The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 3267 wooden Shrine

The emperor looked at the elder, "master, what should we do?" There is nothing we can do but see if the leader of the alliance will come out and solve him The elder was dignified, but huangfutian didn't like it. The elder said, "I've given the news to the leader. Let's see what happens next." Huangfu Tian hum, it seems that he understood something. Until a while later, the elder was very happy when he received the news, "ally, let me take the Baptist to join him." "

" where is it? " "

" the hall of the alliance of the gods, the place beyond the wasteland. " The elder said, and huangfutian said excitedly, "that's good." "

" go! " The elder immediately took the Baptist with him and rushed to the temple of the alliance of gods at the fastest speed. At this moment, under Mo Wulian's leadership, Lin Tian rushes to the mountains outside the wasteland of the divine kingdom. The outer mountains are in the central continent and the middle state of the divine kingdom. There is an area in the center of Zhongzhou, which is wasteland and the most mysterious and largest area of the divine kingdom. Therefore, many God emperors even before liked to go there to take risks and obtain some powerful skills or materials, and Lin Tian's reincarnation and killing heaven was obtained from that place. Later, Nangong Xue and Tianluo disappeared there. If Lin Tian didn't find the sea temple first, he would have rushed into the wasteland. Therefore, when Lin Tian came to the mountains outside the wasteland, he was full of expectation, and that man had no face to say, "in front of him is the position of the Alliance Army, and if he wants to pass, he must have the permission of the alliance. Outsiders can't pass at all." I don't need permission Lin Tian is very confident, but he has no face to worry. "I know you are powerful, but there are many talents in the alliance. Since the baptism place appeared, the nine major Shenzhou continents have sent talents to come, and those gods are even more terrible." Lin Tian looked at the spirit and said, "I'll see who these so-called gods are." Don't have the face to look at Lin Tian and worry about nothing. But Lin Tian continues to move forward, and Mo Wulian has no choice but to follow. About a moment later, when they entered a small forest, some people came out of the neighborhood. These people were all wood green. The leader of the young man looked serious. "I'm wang tuotian, the disciple of the wood shrine of the next alliance." "

don't have the face to hear Wang tuotian, look dignified, and say to Lin Tian," this Wang tuotian is a very terrible master. " "

" that's it. " Lin Tian doesn't think so, but Wang tuotian stares at Lin Tian coldly. "Who do you think is the same?" "

" that's you. " Lin Tian said, and Wang Tuo was in a hurry. "It seems that he came to make trouble." "

" I want to go in. I'd better not stop me. " Lin Tian replied, but Wang tuotian didn't expect that Lin Tian would dare to be so crazy and said, "come on, let me blow out this God King who doesn't know the height of the earth." Hearing this, those people went up to fight Lin Tian out. But when Lin Tian's field opened, those people screamed one by one. Wang tuotian was the only one left behind, shocked and said, "what's the situation?" Some people ran out with injuries and said to Wang tuotian, "Wang, Captain Wang, he, he is terrible." Wang tuotian was already in his eyes, but he hummed, "isn't it a field? What's the big deal? " After that, Wang tuotian opened his own field and directly shattered Lin Tian's field. Lin Tian liked each other best because Lin Tian's chance came as soon as the other's field opened. Only after Lin Tian started, the spirit of the other party disappeared. Wang tuotian was just about to be proud of it, but he was in a hurry. "

that Mo has no face but to say," another one has been deceived. " When I heard that Wang tuotian was cheated, he had an ominous premonition. Sure enough, Lin Tian arrived at him directly after his opponent's spirit was almost exhausted, and smiled strangely. "

" you. " Wang tuotian hasn't responded yet. As soon as Lin Tian's field is opened, a series of magic fire swords directly rush into his body. However, Wang tuotian was not able to gather strong defense because of his lack of spirit. How to attack? Wang tuotian was killed on the spot, and the spirit ran away. Lin Tian didn't stop his spirit, because Lin Tian needed him to open the way to let those who wanted to block the way know that they were terrible. Sure enough, Wang tuotian fled all the way and told those people on the way. People patrolling around the League came to watch after hearing about it. When Lin Tian and Mo Wulian move forward to a certain distance, they are surrounded by countless people. They have green clothes, red clothes, blue clothes, gold clothes and even brown clothes. The five colors represent the five halls. Don't have the face to introduce these five halls to Lin Tian. "

" these are the wood, gold, fire, water and earth deities, which are the most common five deities. " "

" Oh. " Lin Tian just said Oh, and then a man with a mustache in Mu Shen hall stared at Wang tuotian on one side, "is that him?" "

" Lord, it's him. " Wang tuotian said, and the leader of the wood God hall stared at Lin Tian, "boy, I'm the leader of the wood God hall, Mulian." "

" I don't care what your name is or what your identity is. Now I'm going to find the leader of the demon removing alliance, so you get out of the way. " Lin Tian's words immediately attracted countless people's ridicule. But the wood is cold, "I really give you face, don't want face!" But Lin Tian didn't think so, and the people of other shrines were even more ferocious. Some people also said to the wood Lian, "wood hall leader, it seems that this boy despises your wood hall." "

the wood Lian is gloomy." today it is my wood shrine that is in charge of safety and security. Then I have a way to solve it. So for other churches, you can back away and watch it. " The other four churches retreated one after another, and the people of the wood God Temple surrounded Lin Tian from the surrounding. As for the wood Lian, he stared at Lin Tian. "Boy, I'll give you the last chance. If you don't want it, you can only die one way." "

" isn't what I just said clear enough? " Lin Tian asked, and Mulan said coldly, "what do you mean?" "

" I said, I want to see the leader of the demon elimination alliance. " Lin Tian said again, but Mulan hummed, "find your own way!" After that, the wood Lian let everyone start, but the man with no face retreated. As for those people in the wood shrine, all kinds of divinities lost their past and wanted to kill Lin Tian. When the sky disappeared, it was as if it had disappeared. Seeing this, everyone was blindfolded and couldn't believe what was happening in front of them, while the other members of the hall were still laughing at it, "Wood Hall master, it seems that this guy is not easy to deal with." Some people said, "wooden hall master, do you want us to help other halls?" However, Mulan glared at Lin Tian and said, "we can solve this small problem ourselves."

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