The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 268: Zhaobai Town Dongde 2 County

?The war in Yanbei is about to break out, and Cao Cao is waiting for Liu Dai's reply.

Tan County, Xuzhou, today, two people who had traveled far returned.

It was Xun Chen and Zhao Yu.

Two months ago, Xun Chen and Zhao Yu were ordered by Xun Zhen to go to Chang'an to visit the emperor and pay tribute.

The road from Xuzhou to Chang'an is long, and there are many thieves on the way, especially after leaving Yuzhou and entering Sili, the further westward the situation becomes, the more chaotic the situation becomes. Rampant and looting, soldiers are not as good as thieves. Therefore, the journey back and forth between Xun Chen and Zhao Yu was very difficult and dangerous. Until this time, when they returned to protect Dong Zhi, who went to Chang'an with them, they set out with five hundred chapters, one by one. Back, now back in Xuzhou, there are only more than 300 parts left, and the rest died on the road, either because of thieves, or because of the raid by soldiers in Liangzhou, so it can also be done. It's not easy to see their journey.

However, after listening to Xun Chen and Zhao Yu's face-to-face secrets, Xun Zhen realized that the reason why they came back late was not only because the road was not easy to travel, but there was also another reason: that was Dong Zhuo Yu Shang He was killed by Lu Bu at the end of the month.

After traveling thousands of miles back and forth, I encountered thieves several times, and I couldn’t eat or sleep well. Both Xun Chen and Zhao Yu lost a lot of weight and darkened a lot, especially Zhao Yu, who was so thin that his cheekbones were protruding and his complexion was black and yellow, but the two of them had lost weight. Your spirits are very good, you say a word, I say a word, and tell Xun Zhen what happened in Chang'an in recent months, that is, before and after Dong Zhuo was assassinated.

Situ and Shang Shu made Wang Yun condescending and submissive. On the surface, he obeyed Dong Zhuo and gained Dong Zhuo's trust. In fact, he had been secretly conspiring with Huang Wan and Zheng Tai to kill Dong. Later, he secretly befriended Dong Zhuo's general Lu Bu. , and persuaded Lv Bu to be willing to respond internally, so on the 23rd of the last month, taking advantage of the opportunity of the emperor's recovery and the celebration of the hundreds of officials at the court, Lv Bu's subordinate Li Su and others first started, and then Lü Bu himself started. , stabbed Dong Zhuo to death outside Beiyemen. After Dong Zhuo's death, he was captured by three tribes of Yi. Wang Yunde was in charge of the government.

Xun Chen and Zhao Yu arrived in Chang'an on April 20, which means that Dong Zhuo was stabbed to death three days after they arrived in Chang'an.

After Dong Zhuo's death, the court situation changed drastically. Wang Yun and other powerful officials were busy dealing with Dong Zhuo's part and appointing his own cronies in an attempt to reverse the court situation. With the help of Zhong Yao and others, Xun Chen and others paid homage to Huangfu Song, Zhao Qian, Yin Xiu and other ministers who had old friends with Xun Zhen, and then met Wang Yun under the recommendation of Huangfu Song and others.

In the first year of Zhongping, the Yellow Turbans revolted. Wang Yun was ordered to be in danger. He was hailed as the prefect of Yuzhou by the imperial court. Together with Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun, he attacked the Yellow Turbans in Yuzhou. Xun Zhen led the troops in Yingchuan County. , Won the appreciation of Wang Yun. Speaking of them, they had a relatively close relationship between superiors and subordinates. Xun Zhen left Yuzhou and followed Huangfu Song to fight in Runan and Jizhou. After starting his career with military exploits, he still maintained a long-term relationship with Wang Yun. Correspondence over a period of time. Wang Yun was even more acquainted with Xun Zhen's late clan father, Xun Shuang. Soon after he arrived as the prefect of Yuzhou, he recruited Xun Shuang to work for the prefecture. The Chen family is also very polite.

Therefore, Wang Yun treated Xun Chen and Zhao Yu very warmly.

However, although he was enthusiastic, during the meeting with Xun Chen and Zhao Yu, he did not say anything official. Most of the time, he asked about Xuzhou, Yanzhou, Yuzhou, Qingzhou and other Shandong areas, including Yangzhou.

Xun Chen and Zhao Yu told Wang Yun everything they knew.

