The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 2439 the Lord of the ghost Palace

After burning the ghost emperor's arrogance, he was more fierce, then he laughed and walked step by step, just like a fat man who had enough to eat and drink.

The black shadow clay man attacked him again, but the burning ghost Emperor gave a loud drink and broke the clay of the clay man.

The black figure clay man was shocked. "So strong?"

"Yes, that's it!" The ghost burning emperor is crazy, and the black figure clay man is in a hurry. He looks at Lin Tian, "my Lord, what can I do now?"

"Don't worry." Lin Tian didn't worry about it at all, but the ghost burning emperor stared at Lin Tian and smiled, "don't you worry? Do you have any other way to deal with me? "

"Maybe it is." Lin Tian laughs at the burning ghost emperor.

But the emperor of burning ghost snorted, "I don't know how to live or die."

Finish saying, burn ghost emperor roars, then a strength hits Lin Tian, that strength is very strong, after all is ghost emperor.

However, Lin Tian is still standing there, not even being beaten, just a blow to the soul.

"How is it possible?" The burning ghost emperor was shocked, and his eyes showed strange panic.

"Come on, go on." Lin Tian smiled at the burning ghost emperor and said, "OK, I will let you die!"

Finish saying, burn ghost emperor takes out oneself full power, then attack Lin Tian crazily.

But Lin Tian was there, letting the other side attack, and the burning ghost emperor attacked for a long time, thinking that Lin Tian could be easily solved.

Something unexpected happened.

Lin tianxie laughed, "what are you doing?"

Burn ghost emperor Meng, "you."

"Is there any other way?" Lin Tian asked again, and the burning ghost emperor started to retreat and then flew forward in fear.

But the black figure clay man joked, "this guy, it's cowardly."

Meiyouhan said, "to fight with my master is to die."

Lin Tian picked up his mood and smiled, "OK, let's go."

They immediately followed Lin Tian's steps, and after burning ghost emperor ran back, they brought a group of ghost emperors. They thought that so many ghost emperors could take Lin Tian down as long as they joined hands.

When these ghost emperors saw that Lin Tian was just a fairy emperor, they laughed at the burning ghost emperor one after another. Some said, "burning ghost emperor, this is the master you said?"

"Burn ghost emperor, are you too vegetable? To lose to a fairy emperor? "

In the face of these people's ridicule, the ghost emperor was dissatisfied, but he was helpless, and said to a relatively old man, "my Lord, you are the temple master of our ghost emperor's hall, you should be able to see his horror."

The hall leader of the ghost emperor hall, however, looked up and down at Lin Tian, but he could not see how terrible Lin Tian was. Instead, he looked at Lin Tian curiously and said, "boy, I am the hall leader of the ghost emperor hall, Gu Feng."

"I don't care if your name is Gu Feng or whatever. I just want to know if you can speak for you in Guishan?"

"What do you mean?" Gu Feng did not understand and stared at Lin Tian. Lin Tian said, "first, I want you to release the ghost Yang king. Second, I want you to work for me. Third, I want to find a ghost Zun!"

These three conditions, for them, are impossible, and Gu Feng laughs at Lin Tian, "boy, who do you think you are? How dare you negotiate with me? "

"No way?"

"Nonsense, where do you think I am? Do you dare to make trouble as an Immortal Emperor? " The valley wind suddenly cooled down and shouted.

But Lin Tian didn't take them seriously. Instead, he said, "I will challenge you until you agree."

"What? Challenge us? " These people look at each other, and Lin Tian laughs, "yes, I want to challenge all of you."

These ghost emperors get angry and are not happy one by one. But the burning ghost emperor says to the valley wind, "my Lord, his defense is very strong, and he can't be hurt at all."

"A fairy emperor, still tell me very strong? Are you out of your head? " Gu Feng despised Dao, while the burning ghost emperor said gloomily, "what I said is true."

"Don't talk nonsense, give me a good look." Gu Feng finished, and ordered to others, "go ahead, repair him well, let him know where we are."


These people immediately surrounded Lin Tian and wished to tear him up. But Lin Tian smiled at them and said, "come?"

Those ghost emperors didn't say a word and started attacking directly, while the black figure and clay figurine looking at the back took a breath, "my Lord, it's not easy."

"My master, these cats and dogs can't bully you." It's cold and magical.

But after those ghost emperors attacked, they found that they couldn't do anything about Lin Tian. They frowned one by one, so they tried several times, and the result was the same.

That Gu Feng began to feel something wrong, and those ghost emperors returned and complained to Gu Feng.

"No, my Lord."

"My Lord, this boy, seems to have some magic weapon to defend us."

Gu Feng hears this hum way, "have magic weapon, tear down."

With that, Gu Feng leaped forward and came to Lin Tian, and beat him out with one hand, intending to kill Lin Tian. Lin Tian smiled strangely and went straight to him.

After that Gu Feng was hit, he screamed on the spot, and all the people were shocked and asked about Gu Feng one after another.

Gu Feng's face changed greatly, but he soon calmed down and stared at Lin Tian. "Who are you, boy?"

Lin Tian smiled but didn't speak, and the black clay figure threatened, "he is Lin Di, who made the whole ghost Kingdom tremble ten thousand years ago."

"Lin, Lin Di!" These ghost emperor one by one scared silly, even that Gu Feng all dementia way, "how is possible."

"Believe it or not, but you've just experienced his strength," said the black shadow clay figurine

These people looked at each other, and at the same time they were frightened. Lin Tian stared at them and said, "three conditions, do you agree?"

These ghost emperors naturally can't agree, and Gu Feng said, "boy, I don't care who you are, but when you arrive at our ghost mountain, you have to listen to us."

Lin tianxie smiled, "listen to you? Do you think you still have the right to fight me? "

Gu Feng Leng after the next said, "try, you will know."

After that, Gu Feng asked everyone to use the ghost Empire skill. The ghost Empire skill needs other soul bodies, so they called the ghost mountain, the ghost generals and the ghost messenger.

After calling, these ghost emperors are not polite at all, absorbing their strength directly, and those ghosts will send all kinds of curses to ghosts.

But who let these people be ghost emperor, they also can only light scold, but cannot make a mistake.

In this way, after a long time, Gu Feng and others became aggressive one by one, and they were full of morale, even thought that Lin Tian could be defeated easily.

Lin Tian laughs, "no matter how you change, it will have no effect on me."

"No impact? Boy, are you crazy

"I'm not crazy, I'm just telling the truth." In a word, Lin Tian was so angry that these ghost emperors stormed and rushed to attack Lin Tian again.

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