The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 665 the power of precious syrup

Gao Shuishui, like the elders, looked unbelievable, and even said, "it seems that we will also be involved."

"My Lord, what do you mean?" Fat elder doubted, and Gao shuihui flashed a strange light. "We all know that tianshuimen was once defeated by the alliance of heaven and ancient times, but now it has risen again. Now we are on the same line with tianshuimen. If tianshuimen is in trouble in the future, then we will."

In fact, we all know, but they are helpless. Who let them be subdued by Lin Tian today? Gao shuihui exclaimed, "OK, first reorganize the family, so that we don't have to pass on today's affairs."

"Yes." The elders immediately arranged for Gao Shuishui to go home to see Gao Cong's injury.


Tianbing returns to the medical center. After Nangong Yan and huoqingqing ask about it, Tianbing tells them the whole story.

Nangong Yan said with a sigh of relief, "it's good that the elder brother is back, otherwise we don't know how to find you."

Tianbing is curious to see Lin Tian. "Grandpa, how did you find me?"

Lin Tian didn't say about Hefeng, but said, "I'll ask some acquaintances to help me find it. Then someone saw you go to Gaojia, so I'll go and have a look."

Tianbing smiled and said, "thank you, Grandpa."

"What's going on? Don't be so impulsive!" Lin Tian can't help but say, and Tian Bing's face is embarrassed, "blame me for my incompetence!"

Lin Tian looked at her and said, "you are too weak."

Tianbing is helpless. After all, for a while and a half, her accomplishments can't be improved. Lin Tian looks at Sanren. "I want to refine one thing, so in the next few days, you don't run around. When I get out, I will improve your accomplishments."

The three people immediately looked at Lin Tian excitedly, and Lin Tian asked for a secret room from the doctor Xue. He took out all the materials and began to refine the precious liquid.

Nangong Yan then looked at Tianbing and asked excitedly, "sister Tian, what do you think big brother will do to help us improve our accomplishments?"

Tianbing didn't understand, "we are all so high in cultivation. It's not so easy for us to improve."

Burning Qingqing also thought it was the reason, so he said, "I'm afraid it's not so simple."

Nangong Yan looks forward to it.

However, at the moment, in Jiang Zhiruo's mansion, heixueyu is criticized by Jiang Zhiruo, "look, now he's back, how can we do it?"

"Miss, it's all my incompetence." Heixueyu bowed his head to admit his mistake, and Jiang Zhiruo wondered, "you are the assassin I trained, and you have never let me down. Why is it so hard for you to die this time when you are a kid in the realm of transforming gods?"

"Miss, this guy has too many abilities. I'm not his match at all," said heixueyu at the thought of Lin Tian's horror

Jiang Zhiruo sneers at this, "not his opponent? Are you here to make fun of me? "

Heixueyu didn't dare to speak. At this time, two people came from outside, one of them was longfan, the other was covered in black robes, with a black helmet on his face and only two eyes.

Longfan saw Jiang Zhiruo immediately and respectfully said, "miss three, this is my master."

Jiang Zhiruo looked at the man doubtfully, "are you?"

"I'm cold!"

Hearing the word "cold ghost", Jiang Zhiruo immediately rejoiced, "are you the first one to repair the ghost crossing the plundered land?"

"Exactly." Cold ghost cold way, and Jiang Zhiruo excited way, "then you have a way to deal with my sister?"

Cold ghost immediately said, "I can make a more powerful fire ghost beast, directly into her body, so that she can only continue to live in the ice cellar all the year round."

"Good!" Jiang Zhiruo is so happy that he immediately asks longfan to take lenggui to Jiang Yao for trouble.

But the black snow jade eyebrows lock tightly, until after those two people leave, that Jiang Zhiruo this just returns to look to that black snow jade, "waited for me to solve the Jiang Yao, I am good to clean up that kid!"

"Miss, do you want to fight against him?"

"What do you mean I'm against him? He is against me! " Jiang Zhiruo hum, let heixueyu go to rest, don't bother yourself.

Black Snow jade this just helpless turn around to leave, and Jiang Zhi if in the heart dark scold, "this wench, what circumstance?"? How can you be so scared by a kid? "

This makes Jiang Zhiruo puzzled, so he lets people stare at heixueyu secretly to prevent her from betraying.

Heixueyu also found the person who secretly monitored himself. He just wanted to find a tea house by himself and stay in a place with many people.


the next day, Lin Tian looked at the three bottles of precious liquid in his hand, "give them three a try first!"

So Lin Tian got up and found three people in the yard. In addition to these three people, Dr. Xue and his four disciples were there, and they also competed with Huo Qingqing.

These people admire the skill of burning Qingqing, and even wonder how Lin Tian taught it.

Until Lin Tian appeared, all the people came back to their senses. Lin Tian smiled at doctor Xue and said, "I have to improve their accomplishments."

"Promotion?" Doctor Xue and his disciples all looked curious, and Lin Tian smiled, "yes."

They were confused, and Lin Tian took them to the secret chamber.

In the secret room, Nangong Yan looks forward to saying, "big brother, can you really improve?"

Lin Tian took out a bottle, "drink this."

Nangong Yan looks at the bottle in her hand, wondering, "what is this?"

"Just a drink."

Nangong Yan naturally didn't think Lin Tian would give her any poison, so she swallowed it rudely.

In an instant, Nangong swallow has an infinite power in its body, and the whole person is full of hot, even sweat.

On one side of the sky, the ice and the burning green are all staring at each other. What's the matter.

After a while, Nangong Yan's whole body seems to have changed a little bit. At last, Nangong Yan's cultivation has been pounding from the distracted state to the early stage of the robbery.

This shocked the ice and the fire.

Nangong Yan opened her eyes for a moment and felt like she was going to collapse, but she was excited. "Big brother, what is this? So powerful! "

"Precious liquid." Lin Tian said that all three didn't understand, but Tianbing was expecting, "big brother, I'll try that too!"

Lin Tian then took out another bottle, and burn Qingqing wanted to come together, so Lin Tian gave it to her.

So after the two men took it, the effect was the same as that of Nangong swallow, and they started to attack crazily from the integration.

For a moment, Tianbing and huoqingqing both reached the peak of the ferry robbery, which was almost complete.

Seeing the result, Lin Tian was very satisfied and said, "now all three of you have crossed the border of plunder, and according to your ability, it will break out, which is no worse than crossing the border of plunder."

They were so happy that they even wanted to go out and try their strength. So they went out of the secret room.

Xue Shenyi and others in the yard were still chatting until Nangong Yan's three people appeared, and they were shocked one by one.

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