The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

Chapter 946 warning before the fairy leaves

"Box!" Lin Tian said coldly, and the man said in a hurry, "this box is one with me. It's for you, isn't it for me?"

"I want something inside, and something." Lin Tian looks at him with a smile, and the man knows that he can't fight Lin Tian, so he has to bite his teeth and say, "come in then."

Finish saying, this person turns into a box, float in there, but before Lin Tian wants to go in, that dream actually reminds a way, "must be careful, prevent to be taken away by him."

"Don't worry, he can't do it." Lin Tian confidently put his hand on the box, and then the whole person disappeared.

When he reappeared, Lin Tian stood in a dark place.

"Come out."

At this time, a person transformed by the magic cloud appears there, and the magic Qi around becomes thick.

"Magic Qi? It seems that you are a real devil. " Lin Tian laughed, and the man bit his teeth and said, "my name is devil wind. I'm from the devil kingdom. Later, because I went to the fairyland, I was killed. Then the soul was integrated into this magic weapon, and I threw it into the mountain of cutting the fairyland. I was trapped for thousands of years."

Lin Tian stared at him strangely and said, "let you merge with the magic weapon and throw you here. What does the other party want to do?"

"I don't know either."

Lin Tian hesitated and asked, "what magic weapon is sealed in this box?"

"A terrible light immortal."

"Oh? Where? "

"Front." The devil wind pointed to the front, and Lin Tian walked by step by step. After passing through the devil cloud, he saw a lamp.

I saw the lamp floating in the mid air and emitting golden light.

"Light is a magic weapon, and the magic lamp is extinguished."

"The magic lamp? What do you mean? " That devil wind didn't understand, and Lin Tian explained, "it's said that in the fairy world, there is a light system immortal tool that can make people and people unable to get close to it, and can make magic power unable to affect it. Moreover, it can keep the original mind and not be invaded by anything."

"So powerful?" The devil wind was shocked, but Lin Tian doubted, "why do you use your integrated box to suppress such a good thing?"

"I don't know either." The devil wind obviously didn't know anything, and Lin Tian approached step by step.

However, the evil wind did not dare to approach, because it was like being burned when it approached, and Lin Tian watched it for a while and then grabbed it with one hand.

This lamp has a strong power, want to break away from Lin Tian, and Lin Tian sneers, "be good."

The next moment, the lamp gradually stabilized a lot, and Lin Tian picked up the glass lamp in one hand, and then communicated with the immortal soul inside, "say, how can you be here?"

"Before I came, I was sleeping. After I woke up, I was here. Then I couldn't go anywhere. I had to be here all the time." There was a voice of a aggrieved little girl.

"Oh? So, who have you contacted and why do you come here? "

"I don't know."

Lin Tian said helplessly, "then follow me later."

The little girl hesitated, "are you very good?"

"What do you think?"

"I see that you are not even a fairy, nor can you stir up the spirit of immortality."

Lin Tian, who saw the other side belittle himself, said with a smile, "you will know later."

With that, Lin Tian put the glass lamp away, and the evil spirit around him swallowed immediately, but it didn't affect Lin Tian.

However, the evil wind looked at Lin Tian strangely, "who are you? Why can we subdue the immortal weapon, and we are not afraid of the evil spirit. "

"You don't care who I am." Lin Tian stared at the evil wind, and then walked to it step by step.

The devil wind looked at Lin Tian curiously. "You, what do you want to do?"

"Aren't you going to fairyland?"

"Yes, so what?"

"When you get to fairyland, you will be chased by all kinds of people. It's better not to go back." Lin Tian smiles at the devil wind.

"I've been waiting here for thousands of years, and I've always wanted to leave. I don't want to stay."

"Don't worry, I will let you leave this beheading platform."

The other side didn't believe it, and Lin Tian didn't explain much, but stared at him and said, "come here."

"For what?" The evil wind had a kind of ominous premonition. As expected, Lin Tian put his hand on his forehead. The evil wind stared, but it was too late.

When Lin Tian stopped, the evil wind said, "you are not human."

"Just know."

"You." Evil wind looks at Lin Tian strangely, and Lin Tian laughs and says, "you are a man of the devil kingdom. You have many abilities of the devil Kingdom, and I need you to help me find someone, so you follow me, I won't treat you badly."

"Looking for someone?"


"Who?" That devil wind doubts, and Lin Tian says with a smile, "wait until you leave the beheading platform."

With that, Lin Tian left the box and put it away. Nangong Yan and others wondered where the box went and what was in it.

The dream also stared at Lin Tian strangely, and Lin Tian said with a slight smile, "it's a man of the devil Kingdom, after being killed, sealed in this box."

"That's it?" That dream is suspicious, but Nangong Yan's few people are nothing, but Lin Tian's mind is how Tiangu alliance knows that there is this box, and why they should send someone to look for it.

At this time, the black feather took advantage of the people's inattention and quickly controlled the turtle shell to disappear.

Nangong Yan immediately returned to her mind and said, "this guy is running again."

Tianbing said gloomily, "this guy runs around with a turtle shell."

"It's OK. Just wait till he gets back to the fairyland." Lin Tian smiles, and Nangong Yan is on guard, not giving black feather a chance to come back.

At the moment, black feather walked around the corner of the palace gloomily, but scolded in his heart, "Damn it."

After a while, there was a strong wind in the hall.

The immortals said excitedly, "the fairyland passage appears."

Hearing this, black feather immediately ran back, and then saw a vortex on the eaves of the hall.

At this moment, the people who got the immortal's lattice floated up automatically. Obviously, they were inspired by the immortal world and wanted to fly up the same way.

That Hun yuan tiger is the same, so he is in a hurry. "This, what's the matter?"

"As soon as the fairyland passage is opened, you will be pulled up if you already have a fairyland." Lin Tian explained.

The Hun yuan tiger made a sound, but he was a little timid. Lin Tian took out some spirit grass from the fairy grass garden and threw it to the Hun yuan tiger. "If you are in danger, take it."

"Thank you, Mr. Lin. thank you, girls." The Hunyuan tiger said excitedly, and Nangong Yan said with a smile, "there will be a future."

The Hunyuan tiger then leaped into the passage and disappeared, while the remaining immortals were ready to start flying into the passage.

Lin Tian takes out some spirit grass and hands it to the dream, "here you are."

My dream took these grasses, looked at Lin Tian for a long time and said, "this world is not so simple, you must be careful."

"With the big brother in, we must be OK." Nangong Yan said with a smile, but she could not help shaking her head. "As far as I know, this is not a common lower boundary."

Nangong Yan is puzzled. Lin Tian stares at her curiously. "What do you know?"

After hesitating for a while, the dream said, "when I came here, I met a group of terrible people, who are not immortals. Not only that, in this world, there are many things that are scarce in the fairyland, and even hidden many terrible forces."

"Oh? Is that right? " Lin Tian was deep in thought. She had a dream that Lin Tian was powerful, but she had to remind her, "don't go to Dahuang mountain."


"It's called the immortal's graveyard, so it's also called the immortal's mausoleum." Dream finish, a turn to fly into the channel.

"Tomb cemetery?" Lin Tian is deep in thought, but Nangong Yan and others exclaim.

After all, the big barren mountain, from millions of years ago, has always been a very mysterious existence, but did not expect that there are even immortals are afraid to step into.

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