The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 523: those who kill half the way and rob the achievements

Lin Tian's Yuan Ying smiled and didn't speak. He didn't mean to be scared at all. But the wolf smiled and said to the wolf Lu, "leader Lu, he came to find the wolf king."

"Go away!" The wolf Lu knew that the wolf laughed and betrayed the wolf family, then he was annoyed and shouted, and then a golden light hit him.

The attack was soul damaging, and the wolf smiled and saw that it was going to be swallowed up by the golden light. Lin Tianyuan's baby flew to the wolf Lu and hit the golden light one by one.

But Lin Tian didn't do anything, as if these soul injuries were ants tickling him.

This made the five leaders look strange, and the wolf laughed, but he was still grateful, "thank you, immortal."

Lin Tian didn't say much, but looked at the five leaders. "You are really weak."

"Damn it! Use five wolves to kill! " This wolf Lu goes on a rampage, and the five wolves immediately hit five forces and trapped Lin Tian.

Lin Tianyuan is surrounded by a circle of five kinds of light, and five kinds of different forces are attacking yuan's mask.

At the same time wolf Lu hums, "boy, now know our terrible."

Lin Tian doesn't care, but looks at these five leaders and says, "you ghost wolf family, can you also be the wolf leader with this ability?"

Hearing Lin Tian's satire, the five ghost wolf was even more annoyed and began to attack Lin Tian crazily.

But Lin Tian is very calm, as if these injuries have no effect on himself.

Wolf Lu began to worry, but also to the other four wolves said, "do you work hard?"

The wolves nodded their heads, obviously with all their strength, and the wolf Lu got anxious and began to look at the other four wolves, "let's go!"

This sudden change, let wolf Wen all Meng, "Dad, want to escape?"

"Nonsense! Escape! " The wolf Lu grabs wolf Wen and leaves, while the other four wolves are scared to leave.

Lin Tian smiled bitterly. "It's really fast."

The wolf laughs to see this, also dare not put channel, "this."

"Let's go. Let's find wolf king." Lin Tian still thinks it's fun to find wolf king, so he makes the wolf laugh and lead the way.

The wolf laughed and led Lin Tian to move forward step by step. As for the five wolves, after hiding in the cave, the wolf Lu said, "this guy, even ignored our attack."

Other ghost wolves are also depressed, "what a weird guy."

"What now?"

"I think it's better to find Wang. Now only Wang can deal with him."

Other wolf leaders thought that this was the only way, so everyone looked at wolf Lu, and wolf Lu had to look at wolf Wen, "you, stay here, let's find the king!"

Wolf Wen is afraid, "Dad, just me?"

"Nonsense, Wang's place, you go, will instantly let you go, so you can be here."

"But then, if that guy comes, what should I do?" This wolf Wen tightly opens a way, wolf Lu glares a way, "the fellow that does not become a tool, won't you hide?"

"Oh." Wolf text scared to leave quickly, and wolf Lu looked at other guys, "go."


after a while, the leader of wolf Lu five came to a cave and walked through a special channel, and saw a giant wolf sitting there.

The wolf loomed, his body glistened with purple light, and when his nostrils exhaled, he could see the flame and stars.

"King." Wolf Lu reports first, and other ghost wolves report one by one.

"What's the matter? What can I do for you? " The wolf king asked curiously with his eyes closed.

Wolf Lu explains the situation one by one, and the wolf king doubts, "Oh? Yuan Ying Jing? "


The wolf king hesitated and said, "I just heard that it's not peaceful recently, but those human beings are all integrated environment, or even higher environment, but have never heard of Yuanying?"

"Wang, he's a real baby!" Wolf Lu affirms, and other ghost wolves also say Lin Tian is Yuan Ying one after another.

"Is my message wrong?" Wolf king doubts, but wolf Lu doesn't understand, "Wang, did you know someone was coming?"

The wolf king explained, "recently I was informed by the king of other ghost herds that there are some people who are hunting ghost beasts, but these people are not as terrible as you say."

Wolf Lu didn't know who the wolf king was talking about, but he was sure, "Wang, what we said is true."

At this time, there are two figures coming from the dark, one is wolf smile, the other is Lin Tian.

When wolf Lu saw Lin Tian, he immediately said excitedly, "Wang, look, it's him!"

Other wolves stared at Lin Tian and were frightened. The wolf king opened his eyes, with red eyes and whirlpool, which seemed strange.

Lin Tian glanced at the wolf king and smiled, "this is much more powerful."

Those ghost wolves didn't expect Lin Tian to be afraid of nothing, but the wolf king said coldly, "you are with those people."

"Who?" Lin Tian was curious, but the wolf king said coldly, "recently, there are some people who always want to domesticate some ghosts and beasts, and they also choose powerful ones to domesticate them. Aren't you with them?"

Lin Tian didn't expect anything more, but he said with a smile, "No."

"You think I'll believe you?" The wolf king didn't believe it, but Lin Tian said with a smile, "domestication? I don't have the time! "

With that, Lin Tian's reincarnation baby eyes opened, and the five wolf leaders all at once approached Lin Tian one by one, which scared the five leaders to shout wildly.

"Wang, help!"

"Wang, I don't want to die!"

The five leaders screamed one by one, but the wolf laughed and didn't expect that Lin Tian could make the five leaders so embarrassed.

The wolf king there moved and said with dignity, "boy, stop if you don't want to die!"

"Don't stop?"

"If you don't stop, I'll give you a ride!" The wolf king's figure suddenly disappeared, then suddenly fell from the top of the forest sky, and poured and opened his mouth, and swallowed the forest sky.

The five leaders stopped and complimented the wolf king.

"Wang, you are powerful!"

"Wang, you are not easy!"

The wolf king said triumphantly, "it's just a yuaninfantile environment. What's the big deal!"

"Is it?" Lin Tian's words, let the wolf king suddenly surprised, and then a spout out of Lin Tian.

After Lin Tian came out, he floated there and stared at wolf king and said with a smile, "I have some skills, but I can't believe how fast I react."

"Boy, who are you?" The wolf king stared, and Lin Tian smiled, "I'm here to hunt ghosts and animals, not domesticate them."

When Lin Tian finished speaking, the reincarnation baby's eyes opened, and the five leaders were sucked in again, which scared all kinds of wolves of the five leaders.

But still can't stop the five wolves being swallowed by Lin Tian.

See the fifth change light flash by, enter the sixth change, and this sixth change is Feng Yuanying.

"Sixth?" Lin Tian is very satisfied, but the wolf king is struggling there at the moment, and there is a flame in his mouth, but it can't hurt Lin Tian at all.

This scared the wolf king, but suddenly a black bag flew in the dark and caught the wolf king directly.

Then the wolf king disappeared, and a middle-aged man appeared, holding the bag in one hand and laughing, "it's done."

Lin Tian said coldly, "it's mine!"

"Yours? Little fellow, you have to thank me. If it wasn't for me, you would have died! " The middle-aged man disdained, and even blamed Lin Tian for not being grateful.

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