The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 179: Going to Changyi Hu Benfa (Part 1)

Zhong Yao's secret letter and Liu Bei's letter were sent from front to back.

Zhong Yao's secret letter arrived first, and not long after it arrived, Liu Bei's letter also arrived.

Xun Zhen stopped reading the secret letter and the letter successively, and ordered his attendants to summon Xi Zhicai, Xun Yu, Yuan Sui, Xuan Kang, Guo Jia, Chen Qun and other military officials to see them, and sent Xun You and Le, who are now in Changyi City, to see them. Jin and so are also called.

Xi Zhicai was working in the military mansion, very close to the auditorium where Xun Zhen was, and after a while, they came in an endless stream.

When everyone sat down, Xun Zhen ordered the attendants to show them Zhong Yao's secret letter.

After Xi Zhicai and others saw it, they all looked solemn.

Xun Yu asked Xun Zhen calmly, and said, "Dare to ask Brother, what do you mean?"

"Before you came, I was thinking about what troops I can call now. After all, even if I include Li Tong's troops in Runan, and Xu Rong's troops in Luoyang, I can use them in total. There are only about 30,000 soldiers, ... but I can go to Xin Bo Fu and ask him to help, but Bo Fu has limited soldiers and horses, and it is estimated that he can go out and ride at most 5,000. In other words, I can use it to rush to Chang'an, King Qin. There are only 35,000 people in the rescue work. As Yuan Chang’s letter said, although Li Jue and Guo Si are fighting with each other, the two of them belong to Zhang Ji and Duan Xun from Hongnong County. , Yang Ding and others, the total number of soldiers and horses of their generation is 70,000 or 80,000.

"With my army of less than 40,000, I drove more than a thousand li, entered the enemy's territory, and attacked an enemy twice as large as mine, and Li and Guo's generals were all brave. Although I took advantage of their disadvantages, can I win? Please come here because I want to hear your opinions.”

——The "enemy country" says so, although Chang'an is the western capital of the Han Dynasty, but now Chang'an and the Hongnong County between Chang'an and Luoyang are under the control of Li Jue, Guo Si, Zhang Ji, etc., for Xun Zhen , indeed it can be called an enemy country.

Xun Zhen's words revealed two meanings.

The first layer means that there is no need to consider the issue of King Qin's rescue, it must be done. What is the purpose of Xun Zhen's scriptures on Henan Yin? It is precisely to wait for the opportunity to forge ahead and get the emperor into the hands. Now that the opportunity is in front of you, you can't miss it.

The second layer means that his current available soldiers, even if Sun Ce's troops are added, are still outnumbered by Li Jue, Guo Si and others, and they are marching long distances, so how much assurance is there to win? ?

After Xi Zhicai and the others heard Xun Zhen's words, they pondered, and the hall was quiet for a while.

Yuan Sui was the chief of the military mansion, and Yuan Sui knew very well how many soldiers and horses Xun Zhen could call at present.

He was the first to speak, saying: "As Duke Ming said, now as the Qin King Chang'an, the available troops are indeed insufficient. The enemy is strong and we are weak, and things are hurried. Our army is afraid that we will not be able to make all the necessary preparations. If we rush to Chang'an to rescue Jia, victory or defeat is unpredictable. Since this is the case, Sui Zhi’s stupid opinion, why not dispatch scouts first, carefully investigate the situation in Chang’an and Hongnong, and then make a decision?”

Guo Jia shook his head and said, "Chang Shi's statement is absurd."

Yuan Sui said, "Where did I go wrong?"

Guo Jia said: "Discriminating the meaning of the long history is to make the Duke of Ming miss this opportunity."

Yuan Sui was stunned, and said, "What I said was to send me details to investigate the situation in Guanzhong and Hongnong, and then make a decision. How can I persuade Duke Ming to miss this opportunity?" Gong Suhuai was the father of the emperor, helped the world, accomplished the career of Huan and Wen, and built the lofty ambitions of the world. The former Duke of Ming managed Henan Yin, which is why. Today, Li and Guo Sheng are fighting against each other. It is indeed a good opportunity to come. Now, how could I have persuaded Duke Ming to miss out on this opportunity? Besides, I also agree with Duke Ming's ambition, and I am willing to do little!"

