The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 524 Ghost Academy

Before Lin Tian spoke, the wolf laughed and said, "we immortal don't need your help!"

The middle-aged man took a cold look at the wolf and smiled, "immortal? I'm afraid you don't know what strength is! "

Finish saying, the middle-aged man that empty shadow's hand stretches out, then a flick, this wolf laughs around a fire appears.

Then the flame made the wolf laugh hard, and Lin Tian looked at the flame for a while, and the flame disappeared instantly.

The middle-aged man was stunned, but the wolf smiled and sighed with relief. He hurriedly ran to Lin Tian's side. "Thank you, Daxian."

The middle-aged man stared at Lin Tian strangely, "boy, you just put out my fire."

"Your ghost skills are rubbish." Lin Tian said, making the middle-aged man laugh, "boy, do you know who I am?"

"Who are you? It's none of my business."

The man didn't forget to remind Lin Tian, "I'm called ghost half hand, which means a powerful ghost cultivator who can subdue the ghost beast with half hand. But I'm qualified to enter the ghost Cultivation College of Yin kingdom."

When he heard ghost school, wolf laughed and was shocked, "ghost school!"

"Ghost school? Is it great? " Lin Tian looked at the wolf and smiled, and the wolf said, "thousands of years ago, some terrible ghost practitioners came to the Yin world, and they created many schools and forces here, the most famous of which is Ghost Academy, and they can't become the students without strength."

Lin Tian didn't expect a ghost cultivator to build strength in the Yin world, but the ghost half smiled and said, "boy, are you afraid?"

"I don't care who you are or what college you are, but if you dare to rob me, you have to pay a price!"

Lin Tian said this, in the eyes of the ghost half hand, it was a joke, and even laughed, "boy, if you boast like this, you'd better go to the ghost road and go to the nine ghosts to talk about it."

With a half wave of the ghost's hand, Lin Tian's body was ablaze again. When Lin Tian looked at the flames, they would be destroyed.

The ghost half hand doubts again, "how did you do it?"

Lin Tian didn't explain it, but the black light around him was flashing. This was the ghost flash. Although the ghost half hand was in the Yin world, it was just a virtual shadow of a yuan God.

After Lin Tian's soul flashed to kill him, the ghost immediately screamed with half hands, the bag in his hand fell, then the ghost turned into a smoke and disappeared, but before he left, he had to breathe, "wait, boy, I will kill you!"

The next moment, the ghost's half hand disappeared, and the wolf laughed and said, "immortal, you are still powerful."

Lin Tian stared at the bag and was just crawling out of the wolf king. As soon as the wolf king came out, he didn't know what happened, so he shouted to Lin Tian, "look for death."

As soon as Lin Tian's reincarnation baby's eyes opened, the wolf king went crazy to Lin Tianyuan baby. However, the wolf king was unwilling to struggle, but he couldn't, and finally disappeared in the original place.

The sixth change of Lin Tian's Yuanying is about to saturate and enter the seventh change.

"The more ghost power you need to absorb, the more." Seeing this, Lin Tian sighed.

Wolf smiled and farted, "Dafen, I'm willing to follow you."

"Can you resist me if you don't follow me?" Lin Tian despised him, and the wolf smiled awkwardly. "My Lord, you misunderstood me."

Lin Tian then walked out and asked, "is there any powerful ghost beast around here?"

"This is wolf mountain. If it's further away, it's probably far away." Wolf explained with a smile.

"Oh? How far? "

The wolf smiled and hesitated and said, "it's the fox clan that has always been against us. However, although the number of the ghost fox clan is not large, each of them is very powerful, and there are many tricks in it. Our five leaders often suffer from their losses. Even the wolf king has been cheated by them several times."

Lin Tian said, "how far is it from here to them?"

"If you keep flying, about a day."

"Well, let's go." Lin Tian laughs with the wolf and leaves wolf mountain together.


at the moment, the ghost is half handed and escapes back to a mountain seriously injured. There are two other people in the mountain.

These two people, like ghost half hands, are from ghost college, but they are relatively young, with one male and one female.

The man smiled and said, "as long as we catch some more powerful ghost animals, we can complete the college task."

The woman said with satisfaction, "no, if we finish this, we can learn more powerful ghost skills. After we leave the Yin world, we can easily kill that guy!"

At this time ghost half hand appears, look ugly way, "Lin Yan, Lin Shan, you, you save me!"

These two people are not others. They are the two people who have become the soul of the sword and come to the Yin world, Lin Yan and Lin Shan.

Only see Lin Yan doubt way, "ghost half hand, you this how?"

"I, I'm a little boy!" The ghost half hand airway, Lin Yan doubts, "aren't you so careless? Who can shade you? "

The ghost half hand is melancholy explain a thing, and Lin Yan good strange way, "Oh? Is there a picture of the battle? "

Ghost half hand a wave, a picture appeared in front of two people, and Lin Yan and Lin Shan two people see Lin Tian moment, very excited, two people's eyes are flashing fierce eyes.

"What's the matter with you?" the ghost asked

Lin Yan bit his teeth and said, "didn't I ever tell you that we were made into souls of swords?"

"Yes, after you were made into the soul of a sword, you went into the Yin world by mistake and were saved by the teacher. Then you entered the college after assessment, but because your body died in the Yang world, and then you can't go back to the Yang world, unless."

Lin Yan is holding back his anger. "Only when our strength reaches the level of soaring, or the level of Sanxian, can we return to the Yang world and gather our bodies!"

"Yes, that's what the teacher said." Ghost half hand explanation way, and Lin Yan clenches a tooth way, "harm our flesh body to die, be this guy!"

The ghost half hand is surprised, "really?"

"Yes, he is!" Lin Yan's eyes flew out quickly, but Lin Shan asked quickly, "where is he?"


"Go!" Lin Yan can't wait to go over and stop Lin Tian. But when they got to Langshan, there was nothing there.

The anger made Lin Yan scold, "Damn it! Almost! "

Lin Shan also knows that Lin Tian has come to the Yin world, and will definitely return to the Yang world, but she can't, so she can only kill Lin Tian in the Yin world, so she also knows why Lin Yan is so worried about the back airway, "after this opportunity, it will be a long time!"

At that time, Lin Yan found something. He immediately grabbed a ghost beast from the dark. It was wolf Wen.

Wolf Wen was so scared that he went to worship, "three adults, don't kill me!"

Lin Yan thought of something and said, "have you seen this guy?"

Lin Yan shows the picture of Lin Tian, and the wolf says bravely, "he, he killed my father, and the wolf king then ran away!"

"Where did you go, you know?" Lin Yan glared.

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