But Lin Tian smiled, "it's fast enough to pass."

"Boy, you're right, but how fast can you cross the calamity?" The man in the black box laughed.

Lin Tian's mouth was laughing. Later, people saw that Lin Tian was "blinking" on those stones. In a blink of an eye, he reached another stone and kept changing.

In this way, he came to the opposite side, and Dongming was shocked. Then he quickly backed away and turned away.

Heart dream shape, also a quick rush past, came to the edge of Lin Tian, and Lin Tian to Nangong Yan several people said, "you are there."

The three people are gracious, but the Hunyuan tiger wants to go to fairyland. He can only go there. So he looks at Lin Tian for a while and says, "Mr. Lin, can I go there?"

"Come here." Lin Tian said, but Hunyuan tiger was afraid that he would fall down by accident.

Lin Tian smiled and said, "I will give you strength. Just jump."

The Hunyuan tiger is dubious, but the onlookers don't believe it. They don't think Lin Tian can give the Hunyuan tiger any strength.

The dream also looked at Lin Tian strangely, "this is not a joke."

"I'm not kidding." Finish saying, Lin Tian's ten thousand fold technique is added to this Hunyuan tiger, and Hunyuan tiger rushes at a very fast speed.

Even the Hunyuan tiger himself didn't expect that his speed was dozens of times faster than usual, which made him come to Lin Tian at once.

The onlookers envied and envied, but they couldn't help it. They didn't meet Lin Tian.

Nangong Yan sees that Hunyuan tiger can go there. She also shouts, "big brother, I want to go too."

Tianbing, not to mention, has been ready to move, but burning green is more calm, no chaos.

Lin tianben planned not to let them come, but seeing that they thought so, he had to say, "OK, I'll give you a blessing."

The three women immediately rejoiced, and then Lin Tian's ten thousand fold skill increased her power. The three women quickly skimmed the water one by one.

The onlookers were only sighing. Lin Tian looked at Nangong Yan and said, "follow me, don't run around."

"Yes." Nangong Yan and others said the same thing, but Lin Tian turned around and went to the dark place.

After a while, I came to a hall. In this hall, all the immortals who have come in are standing there waiting for something to come.

But after seeing Nangong Yan and others coming, black feather's face changed greatly. "What are you kidding? Are you all in?"

Nangong Yan's several people immediately smiled at Heiyu, and Heiyu immediately backed up and said to Nangong Yan and others with a smile, "ladies and heroes, can we put aside our gratitude and resentment?"

"Do you think so?" Nangong Yan asked with a smile, and black feather looked at his dream. "Dream, can you let them pin me?"

"Who told you to mess with them all the time." That dream didn't plan to stop Nangong Yan and others, and also said to black feather.

This can make black feather angry to the extreme, "I just want to find some help."

"It seems that you are looking for us as slaves." Nangong Yan joked.

Black feather immediately speechless, then hurried to that hole bright edge, "come, deal with them together."

Dongming said coldly, "go on your own."

Black feather was stupefied, and stared at Dong Ming strangely. "Are you itching?"

Dongming's eyes widened, and the dark eyes made blackfeather a little afraid, "you."

Nangong Yan smiled and said, "you're not his own attendant."

"What do you mean?" The black feather is frightened to retreat to one side, but that Nangong Yan doesn't know how to explain, can only look to the heart dream, "heart elder sister, you come to explain."

The dream said to the black feather, "that black box uses the magic of seizing, taking away your body, and then changing into his appearance."

"What?" Black feather's eyes are wide, very frightened.

That hole clear ice cold way, "know how?"

Black feather retreated continuously, keeping a certain distance from Dongming, and at the same time guarding Nangong Yan and others. He was helpless and said, "three, you see, you are dealing with him, not me."

"For most of this month, you have sent people to clean us up." Nangong Yan doesn't care. She approaches the black feather step by step.

Black feather knew that it was important to protect his life at the moment, so he threw out a black turtle shell and hid himself in it, and cried, "I will hide it. If you have the ability, you can kill me."

My dream saw the frown, "it's the fairy ware made from the turtle shell of the Black Turtle."

"Very powerful?" Nangong Yan was puzzled, but the dream explained, "this kind of immortal weapon has no attack, but it has strong defense."

Nangong Yan tries to attack several times, and finds that the attack is useless for the turtle shell, but Tianbing's soul power is not as good as that of the other party, so she can only look at Lin Tian. "It seems that you can only control it, ancestor."

Lin Tian smiled and waved, and the tortoise shell ran to Lin Tian. He was curious that Lin Tian always controlled the magic weapon.

For the black feather in the tortoise shell, he said, "boy, have something to say."

"Nothing to say." Lin Tian said four words, and black feather knew that there was no end to it. He could only say in that gloomy way, "then I won't go out."

"Then you don't want to go back to fairyland."

"You." Black feather was worried, but Lin Tian didn't notice. Instead, he stared at Dongming. "Is it our turn?"

The man in Dongming's body hums, "boy, do you want to die?"

Lin Tian doesn't care. He approaches each other step by step, and Dong Ming hums and hits him with one hand.

Lin Tian didn't dodge or leave this time. He let the other side fight.

People think Lin Tian will have an accident, but Lin Tian is OK. Instead, they just step back and pat the dust on their body. Then they look at the second crack in their body. Before it's completely cracked, they exclaim, "it's still too weak."

"What, too weak?" The other side heard Lin Tian say that, the guy in Dongming's body had airway.

Lin Tian smiled back, "yes, it's too weak."

This can stop the people around, while Nangong Yan's several people show their worship looks. As for their dreams, they murmur to themselves, "how can this guy do it?"

Lin Tian continues to go to that cave, and the other party attacks crazily, but no matter how to attack, Lin Tian can do nothing.

However, Lin Tian was helpless in his heart. "There is still no one hundred thunders."

But the other side was anxious, and began to flinch a little, "boy, we have no grievances and no hatred, why do we entangle like this?"

"No injustice, no hatred?"


"That box was put out by me, but you ran away with it. It's like robbing my hand. Can you call it no injustice, no hatred?" Lin Tian asked with a smile.

The man said gloomily, "boy, that box is one of mine. You let me out, of course I want to escape."

"Oh? So, where are you suppressed? "


Lin Tian stretched out his hand. "Give it to me."

"For what?" He stared at Lin Tian.

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