Yuan Sui really would not object to Xun Zhen taking this opportunity to march into Chang'an.

Guo Jia smiled and said, "That's because the long history is not thinking well."

Yuan Sui said: "Dare to ask Feng Xiao, what do you mean by this?"

Guo Jia talked eloquently, and said: "Jia Wenzhi, you can't miss the opportunity to make changes, and you can't get tired of quick work. Today, Li Guo is in chaos, and the emperor is in danger. This is the time when Duke Zhengming leads troops to rescue the driver. If it is delayed, there must be a first landing Now, according to what Chang Shi said, if you send scouts first, go to Chang'an and Hongnong to investigate the facts, and then make a decision, the journey from Changyi to Chang'an is quite long, and it will take a lot of time to go back and forth. If it takes time, wait until the details are investigated and understood, and our army will go to Chang'an again, I'm afraid it will be too late."

Yuan Sui said: "But what is the current situation in Chang'an? The letter from Zhong Shilang was written half a month ago. Has there been any change in the past half month? I don't know. If something goes wrong, what should I do? At that time, what should I do if not only did the Son of Heaven fail to be rescued, but my Xu, Yan, and Qing Zhuzhou had problems because of it?"

Yuan Sui was older, and Guo Jia's former chief officer, Chang Shi was the head of the military mansion, and Guo Jia was the middle officer of the military mansion before, so Guo Jia didn't want to argue with Yuan Sui, so he got up and went to Xun Zhen. After a ceremony, he said: "Duke Ming, Jia's opinion is like this. You can't miss the opportunity. You should send troops immediately! As for the victory or defeat that Duke Ming is worried about, in Jia's stupid opinion, our army will definitely win."

Xun Zhen smiled and said, "Fengxiao, let me hear your 'foolish opinion'."

Guo Jia said: "There are three reasons for the victory. Li Jue and Guo Si were first in chaos in the court, and now Chang'an is in chaos. The Duke of Ming sent a righteous army to rescue the emperor. This is where the great righteousness lies. Heroes along the way will definitely gather to follow, Chang'an. Scholars and people, must eat the pot pulp, this is one of the wins."

Xun Zhen said, "Where is the second victory?"

Guo Jia said: "Since Duke Ming raised his troops in Guangling, he has moved to the three states in the southeast, and he is invincible. Now, King Qin has rescued him again. Although the road to Chang'an is long, our army will be in high spirits! Li and Guo Zhibing have gathered for profit. That's it, if the benefit is there, it will gather; if the benefit disappears, it will perish; if you suffer a little setback, it will be scattered. This is the second victory."

Xun Zhen asked again, "What about the third?"

Guo Jia said: "When the righteous division of Ming Ming arrives, Li Jue and Guo Si may give up their troops to make peace, but the feud between the two has already been born, and the peace is not enough to worry about. It must win three."

Guo Jia's three points are sure to win, and the first two answers are actually the two doubts that Xun Zhen raised just now.

The first concern is that Chang'an is an enemy country.

Guo Jia pointed out that when Xun Zhen went to King Qin today, he had righteousness in his hands. After arriving in Hongnong and Chang'an, the heroes and scholars in Hongnong and Chang'an would definitely welcome him very much. That is to say, the local scholars in Hongnong and Chang'an, including the ministers in the DPRK and China, would take the initiative and actively cooperate with Xun Zhen, send him news and send information to him, then the worries of "enemy country" are actually completely non-existent. of.

The second doubt is that it is thousands of miles away from Chang'an, and to Chang'an, it needs to pass through Hongnong in the middle, and needs to fight a battle in Hongnong. After arriving at Chang'an, the troops will become exhausted.

