Seeing that the ghost would be so crazy, the clay figure said, "if you don't want to die, make way."

The ghost would be very rough, so when he heard this, he gave a stare, "what do you say?"

"I said, get out of the way!" In order to please Lin Tian and meiyouhan, no matter who these people are, the black shadow clay figurine will directly open the joint.

"Something that doesn't know how to live or die." The ghost will have a drink, and those ghost errands are also heckling one after another, some still laugh at the ignorance of the black figure clay figure.

But when the clay figures of black shadow agglomerate countless soul Shadows, these people are scared to be silly, and even the ghost will stutter, "you!"

"Out of the way?" This black figure clay figure is cold, and the ghost will be in a hurry, "get out!"

The next moment, these guys scuttled back to the gate, which was closed with fear.

At the same time that ghost will still be inside roar way, "have ability to come."

The black figure clay figure looks at Lin Tian and says, "my Lord, what are we going to do now?"

"You let them open the gate, otherwise, I will break the array around the gate later."

"Yes." After the black shadow clay man took the command, he said to the array, "open it quickly. If you don't come, wait for your excellency, you will break the array."

"Strong breaking array?" The people inside laughed at once, obviously not taking the words of the black figure clay figure seriously.

The black figure clay man had to look at Lin Tian. "Look, my Lord."

"If that's the case, then stay with them." Lin Tian finished, went to the door and put his hand on it.

The people in it laughed at each other, and some said, "you, the Immortal Emperor, still want to break our array?"

"What an ignorant fellow."

"Boy, give up now, it's useless."

Just when the ghost sent all kinds of ridicule, the array weakened, and the gate of the city immediately lost its luster.

The ghosts in the back don't know yet, but when the black shadow clay man came up and smashed the door with one hand, the ghosts in it were scared to fly.

The ghost general was running and shouting at people, while Lin Tiansan walked into the periphery of the ghost mountain.

But for a while, there were many ghost generals and even a ghost emperor.

This ghost emperor, floating there, people respectfully said to him, "burn the ghost emperor."

The man, who was called the burning ghost emperor, was furious on his face. "What happened? It scares you like this. "

The ghosts told one by one, and finally pointed to Lin Tian, "he, they."

When the ghost burning emperor heard about the whole thing, he stared at the black clay figure, "who are you?"

"I, the black shadow clay man, the supreme elder of sanxiu ghost League." This black shadow clay figurine report.

When they heard that the supreme elder of sanxiu ghost League was shocked one by one, and the burning ghost emperor also gathered, "we ghost mountain and you sanxiu ghost League have never met each other, and there is no enmity, what are you doing here?"

"My Lord, I want you to be in charge." The black clay figure points to Lin Tian.

"In charge?" The ghost emperor was suspicious, and the ghost would complain, "he is with the ghost king."

Hear ghost Yang king, that burn ghost emperor frown way, "you really and ghost Yang king together?"

"Yes." Lin Tian said simply, and the ghost burning emperor said, "the king of ghost Yang betrayed our ghost mountain, and you are not only with him, but also dare to trespass here, don't you want to live?"

"Now, I just want to see you in charge. So, you ghost generals, ghost emperors and so on, don't make trouble for me." Lin Tian's words are very clear.

"Burning ghost emperor is angry," boy, do you think I will be afraid of you

But Lin Tian said with a smile, "I'm not afraid. It's not my business."

"Dying." The burning ghost emperor wanted to start, but the black shadow clay figure came forward and said, "let's fight."

The burning ghost emperor knows that the black shadow clay figure is comparable to some powerful ghost emperors and even some weak ghost lords, so he congeals and says, "I will not duel with you."

"I dare not even compete with you. Do you want to clean up my adult? Are you whimsical? " The black clay figure sneers.

Hear this, burn ghost emperor is angry way, "he is so weak, can compare?"

"He's weak?" The black figure clay man smiled, and the ghost burning emperor said, "what are you laughing at?"

"He is much stronger than me, and you call him weak?" This black figure clay figure has no choice but to smile.

Burning ghost emperor doesn't believe, "he's just a fairy emperor, how can he be better than you."

"I don't want to talk to you." The idea of the black shadow clay figure is that there is mud around the burning ghost emperor.

Seeing the black mud, the ghost emperor was shocked. He made a leap at once to avoid the attack and scolded, "you dare to attack me."

"It's not a surprise attack." Black shadow clay man's words, angry each other all kinds of scold.

Those ghost guards and ghost generals don't know what to do.

After scolding for a while, the ghost burning emperor quickly turned into a flame and reached Lin Tian. He planned to attack Lin Tian first.

Who knows, the burning ghost Emperor just came to Lin Tian's face, and Lin Tian died down together. The burning ghost emperor screamed, and then showed the original shape, and was scared to hide. "What attack?"

But the clay figure laughed, "what's it like, what's the taste?"

Hear this, burn ghost emperor to come angry, still depressed way, "you, do not want to frighten me!"

"Oh? Haven't experienced enough, have you? " The black figure mud man is smiling, but the ghost burning emperor is extremely depressed. "Don't worry, wait for us to come together, and you will be finished."

Finish saying, burn ghost emperor to everybody shout, "send what to stay, go up together."

Everyone looked at each other, don't know what to do, but burn ghost emperor airway, "I let you go together, what are you doing?"

These people want to, but they are afraid, so one by one look at each other, want to see who first.

But the clay figure laughed, "it seems that your people don't listen to you."

Burning ghost emperor had to airway, "then you come to me."

Those people passed by one after another, and the ghost emperor was cold, and then a huge shadow appeared on his body.

The shadow, like a king, issued its majesty and said, "then I will use your strength."

After that, the burning ghost emperor absorbed the power of those people, but those people were frightened and wanted to escape, but it was too late.

At last, the burning ghost emperor became very mad, and the black figure clay man said to Lin Tian, "my Lord, here."

"I know that ghost art is the most commonly used to enhance ghost art, but it needs to consume other people's power, and each time it is cast, it lasts for half an hour."

Seeing Lin Tian, I understand that the black figure clay figurine doesn't ask much, but the ghost cold doubts, "master, is this kind of ghost emperor skill powerful?"

"After being strong, cultivation is comparable to ghost worship, but there is a time limit." Although Lin Tian didn't say that he was powerful, he said that he was equivalent to Guizun. He knew that it was not easy.

"This time, see how I kill you!"

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