The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 2701 the counterfeiter has news

As soon as Lin Tian's voice fell, he swallowed up the flames, then smiled at the blonde, "let me play in your body."

In a blink of an eye, Lin Tian disappears from a distance, passes through the consciousness space, and enters the consciousness space of the blonde.

I can only see that the spirit of the old blonde is covered by a golden light, which makes it impossible to see what his spirit looks like.

"What? I'm afraid I'll find out who you are. " Lin Tian smiled at the blonde, and the blonde said with a smile, "now is not the time to let you know."

After that, the old man with blonde hair turned into a golden light and disappeared, and his body disappeared.

Lin Tian smiled bitterly. "So fast?"

"I know you have a strong spirit, so I won't be foolish enough to give you the chance to seize my part." The blonde said with a smile.

"Last time you got my life chasing talisman, it's useless for you to hide anywhere if I want."

"If you want to waste your time on my part, you can do it." The old blonde is laughing in the dark.

Lin Tian laughed after listening. "You really don't think I can't take you down, do you?"

"Lindy, I know you are strong, but now you, I can't see it at all." The other side disdained.

"Do you disdain to fight with me?"

"What do you say?" The other side laughs in the dark, while Lin Tian only laughs and says, "it seems that next time I find you, I must make a good plan to see how I can prevent you from escaping."

"If you want to catch me in this way, it's better to improve your cultivation. Then, I will find you." When the man finished speaking, he disappeared.

Lin Tian had to leave here first, but there was a troublesome person outside. It was the old drunkard.

When Lin Tian came to his place again, the old drunk was attacking the surrounding array with powerful force.

Lin Tian laughed and said, "you play slowly, I won't accompany you."

"You can't escape, boy." That old wine ghost airway, and Lin Tian said with a smile, "I advise you, or don't provoke me, or your shadow, as well as the ancient shadow hall, and even the whole ancient Tang Dynasty, will disappear."

Finish saying, Lin Tian ignores the other side, let the other side scold in this array.


after a while, Lin Tian walked out of the basement, and that invitation moon saw Lin Tian coming out, excitedly went up and said, "how about Shizu?"

"How about what?"

"That guy, is it solved?" It's a wonderful way to invite the moon in the morning, but Lin Tian said with a smile, "he's trapped in a formation now. He can't come out for a while and a half."

"That's great." Ming invites the moon to be very happy, but Lai pitian and others show a look of shock. As for CE Gao, they are still flustered.

Lin Tianze looks at Xiangming and smiles, "go."

Ming invites moon's grace sound, immediately followed Lin Tian's steps to leave here.

Lai pitian breathed a sigh of relief, and cegao worried, "what can I do now?"

"Wait, what else? "This Lai PI Tian is depressed. When mingyuyue came out of the smallpox hospital, he saw Guo lingshendi.

"Master, why are you here?" Mingyuyue was shocked, and guolingshendi looked at Lin Tian and said, "I heard that the shadow of the ancient shadow hall appeared, and it was not good for him, so I came to have a look."

"Master, you are so smart." This Ming invited the moon to smile and said, but Guo lingshendi asked curiously, "how is that shadow?"

The emperor Guoling frowned and looked at Lin Tian. "If this shadow is used by the people of the ancient shadow hall, there will be no place for you in the whole oriental Kyushu."

"Do you think I will be afraid?" Lin Tian laughs at Guo Ling, who knows Lin Tian's identity, so she worries, "I know you're not afraid, but you're cultivating now."

Lin Tian laughs but doesn't speak, but mingyuyue asks curiously, "master, can't you and my father protect him?"

"The ancient shadow palace is the secret power of the ancient Tang Dynasty. It can be said that it has great power. Even the people of the great saints can't offend them or even listen to them." Guo Ling, the God Emperor, was helpless.

Mingyuyue was a little upset. "Do you have to kill Shizu in this ancient shadow hall?"

Guo lingshendi shook his head and said, "naturally, we will not do it, but in this way, the Ming Dynasty will no longer exist."

"They have so much power?" The emperor Guoling didn't know what to say. As for Lin Tian, he said with a smile, "if you really want to catch me in the ancient shadow palace, you can do it. However, you can't catch me."

"But here." Guo lingshendi didn't expect Lin Tian to let him do this, but Lin Tian said with a smile, "on the surface, that's all. What's the hurry?"

Guo lingshendi was relieved. "That's OK."

Ming invites the moon depressed way, "that division ancestor, isn't want to escape everywhere?"

"Escape? That's not going to happen. " Lin Tian doesn't care about it at all, but mingyuyue always feels that Lin Tian has to flee and hide, or face the ancient shadow palace, or even the whole ancient Tang Dynasty, that is to hit the stone with eggs.

But Lin Tian didn't take this ancient Tang Dynasty seriously at all. Instead, he picked up his mood and looked at Guo lingshendi. "What did you do?"

"I was about to tell you about it." Guo Ling, the emperor of God, said with a smile, "Oh, say."

"The man contacted me and asked me to meet in a place three days later. It seemed that there was something I needed to do, and I replied to him and said yes." Guo Ling said to Lin Tian one by one.

On one side, mingyuyue wondered, "who is that?"

"A man who pretends to be emperor Lin and serves as my master." Guoling God looked ugly, and mingyuyue heard this, immediately came to the spirit, "where, I killed him!"

"Just you? Can you do it? " Lin Tian laughs at her, but mingyuyue says gloomily, "that can't do nothing."

"If I don't do it, I won't let your master tell me the news." Lin Tian laughs, and invites the moon to wonder, "do you want to start with him?"

"If you dare to pretend to be Lindi, I have to." When Lin Tian finished speaking, he asked Guo Ling to lead the way.

Guo lingshendi worried, "do you want to find more people?"

"No, the province is suspected." Lin Tian laughs at Guo Lingshen, but Guo Lingshen worries, "but you can tear through his identity. I'm afraid that he will recognize you and then not meet me."

Lin Tian looks at Xiangming asking for the moon. "Shenpidan, is there anything else?"

"Yes." Mingyuyue immediately rejoiced. Then he and Lin Tian found a place where there was no one. After taking shenpidan, they became the old lady and the old man.

"Guo Ling God Emperor Leng after the next laugh," that line, let's go

Later, Guo lingshendi took the two to leave. On the way, mingyuyue asked, "master, Shizu, if you really catch that guy, what should you do?"

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