The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 2471 that's power!

Wu Gang was so angry that he hummed. Then Lin Tian immediately froze into stone, and the onlookers immediately gloated.

"Look, I'll say he's weak."

"But how can he win away from the elder?"

Li Aotian looks ugly at the moment, because Lin Tian will die if something happens to him, so Li Aotian looks at Wu Gang who is crazy for himself. "Five elders, that one."

"Do you think I'm as useless as you?" Wu Gang is very proud, but Li Aotian doesn't know how to speak when he hears this.

But Lu Qin worried, "it's over."

Meiyouhan smiled confidently. "My master didn't finish, it means nothing."

"But he was frozen to stone." This Lu Qin pointed to Lin Tian's weird way, and the charming cold strange smile, "waiting to see a good play."

This puzzled Lu Qin. At this time, Lin Tian's stone carving turned into powder immediately. But he stood on a stone behind the crowd.

"What are you looking at, gentlemen?" Lin Tian's face was smiling, and everyone turned around in fright and was shocked one by one.

Some stuttered, "that's terrible."

"How did he get behind us?"

"That was smashed, wasn't it?"

Wu Gang was even more puzzled, "boy, you were hit by me just now, why are you still ok?"

"What did you hit?" Lin Tianbian said and laughed, and then released countless ghosts. When they saw them, they were shocked one by one.

"Here." People are so stupid that they can't believe what they see in front of them.

Wu Gang immediately got angry. "It's a shadow!"

Li Aotian was relieved. Lu Qin wiped his forehead with cold sweat. As for the bone alliance leader and the ghost lady, they also let it down.

"See, my master, it's just so crazy," said meiyouhan with his hands crossed

At this time, Wu Gang started again, and the whole body turned into a brown air flow, shuttling around, breaking all the shadows in an instant.

But in the end, when Wu just hit Lin Tiantu, the whole man was retreated after the earthquake, and his forehead was still angry with a bag, and he glared at Lin Tian angrily, "you."

"I thought you practiced iron head skill!" Lin tianxie laughed, and those who were watching couldn't help laughing.

"Laugh what laugh? Want to be punished? " Wu Gang angrily shouted, and the people immediately shut up, but the one who was away from Aotian persuaded, "five elders, he is very not simple, so you still don't fight with him!"

"Six elders! You think I'm you? Will he scare you? " Just after Wu finished, he changed a picture in his hand.

At the same time, the brown light on the painting flickered, and people were shocked to see it. Some people stammered, "land illusion."

"Do the five elders want it?"

At this time, the sky and the whole mountain changed everywhere, and then people appeared in a thick stone forest.

These stone forests, all of which come out of the ground, are illusions, so we all know that they are flying one by one.

But Lin Tian and Wu Gang are floating in the air looking at each other.

"Boy, this is the magic in my painting, but it's enough to kill you." This Wu Gang swore.

"Magic wants to destroy me? You may have looked down on me too much. " Lin Tian smiled bitterly, but Wu Gang and Xie smiled. Then countless stones appeared around Lin Tian and attacked Lin Tian frantically.

Lin Tian changes into a magic shadow, but no matter how much it changes, it will be attacked by countless stones. Wu Gang complains, "boy, this magic skill is real and fake, and no matter how many shadows you have, they will attack, so you want to avoid it by the shadow. It's silly."

When they heard this, they cried out one by one, but left Aotian in a hurry. "Five elders, can't you reconcile?"

"Accommodation? Is he our man? And accommodation? " This Wu Gang hum a voice, completely do not leave proud days of words in the eyes.

But Li Aotian was in a hurry. Lu Qin was even more worried. Only meiyouhan was calm as before. Lin Tian stared at Wu Gang and said with a smile, "it's a painting. I'll change it."

"Funny, my picture, but God painting, do you know god painting? That's a artifact! That is to say, it was made by the high man of the divine kingdom! " Wu Gang is proud of the way, but Lin Tian laughs, "no matter it's artifact or painting, it's just painting!"

After that, Lin Tian made countless immortal crystals, and they flew in different directions one by one, and then the stones disappeared.

Wu Gang wondered, "strange, it's all gone."

"Because I changed it." After Lin Tian finished speaking, his mind moved and countless boulders appeared around him, but the target of attack was Wu Gang.

Wu Gang was shocked. "Impossible!"

People are confused, and that away from arrogant dementia way, "god painting can be changed?"

Not only from Aotian, there are so many people have such a strange idea, and Lu Qin blinked, "this."

Meiyouhan smiled proudly, "see, what is impossible to become possible?"

"It's terrible." Lu Qin exclaimed directly, and Wu Gang dodged around, then airway, "wait for me to go out, then clean you up."

After that, Wu Gang is ready to leave, and Lin Tian smiles, "I'm sorry, I changed the exit, so you don't know where the exit is now."

"What?" Wu Gang's eyes widened, and the disciples around him exclaimed, "can't we go out?"

"It's not that you can't go out, but that you need the emperor's permission."

"Are you kidding?"

From proud sky also Meng, "this all ok?"

Not to mention Lu Qin's several people, but Wu Gang was so angry that he stared at Lin Tian when he knew there was no way to leave. "Boy, I've fought with you!"

Wu Gang's momentum soared, then his whole body was petrified and turned into a stone man. Lin Tian said with a smile, "petrifaction is a magic skill."

"Are you afraid?"

"If you are a real God, maybe I can't deal with it. Unfortunately, you are just a fake God with a God's personality, but you can't break out the real power of divinity." Lin Tianbian said and laughed.

Hearing this, Wu Gang rushes across angrily, "eat my fist!"

At the same time, Wu Gang punched out, and the fist turned into a huge stone pillar, and rushed to Lin Tian.

Unfortunately, Lin Tian is still a shadow, so after the stone pillar broke through, Lin Tian appeared in other places and smiled at him, "even if you are tired, you can't touch me."

"You." Wu Gang felt that he was going crazy, so he changed again, making his body bigger and become a little giant, trying to trample Lin Tian to death.

But there were Lin Tian everywhere. He didn't know which target to choose, which made him crazy. "Monster, you are a monster!"

It's not only Wu Gang's feeling, but also the people who gathered around have connected Lin Tian and the monster one by one.

Lu Qin also stammered, "my Lord, I am worthy of being an adult!"

Meiyouhan said happily, "the man who wants to take my master has not been born!"

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