The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 178: Guo Qing is very careful

Although I didn't listen to the previous article, I don't know what Ju Shou said just now, but Ju Shou once suggested that Yuan Shao take the emperor to command the princes, but Cao Cao knew about this. After hearing Guo Tu's words, he immediately guessed that Ju Shou's speech should be in support of Yuan Shao. King Qin rescued the driver, and since Guo Tu spoke out against it at this time, he must have disapproved of Yuan Shao's rescue by King Qin.

Cao Cao raised his eyes and turned to Guo Tu.

However, as Cao Cao expected, Guo Tu opposed Yuan Shaoqin's rescue.

Yuan Shao asked, "Government, what is wrong with what the supervisor said?"

Guo Tu said: "Duke Ming, Tu thinks that in the current situation, it is not appropriate to send troops to serve Wang Chang'an."

Yuan Shao asked, "Why is it inappropriate? Gongze, please tell me in detail and let me listen."

Probably to enhance the persuasiveness of his words, Guo Tu stood up from the seat, grabbed his sleeves, put his hands behind his back, and paced the hall. Before taking the throne, he raised his head and said, "Duke Ming, the reason why you shouldn't be a diligent king, Tu Yu thought..." After a short pause, he extended his hand from behind, gestured to Yuan Shao, raised four fingers, and then continued Said, "There are four in total."

Yuan Shao said, "Oh? There are as many as four?"

"There are as many as four!"

Yuan Shao took out the appearance of listening attentively, stroked his beard and said, "I would like to hear the details."

Guo Tu said: "One, Li Jue and Guo Si are fierce and good at fighting, and both of them are brave generals in Liangzhou, and they each have tens of thousands of elite soldiers. Auxiliary, uncontrollable, is also known as a tough general, but he was defeated by Changpingguan for both of them last year; Lv Bu is known as a flying general, but he is still invincible against the two of them. The elite soldiers under the two of them can be seen. Although the two of them are fighting within each other, once they hear that I am going to Chang'an and plan to protect themselves, the two of them will definitely stop fighting to make peace and fight against me together. Army. At that time, there were strong enemies in front of me that were difficult to defeat, and Zhang Ji, Yang Ding, and Duan Xun from Hongnong County on the side would also lead their troops to help Li and Guo, and there were enemy troops behind me. , being attacked from the front and back, not to mention winning, I am afraid that the defeat will be inevitable."

Yuan Shao stroked his beard and nodded slightly.

The first objection cited by Guo Tu was one of several reasons Yuan Shao had told Cao Cao yesterday.

Guo Tu continued: "Secondly, Gongsun Bogui is my confidant in Jizhou. Although he is in decline and his troops are numerous, Yijing is still strong. At this moment, it is time for our army to take advantage of the victory to pursue and attack. We must strive for the time to wipe out one of them, but if King Qin rescues him at this time, it is necessary to transfer the troops and horses on the front line. In this way, Tu worrying may give Gongsun Bogui a chance to breathe. Chang'an is far away in Guanzhong, and Gongsun Bogui is close at hand. If King Qin is defeated, and Gongsun Bogui takes the opportunity to invade Jizhou, what should we do? This is not worth the loss."

Yuan Shao nodded again and motioned Guo Tu to continue.

"The third..." Guo Tu turned and glanced at Cao Cao, turned his head back, and continued to say to Yuan Shao, "Ming Gong, Cao Gong was defeated by Xun Zhen and lost Yanzhou, and now, the whole of Yanzhou has been destroyed. Xun Zhen is occupied. At this time, I have a wolf in the east of Jizhou. If Xun Zhen took advantage of the opportunity to attack after Wenming Gong went to Chang’an, how could our army respond? The gathering of brave generals is more serious than Gongsun Bogui going south to the bandit realm! It will put me in even greater danger.”

Yuan Shao agreed and nodded.

In fact, the second and third reasons cited by Guo Tu were also mentioned by Yuan Shao to Cao Cao yesterday.

