The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 2469 is a bit tricky

"You are not despicable, but will these people around you take advantage of mobile hands?" Lin Tian looks up at those people, and the one who is away from Aotian hums, "who dares to do it without my command?"

As soon as the words came out, the people who were ready to move on top of their heads were too scared to start, and Lin Tian laughed, "that's so. Then, I don't need to talk nonsense, just start."

After seeing Lin Tian's madness, Li Aotian immediately increased his strength, and the flames around him became crimson and more powerful.

The bone alliance leader outside said uneasily, "Sir, will something happen?"

The ghost Niang also congealed and said, "although emperor Lin is powerful, he is only Emperor Xian after all."

Lu Qin also doubted, "it's not easy to leave the power of the elder."

However, meiyouhan was confident in Lin Tian and said, "is there anything I can master?"

Although this is encouraging, several people in Lu Qin always feel a bit insecure, and those people in the air are shouting.

"Leave the elder and destroy him."

"Leave the elder and kill him!"

"Make his life worse than death!"



under all kinds of shouting, this one is more crazy from Aotian, making the flame height around Lintian reach more than one person.

Seeing Lin Tian is like being engulfed by the fire, but laughing at Lin Tian when you are away from Aotian. "Boy, I think your talent is good. It's better to go to the Ghost Tower, let yourself have a divinity, join us, then I can make you my closest follower."

When they heard that they were most close to their attendants, they got excited one by one, but Lin Tian laughed, "attendants? I don't think you're qualified to be my valet. "

As soon as the words came out, Li Aotian was not happy at once, and stared at Lin Tian coldly. "You know what is death, boy?"

"I don't know if you're going to die, but I know you're going to die." Lin Tian laughs and looks away from Aotian, then directly extinguishes the flames around him.

Everyone was shocked, and meiyouhan immediately said happily, "look, this is my master."

Lu Qin took a breath and said, "even the six elders can put out the fire. How powerful it is."

Those people in the air were even more blinded and talked about one after another, but Li Aotian was a man who wanted to face. He glanced at Lin Tian coldly and said, "don't think that breaking a little flame is great, boy."

"Then try my fire." Lin Tian is very straightforward and directly releases colorful flames.

Seeing the colorful flame, he stared at pride, "you, how can you get this kind of flame?"

"Envy? Jealous? " Lin Tian asked back, and this one left Aotian in a hurry, "say, who are you?"

"Me? Of course it's a person you can't think of. " Lin tianxie laughs, suddenly countless shadows disperse, and then all of them are defeated.

The man said, "boy, I have a spiritual barrier."

"Forget, you've gathered your divinity. It's time for the spirit barrier." Lin Tian had to put away the emptiness.

Because of emptiness, it is impossible to pass through the strong barrier of spirit.

This makes Li Aotian very proud. "Even if you know it's not possible, give up, because any attack you make will not work for me."

"Not for you?"

"Is there any way you can hurt me?" This is getting more and more crazy from Aotian. He doesn't take Lin Tian seriously at all.

Lin tianxie smiled, "do you dare to resist my attack?"

"What if I fight and you follow me later?" That leaves Ao Tian to be proud of a way, but Lin Tian is strange smile, "if you lose, then you have to do a thing for me."

"It's a deal." He was very happy to leave Aotian, and then began to stand there, ready to let Lin Tian attack.

Lin Tian gathers a paintbrush, and people around him are curious about what the paintbrush is. As for Lu Qin, he mutters, "is this useful for dealing with elders?"

Lin Tian is just trying at the moment, because he doesn't know whether the spirit barrier can resist the spirit seal.

Therefore, Lin Tian began to perform in that place, and then countless shackles bound this Liaotian, and Liaotian suddenly felt that the soul was pulled by something and frowned, "how? Want to lock my soul? "

"Almost that." Lin Tianxiao said that he could be away from Aotian's strange smile, "then you have chosen the wrong one."

"Wrong object? Do you want to try? " Lin Tian finished, smiled strangely, and then pulled the chain.

The spirit, which is far away from Aotian, is pulled out of it, and this scene scares people.

Lu Qin is surprised, "here, pull out."

Meiyouhan complains, "look, my master, it's fierce."

The face of Li Aotian changes greatly, and then roars. The spirit directly breaks the shackles and returns to the body.

Lin Tian smiled bitterly. "It seems that this move does not have a great impact on you."

"Give up, boy." From the proud sky laugh, and the charm cold depressed way, "this is OK?"

Lu Qin sighed, "I'm away from the elder, but I'm one of the six elders. My strength is terrible."

"More than strength, the soul is strong." The ghost lady knows how strong the soul is.

The bone alliance leader is more timid way, "it seems that this time the adult met the opponent."

But Lin Tian laughed, and a Buddhist voice would appear. When Li Aotian heard the voice, he looked around and said, "boy, what's your move?"

"If you can last an hour, I'll give up. How about that?"

"Oh? Really? "

"Yes." Lin Tian smiled at him, and he said confidently, "OK, then I'll make you convinced."

After that, Li Aotian stood there and let the Buddha god decide to attack him. Lin Tianxin murmured to himself, "this guy is really hard to deal with, but when he meets the Buddha God, he should only have bad luck."

But everyone didn't know, especially those who watched the battle in the sky, cheered Li Aotian one after another, and some shouted, "leave the elder to be mighty!"

Hearing these people's cries, the bone alliance leader was even more flustered, and the ghost lady said, "if this time, we can't take each other down, then, my Lord, it's over."

However, meiyouhan believed in Lin Tian and said, "don't worry, my master, no one can make him compromise easily, let alone the one he can't solve."

People were puzzled, especially Lu Qin, who was still frowning, "master, you have such great ability?"

"Of course, he has been to the gods." This charming and quiet cold complacent way, but Lu Qin startled to rise, "has been to the divine kingdom?"

"Yes, how about it? How powerful! " Lu Qin wondered, "he should know to go to the divine Kingdom, right?"

"What? You're not going to let him tell you how to get to the gods, are you? " "If I can't go to the divine kingdom for millions of years, I will become a pile of stones like other people," Lu Qin said

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