Guo Jia pointed out that Xun Zhen's troops fought with Xun Zhen for many years and were very obedient to Xun Zhen's orders. As a result, the meeting will be low; on the other hand, Li Jue, Guo Si, and Zhang Ji, Duan Xun, Yang Ding and other troops of Hongnong, but now they look like they are from the outside. , into a pile of scattered sand, such as Li Guo's internal struggle, such as Duan Xun and Yang Ding's discord, etc., then even if they wait for work, but with the unity of our army and the division of the other side, Xun Zhen can still win.

The third point that Guo Jia said was suspected of flattering Xun Zhen, but he was telling the truth.

With Xun Zhen's good at adopting good strategies, and with the ingenuity of Xi Zhicai, Guo Jia, and others, there is a situation where Li Jue and Guo Si temporarily stop their troops and make peace because of the arrival of Xun Zhen's troops. Xun Zhen also has no fear at all. , can also defeat them.

After listening to Xun Zhen, he pressed his palms and said, "The three victories of filial piety will relieve my three worries!" Xiao Yu said to Yuan Sui, "What Chang Shi has just said is the plan of the elders. This matter is urgent, and when the power changes, it cannot be used. That's it." The advisors Xi Zhicai, Xun Yu, Chen Qun and others said, "What do you think of what Feng Xiao said?"

"The Elder's Strategies" seems to be saying that Yuan Sui's words are old-fashioned, but indirectly that his strategies are not in line with the current actual situation.

Xi Zhicai, Xun Yu, Chen Qun, Xuan Kang and others all agreed with Guo Jia's opinion.

It took only half an hour from when Xi Zhicai and others arrived in the hall until Xun Zhen's doubts were completely resolved, and he immediately dispatched King Qin to rescue him and went to Chang'an. He personally made the decision for the general.

The matter of King Xun Zhenqin's rescue can be said to be the most important thing since Xun Zhen raised his army to the present. Of course, Xun Zhen wanted to lead the troops there in person, and Xi Zhicai and others had no objection to this.

Everyone was in the hall, and then went down to discuss the selection and transfer of He Bu to follow Xun Zhen to Chang'an to rescue the king of Qin, the mobilization of food grains, the recruitment of the people, and so on.

After discussing for a long time, Xun You and Le Jin finally arrived.

Everyone stopped talking for a while, but Xun Zhen still asked the attendants to show Zhong Yao's secret letter to Xun You and Le Jin for viewing.

After Xun You and Le Jin read it, they both looked solemn.

Xun You asked Xun Zhen and said, "Dare to ask if Duke Ming has made a decision?"

Xun Zhen smiled and said: "It has been decided. Today, I will pass on the preparations for the battle from all the troops of King Qin. After five days, we will set off, and we will go to Luoyang first...Wen Qian, you don't need to go to Chang'an with me, stay in Changyi and help Gongda. In the Zhenfu Realm."

Although Le Jin had regrets, he strictly obeyed Xun Zhen's military orders and respectfully complied with them.

"It has been decided that we will start recruiting people today, Gongda. This task is entrusted to you. Only five days, are you enough?"

Xun You asked Xun Zhen and said, "Dare to ask Duke Ming, how many troops do you plan to deploy when you go to Chang'an?"

"The soldiers and horses that only came from Changyi have a total of about 20,000 cavalry."

Xun You estimated the number of people needed, and said, "Twenty thousand cavalry rides will take you to Chang'an for more than 1,000 miles, and you will need 30,000 to 40,000 people." With an embarrassed expression, he said, "Ming Gong, five days, I'm afraid it won't be enough."

"You don't need to recruit as many as 30,000 to 40, 10,000 people."

Xun You was puzzled and asked, "Ten thousand people?"

"For the remaining number, I will order the military and civilian colonies in Changyi and other counties, and transfer the colonies to fill them."

Xun You was stunned, heaved a sigh of relief, and said, "If there are only ten thousand people, five days is enough."

"Okay! Remember, don't delay for a day!"

Xun You sternly agreed.

Compared with Yuan Shao, who had decided not to save King Qin for two consecutive days, Xun Zhen's side was less than an hour away, and not only when there was no objection from any of his vassals, King Qin's event had already been decided, and troops were dispatched. Food raising, people's husband and other matters have also been decided.


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