Guo Tu said: "The fourth point is, Duke Ming, after the severe drought in Chang'an last year, I heard from the pictures that the common people changed their sons to eat each other, and it was already broken. Now that Li Jue and Guo Si are attacking each other, Chang'an City will inevitably be unable to escape the troops and disasters. That is to be able to defeat Li Jue and Guo Si. In this Chang'an, the emperor can't wait any longer, Chang'an can't wait, Luoyang is now occupied by Xunzhen, and it is true King Nengqin succeeds in saving the car, how should I arrange it that day?"

Cao Cao's brows furrowed involuntarily, and he thought to himself, "Is this Duke Guo really stupid or fake?"

Is it true that the so-called King of Diligence rescues the car, is it really to rescue Liu Xie from the crisis, is it really the royal family of Naixin? of course not! The real purpose of King Qin's rescue was to take this opportunity to control Liu Xie. So after defeating Li Jue and Guo Si, where should Liu Xie be placed? Could it still be a problem? Not to mention that Chang'an can't be resettled, even if Chang'an can be resettled, Liu Xie definitely can't keep him in Chang'an. The best option is to bring Liu Xie back from Chang'an and put him in Ye County. .

But Guo Tu raised this doubt, which is simply incomprehensible!

Cao Cao wanted to speak.

But at first, his identities are different from Ju Shou, Guo Tu and others. Ju Shou and Guo Tu are close advisors to Yuan Shao. Cao Cao used to be the prefect of Dongjun and Yanzhou prefect, and now he is the prefect of Taiyuan. He has been with Yuan Shao before, so he is not a close minister of Yuan Shao. On a higher level, he is considered an ally of Yuan Shao. On a normal level, he is now a foreign minister under Yuan Shao's rule, and his relationship with Yuan Shao is relatively distant. When these close officials of Yuan Shao spoke, he hurriedly interjected, which was not appropriate; both, he knew that Ju Shou would not just let it go, and would definitely speak up and insist on his opinion. He also wanted to hear Ju Shou's opinion again. Let's see what Ju Shou will say, and by the way, let's see what Yuan Shao's opinion is towards Ju Shou.

So, Cao Cao kept silent.

Ju Shou really got up and spoke out against Guo Tu, saying: "Ming Gong, what Guo Jun said was to teach his stupid opinion, it's not good! Otherwise!"

Yuan Shao motioned Guo Tu to sit down, asked Ju Shu, and said, "What do you think of the supervisor?"

Ju Shou said, "Guo Junshi has just said four inappropriate things, so I will discuss them one by one first."

Yuan Shao said, "Supervisor, please speak."

Ju Shou said: "One of them is inappropriate. Guo Jun said that he may not be able to defeat Li Jue and Guo Si. He said that if our army goes to Chang'an, Li Guo may give up his troops and make peace, and he will give stupid opinions. This is really nothing to worry about."

Yuan Shao said "Oh" and asked, "Why do you see it?"

Ju Shu said: "Li and Guo have no foresight, they are just stupid warriors. Since the two have already become enemies, it is unlikely that they will quit the army and reconcile. Taking a step back, even if the two of them are willing to quit the army and reconcile, but the feud has already settled. If we succeed, how can we really face each other? The harmony is also not stable. With the wisdom of Ming Gong, we will be able to find opportunities from it, or divide them, or plan them, so that our army can win. "

Yuan Shao asked, "The second one mentioned by Gongze, what if Gongsun Bogui was given a chance to breathe?"

Ju Shou said, "Gongsun Bogui is also not worried about giving his humble opinion."

"Isn't Bo Gui enough to worry about?"

Ju Shu said: "Gongsun Bogui killed Liu Youzhou, and people in Youzhou had already lost their hearts. Therefore, Yan Rou, Xian Yufu, Su Puyan and other Han and Hu Gong in Youzhou raised troops instead, and it is precisely because of this that General Kou was able to fight with him. Yan Rou and the others joined forces to defeat Gongsun Bogui at the end of last year! Now, Gongsun Bogui is just trapped in one place, struggling to survive. If Yan Rou, Xian Yufu, Su Puyan, etc. were forced to the north, it was Duke Ming who had transferred the troops back from the front line. Gui also has nothing to worry about."

