The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 216: Xun Zhen made another speech

When the imperial decree went down to the camp, Xun Zhen greeted him worshipfully, and respectfully sent the angel who delivered the decree away, and returned to the tent with Xi Zhicai, who received the decree from him.

On the way, Xun Zhen instructed the chief clerk, Chen Yi, and said, "Your Excellency will draft a letter of resignation for me and present it to the court."

Chen Yi agreed to the promise, asked Xun Zhen, and said, "Duke Ming, after the book of resignation is delivered to the court, the court will surely worship again. When will it be?"

Xun Zhen said: "The ritual cannot be abolished. If the court will worship again, you will draft a letter of resignation for me, and then resign."

Chen Yi asked, "Ming Gong, three words?"

Xun Zhen pondered a little, asked Xi Zhicai, Guo Jia and others for their opinions, and said, "What do Zhicai, Fengxiao, Qing and others think?"

Xi Zhicai stroked his beard and said with a smile: "Ming Gong, time is tight, there is still a big thing to do next, so you can resign."

Xun Zhen was as good as a stream, so she said to Chen Yi: "Just listen to Zhicai's discussion, just two words."

Chen Yi agreed.

While speaking, arrive at the account.

When Xun Zhen sat down in the main seat, Xi Zhicai and the others lined up to the left and right, and they all sat down.

Everyone's faces were beaming, especially Xuankang and Cheng Jia.

Cheng Jia twirled his sparse beard, shook his head, and said happily, "As Duke Ming wanted, the imperial court is paying tribute to Duke Ming as a recorder! As long as that major event is completed, Duke Ming can show his grand plans."

Xuankang also said happily: "The day before, Duke Ming entered the camp and saw his return. Duke Ming said that at the beginning of the court, he only wanted to give him a general with a chariot and cavalry, but Kang was deeply puzzled at that time. But he was stingy with Duke Ming! In the end, because of Huangfu Zimei's generous speech, the Holy Master changed his mind, and now the decree has been made, and the hard work of Duke Ming of Qianli's hard work and the two **** battles are not in vain."

Xun Zhen frowned, and said unhappily, "What are you talking about, what are you talking about? I, the King of Qianli Qin, did what I did to gain fame and fortune?"

Xuankang and Cheng Jia looked at each other.

The two of them also knew that what the two of them just said was really too straightforward. Although there were no outsiders in the tent at the moment, they were all close friends of Xun Zhen. Those who achieve great things should be deep and introverted, and the joy and anger should not be expressed in appearance. After all, getting to serve as a clerk and other clerk is just the beginning of Xun Zhen's ambitious plans.

The two got up and bowed down, pleaded guilty to Xun Zhen, and said in unison, "Kang (Jia) made a mistake, please forgive me."

But in the end, Cheng Jia was born and died for Xun Zhen, because of wealth and honor; Xuankang was about thirty years old, so he was not young, but since he followed Xun Zhen when he was young, it has been smooth sailing, and he has not encountered any setbacks. "Young Zaogui" is not suitable to describe him, but it is similar, so there is still a lack of kung fu in nourishing qi. Xun Zhen also knows this, but in fact, he does not really mean to punish the two of them.

Seeing that the two of them knew their mistakes, Xun Zhen turned her face and smiled, waved her hand, and said, "Sit down."

Xuan Kang and Cheng Jia respectfully returned to the seat and sat down.

Xun Zhen stroked her short moustache, her eyes were clear, and she looked at Xi Zhicai and the others. She seemed to express herself, and seemed to explain something, and said, "You should know my will, the reason why I want to be a recorder of the book is, It's not because of my covetousness for power, but because of the system of this dynasty. The ministers and others are all included. If you can't be a recorder, you won't be able to know the state affairs.

"It's been eleven years since the Yellow Turbans rose in the first year of Zhongping. During the eleven years, the Han Dynasty has become more and more late, and even the emperor's life has been taken into the hands of traitors before we arrive. Looking at the sea, from the north to Youbian, to the south to Jiaoyang, to the west to Liangzhou, more than ten prefectures of the Han family, more than a hundred counties, and now half of Thailand has been stolen by powerful tyrants, fighting each other, and the people have suffered for a long time!

"At this moment, if we don't take a powerful medicine to cure it, and if we delay and let go, then in my opinion, maybe in a few years, I don't know how many people will be called emperors and how many people will be called kings! Also, it will become more and more incurable!"

At this point, Xun Zhen felt very sad.

Everyone in the tent knew that Xun Zhen's appearance was not made by him. Xun Zhen really hated and hoped for the fact that the feudal lords in the world are now separated, fighting each other, and the common people are deeply hurt. If he could turn the situation around, otherwise, he wouldn't have written the poem "Haoli Xing". The meaning of pity for the people contained in this poem is exactly what Xun Zhen wanted to express.

