The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 664 no resistance

Seeing these people look flustered, Tianbing wants to laugh, "aren't you crazy in the early morning? Why are all the turtles shrinking their heads now? "

Gao shuihui and others look ugly, and the fat elder is more airway, "Stinky girl, don't be proud!"

Some elders shouted, "we attack them from afar! See if they die! "

Other elders agreed, but Gao Shuiji was in a hurry. "My son is still in it!"

Those elders are very difficult, fat elders are helpless way, "home Lord, for the overall situation, sacrifice him."

Gao Cong, who was there, was scared to be silly. "Elders, you, you!"

"Gao Cong, please help yourself." Fat elder finish saying, then these elder release powerful attack one by one, plan to kill Lin Tian and Tian Bing in front.

But all of a sudden, these spells were blocked by a wall.

This wall is exactly made by Lin Tian, and under the skill of ten thousand stacks, the hundred layers of Tian wall are still.

Those elders look silly, but Gao shuileng takes a breath of relief, at the same time, his voice is also weak, "elder, it seems that this guy is not easy to deal with."

"My Lord, what's your opinion?" The fat elder asked. Gao Shuishui was helpless. "I can't help it."

The fat elder knew that the owner of the family was selfish, so he said, "if you don't want to say it, I'll do it!"

Gao Shuishui looked at the fat elder doubtfully, and the fat elder said coldly, "there is a sacred weapon in our Gao family, which is called the earth breaking long gun."

Finish saying, this fat elder wave one hand, a brown long gun appears, and other elders are shouting to break Lin Tian's wall.

Gao Shuishui was shocked, but only the fat elder stared at Lin Tian and smiled, "boy, please help yourself!"

Hearing this, Lin Tian smiled and said, "you dare to use this magic weapon. I promise it will become mine next moment."

"Become yours? Ridiculous! " Fat elder didn't take Lin Tian seriously, and he also threw out his long gun. The target was Lin Tian.

As a result, the long gun didn't break through the wall, but floated in the air.

People are curious about what happened to the long gun, and Lin Tian smiles and says, "OK, about the time."

People didn't know what Lin Tian meant, but there was a scream outside, and the high water was shocked, "what's the matter?"

The elders also looked behind them, and then mujue came from outside.

Seeing mujue, a powerful demon, all the people in gaoshui were shocked. Tianbing asked curiously, "Grandpa, this is it?"

"The demon I collected is quite powerful." Lin Tian smiled, and Tianbing immediately rejoiced, "then these guys can't escape?"

"That's for sure!"

But these people don't believe it, especially the fat elder hums, "a five thousand year old demon is just like the body state monk."

Other elders also think so, who knows that when mujue gives a hand, those elders and the head of the family are all entwined with vines.

Those people were shocked and frantically struggling there, while Tianbing took a breath, "Grandpa, how powerful is he

"In case of an outbreak, it is not a problem to deal with the mid-term or even the late stage of the ferry robbery." Lin Tian smiles with confidence.

Tianbing immediately worshipped, "fierce."

Gao Shuishui and the elders were frightened, but mujue stared at Lin Tian. "What should I do, my lord?"

Lin Tian laughs at these people. "You have two ways now."

These people look at Lin Tian strangely, while Gao Shuishui says, "say, what do you want?"

"One way, die immediately. The second way, from today on, your Gaojia will be a part of our Tianshui gate, and specially responsible for making magic weapons!"

As soon as they heard this, they stared at each other, and Gao Shuishui was even more flustered. "Boy, we are a family of imperial weapon refiners, and there are many ancestors in my family. If they knew what I did, they would clean me up."

"Is it? So you want to die? " Lin Tian stared at these people and asked, but they were scared and willing to compromise.

High water is helpless way more, "good, I promise you!"

But Lin Tian knew that these people were not dead hearted, so Lin Tian planted the soul seal for them one by one.

At the moment when the soul seal mark went down, everyone was stunned, especially the fat elder said strangely, "why do you have such a powerful power to make the divine realm clear?"

Lin Tian didn't explain, but smiled and said, "in the future, just follow me to tianshuimen. I promise that you will become the most powerful weapon refining family in the mainland, not just Yunzhou Prefecture."

Those people were dubious, but Lin Tian let mujue release them. As for those people who knew that they could not resist, they could only praise one by one, "follow the adults."

Gao Cong immediately cheered up. "I don't have to die at last!"

Lin Tian looks at Tianbing and says, "well, what's going on today? Why are you here! "

Tianbing immediately said, "my sister, she is in this mansion. I come to see her, but these people won't let her."

"How do you ask them?" Lin Tian asks Tianbing to ask, and Tianbing rushes forward and stares at the elders and the owner. "Tell me, where is my sister?"

"Who is your sister?" Gao Shuishui's face is depressed, and other elders are puzzled and stare at Tianbing.

Tianbing then made a woman with a stuffy white veil and a hairpin on her head.

This hairpin is wood green and emits a faint green light.

Seeing this woman, Gao Shuishui was surprised. "What? Is she your sister? "

"Yes, my sister!" Tianbing affirms, and Gao shuihui says with a wry smile, "she is one of our guests. If you said earlier, I would have told you earlier."

"But you won't let me in." Tianbing complains, while Gao Shuishui says awkwardly, "I'm sorry."

Tianbing knows that things have passed, so she can only ask, "what about her?"

"She will come several times a month, but there is no fixed day. If she comes to get the magic weapon next time, I will inform you." This high water guarantee way.

"You didn't lie?" Tianbing said, half believing

"No, I don't believe you. Ask adults how dare I lie." This high water is helpless, and Tianbing looks at Lin Tian.

Lin Tian said, "they won't lie."

Tianbing had no choice but to say, "OK then."

Lin Tianze looked at them and said, "let's go first. If you need anything, you can go to the first hospital to find us."

Gao shuihui and others immediately said respectfully, "yes!"

Then Lin Tian left the dungeon with Tianbing and mujue, and the guards in the yard retreated one by one. They didn't know what happened in the dungeon at all.

Until the high water came out and let everyone disperse, all the talents left one by one.

After Lin Tian and others left, the fat elder said in horror, "too, too terrible!"

"Who is this guy?" There are also elders whose heart is broken.

High flow water congeals heavy way, "recently Tianshui gate challenges Tongbao gate, you should know?"

"Is this the ancestor?" The fat elder immediately stared.

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