Yuan Shao was noncommittal, and asked slowly, "Is Xun Zhenzhi not worried?"

Ju Shou raised his head and said, "Ming Gong, Xun Zhendong is not to worry."

Yuan Shao said: "Supervisor, Xun Zhenzhi is different from Gongsun Bogui. Gongze just said very well, his army is strong and strong, how can it be nothing to worry about?"

Ju Shou said: "There are two reasons why Zhendong has nothing to worry about. One is that Zhendong has newly acquired Qingzhou. Qingzhou used to be rampant with yellow scarves. At its peak, the number of yellow scarves in the prefecture reached one million people. Qing Ye, now the focus of going down to Zhendong must be to clean up Qingzhou as soon as possible and appease the situation. At this time, it will be difficult for him to use troops in Jizhou; another, why Zhendong sent Xu Rong and others to lead the troops to settle in Henan Yin? It's obvious that Zhendong's current military focus is Henan Yin!

"Ming Gong, although Zhendong has excellent soldiers and brave soldiers, but at the bottom, Qingzhou needs to be pacified, and Henan Yin is the direction of its economic strategy. How can he invade our Jizhou? This is my humble opinion. Zhendong is also not enough to worry about.

"Not only will Zhendong not come to attack me in Jizhou, but..."

Yuan Shao asked, "How?"

Ju Shu said: "On the contrary, I am worried that after hearing about the infighting between Li Jue and Guo Si, Zhendong may send troops to King Qin of Chang'an! Zhendong now has soldiers and horses stationed in Luoyang and Yingchuan. Fu You only followed his horse's lead, and he sent troops to Chang'an, the journey was not far, only Hongnong County was in the middle, and if Sun Bofu helped him, his troops would be enough."

Yuan Shao was silent for a while, and then said, "Gongze just said that if King Qin was Chang'an, the emperor would not be able to place him. How do the supervisors think about this?"

Ju Shou said: "Guo Jun said that Chang'an can't be waited, Luoyang is in the hands of Xun Zhendong, and he can't go there. It's not bad, but because of this, Duke Ming, King Qin rescued the car, and after saving the emperor from trouble, he simply welcomed the emperor. Wouldn't it be better to move the capital to Ye?"

Yuan Shao said, "Moving the capital to Ye?"

Ju Shu said, "Yes! Duke Ming."

He raised his chest and said to Yuan Shao with great enthusiasm, "The Duke of Ming has exhausted Yetai Mansion, and he has been loyal for generations. Today, the son is displaced and the ancestral temple has been destroyed. Although the princes of Guanzhong have sent volunteer soldiers from the outside, they are all about fighting for territory. There is a sense of sympathy for the society and the people; now Jizhou is rough and strong, and the soldiers are attached, and the Duke of Ming is here. Taking advantage of the infighting between Li Jue and Guo Si, he welcomes Dajia in the west, that is, the capital of Gongye, and takes the emperor and orders the feudal lords. , the brutes and horses can't be punished, who can control it? Duke Ming, this is the time given by the gods, so don't lose it!"

These words fell into Cao Cao's ears, and Cao Cao just wanted to applaud Ju Shou.

What Ju Shu said was what he wanted to say.

Cao Cao said in his heart: "The supervisor is worthy of the name of a wise man, he has deep and foresight, and what he is talking about is right!"

Yuan Shao was silent.

Guo Tu got up from the seat again, approached Yuan Shao, and said, "Tu dare to ask Duke Ming to change his clothes."

"Changing clothes" also means going to the toilet. Guo Tu's words, to put it bluntly, is that he invited Yuan Shao to the toilet.

When Cao Cao, Ju Shi and others heard it, their expressions changed.

Yuan Shao got up from his remarks, turned to the screen behind the seat, and stepped into the small room.

