way."


Later, the black shadow clay man led Lin Tian and his two men forward, and they didn't come to the periphery of ghost mountain until a few days later.

There is a huge wall on the periphery, and there is a array on the wall.

When Lin Tian and others wanted to go, some of the disciples guarding the city wall flew out, and each one was a ghost. The leader was a ghost general.

The ghost put his hands back. "Who, what are you doing here?"

Lin Tian smiled. "I'm the ghost of Yang Wang."

"Ghost Yang king? He's been arrested, and you're looking for him? "

"Catch it?" Lin Tian had some accidents, and the ghost would hum, "the ghost Yang king, colluding with outsiders, sneaked into the ghost mountain, and was taken down by you adults."

Hearing this, Lin Tian knew that the king of ghost Yang was Yin, but he said with a smile, "then I will not find him, I will find you to manage!"

"In charge? For what? Are you qualified? " The other side despises the way.

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