The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 347 Tiangui mountain

The voice of the tiger fell. The huge tiger bone made a tiger roar, and the surrounding mountains were shaking.

Those loose repairs are even more frightening. They feel terrible.

The iron King Kong on the tiger was boiling with blood, and the tiger Lord shouted, "kill them for me!"

The tiger leaped and fell to the three people in Lin Tian. Then it spewed a flame out of its mouth and flew directly to them.

Zhang Lingling and Zhang Haomiao lose their colors as if they were frightened. At this time, Zhang Lingling's body suddenly burns.

All of a sudden, the ghost fire technique reappeared, directly absorbing all the flames emitted by the "tiger".

The presence of people exclaimed, and the array of stone dementia way, "finally see the ghost fire."

The iron King Kong on the tiger stammered, "master, look, here."

The tiger doesn't believe in evil. He controls the tigers and is ready to attack them. However, the tigers use ghost Qi. The fire emitted by ghost Qi is naturally affected by ghost fire technique.

So these flames are absorbed by the ghost fire.

This next tiger Ye is angry, still stare at Zhang Lingling angrily way, "say, you this ghost fire skill how come."

"You don't care how I get here! It's none of your business! " That Zhang Lingling complacent way, and Zhang Haomiao while strange looking, always feel very strange.

The tiger is very angry, but when he thinks of the high man behind him, he doesn't dare to go forward, but he doesn't want to lose face. He still says, "tell you, in ghost mountain, our black ghost gate is the biggest. If you don't tell me honestly, I will make you live here."

"Come on, don't advise." Zhang Lingling glared at the tiger. The tiger was angry and stared at the three people, but she didn't dare to go forward.

Lin Tian said in silence, "let's go and stop playing."

Then the ghost fire disappeared, and Lin Tian went on. As for Zhang Lingling, Zhang Haomiao followed.

Tiger is very depressed, and that iron King Kong is depressed way, "master, how to do now?"

"What to do? Look at them and see where they're going. " Said the tiger with wide eyes.

Iron King Kong Oh sound, had to stand on the tiger with the tiger, and then the tiger in front.

Sanxiumen talked one after another, and the stone in the array hesitated, "I must go and have a look."

I saw that Shi Lao wanted to know what the big guy was, so I hurriedly followed him to the theatre.

Not only Shi Lao, but also many of the loose repairmen who were originally seeking information.

For a while, people around ghost mountain received the same news.

Lin Tian wondered, "why so many people?"

Zhang Lingling joked, "it's estimated that the ghost fire technique is too shocking."

"Is it?" Lin Tian can't help shaking his head, while Zhang Haomiao on one side said, "ghost fire technique has always been the killer of ghost cultivation. However, it's said that only those who have to fly to the border or loose cultivation can exert it, and only one person can agglomerate the ghost fire king."

Zhang Lingling nodded and stared at Lin Tian strangely. "No, I don't know what happened to this elder."

Lin Tian didn't speak. As for the nearby onlookers, they were looking for the so-called "senior".

The iron King Kong on the fierce tiger was uneasy, "master, do you want to continue?"

"Go ahead, why not?" "That tiger Ye stare way, and iron King Kong discovers a person gradually after more and more embarrassed way," but everybody seems to see a play the same

"See it, or we'll go now. Aren't we laughed at?" The tiger stared.

Iron King Kong thinks it's reasonable, but on the tiger, it always feels a bit inappropriate.

As for the onlookers, they were talking about it. Until Lin Tiansan came to a place with strong ghost gas and some white light, countless people were shocked and said, "the front is the outside of Tiangui mountain."

"Yes, there are space cracks all over the front."

"These three are not going to go inside, are they?"

All of a sudden, countless people were speculating, and the tiger laughed, "you are not afraid of death, go in."

This let Zhang Haomiao worry way, "Mr. Lin, do we still go in?"

"Go." Lin Tian is very straightforward, and Zhang Lingling sees Lin Tian is so confident, and knows that he must have a way, so she laughs and says, "Dad, follow me, absolutely no problem."

Zhang Haomiao doesn't understand why Zhang Lingling believes Lin Tian so much. After all, Lin Tian is just a golden realm. No matter how powerful the medical skills are, it's impossible to avoid those space cracks.

Lin Tian reminds them, "follow me, or I won't be responsible for the crack."

Zhang Lingling immediately follows, dare not stay away from Lin tianban, and Zhang Haomiao is the same.

The tiger in the outside suddenly froze, still that gas shout way, "really is not afraid of the dead guy."

Iron King Kong embarrassed way, "master, still chase?"

"Fuck!" I dare not go forward. I am afraid that I will be crushed by the cracks in the space here. I can only sit on the fierce tiger and watch the three people in Lin Tian.

For those who are in loose repair, they are curious why the three people have walked such a long distance and have not met the space crack.

Not only these people, but also the old stone showed a strange look, "strange, it's ok?"

Tiger ye also gradually found out the problem, so he looked at the old stone and said, "old stone, who are these three people?"

"You ask me? Who do I ask? " Stone old helpless way, tiger Ye hum a voice, then look around, in the heart of the pan up to say, "that can ghost fire skill guy, have you entered?"

At the moment, not only does the tiger Lord wonder if those people have gone in, but even the sanxiu gate around the temple looks at each other.

Instead, Lin Tiansan, who gradually disappeared near Tiangui mountain, had already reached the deep mountain.

I saw Zhang Haomiao staring at the white light everywhere, "these are cracks?"

Zhang Lingling is even more curious. She takes out a spirit stone and throws it in the direction of white light. In an instant, the spirit stone is cut and turned into powder.

Zhang Lingling took a breath. "It's terrible."

Zhang Haomiao muttered, "we have to be careful not to touch these white lights."

Zhang Lingling replied, "yes, be careful."

"There are some cracks, they are extinction, so follow me." Lin Tian's words made them more alert immediately.

At the same time, Zhang Lingling couldn't help but stare at Lin Tian. "This, Mr. Lin, aren't you afraid of those hidden cracks?"

"I can see."

Lin Tian's words surprised both of them, especially Zhang Haomiao, who also told Zhang Lingling, "I say girl, who is he? Why can he see the cracks. "

"Dad, he's a terrible man."

"A terrible man?" Zhang Haomiao is suspicious, Zhang Lingling is gracious, and explains all that happened in Tianlong mountains one by one.

When Zhang Haomiao heard this, he was shocked and said, "no wonder you believe him so much. His ability is so terrible."

"It's not. If he gets angry, the Black Ghost gate will be destroyed again." Zhang Lingling said confidently.

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