Guo Tu followed in small steps and entered the room with Yuan Shao.

Entering the room, Guo Tu said: "Ming Gong, the reason why Tu does not recommend Ming Gong Qin Wang to rescue him is that the four inappropriate things he just said outside are superficial."

Yuan Shao asked, "What's the real reason?"

Guo Tu said: "Duke Ming, the Han Dynasty has been late, it's been a long time, and it's not difficult to make it happen now, isn't it? And the heroes are rising together, each occupying the state and prefecture, even the disciples gather in crowds, and there are thousands of plans. The so-called Qin lost it. The deer, the first to take the king. If you welcome the Son of Heaven today, the capital will be in Ye, then no matter the severity of the matter, you will have to file a petition at every turn. If you obey the will, you will lose your authority. If you violate it, it will be a rejection. This sincerity is not a good person, I sincerely beg the public to consider it!"

Liu Xie was appointed the emperor, which was not in Yuan Shao's way. In his heart, Yuan Shao didn't want to be rescued by King Qin, let alone welcome Liu Xie to Ye County. What does Liu Xie's life or death have to do with Yuan Shao? In Yuan Shao's mind, it would be better if Liu Xie was harmed by Li Jue and Guo Si.

Guo Tu's remarks really spoke to Yuan Shao's heart.

In fact, if Yuan Shao was in favor of King Qin's rescue, then when Cao Cao came to see him yesterday, he could make a decision at that time. Therefore, he agrees with Guo Tu's opinion, which is also expected.

Yuan Shao and Guo Tu went outside, and they sat down again.

Yuan Shao looked around the crowd and said, "What Gongze has been thinking about is very thorough. Gongsun Bogui and Xun Zhenzhi must not ignore them after all."

An anxious look appeared on Ju Shou's face, he looked at Guo Tu in dissatisfaction, stood up, went to persuade Yuan Shao again, and said bitterly: "Duke Ming! Today, to welcome the court, it is good for Yi, and it is the right time. If you don’t welcome it now, there will be someone who will welcome it first, so please ask Ming Gong to think about it again!”

Yuan Shao waved his hand, showed a resolute spirit, and said, "I have made up my mind, there is no need for the supervisor to say anything more, and King Qin needn't mention this matter again!"

Deep disappointment shrouded Cao Cao's heart.

Cao Cao couldn't bear it any longer, he stood up and said to Yuan Shao, "In the beginning, you are missing a good opportunity!" Involuntarily, there was a hint of hatred for iron.

Yuan Shao changed color slightly, just as he was about to say something, a servant outside the hall asked to see him.

After calling him in, the servant hurriedly bowed to the ground and said, "General! Young Master Tan passed out just now."

Hearing this, Yuan Shao was shocked, got up hastily, left Ju Shou and Cao Cao behind, and hurriedly looked at his youngest son Yuan Tan.

Looking at his back to leave the hall, Cao Cao stayed in the hall for a while, but he couldn't sit down, so he just got up and left the hall.

Outside the hall, Cao Chun and Hao Zhao, who were waiting in the courtyard, followed up.

While walking outside the mansion, Cao Chun asked Cao Cao, "Brother, is Yuan fair?"

Cao Cao rolled his sleeves and said, "It's hard and tricky!"

Yesterday it was said to be unpredictable, but today it is difficult and contrived. There is no need to ask, Cao Chun also knows. Yuan Shao seems to have not agreed to join Cao Cao to help the king, and he refused to lend troops to Cao Cao, so he asked Cao Cao and said, "Brother, what should I do?"

Yeah, what to do?

What can we do?

A penny stumbles a heroic man, the lack of soldiers and horses, and the lack of strength can only make the hero short of breath.

After returning to the guest house, he couldn't sleep all night. In order to make this good opportunity to turn around, the next day, Cao Cao held back his anger and begged to see Yuan Shao again.

When he saw Yuan Shao, he stopped talking nonsense, and Cao Cao said directly to Yuan Shao: "In the beginning, if you were not willing to join me as a diligent king, I would definitely do it, but I have insufficient troops. Me, all right?"

