The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 267: Xun Zhen's attitude is becoming more and more heroic


Bao Xin often communicated with Cao Cao. The messenger he sent this time was a follower of his cronies. He had sent letters to Cao Cao several times before.

Cao Cao looked back and saw this person, so he called him affectionately and said with a smile, "Ziyou, you've worked so hard again." He called him forward and said, "Hurry up and bring Yuncheng's book!" Gu He smiled at Chen Gong, Shi Huan, etc., "If you don't receive Bao Jun's book for a few days, you will lose something."

The messenger with the word "Ziyou" rushed forward and gave his faith to Cao Cao.

Cao Cao didn't dismount, he immediately opened the seal, took out the letter, controlled the reins with one hand, steered the horse slowly, and unfolded the letter with the other.

After reading it, he raised his face, held the letter and fell into deep thought.

Chen Gong asked, "General, what did Bao Xiang say in the letter?"

Cao Cao came back to his senses and did not respond to Chen Gong, but first ordered Shi Huan, saying: "From Bao Xiang's army to me, there are many thieves along the way, and Ziyou has a hard road. Gong Liu, take Ziyou to your ministry. , Arrange for Ziyou to rest on the carriage."

Shi Huan responded to the promise, and brought a messenger and a cavalry back to the army.

After the messenger was placed and Shi Huan was told to return to the rear army palace, Cao Cao replied to Chen Gong, saying, "Uncle Zhou also gave Yuncheng an order."

"But is it also that Bao Xiang meets Yu Xuchang?"

Cao Cao shook his head and said: "The governor ordered Yuncheng to advance the army to make a fortune in order to cooperate with the governor and our troops in attacking Zhang County. Yuncheng said in the letter that he also heard that the governor ordered the Taishan troops to move out of Juping and advance into Sheqiu. ."

Chen Gong frowned and said, "The state army has few troops, and now the state uncle is divided into three groups. This is not the way to win."

Cao Cao pondered for a while, and said, "The Zhou Bo was supposed to save Zhang County from Fucheng and Sheqiu's Yellow Turbans, so he made this arrangement."

Fucheng is located in the northernmost part of Dongping Country, bordering Jibei Country, and Zhang County is about 60 to 70 li to the south. Snake Hill belongs to Jibei Kingdom, on the north bank of Wenshui River, bordering Juping in Taishan County in the east and Zhangxian County in the west, about 80 to 90 miles away from Zhangxian County.

Wei Chong and Xue Ti agreed with Chen Gong's opinion, and both said: "Our army is young, and the state uncle divides his own troops, which is not advisable."

Wei Zhong suggested to Cao Cao: "It is advisable for the general to immediately pass on the message to Bo Zhou, and to state this intention, it is not advisable to advise him."

Xue Ti said: "According to Zhou Bo's use of troops, even if Zhang County is recaptured, Bao Xiang's troops and Taishan troops will suffer serious losses, which will be detrimental to subsequent battles."

The main force of the Yellow Turbans is in Jibei. Bao Xin's troops and Taishan soldiers have a total of 6,000 soldiers, and they attacked the two places. Even if they blocked the main force of the Yellow Turbans from rushing to Zhangxian County, it can be expected that they will be as Xue Ti did. "There will be serious losses".

Cao Cao Fu Xu thought about it, and after a while, he said: "Since Zhou Bo has passed on Yuncheng and Taishan soldiers, his intention must have been decided. I am afraid that it will be useless to send books to remonstrate." After making a decision, "Zhou Bo At present, we have attracted nearly 20,000 troops. With the help of no foreign enemy, we can use this to surround Zhangxian County. Although it may not be easy to win quickly, it can be overcome. And Fucheng is the most important thing. I will be the Shuzhou Boss, please go to Fucheng instead, join with Yuncheng, and connect to Snake Hill in the east. In this way, Shu can stop the Yellow Turbans from Jibei from going south."

Liangfu is a county in Taishan County, east of Juping, more than a hundred miles away from Snake Hill.

