The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 2700 confrontation

When they saw the shadow disappear, they thought that Lin Tian's separation was the real one. Who knew that these separation disappeared one by one, and before they left, they laughed at the old drunkard, "you are the only one who wants to catch me?"

With that, Lin Tian's body disappeared, and those people looked unbelievable one by one.

"It seems that my Shizu is still very strong," he said with a smile

The old wine ghost thought that Lin Tian could be easily taken down if he exposed his identity. However, even if his identity was exposed, he didn't scare Lin Tian, but let Lin Tian slip away.

This made the old drunk lose face, looked around, and then began to track up until he found Lin Tian had gone somewhere and laughed, "think he can hide?"

See old wine Ghost a leap, go to that area and go, as for everybody to catch up with one after another.

But when the crowd saw the old drunkard coming out of a deserted yard, someone immediately said, "you can't go there."

The old drunk stopped and said coldly, "why?"

The man stammered, "this is the forbidden area. No one can enter except the emissary or the leader of the forum."

The old drunk took out the token again. "Can't I?"

Those people dare not say a word, obviously they dare not challenge the people in the ancient shadow hall, but mingyuyue laughs and says, "it's no use scaring people. If you have the ability, go in."

"I will." Old wine ghost finish saying, a leap, rush into the deserted yard, then disappear in front of the public.

Mingyuyue wants to go out with him. Lin Tian appears separately and says with a smile, "don't go in."

"Shizu, why are you here?" Ming invites the moon to be startled, but others are also frightened. As for Lai pitian, he is even more nervous and stares at Lin Tian.

Lin Tian said with a smile, "I'm just separated. I've already entered."

After hearing this, mingyuyue asked, "Shizu, is it dangerous?"

"There are many arrays in it, but it suits me very well." Lin Tian laughed and asked the moon, "do you want to use the array again?"

"Why not?" Lin Tian finished, then disappeared in a blink of an eye, and the Lai PI Tian let go of his way, "it's too scary."

At this moment, looking for Lin Tian's old drunkard in this deserted yard, finally saw a ladder, and walked in.

But after entering the stairs, I found that I had entered the underground chamber, and there were visions everywhere. I couldn't tell the direction at all.

"Well, isn't it nice here?" Lin Tian's voice was laughing, and the old drunk immediately looked at the source of the voice and saw Lin Tian standing there laughing at him.

"Boy, do you think this place can stop me?" Old wine ghost airway, and Lin Tian laughs at him, "you try, don't know."

Old wine ghost's cold eyes flashed, and then he came to Dalin, but it was still a shadow.

Therefore, when the old wine ghost met Lin Tian, Lin Tian disappeared like a shadow.

"You have the ability to come out!" The old drunk felt like he was going crazy, but Lin Tian said with a smile, "come to me if you have the ability. I don't have time to play with you."

Finish saying, Lin Tian is gone, and the old wine devil has to continue to feel Lin Tian's wine spirit, and try to find Lin Tian by this way.

But when he got to the underground, the old drunk couldn't feel Lin Tian's wine, which made him depressed and said, "how could this happen?"

At this time, Lin Tian has come to a secret room. There are five doors in the secret room. At the same time, there are five different breath in the five doors.

Lin Tian found the stone gate where the blonde old man was, then pushed it open and the whole man entered.

At this time, the old blonde sat there, his eyes closed, but he smiled, "I knew you would find me."

"You know?" Lin Tian looked at the man in front of him, and the old blonde said with a smile, "you have used a life seeking talisman on me. If you don't find me, why do you stay?"

"It seems that you are not stupid at all." Lin Tian laughs, but the blonde says, "I've told you where that woman has gone. Why don't you go and find me instead?"

"First, the world of ghosts and gods is not smaller than the world of gods. If you let me find it, isn't it looking for needles in a haystack? 2、 It's more practical to find her than you. "

"Why is it better to look for me than for her?"

"Because you must know what she's doing." Lin Tian stared at the blonde, and the blonde smiled. "Lindi is indeed Lindi. I know what I can do."

"If you don't know, how do you know her whereabouts in the fairyland, or even in the divine world?" Lin Tian is not a fool, so he stares at the blonde and wants to be explained.

The blonde smiled and said, "I'm afraid I'll let it down."

"What do you mean?"

"Because I won't tell you how I know."

Lin Tian smiled at him. "If you don't tell me, I'll take you down."

"Take me? I said, Lindi, you should know that this person in front of you, even if you are separated, is enough to destroy you. " The old blonde suddenly opened his eyes, and his momentum broke out. He was an eight star God.

Eight star God Emperor, for Lin Tian, is indeed a very powerful existence, but Lin Tian is not afraid of it. Instead, he said, "you are all eight star God Emperor. It seems that you are also in God worship, right?"

"You're really smart, Lindy." The old blonde smiled at Lin Tian, but Lin Tian stared at him. "You've changed your own dignity and appearance, haven't you?"

"Yes, not only the appearance and breath have changed, or if you know who I am, would you not be mad?"

"Who." Lin Tian said coldly, while the blonde smiled and said, "I won't tell you."

"Then I will separate you."

"Just you? Don't be naive, it's impossible! " The blonde old man laughs, but Lin Tian is directly out of the body, and the body is closed.

Seeing the spirit of Lin Tian coming out of the body, the blonde old man smiled, "you really don't want to die. You let the spirit come out of the body."

"It's better to get rid of you." Lin Tian said confidently, while the blonde laughed, "I have many ways to deal with the spirit, even if you are a god worshipping the spirit, I have ways."

"Oh? Then I'd like to ask your advice. " Lin Tian stares at the blonde, and the blonde laughs, "if you want to try, I will complete you."

After that, the old blonde took out a talisman, which ignited and turned into a black flame.

The fire immediately attached to the spirit of Lin Tian, and burned the spirit of Lin Tian, while the blonde smiled, "this is called the spirit burning talisman. Once you are entangled by it, your spirit will be burned up a little bit by it."

"You look down on me." Lin Tian said coldly.

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