The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 346 black devils

Those sanxiu saw the old man with the stone gourd, and one by one said, "the old stone of the ghost detective clan has come."

Zhang Haomiao is also surprised, and Zhang Lingling doesn't know who is always Shi, but the old guy comes out and looks at Lin Tiansan and excitedly and asks, "you, who can do the ghost fire skill?"

Lin Tian didn't speak, but Zhang Lingling wanted to say something. As a result, all the people around pointed to her, the ghost detective disciple in the array, and also pointed to Zhang Lingling one by one, "he."

Stone old full of excited eyes, "this childe, what is your name? How can this spell work? "

Zhang Lingling looks at Lin Tian, and Lin Tian says to her, "don't mention me. You can do anything else."

Zhang Lingling doesn't know why Lin Tian doesn't admit it, and Lin Tian doesn't want to make trouble for herself. Otherwise, if everyone knows his ghost fire technique, a group of people will pester her later. It's hard to be quiet.

Zhang Lingling had to look at the old stone and say with a smile, "master Shi, that is a powerful senior. In order to protect me, she used it."

"Senior? Where is he? " Stone old curiosity look, but Zhang Lingling embarrassed way, "he does not want to come out, you do not find."

But he still stared at Zhang Lingling and said, "excuse me, are you?"

Zhang Lingling explained her intention, and the Old Stone said, "please, go to the gate."

Later, Shi Lao invited the three to the ghost detective clan, and the people outside showed envy.

Stone old but while walking said, "you ah, offended Black Ghost gate, not good."

"It's OK. The elder behind me killed their clan." Zhang Lingling said in a crazy voice.

Stone old Leng next, had no choice but to mention Black Ghost gate, instead asked, "three, you said to inquire about information, do not know what to inquire about?"

Zhang Lingling looks at Lin Tian, and that Lin Tian says, "once, the Great Green Mountain emperor came here. I don't know if he has any news."

Shi Lao suddenly stopped and looked at Lin Tian strangely. "Is it the great green mountain?"


"That was a long time ago. If I really want to find it, I have to look through the record, but it's not allowed. I don't know."

"Trouble." Lin Tian said with a smile, "it's OK. I'll make a friend with you."

Later, Shi Lao took three people to a main hall and asked them to wait in the hall. But Shi Lao was busy.

Lin Tian closed his eyes and looked around. He found that there were arrays everywhere in the gate. Moreover, through the array, he could see that there were some special places for information.

At the moment, Shi Lao came to an attic and turned over some information there.

In a short time, a voice came out of the array, "ghost detective, come out!"

This voice is very loud. Countless old family members of the ghost detective clan come out one after another and want to know what happened.

Shi Lao took a pile of data and hurriedly flew to the side of zongmen array. He saw a huge skeleton flying outside.

The skeleton is a giant tiger, but without body, there are only a dozen floors of bones.

On the Giant Tiger stood a strange old man with tiger skin and head.

Stone old immediately surprised way, "tiger ye?"

"You know it's me?" The man named tiger Lord stared, and old stone hesitated, "tiger Lord, I don't know if you come to my ghost investigation?"

"I wanted people to come to you to inquire about the news, but I'm glad that someone hurt our people, and you're protecting them." The tiger is very angry.

Stone old face embarrassed, "tiger ye, they arrive first, your people arrive later, according to the rules, have to line up."

"What?" said the tiger

Stone old don't know how to explain, but that iron King Kong actually stands at that tiger Lord side to say, "master, that can ghost fire skill small white face, be in inside."

"Shut up for me." Tiger Ye stares at the iron King Kong and doesn't say, but tiger Ye stares at the stone old man and says, "I want to see those guys who hurt me."

"I'm afraid not."

"What? Do you really want to fight against our nigger sect? " The tiger is domineering.

Stone honest not to hide a way, "tiger Lord, not I frighten you, they three, is someone to protect."

"Who, let him out? I'm quiet. Who dares to fight with us in the ghost mountain?" The tiger is angry.

"This man, he can do ghost fire, but I don't know what he looks like." Shi explained.

But Mr. Hu doesn't like this, "if you don't hand over those three people, from today on, I will occupy your outside, so that you never want to have business."

At this time, Zhang Lingling, Zhang Haomiao and Lin Tian came out of the hall.

That Zhang Lingling still flies to stone old body side way, "which have you so rogue."

Iron King Kong saw Zhang Lingling, immediately pointed to him and said, "that's him."

"Tiger Ye stare way," kid, hear you can ghost fire skill

"I won't, but there is a senior to protect us." This Zhang Lingling is not taboo.

The tiger doesn't believe it, and sneers, "do you think it's useful to scare me like this?"

"How could you be such a rascal." Zhang Lingling gets angry, but Zhang Haomiao is helpless. After all, in ghost mountain, the most domineering is the Black Ghost gate.

As for Lin Tian, he looked at the old stone, "can you give me the scroll?"

Stone old Leng next, "you, how to know I took the scroll."

"I think you went for a while. When you came out just now, you had something on your hand. I think it has something to do with the person we are looking for." Lin Tian stared at the stone and explained calmly.

After he hesitated, Shi Lao took out a panicky hide. "It's recorded here, but it's very vague. It's not sure whether it's true or not."

Lin Tian opened it and said, "let's go and have a look."

"What? Are you going? " Stone old stare big eyes, but Lin Tian didn't explain, instead look to Zhang Lingling two people, "go, don't disturb them."

Seeing that Lin Tian is going to go out, Shi Lao is even more worried. "Don't go out, that tiger Lord outside is still there!"

However, Zhang Lingling said with a confident smile, "don't worry, we will be protected by predecessors."

Shi Lao didn't know Zhang Lingling's meaning, but Zhang Haomiao had a dignified look. As for Lin Tian, he took them out of the array directly.

The tiger Lord didn't expect that Lin Tiansan would really dare to come out and laugh, "you three have the courage to come out.

Lin Tian doesn't care, but walks to one side of the path. Zhang Lingling quickly follows, and Zhang Haomiao follows.

The people on the scene were shocked. Some people murmured, "these three people even ignore the tiger Lord?"

"No, they are too bold."

Iron King Kong is even more big eyes, "master, you see, these three people, even don't take you seriously!"

Mr. tiger has been angry for a long time

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