Seeing that these two people still don't agree with each other, Lin Tian sneers, "so you think you are very good, very powerful, right?"

"Of course." One person's whole body is ablaze with fire. I wish I could find Lin Tian and burn him, while the other is ablaze with gold. The shadow of the sword is twining. I wish I could smash Lin Tian with sword Qi.

Lin tianxie laughed, "that line, I will take you down personally, let you see, you who have the divinity, in fact, are also vulnerable."

Lin Tian's words annoyed the two people. The man with the twinkling fire hummed, "believe it or not, I will turn this place into a sea of fire?"

"Then try." Lin Tian laughs at him, and the man hums, stomps on the ground, and his whole body bursts out.

This power, spread to the surrounding, the shadows spread one by one, and the air also fell into the sea of fire.

At that time, Lu Qin thought that countless sands appeared around the person who released the fire.

The man was surprised. "Lu Qin, what do you mean?"

"I have followed him." In a word, Lu Qin was so angry that the man said, "so you want to betray the organization?"

"This organization, originally meaningless, just want to let more people suffer." The voice of Lu Qin was so angry that the man said, "wait, we will report to the elder."

Finish saying, after these two people look at each other, in a blink of an eye, they disappear from the original place, but meiyouhan looks at Lin Tian curiously, "master, did you take him

"Yes." Lin Tian's words let meiyouhan relax, but when she found that the fire was no longer green, she doubted and asked, "what about the fire?"

"She's got a great master." Lin Tian laughs strangely, but meiyouhan doubts, "what's wrong?"

Lin Tian didn't say much, but looked at Lu Qin. "There is another woman who came here earlier."

"Women?" Lu Qin didn't understand, but Lin Tian showed Mo junchou's paintings, and Lu Qin Ning said again, "because of her talent, she was summoned by the leader after she also gathered her divinity."


"Yes, we have a leader whose strength is immeasurable. There are six elders below. As for the others, they are just like me. They are people who attract people to unite divinity here."

"Where can I find her?"

"Turn over the outside woods and come to a high mountain, where we usually gather." Lu Qin explained.

"Lead the way." Lin Tian said that Lu Qin was shocked. "Are you really going?"

"Of course." Lin Tiansi is not taboo, but Lu Qin has no choice but to take them out of the tower, but meiyouhan does not know what happened, so she asked one by one, and the people knew the origin of the tower and the forest.

Especially when the bone alliance leader and the ghost lady heard about it, they were both shocked and looked unbelievable.

Lu Qin continued to lead the way, until half an hour, they walked out of the forest and came to a path, and through the path, they could see a high mountain in front, and on the high mountain, they could see many buildings and some clouds, just like the holy mountain.

But the bone ally leader was timid and said, "do all those people have gods?"

"Yes." Lu Qin nodded his head, while the bone ally leader congealed and said, "aren't we going to die?"

Lin Tian said with a smile, "to be exact, they are called pseudo gods. They are just stronger than immortal, but they are far from the real gods, so don't worry."

The bone alliance leader and his wife heard this, and they were a little relieved, but meiyouhan said, "master, those who also have divinity, are you surprised by their strength?"

"You ask him, he should know better." Lin Tian looks at Lu Qin and explains, "we rank according to our strength. If we feel that we are better than others, we can challenge them and get the corresponding ranking. The first person will become an elder according to their strength. As for the leader, we don't need to participate. The people below the leader are all ranked according to their strength."

"So the six elders also take turns?" In theory, no one can shake them since they have become six elders, because they are so powerful that even the six elders with the lowest accomplishments can't resist me

Taking a breath, meiyouhan said, "it sounds terrible."

The bone alliance leader and the ghost lady have been shocked. Especially in Lu Qin, they are all vulnerable. If they meet the so-called elder level, they are just like little dolls when they meet an adult and let others kill them.

Lin Tian didn't think about it so much. He went ahead in silence until several figures came in the air and a voice said, "Lu Qin, you dare to break the rules openly."

"It's the six elders, leave Aotian!" Lu Qin was shocked, but meiyouhan suddenly got excited. "Here we are."

Bone alliance leader and ghost lady hurried to Lin Tian's back, and borrowed Lin Tian's massive body to block them.

At this time, a man in a red robe and a red hat with a fiery red ball on his hat fell down. At the same time, a group of people appeared around him, including the two just now.

I saw all kinds of complaints and accusations from the two men, and the man looked at Lin Tian coldly. "Boy, if you don't want to die, please forgive me!"

Lin Tian suddenly smiled, and the cold eyes from Aotian flashed, "why? Do you think I'm kidding you? "

"No, I just think it's useless for you to scare me." Lin Tian stared at this Li Aotian and said with a smile, while Li Aotian hummed, "I have been an elder for hundreds of thousands of years, and no one dares to talk to me like this."

"It's hundreds of thousands of years, but look at your face, it's almost all dark. If a million years passed, would you go black?" Lin Tian laughs at him, but leaves the proud weather to be urgent way, "that is better than you die immediately."

"Want me to die? But not to you! " Lin tianxie laughs, and that leaves Ao Tiandao, "look for death!"

The surrounding area immediately turned into a sea of fire, and those with divinity all felt uncomfortable and flew into the air one after another, especially those of meiyouhan. Lin Tian said to them, "all of you stand back."

These several people retreat one after another, but leave Ao Tian to see Lin Tian unexpectedly don't dodge after cold way, "how? Do you want to be one-on-one with me? "

"Against you, alone, enough." Lin Tian said confidently, but he said, "enough? Ha ha! "

"Yes, but you don't have to be careful. Suddenly you attack some of them, or they will make people laugh, right?" In order to prevent that guy from sneaking on meiyouhan and others, Lin Tian deliberately stimulates this Li Aotian.

As for the arrogant Li Aotian, he was cheated and sneered, "I don't need to be so mean to deal with you!"

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