Guo Jia felt the same way and said, "Ming Gong's words are very true! The Han Dynasty has been in decline for a long time. Today, there are many people who rely on their own strength and conspiracy. Brother, you will definitely be usurped!"

Xun Zhen picked up the pottery bowl on the case, took a sip of water, moistened her throat, and continued: "Today, the sea has been eroded to this point. If I want to truly turn the tide, how can I do it with only a general of chariots and cavalry? , I just want to record the book affairs." Looking around Xi Zhicai and others again, he said, "Do you know what I mean?"

Xi Zhicai shook his fan and said, "Ming Ming doesn't need to say more, the public's intentions, loyalty and other self-knowledge."


But it was Xun Zhen who said, "If you can't be a recorder, you won't be able to learn about state affairs." What does this sentence mean?

This starts with the essence of Shangshutai.

In essence, the emergence of Shangshutai is the result of the conflicting struggle between monarchical power and opposing powers.

There is a monarch and a prime minister, and there is a natural contradiction between the power of the monarch and the power of the prime minister.

It’s just that in the early days, the monarchy did not have the absolute upper hand in the struggle between the monarch and the prime minister. Therefore, although there was an official of Shangshu as early as the Warring States Period, this official was only a small official who was in charge of documents for the princes at that time. In the Qin Dynasty, there were officials such as Shangshuling, Shangshu Pushe, and Cao officials, but their status was still not important, and they were only a communication official between the emperor and the prime minister.

The Han Dynasty inherited the Qin system. When Emperor Wu of the former Han Dynasty, the conflict between the monarchy and the prime minister had undergone great changes, that is, the monarchy had the absolute upper hand, but although Emperor Wu had reverted the power of the prime minister to the court, as a heroic talent However, he did not hand over power to Zhongshu (Shangshu), so the status of Shangshu was still very low at that time.

The improvement and expansion of the status and power of Shangshu began after Emperor Wu.

By the time of Emperor Han Chengdi, the power structure of the central government had undergone a major change. The central government, which used to be the prime minister and the prime minister, was transformed into a central government with three centimeters of powers: Situ, Sima, and Sikong. The powers of the unified prime minister were divided into Third, the three princes do not rule each other, so the actual power of the central government always belongs to the emperor.

However, no matter what, an emperor cannot do everything in his own hands. Few emperors of the two can have the extraordinary ability of Emperor Wu. Therefore, Emperor Cheng and his successors had to entrust the government to Zhongshu. Is the book.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by Android and Apple. 】

When he became emperor, he set up five ministers, one was a servant, and the four were divided into four Cao, formally forming the political organization in the court.

This is an important stage in the development of Shangshutai. The status and powers of Shangshu are no longer comparable to those of the past.

However, the real power of the five ministers at the time of becoming emperor was still not too great. The minister's desk officially became the center of the prime minister's state affairs after the current dynasty, that is, after Emperor Guangwu Liu Xiu revived the Han Dynasty.

In view of Wang Mang usurping the Han Dynasty and distrusting ministers, Liu Xiu made a fundamental change to the administrative structure of the central court.

That is: although this dynasty, like the former Han Dynasty, also had a central government headed by the three princes and divided into nine ministers, in fact, the power of the country was completely concentrated in the court, that is, in the Shangshutai.

The so-called "government is not in charge of the next, although the three princes are placed, and the affairs belong to the Taiwan Pavilion, since then, the post of the three princes has only been reserved for staff", the affairs of the world are all in the Shangshu, the Shangshu and the emperor participate in the decision, and after the decision is made, the three palaces go down. As a result, Shangshutai has become the central government's decision-making hub.

It has developed to the present, and the authority of Shangshutai has been increasing day by day, and it has already reached the point where even if you are the third prince, even if you are a foreign relative, if you want to participate in state secrets and major administrative affairs, it is completely impossible without the blessing of the title of "Lu Shangshushi". .

This is the meaning of Xun Zhen's words, "If you can't be a recorder, you can't know the state affairs."

Having said that, although the Shangshutai of this dynasty was already a political hub, in form, it was still under the jurisdiction of the Shaofu, so its rank was not high. The chief official of Shangshutai, Shangshuling, is only a thousand stones. The ministers under it, Pushe, and Cao Shangshu are all only six hundred stones. In terms of rank, they are comparable to the golden seal and purple ribbon. Compared with the three princes, the chariot generals with salaries of ten thousand stones are of course far inferior; but in terms of power, they are by no means comparable to chariot generals!

When the Yellow Turbans were demanded, Huangfu Song was worshipped as a general of chariots and cavalry by the court because of his military exploits. What happened later? Empty and noble, it could not play any role in the chaos of previous years. Not to mention that this chariot general was later divided into two, becoming the left and right chariot generals for the first time, and was awarded to Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun. These need not be mentioned.

