The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 2472 all kinds of flattery

In that Wu Gang but still insist, until Lin Tian helpless shook his head, "so go on, only waste time."

"Waste time, I'll kill you too!" Wu Gang is very persistent, and Lin Tianxiao says, "Oh? Is that right? "

At this time, countless stones gather in the space, directly hit Wu Gang one by one, and then "boom" to press Wu Gang under a high mountain.

Lin Tian, also flew to this mountain, then sprinkled some gold powder, and wrote a few big words on the mountain.

These words, like seals, make the mountain heavier, and even Wugang can't break away.

This shocked Wu Gang and said, "it's impossible. How could this painting condense such a heavy mountain?"

"The mountain is an ordinary mountain, but with the seal of God I wrote, it becomes a seal." Lin Tian laughs.

"Seal of God?" Wu Gang stared.

Not only Wu Gang, but also all the people here are curious about what the seal of God is. Lin Tian is too lazy to explain. He just stares at Wu Gang. "Are you still not satisfied?"

Wu Gang wants to fight again, but at the moment, he is crushed there. He can't even use his strength.

"My power, how, is it gone?" Wu Gang's eyes widened, and Lin Tianxiao said, "the effect of the seal."

"You." Wu Gang is in a hurry, but meiyouhan rushes to Lin Tian and excitedly says, "master, you have such a powerful ability, and it's also passed on to me?"

"Theosophical, and must have the spirit to use."


"Yes, this space just absorbed a lot of spirit from the outside world, and I just used it for a while, and then I did it." Lin Tianqing wrote.

But in front of meiyouhan is God like existence, excited she said, "master, you must let me become a God, learn your good skill."

"Don't worry, it will come to you sooner or later."

"Yes, master!" The spirit is cold and excited, but the onlookers look at each other. Lu Qin is excited and asks, "Sir, are you really from the divine kingdom?"

"I have." Lin Tian's three words directly make everyone in the audience stare at each other, and Li Aotian is even more excited, "my Lord, you have been to the divine kingdom."

"I have been to the divine Kingdom and become a God. Have you ever said that?" Lin Tian asked back, and he was so excited from Aotian that he arched his hand and said, "adults, villains are not talented. Please take me to the divine kingdom."

Lu Qin hurriedly said, "I want it too."

Other onlookers, but also one by one, gathered around, "I, we also want!"

charm cold, unable to Tucao, "just one gloat, now ask my master?"

The onlookers looked embarrassed one by one, but Lin Tian ignored them and stared at Wu Gang instead.

Wu Gang looks at Lin Tian strangely. "Have you really been to the divine kingdom?"

"What do you say?" Lin Tian stares at Wu Gang, who is a little moved. "Well, if I follow you, will you also take me to the divine kingdom?"

people immediately booed one, obviously Wu Gang suddenly betrayal, let everyone despise, even charm cold, all Tucao channel, "just now very stubborn, how now soft?"

"I can't beat him anyway." Wu Gang has realized the reality and is very depressed.

Lin Tian stared at him with his hands back to back. "So, you surrender?"

"Yes, surrender."

Lin Tian pulls his soul out directly with one hand, and people are shocked to see this scene.

Wu Gang was even more anxious. "You, what are you going to do?"

"That's the only way I can trust you." Lin tianxie smiles, and then breaks into the soul seal. After Wu Gang's move back to the body, he looks foolish on the spot.

Lin Tian takes out the seal of the mountain and destroys the mountain. Wu Gang stares at Lin Tian in horror.

The onlookers didn't expect Lin Tian to have all the five or six elders tamed, but Lin Tian pointed to the air and waved, and the whole magic disappeared.

Everyone came back to the mountain, but everyone became very enthusiastic about Lin Tian.

Lin Tian can't stand this. Instead, he asks two of them to lead the way to the four elders.

But when they got to a bridge, they stopped and didn't dare to go, because there was a stone tablet beside the bridge, "trespasser, die."

Li Aotian pointed to the bridge and said, "my Lord, walking across the bridge, is the peak of the four elders, ancient Mufeng!"

"Ancient Mufeng?" How does Lin Tian feel that the name is so strange, and the voice from Aotian: "originally, there were only four elders on this mountain. A while ago, after she had one more apprentice, she had two. However, no one was allowed to step in, otherwise, she would be abandoned."

"Well, I see. Lead the way."

"Lead the way? I don't think so. " Li Aotian was a little embarrassed, but Wu Gang said, "if he doesn't take it, I will take it."

"You are not afraid to die?" said Li Aotian

"I'm afraid, but I'm more afraid of adults." Wu Gang looks at Lin Tian and is covered with goosebumps. Lin Tian smiles and says, "take it."

Wu Gang and en Sheng immediately lead the way, and several people of meiyouhan keep up with them. As for Li Aotian, he bites his teeth, so he has to keep up with him, but he dares not step in when watching outside.

In this way, these people cross the bridge, and the charming cold can't help looking back. They find that there is a mist behind them and a mist in front of them. Then they wonder, "why can't they see the front and the back?"

Li Aotian explained, "there is a array to block everyone's divine sense, so that everyone can't see the situation on the ancient wooden peak."

Meiyouhan suddenly realized, but she was a little timid when she left Aotian. She even looked around for fear of something coming out.

Until a while later, when they got out of the bridge, they saw the original appearance of the mountain.

I see flowers everywhere, just like a sea of flowers.

For the ghost cold, it is a great temptation, even exclaim, "wow ~"

the ghost lady can't help saying, "it's beautiful!"

"The more beautiful things are, the more terrible they are." He sighed from Aotian, and then a long voice came from the mountain, "who said the more beautiful things, the more terrible."

Li Aotian's face turned red with fright. "Four elders, I, I said nothing!"


"Yes, yes!" He nodded wildly before he saw anyone, and the voice was drinking in the dark. "Who dare to come to my ancient Mufeng, don't you know my rules?"

Li Aotian quickly explained, "four elders, these people are your apprentice's friends, so they come to find your apprentice."

"My apprentice? Shut up! As for these people, how do I know whether they are enemies or friends? " The man has no trust in Lin Tian and others.

Lin Tian said with a smile, "I don't know if you are an enemy or a friend!"

"What?" The woman in the dark gets angry at once, and the flowers and plants around immediately swing up, as if there is a strong breath.

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