The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 3268 domain superposition

He was so persistent that he didn't even bother to ask other churches to help him. However, Mo had no face to see the opportunity and said to Lin Tian, "these five churches have not been established for a long time, and they belong to different gods, so they all like to fight in private." "

" Oh? So disunity? " "

" disunity is one thing. The main thing is that which church performs well here will be rewarded. " Mo Wulian said, but Lin Tian said with a smile, "it's not a good thing not to unite." At this time, Mulan said to Lin Tian, "boy, I'll fight you." "

" duel? " "

" yes, one-on-one, don't dodge, otherwise, you will give up and give your life to the other party. " But Lin Tian said with a smile, "I'm afraid you will lose too badly." But he insisted, "I will not lose." People in the other halls were heckling, and some even laughed, "don't lose face, wooden hall master." There is no problem But Lin Tian smiled and looked weird. Seeing Lin Tian's smile, the wood Lian stared, "how are you? Agreed?" "

" consent is consent, but I'm afraid you will regret it. " It's impossible With that, Mulan flies to Lin Tian, and Lin Tian walks over. As for the others, they disperse, making the two people floating in the air. "

this wood Lian hums," boy, come on. " "

" really "

" nonsense. " Lin Tian directly opens the sacred fire to kill people in the rain, but the wood Lian gathers a wood colored cover to protect himself, and says madly, "your power, that's it." "

" you look down on me Lin Tian said with a smile, and the wood Lian said proudly, "of course." Lin Tian laughs like a smile, then increases his strength, and the power of the divine fire sword shadow is growing. People watching the drama can see the flame sword shadow crashing into the cover. "

Mulan was shocked," how can this guy's field be so terrible It's not only wood Lian, but also some people in the hall are shocked. Some people also mutter, "is this true or not?" "

" looks like it's real. " Some people doubted, and some people showed their eyebrows, "that means this kid is really not simple?" "

" just look at the wood hall leader. That boy, it's really unusual. " But for the sake of face, he carried it hard, and Lin Tian stared at him and said with a smile, "when are you going to carry it?" At this time, Mulan secretly gathered an arrow shadow, and the arrow shadow wheezed, hit Lin Tian, and Lin Tian's shadow dispersed, making the opponent hit the shadow. The wood Lian began to cheat. "You are a shadow, not a shadow." "

" doesn't it count? What is that? " Lin Tian asked with a smile, and Mulan said, "I said just now, don't dodge." Do I dodge Lin Tian then asked with a smile, and that wood Lian was annoyed and directly gathered countless arrow shadows again. The goal was Lin Tian, but he couldn't do anything about Lin Tian. Once again, the other people in the church shouted, "what's the matter?" "

" it looks scary. " Is he really just a God Yue e-book

in the face of the public shock, Lin Tian is still calm and free, but this wood Lian is in a hurry, and he looks at Lin Tian like a monster. "Boy, I can't do anything about you, so I will shatter your field." After that, he opened his own field and wanted to clean up Lin Tian with his "powerful" field. But when he broke through Lin Tian's field and was satisfied, he knew that at this moment, it was the real nightmare. At the beginning, Mulan was very proud, "boy, see, this is the gap between you and banbu God Zun." People who were there were also making fun of Lin Tian. Some people even shouted to him, "boy, it seems that you have this skill." "

" boy, you know what you're doing, let's get out of here. " However, he joked, "boy, if you lose, give me your life." "

" don't worry. " Lin Tian's voice just fell, and the air in the body of that wood Lian was hollowed out at once. He was scared and said, "what's the matter?" "

" your field is good, but it's bad luck to meet me. " Lin Tian smiled, and the wood Lian said strangely, "what do you mean?" "

" I mean it's simple, you, it's gone. " Lin Tian takes advantage of his lack of energy to resist himself, and directly passes through his body. At the next moment, this wood Lian is standing there with serious injury, as if he were tottering. The people in the room were frightened. Others were also shocked. Some of them stammered, "this boy, it's terrible." "

" it's over. The wood hall leader has an accident. " "

" what should I do now? " There was even more panic. People in the wood shrine are scared to be silly. Lin Tian laughs at this wood Lian and says, "is it for me to give your life?" "

" boy, you. " The wood is too cheap to speak. At this time, Lin Tian came directly to him, "death, we must do a good job of awareness of death." A flash of green light, a shadow, and then not far away, and hum, "I'm not stupid enough to give you my life." People didn't expect that Mulan began to cheat, but Lin Tian was used to it. "I knew you wouldn't surrender so soon." "

" of course, I'm the Lord. How could I give you my life? " The wood Lian hums, but Lin Tian smiles, and then everyone sees Lin Tian gone. There was a sense of foreboding about the wood Lian, so I looked around, and the God you single horn appeared, and a cover trapped the wood Lian. Not only that, but Lin Tian said with a smile, "your spirit cannot escape. As for your body, it is also a waste material." He took out the talisman and was smashed by Lin Tian on the spot. He said with a smile, "your strength is not as good as those who have been baptized." He felt Lin Tian humiliated himself, so he looked at Lin Tian angrily, "what do you mean, boy?" I mean it's very simple Lin Tian finished saying, directly into the hood, and then countless ghosts, directly open the field. This is the first time that Lin Tian has used the magic shadow to open the field. Therefore, when countless fields are superposed, Lin Tian finds an interesting thing, that is, after the fields are superposed, the power is also superposed.

for example, ten magic shadows can cause ten times more damage.

so the forest is stacked crazily, how can it be up to 100 times, and this reason is mainly limited by the size of the field.

Lin Tian knows that only when his accomplishments are improved, the field will become larger. Maybe there will be more magic shadows in the future. But this wood Lian is miserable. He didn't expect Lin Tian to find new abilities. He is still suffering from madness in these fields.

so people saw a terrible scene, that is, the wooden body was smashed on the spot, leaving only the spirit, and the spirit was sealed by Lin Tian, and even no place could escape.

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