After all, Cao Cao and Yuan Shao knew each other as teenagers. They had been in a relationship for decades. They refused to work with Cao Cao as the king. Cao Cao shamed him and turned to borrow troops from him. It was really hard to refuse again.

Yuan Shao then said: "Meng De, the situation in Jizhou today really does not allow me to send troops to Chang'an and King Qin to rescue him. You are worried about the safety of the emperor. I am also a minister of the Han Dynasty, so how can I not be worried? You are willing to save King Qin. Of course I have a lot of support."

Cao Cao said, "In the beginning, did you agree to lend me troops?"

Yuan Shao said, "Why do we need to talk about borrowing? I'll give you three thousand soldiers!"

Cao Cao's disappointment was hard to hide.

Yuan Shao watched and said, "Meng De, I have told you repeatedly about the situation in Jizhou, I am indeed too short of money, and I can't give you any more. You are in Xihe County, don't you still have Yuan Rang's troops? If you asked him to lead his troops with you, you always have more available troops; besides, did you say that Wang Wen from Hedong County agreed to lend you troops? Plus the Hedong soldiers from Wang Wendu,… ...I'll send a letter to Yuan Cai and ask him to send some troops to you, so the head office will do it, right?"

Cao Cao sighed and said, "Forget it, three thousand is three thousand."

However, Cao Cao urged Cao Cao for three days in succession for these 3,000 soldiers and horses, and then they were assigned to Cao Cao's tent. It was the 3,000 soldiers of the original Jizhou Prefecture commanded by Zhang He.

On the same day, Cao Cao entered Yuan Shao's military mansion to say goodbye, and the official reported that Yuan Shao was not in the mansion.

It turned out that Yuan Shao's youngest son, Yuan Tan, was in better health. Because he had been in the ward for a long time, he was suffocated. Cao Cao was impatient, worried that others, especially Xun Zhen would overtake the Qin King, so he stopped waiting for Yuan Shao, and led Cao Chun, Hao Zhao, etc., as well as Zhang He and Zhang He's three thousand soldiers and horses out of Ye County on the same day. Go to Taiyuan.

That evening, Yuan Shao came back from outside the city and knew that Cao Cao had left without saying goodbye to him, and he felt unhappy. Needless to say.

On the way back to Taiyuan, he passed through the Taihang Mountains again, and he still stayed overnight in the mountains, but Cao Cao's state of mind was completely different from the last night he stayed in the mountains when he came to Ye County. Last time, although I knew it was difficult, as long as Yuan Shao was persuaded to send troops, the possibility of King Qin's success in rescuing the car would be very high. In other words, the possibility of his ambition being realized would be very high. Encouragement; this time, it means that Yuan Shao failed, and only borrowed 3,000 soldiers and horses. If he goes to King Qin to rescue him, the resistance will inevitably be heavy, and the possibility of success will become very small. In other words, the possibility of his ambition being realized is also It is very small, but it is under a lot of pressure, such as Taihang pressing the top.

I just passed the Taihang The military officer in front came to report, saying that a messenger sent by Cheng Li asked to see him.

Cao Cao summoned him to see him.

The messenger reported, "Duke Ming, the sage has issued a secret decree and arrived at Jinyang Prefecture the day before yesterday."

Cao Cao asked: "The secret decree of the Holy One? What secret decree?"

The messenger replied: "The Holy High has ordered Duke Ming to lead his troops to King Qin of Chang'an."

Ding Chong's letter and Liu Xie's secret message have the same meaning, but as mentioned above, they represent completely different meanings.

When Cao Cao heard the news, he was in a very stressful mood.


Just when Cao Cao learned about Liu Xie's secret order and sent it to Taiyuan and rushed back to Jinyang, on this day, Zhong Yao's letter was sent to Xunzhen's military mansion in Changyi. At about the same time as Zhong Yao's letter, there was also Liu Bei's letter to Xun Zhen. book, the time has come to the beginning of March.

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