The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 217: Words and expressions are quiet and chaotic (1)

"You can't say that, General, this is the imperial edict!" said Zou Shi.

Xun Zhen smiled and said, "Yes, it's the imperial decree." He stretched his waist and said, "Today, I watched the training of Ziyi's troops, but I couldn't hold back. I went down and shot a few rounds, and compared with Ziyi, the imperial decree arrived. Afterwards, I received the imperial decree and worshipped for a long while, my back was sore and my legs were sore, and even though I had a few drinks in the evening, I was still tired, so Madam came to give me a massage." After speaking, he got down on the couch.

Mr. Zou put the imperial decree in place, moved the lotus steps lightly, walked to the edge of the couch, knelt on the side of the couch, rubbed Xun Zhen's waist and pressed her back. After all, she couldn't hide her curiosity. She wanted to know what was written in the imperial decree. , Xun Zhen has always treated her very well. Her earlier feelings of fear and anxiety have gradually dissipated for the most part. Now, unlike before, she is not weak and submissive, but she dares to talk to Xun Zhen. Asked Xun Zhen, he said, "General, what did the imperial edict say? But is it a reward for General Qin Wang's achievements?"

"The Son of Heaven rewarded me for being a diligent king, and gave me a few official titles."

Zou asked, "How many officials have been sealed? General, what kind of officials have you sealed?"

Xun Zhen then listened to Mr. Zou about the several official positions that were awarded to him in the imperial decree.

When Mr. Zou heard this, he was speechless and said, "General, this is all a dignitary! It seems that the emperor is very happy with the general's diligence this time."

Xun Zhen said: "I have asked the clerk to draft a letter of resignation for me, and it will be submitted to the court tomorrow."

Mrs Zou was puzzled, and said stunned: "Since it is the imperial court who conferred the tribute to reward the general, why did the general resign? Yes, the concubine listens..." After a pause, she vaguely heard who said it, and then said, "I heard that the emperor grants worship and the ministers resign. This is a ritual, but the general, when he visited the saint the day before yesterday, didn't he already recede the reward of the saint? Why did he resign today?"

After seeing Liu Xie the day before yesterday, Xun Zhen chatted with the Zou family in the evening, and mentioned the matter of resigning to the general of the chariot and cavalry to the Zou family, because the Zou family knew about it.

The last speech was dissatisfaction, but this time it was a show of grace and a reputation for modesty. The reason for this was different from the previous two, Xun Zhen naturally would not explain it to Zou. With Zou's jade hand neither light nor heavy, with the right amount of strength, he sighed comfortably, and instead of going on, he changed the subject and asked with a smile, "Madam, Zhang Xiuke Have you come to see Mrs.

Xun Zhen felt Zou's hand stop for a while, but soon, Zou continued to knead him again, and heard Zou's answer in his ear: "If you return to the general, no."

Xun Zhen pretended to be unhappy and said: "It's not because of Madam that embroidery can't live, but why is it that you still thank Madam in the future? His family is also a wealthy family in Liangzhou, and he doesn't pay much attention to scriptures, so he should know some etiquette. How could Zhang Xiu be so rude?"

Zou sighed inaudibly and said quietly, "General, please don't make fun of you."

Although he did not regard the imperial decree as a treasure like the Zou family did, Xun Zhen paid attention to the recognition of official positions such as Lu Shang Shushi, but he only regarded it as a tool to realize his own aspirations, and did not think it was a big deal. Yes, but compared to before, now that King Qin’s contribution has been made, and that he has been recorded, he can start his long-planned grand cause after finishing the next major task, so Xun Zhen is also quite In order to be happy, he turned over, sat up, half lying on the couch, pulled her into his arms, lifted her chin, and said with a smile: "Madam, you know I'm joking, but why do you sigh, Why are you not happy again?"

"General, it's not that the concubine is unhappy, the concubine just doesn't know how to face Zhang Xiu. He didn't come to pay homage to the concubine, but the concubine was actually relieved." Mrs. Zou leaned on Xunzhen's chest and replied softly. road.

Xiangyu was full and felt warm, Xun Zhen stroked her back and said with a smile, "Is there anything I don't know how to deal with? He used to be just your servant, not a parent, so even if he is your parent and then What's the harm? The big deal, I will treat him like a son."