There are two strategic locations in the northeastern Yanzhou and northern Henan areas of Jibei, Dongping, Rencheng, Luguo, and Taishan. One is Kangfu of Renchengguo, and the other is Liangfu of Taishan County. There is a large lake near Kangfu. , Liangfu has Liangfu Mountain, which is the remainder of Mount Tai. One of these two places is in the northeast and the other is in the southwest. If the mud is difficult or the road is difficult, it is a gateway to the northeast of Yanzhou. With these two places, Yanzhou can At the same time, for Shao, he has Liang Fu in hand, and in turn, he can also prevent the invasion of foreign enemies in the direction of Jibei and Dongping. Therefore, Shao should have a lot of troops and horses in Liang Fu. Although Ying Shao only sent 3,000 soldiers to respond to Liu Dai's call, but when these 3,000 soldiers were in danger, he would definitely not sit idly by and not help them. Therefore, Cao Cao said, "Snake Hill has Liang Fu to help." .

——Speaking of Father Kang, this county is not far from Rencheng County, about 60 to 70 miles away from the southwest of Rencheng County. Because it is the fence of the northeastern region of Yanzhou, Bao Xin presupposes the premise that the state soldiers enter the Rencheng Kingdom and want to Only when he was driving Xun's army would he advance to the point where Kang's father was stationed.

In fact, what Xunzhen wanted most was not Rencheng County, but Father Kang. It was just that the place was muddy and it was difficult to march and fight, and secondly, it was too close to Changyi, and from here to Changyi, there was no danger in the middle. That is to say, if he occupies this place, if Changyi opens the door to Xun's army, it will greatly stimulate Liu Dai, because he is currently only occupying Rencheng County, and he does not continue to plot against Kangfu.

Xun Zhen also had ideas for Liang Fu.

However, it was already reluctant to get involved in Rencheng, at least recently, it is definitely impossible to get into Mount Tai again.

Xun Zhen's layout does not need to be said here, only Cao Cao and others.

After listening to Cao Cao's words that he wanted to become a soldier and become rich, Chen Gong pondered for a while and said, "This is a good strategy for the general. But I wonder if the governor will allow the general's request?"

If Liu Dai agrees, of course it is best, but what if Liu Dai does not agree? Cao Cao, however, was not good at "making his own claims", so he ignored Liu Dai and went to prosper himself. Just think: the troops are prospering, the war has not yet started, if Cao Cao and Liu Dai go their separate ways, the Yanzhou soldiers, who have few soldiers, will have a smaller chance of winning against the so-called million-dollar Yellow Turbans.

Chen Gong's question is indeed a troublesome question.

Cao Cao said, "If Liu Gongshan doesn't allow it, I can only act on a whim."

He rode his horse and paused on the side of the road, ordered Xue Ti to take out a pen and paper, dismounted from the horse and leaned on the saddle, and replied to Bao Xin in told him not to rush into the army and become prosperous, and to wait for a while until he wrote the letter by himself. I gave Liu Dai an opinion to see how Liu Dai would respond before sending troops. After writing the reply, he summoned an accompanying knight and ordered: "Take it to Bao Xiang's messenger, and when he has rested, send it to Bao Xiang."

The knight received the order, took the reply letter and went to the army to find a messenger.

Cao Cao then wrote another letter to Liu Dai, and he wrote that, even if he sent people to Xuchang, he sent this letter to Liu Dai in person. Then, he ordered the three armies to slow down the marching speed to wait for Liu Dai. 's palindrome.

After finishing these things resolutely, he got back on his horse and rode with Chen Gong and others.

Because of the two sudden orders from Liu Dai mentioned in Bao Xin's book, Chen Gong and the others lost their interest in what they had just said, and they all remained silent, thinking about how to deal with Liu Dai's refusal to accept Cao Cao's request. ?

After walking a few miles away, Xue Ti said, "The general and General Xun are friendly. Today there are thousands of Xuzhou soldiers stationed in Dongping, which is not far from Fucheng. If the general sends a letter to General Xun, can you ask him to order these thousands of Xuzhou soldiers? help?"

Chen Gong and Wei Chong opposed it at the same time.

Wei Zhong said: "This is not a good strategy! The general and Xunhou are friendly, and this is a personal relationship. The soldiers of Xuzhou came without permission, invaded our Rencheng, and the army entered Dongping. If I ask him to send soldiers to help, I fear that there will also be Xuzhou soldiers in Jibei and Dongjun!"

Cao Cao said to himself: "In the past, when I was friends with Zhen, I felt that he was kind and generous, and Shandong joined together to seek Dong. Only he, Sun Wentai and I and Yuncheng fought to the death. He sent troops into Yan, and I heard that he also sent envoys to Yangzhou to send out all Xun’s sons and daughters to marry Yang Shi, which is clearly a peek at Yang’s territory, and has gradually become a hero.”

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