Before the Battle of Hongmenting, although Xun Zhen was confident of defeating Li Jue and Guo Si, the battle had not been won after all, so at that time, he had no idea what kind of veneration he hoped the court would give him in return for his merits. I didn't think about it carefully, but after Hongmenting won this battle, on the way to Chang'an, Xun Zhen had had many secret discussions with Xi Zhicai and others on this matter, and Xi Zhicai and Guo Jia were all unanimous. It is believed that when the court remunerates

Waiting, other seals and awards are secondary, only "Recording the Book of Documents" is the most important and must be obtained.

But at the same time, everyone also saw that there would be some difficulties if one wanted to obtain the title of "Lu Shang Shu Shi".

The difficulties were mainly in two aspects. One was that Xun Zhen had no previous experience in serving as an official in the court; the other was that his current official, General Zhendong, was only a mid-level general, and his qualifications were different from his current official rank. insufficient.

But after repeated discussions, everyone finally believed that it was still very possible to get the post of "Recording Shang Shushi".

In other words, the more difficult it is, the more likely it is.

There are two more likely reasons. One is that Xun Zhen's performance as a diligent king this time is completely comparable to Wang Yun's performance in killing Dong Zhuo, or even better than Wang Yun's performance in killing Dong Zhuo. For such a great achievement, it is not impossible to give a super reward.

Another is that although the power of "Recording Shang Shushi" is very great, if the orders issued are not carried out, what is the use of the power in name? Since the feudal lords in the sea are separated today, and there is no strong strength to rely on, the power of "recording the book" is just a piece of waste paper. To restore the authority of the emperor, it seems that the only way is to worship Xunzhen as this post.

Xunzhen sits in three states and has a strong army. If he is a minister of record, then the various administrative orders he issues will not be listened to by the princes, and he must weigh at least three points before rejecting them. of.

In addition to these two reasons, there is another reason that cannot be clearly stated. Nowadays, the county magistrates in Xu, Yan, and Qing states, including Yuzhou, Henan Yin, Jiujiang and other places, are either Xun Zhen’s people or Xun Zhen’s allies Sun Ce's people, even if they don't give Xun Zhen the "recording of the book", Yang Biao will still be in charge, and even if Xun Zhen won't be angry because of this and is willing to stay in the court as a general of chariots and cavalry, the court's decree goes to these places. , will the officials in these places listen? What's more, if Xun Zhen was furious because he didn't have the job, and refused to stay in the court, but turned around and led his troops back to his territory, what would the court do?

In fact, the reason why Han Rong and others proposed to reward Xun Zhen according to the story of Wang Yun's execution of Dong Zhuo at the meeting, and worship him as the "Book of Records", in addition to this relationship with Xun Zhen's fellow villagers, is also positive. is taken into account.

It's just that Yang Biao was really fed up with Dong Zhuo, Li Jue, Guo Si and other chaotic officials and thieves relying on their own soldiers and horses to control the court, invade the emperor and the ministers in the court, so he did not want the court to confer this post to Xun Zhen.

Ding Chong didn't want to either.

As close officials of Liu Xie, Ding Chong, Zhong Yao, Yang Qi and other representatives of Liu Xie also attended the meeting. Ding Chong also expressed his opposition at the meeting. The reason he objected was not what he said to Huangfu Li, nor what Yang Biao thought about it. What he was worried about was that if Xun Zhen became the "Lu Shangshu" and grasped the power of the imperial court , I am afraid Cao Cao's life will be very sad.

Although Cao Cao is now trapped in one county in Taiyuan, and with the addition of Xihe, everything below it is only two counties, but Ding Chong is still very optimistic about Cao Cao. Therefore, like Zhong Yao and Han Rong helping Xun Zhen, he is also doing his best to help Cao Cao secretly. But there is no need to say much.


It has only been two days since he visited Liu Xie in Chang'an, and everything has come to light.

Despite criticizing Cheng Jia and Xuan Kang for being complacent, Xun Zhen was in a good mood.

He Xi Zhicai and others talked about state affairs for a while, and discussed a few words about the imperial edict. Seeing that it was getting late, Xun Zhen asked the officials to fetch wine and vegetables, and ordered Sun Ce to come and have a few drinks with them. It can also be regarded as a small celebration for Debai's "recording the book affairs".

After the banquet was over, Sun Ce, Xi Zhicai and the others said their goodbyes.

Xun Zhen returned to the tent with the imperial edict.

When a familiar woman saw him coming back, she hurriedly stepped forward and undressed him. This woman is of course the Zou family.

Xun Zhen casually threw the imperial decree far away at the table, but the imperial decree fell to the ground when it was not thrown properly.

Zou didn't know what it was, and while taking off his coat for Xun Zhen, he asked Xun Zhen, "General, what is that?"

Xun Zhen's tone was quite casual and said, "The imperial edict."

Mr. Zou was startled, and after helping Xun Zhen take off his coat, he hurried to the desk, picked up the imperial decree carefully, and lightly patted the dust on it. Xun Zhen not only laughed when she saw her attitude as if she was treating treasures. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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