Xun Zhen was only ten years older than Zhang Xiu, but there was nothing wrong with what he said.

On the one hand, his status is far more respected than that of Zhang Xiu. On the other hand, people get married early these days, have children in their teens, and there are many fathers and sons with an age difference of more than ten years.

Mr. Zou's eyes wandered, he turned his eyes away, sighed again, and said, "It would be a blessing for him to be treated as a son by the general."


Xun Zhen said that Zhang Xiu survived because of the Zou family, and he was indeed joking.

The reason why Xun Zhen kept Zhang Xiu and did not kill him was that the reason he told Liu Xie was to leave Zhang Xiu's life and let him recruit Zhang Ji to help Xun Zhen capture Li Jue and Guo Si. excuse.

The real reason why Xun Zhen did not kill Zhang Xiu was to foreshadow the use of troops in Liangzhou in the future to cut the secession of Pingliangzhou.

Zhang Xiu's family is located in Wuwei County, and his family is a local noble family. It is also one of the famous right surnames of the crown family in the whole Liangzhou. This can be seen from Zhang Ji's position in the Liangzhou army.

Xun Zhen's current civil servants and generals are mainly from Yuzhou, Xuzhou, and Jizhou, and there are no Liangzhou people. If you wait until the future when you use troops against Liangzhou, and then go to recruit Liangzhou's tyrants, you will probably pass the time. Late, although it's time to sharpen the gun, it's true that it's not good, but how can you plan for a rainy day? If Zhang Xiu can be recruited thoroughly, and he will give up on himself, then when Liangzhou is used in the future, his clan will already be a Liangzhou noble family, and his people have courage, so he can obviously be a great help.

However, it was said that Xun Zhen had a good idea, but would Zhang Xiu be willing to submit to him?

Zhang Xiu and Xun Zhen now have at least two deep hatreds.

First, because of the defeat of Hongnong, Zhang Xiu and his concubine Zhang Ji not only lost their territory, but also wiped out their entire army. The other is the Zou clan. The Zou clan was captured by Xun Zhen. This is a revenge for taking his mother. Compared with the former feud, this later feud is even more humiliating. - Zhang Xiu was captured by Sun Ce. , the first reaction can be described as angry.

Two layers of hatred, or one hatred and one humiliation, would Zhang Xiu really surrender to Xun Zhen and die for him?

Xun Zhen was not worried about this.

Although she had not known Zhang Xiu for a long time, Xun Zhen had already figured out Zhang Xiu's character.

When Bian Zhang and Han Sui were in rebellion in Liangzhou, Jincheng's Qu Sheng attacked and killed Liu Jun, the county magistrate of Zhang Xiu's hometown Zuli. Zhang Xiu was the county official of Zuli County at that time, and Liu Jun was his chief official. Soon after, he assassinated Qu Sheng, thinking that Liu Jun would take revenge, and he was famous for his loyalty. It can be seen that Zhang Xiu is a person with a suicidal and light chivalrous temper.

Those who are still qi also have a good face, and most of the light chivalrous people have a good face.

In the original historical time and space, Zhang Xiu first surrendered and then rebelled because the Zou clan was occupied by Cao Cao. To say that the Zou clan is only his mother, that is, his aunt, and not his biological mother, it is necessary for him to make a comeback with Cao Cao. arms? If it were someone else, there is a high probability that he would not do this, but Zhang Xiu did. Why? Xun Zhen Sizhi thought that the big reason should be that he felt ashamed because of his good face. And after Zhang Xiu surrendered to Cao Cao again, he was favored by Cao Cao, and he fought in the battle of Guandu, from Cao Cao's attack on Yuan Tan and other battles. People are loyal to death.

In view of Zhang Xiu's character, Xun Zhen was sure to recruit him under the tent for his own use.

You know, Xun Zhen has long been adept at recruiting people with a light chivalrous temperament. Xu Xian, one of his most powerful generals, was not a chivalrous man in the first place? And Liu Deng, Pan Zhang, Li Tong, Xu Chu, etc., which is not the case? As well as among the civil servants, Xu Zhuo, Handan Rong, Cheng Jia, etc., are all like this.