After resigning from Wang Yun's house and returning to his residence, Xun Chen invited Zhong Yao to discuss with him because he could not understand Wang Yun's attitude.

The two discussed it carefully, and they both believed that for two reasons, Wang Yun would definitely reward Xun Zhen and others in the name of the imperial court.

Although Dong Zhuo is dead, his works still exist, all the generals in Liangzhou are brave, Wang Yunchu took power, and he is in great need of strong foreign aid. Yun's generals were also his "old officials", and Xun Zhen was famous for being good at fighting, so it is expected that Wang Yun would never fail to recruit Xun Zhen, which is one of the reasons.

Dong Zhuo had already been killed, and Wang Yun's next step would be to reorganize the dynasty and clean up Shandong. In this case, he urgently needed Shandong Prefecture to lose allegiance to the imperial court. Xun Chen and Zhao Yu happened to be in Chang'an at this time. For Wang Yun , he can take this opportunity to set Xuzhou's loyalty as a model, and show it to the world, so he will never fail to express it to Xun Chen and others.

As for why Wang Yun didn't make a statement when he saw Xun Chen and Zhao Yu, there were two reasons.

First, as a minister of the imperial court, he is in charge of the affairs of the state, and he needs to act prudently.

Second, although Wang Yun and Xun Zhen are old, in the end Xun Zhen is not his confidant. Furthermore, state affairs cannot be confused with personal friendships. How should Xun Zhen be appointed, and how should Xun Chen and Zhao be appointed? Yu's appointment, he needs to think carefully.

After the discussion between the two was over, Xun Chen calmed down, and while he and Zhong Yao paid homage to Huangfu Song and the others again, he politely asked Huangfu Song and others to say something nice for Xun Zhen, while always paying attention to the changes in the court situation and waiting for Wang Yun's decision.


As expected by Xun Chen and Zhong Yao, a few days later, the imperial edict came down.


The imperial edict made Xun Zhen the general of Zhendong, the shepherd of Xuzhou, and the rank was 2,000 stone.


Zhao worshipped Xun Chen as the prefect of Jiujiang, and worshipped Zhao Yu as the prime minister of the state of Chen.


With the edict of the first Dao, Xun Zhen became the shepherd of Xuzhou, and Xun Zhen's legal status in Xuzhou was established. From then on, he had the imperial mandate in his hand. , has not been recognized by the court, and now has the title of "Zhendong General". Since then, he is also a serious general, and is one of the "four towns" higher than the general of the miscellaneous number. The middle two thousand stone is higher than the two thousand stone , is the rank salary of Jiuqing in the court, and adding Xunzhen's rank salary into the middle two thousand stone, compared with Jiuqing, is an honorary reward.


Xun Zhen was very satisfied with this edict given to Xun Zhen.


Not only did he have to worship Xuzhou Mu, he was also worshipped as the general of, and he was ranked as a middle two thousand stone, which was beyond his expectations.


But the second edict to Xun Chen and Zhao Yu made Xun Zhen feel embarrassed after reading it.


The prefect of Jiujiang was originally Liu Miao, and Liu Miao was the fifth-generation grandson of King Xiao of Langya. His brother inherited the throne in the first year of Chuping. In his hometown, he was worshipped as the prefect of Jiujiang. He didn't serve long in Jiujiang. He saw that Yuzhou Sun Jian and Xuzhou Xunzhen in the north of Jiujiang did not look like "good ministers", and also saw that Yuan Shu and Liu Biao in Jingzhou were constantly fighting, and the battle was imminent. He felt that Jiujiang would fall into war sooner or later, so he learned to give up and gave up his office to return home.


Xun Chen succeeded him and became the prefect of Jiujiang.


Among the counties in Yangzhou, Jiujiang is the smallest, but its economy and population are not weak. The degree of agricultural development is high, and the security in the territory is also good. Compared with Kuaiji and Yuzhang, where Shanyue rebellions often occur, it is very good. However, although the economy, population, and public security are good, Jiujiang's geographical location is not good. This can be seen from the fact that Bian Rang and Liu Miao returned to their hometowns one after another.


Among the various counties in Yangzhou, what Xun Zhen wanted most was Wu County or Kuaiji, but now Jiujiang is no longer what Xun Zhen likes, and Chen Guo makes him even more troublesome.



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