The mother planet secretly transformed without telling us

Chapter 1252 Kindergarten God of War Teacher Cang

For the school authorities who knew the inside story, this was a complete disaster. However, the results achieved were even more perfect than the original plan. It was unambiguous that people from all walks of life in the base donated money.

Whether it is the base allocating more funds to public schools or various forces donating money, it is not difficult to do. Especially the strong will and spirit of sacrifice shown by the school under such an invading zombie tide can only be achieved by a group of roughly trained people. Teachers, half-empty security guards, and rudimentary equipment and facilities were able to achieve this level of success. Even the leaders of the three major defense forces, who had always thought highly of themselves, had to give full recognition.

What all the viewers are thinking is: If the school still plays the old routine and everyone is happy to pass the level without taking any damage, they will definitely not bleed from the bottom of their hearts like they do now.

This is a very cruel era. Some people may want to give their next generation a perfect childhood, but no one wants the next generation to be protected too well and become carefree and innocent children forever.

After all, a large number of the indigenous people in the base have already shown signs of this. Their understanding of this era and the world has subtly deviated from the mainstream concepts on the forum and the people who have actually experienced all this. It is said that Whether they are deceiving themselves or others, or claiming they are simple and kind-hearted, in short, people like this have most likely been completely locked into the base and have completely lost the ability to survive independently.

After the donation, the school said there would be a cultural performance by the students in the afternoon, and the cafeteria would provide lunch for everyone.

Compared with various large-scale events and banquets, the meals provided by the school are full of unpretentious taste. They are actually meals for students. Pei Qian accompanied Bei Zhikang, Wu Nansen, Rao Qifang, Li Cang and others, explaining : "Today's school lunch is extraordinarily rich. It is the highest standard with 24 dishes and 8 soups. It is usually only available before holidays. Please come with me to get the tableware, and then go to each window to get food."

The children were chattering quietly, and when they saw them and the parents of the students, they greeted them politely. For most of the people present, this should be considered a quite novel experience.

"It's very fragrant." Bei Zhikang asked, "How many dishes do children usually eat?"

"14 to 18." Pei Qian said with a smile: "The senior students are not provided with room and board. They have independent cafeterias. Only the children come here. The meals are partly paid for by themselves and partly subsidized by the school. Half vegetables and half meat. Take your pick, there’s fruit after meals and milk before meals.”

"Bring me a duck leg and some braised pork." Bei Zhikang looked at the grid on the stainless steel dinner plate, "The rest will be green vegetables and wild vegetables - your hands are always shaking like this when cooking?"

The aunt in the cafeteria was about to cry. She looked at the group of school leaders with particularly solemn expressions and the faces of some characters who often appeared on TV: "I, I, I, I'm tight. I'm a little nervous. Normally, no, no, no."

Bei Zhikang laughed.

Then a master chef with a big smile carried a huge bucket of meat and placed it behind the window: "The braised pork is out. The price of pork was high yesterday, so I bought wild boar instead of braised wild boar. So today is braised wild boar. Leaders can get used to it." No?"

"Do the kids eat it often?"

"Eat, you are all good children. You are not picky about food. How could you have been like this before!" The master chef with a cheerful face looked very pleased: "The wild boar meat is a bit mutton, but the nutrition is still good, but it cannot be cooked often. So that the kids won’t get bored.”

"Then give me one. The children are used to it. What can't I get used to?"

Boss Bei had already spoken, and the many people following behind him naturally wanted to share their opinions. Some people praised him: "There are so many wild things in the base now. If the price is suitable in all aspects, I can give you more." Children, just eat and watch, even if you practice courage, it’s good!”

Wu Nansen asked: "Does the school have any corresponding plans for the tonic alienated blood ingredients?"

Pei Qian quickly said: "Not yet. The basic price of those things is beyond the reach of the school. However, Sister Jin's industry has always been involved in this area. Since the beginning of the year, it has been providing the school with alienated plants and animals at low prices. Mixed sugar pills, the kind that have a bad taste and are coated with sugar and taken as medicine, are very helpful to children. "

"Oh?" Wu Nansen looked at Jin Yujing: "It's very interesting. Are you considering expanding production?"

Jin Yujing shook her head: "Currently we are only cooperating with Panda. The approval from the Food and Drug Administration has just been obtained. People in the base generally do not have high recognition of this kind of thing. If we expand production capacity in the future, we will naturally trouble everyone here."

"Isn't it difficult?" Zhao Yang added: "Whoever is serious would consider whether the taste of that thing is good or not, as long as it can increase strength and attributes!"

"Yes, I plan to start from two aspects. On the one hand, it will mainly deal with these children and younger age groups. On the other hand, I will continue to develop higher-stage products. High-end alienated blood biological products are not only It’s just unpalatable, and it also has various side effects. Currently, a cooperation project between my team and the Academy of Sciences has been established and is being intensively studied.”

Wu Nansen raised his thumb: "Ms. Jin is worthy of being half of the base. If you have any difficulties, please contact Mr. Bei!"

"Why didn't I come to you?"

"Yeah, of course I'm afraid of trouble."

Everyone suddenly burst into laughter in a good-natured manner.

A group of people were eating at a long standard dining table. The big pot rice was generally not bad, but the taste was not too exquisite. Li Cang was dealing with a duck leg when he felt someone touch his shoulder. Several faces with delicate makeup squeezed in from the left and right:

"Hello, Teacher Cang!"

"Teacher Cang, you were so handsome just now!"

"Yes, yes, you are just like a god of war, killing everyone!"

"Teacher Cang, you have worked hard!"

Li Cang bit off the duck leg bone with a crunch, and his face turned green.

A group of girls left chirping, and another group came chirping. After a while, there were already a few thick stacks of exquisite business cards with rich fragrance on the table in front of him.

Lao Wang stared at the business cards, chewing food that smelled like lemon: "He really looks like a god of war."

Given Lao Wang's gifted appetite, there must be many more people who want to do this to Lao Wang behind his back than Li Cang, but it is really inconvenient to do such a sensational act in public. This is no longer a question of shame or not, it is simply a blatant provocation of ethics and the bottom line of social tolerance!

Lao Wang glanced at Li Leisi: "He is so arrogant, why don't you do anything about it?"

Li Leisi said with disdain: "Do it? It's rare to see Teacher Cang get humiliated, but I can't get angry. I'm so happy, so go and suffer from him!"

"Yeah, is that so? I just saw someone secretly touching Teacher Cang's erector spinae and gluteus maximus~ and proudly showed off the touch to the little sisters next to them~"

"Fuck you! Which little bitch did this? I'm going to kill them now!"


The whole class of three children did it on the table next to everyone under the guidance of the head teacher and the teaching assistant. The three children greeted Li Cang and others happily - this was probably specially arranged by the school.

Rao Qifang said to Li Cang: "Son, what are you waiting for? Why don't you go and make my daughters proud? Don't you see that her classmates are looking forward to it?"

Li Cang: "."

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