Xun Zhen didn't speak for a while, but Mrs. Zou became worried. She was afraid that Xun Zhen would be unhappy because of her words. She quietly turned her eyes back. Seeing that Xun Zhen was thinking and didn't dare to disturb him, she obediently bowed. In his arms, exhaling Ruolan.

Xun Zhen came back to her senses, grabbed her soft weed, and said with a smile, "Madam, what are your hands doing?"

Zou snorted and said, "General..."

The candle flame did not go out, and in the shadow of the swaying red candle, there was a rustling sound again on the couch.

After a long while, the movement stopped.

The two of them repeated a few words carefully, and Zou suddenly remembered something and said: "General, Mr. Jia's wife came to speak with the concubine at noon today. The concubine heard her, the general sent a letter to the emperor yesterday, I ask the Son of Heaven to allow the general to lead his troops and go south to pursue Li Jue and Guo Si."

Xun Zhen said, "That's right." After a while, she asked Mrs. Zou and said, "Gong Jia's wife has come to see you again today?"

Zou responded, "Yes."

From Xun Zhenbing to Chang'an, it had been three days in a row. Every day, Jia Xu's wife would come to Zou to talk. Zou knew what her purpose was. It was just that Jia Xu wanted to take the wife route to strengthen her relationship with Xun Zhen, but she was really bored when she was alone in the camp. Jia Xu's wife was willing To accompany him, she did not reject it, she was quite welcome.

Xun Zhen said, "This time King Qin, Duke Jia also made a contribution. If his wife comes to see you tomorrow, ma'am, you might as well ask her what kind of reward Jia Gong wants from the court."

Jia Xu might be embarrassed to say something to Xun Zhen directly, but if Zou asked his wife, then everything would be easy to say.

Zou replied yes, and after a while, Xun Zhen didn't speak any more, she turned the conversation back and asked, "I dare to ask the general, but Guo will lead the troops to chase Li Jue and Guo Si in person?"

Xin Ai, Zhang Fei, and Sun Ce have already been dispatched to send cavalry to chase Li Jue and Guo Si together. Xun Zhen still has the next big thing to do after she has obtained the "Recording of the Book of History". Lead troops to pursue. The words he said to Liu Xie that day, and the letter he wrote yesterday, again requesting to lead troops to pursue the annihilation in person, are nothing more than an excuse for refusing to receive this seal from the single-cavalry general.

Xun Zhen did not answer Zou directly, saying: "I made an appointment with Yuan Chang to meet tomorrow, and I have something to discuss with Yuan Chang, and after the matter is settled, I will discuss the pursuit of Li Jue and Guo Si." He took Zou again. In his arms, he asked her with a smile, and said, "Why did Madam ask this? But are you worried about me? Madam, you don't need to worry, Li Jue and Guo Si are already defeated by me, so I will go after them personally, and there is no danger. The two thieves will definitely be caught for me, no problem." After a slight pause, he pretended to be suspicious, and said in displeasure, "Or is it not me that Madam is worried about?"

The weather was quite hot, and the two of them had just been exercising a sweating all over their bodies, Mr. Zou broke away from Xunzhen's hand, got up and settled down.

Xun Zhen asked, "What are you doing, Madam?"

Zou replied, "Bring the towel and wipe the sweat for the general." He brought the towel over and wiped Xun Zhen's body.

She has not yet dressed, and her fair and plump body exudes a dazzling fragrance. She sits on her knees and probes, her curves are revealed, and she can see it in the candlelight, which is heart-wrenching.

Xun Zhen grabbed her hand again and asked with a smile, "Where is Madam's hand?"


King Qin is a military operation, and the purpose of military operations is to achieve political goals.

Xun Zhen returned to King Qin, and the political goal he wanted to achieve, plus the title of "Lu Shangshu Shi", there were two, and the other was to move the capital to Yingchuan long before King Qin.

The record of Shangshu has now been obtained, and moving the capital to Yingchuan can be put on the agenda. After the imperial decree was issued today, Xi Zhicai and others said "there is still a big thing to do next", and made an appointment with Xun Zhen to see Zhong Yao tomorrow, all because of this.

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