The mother planet secretly transformed without telling us

Chapter 1437 Lao Wang: Can I ride this one?

Big Gouzi and Er Gouzi used their hands and pedals against the dead battlefield, and they really got a lot of good things. This fierce battle between the Zerg clan has been going on for an unknown period of time, and all kinds of raw materials have been piled up to form sedimentary layers. The fantasy world Although the island chain has been cleaned up, considering their strength and the shape of the battlefield, it is obvious that they cannot cultivate it as intensively as Li Cang did, and can only choose to take away the ones with higher value and better disposal. Besides, , Zerg and Li Cang are true comrades. The master of the nest often does a good job in recycling scrapped and defective products. How can a serious person defeat the bug?

"If you pass it on, it will be a rich mine!!"

Turtle-backed dragon lice began to appear in the homologous passage. As a unit with a daily life of 700 coins, it can only move for less than 17 minutes. In most cases, it is just a mud-headed resident who fills up and runs away. Like now, there are hundreds of them. The development of a plan specifically for mining is unprecedented, which shows that the level of resource enrichment has made Teacher Cang very happy.

Not only the non-perishable parts of the Zerg were dug out from the battlefield, but also a large number of human remains. Some were rotting, and some had already turned into bones. Everything was packed and transferred to the mill. The mill collected the raw materials without asking whether you were alive or dead. In the end, it is dirty or smelly, and it has its own alienation and non-alienation isolation. It is equivalent to a deep cleaning at a super microscopic level. After entering the mill, everyone is the same and all living beings are equal.


Despite Li Cang's expressionless face, this is actually one of the reasons why he is unwilling to engage in diplomacy diligently on the track. Just as in history, when the war became cruel to a certain extent, the veterans responsible for training new recruits at the rear of the battlefield often resisted and The recruits have too many contacts and are not even willing to ask their names. Knowing their names means they know each other.

From beginning to end, Li Cang was still the person who was easily nostalgic.

Zerg and subordinates of the fantasy island chain are constantly emerging from the fantasy world. The comfortable life of the mine dog soon becomes uneasy. No. 3, 4, and 5 doglegs, the master of the magic mountain, and the twin tyrants begin to spray out from the same source channel. , if the Zerg and the fantasy island chain that had reached a tacit agreement were both unselectable objects, Li Cang even wanted to throw a law of war at the head of any of them.

"What's the matter with this bitch Da Leizi? She doesn't reply to messages or pick up messages, but she gave it to Da Lei!"

The good news is that it seems that all the subordinates of the fantasy island chain have been notified at this time. They did not do any irrational behavior like their previous unlucky compatriots. They just fell into the magic mountain master and the magic mountain as soon as they came out of the fantasy. There are still many oolongs among the dog-legged group, but at least they will not drag Li Cang, a friend and businessman, into the lawn illusion for in-depth exchanges.

More and more Zerg were consciously released from the lawn illusion by the subordinates of the illusion island chain. The battlefield that was silent a few minutes ago suddenly became bustling and bustling. The sudden change in the style of painting made people's ears, eyes and other sensory organs uncomfortable.

"Hold the grass, how many bugs did they drag in?" Lao Wang held the page hammer like a swordsman with an aloof and arrogant look, ready to hold back a big one at any time, but what he shouted was not very convincing, "No wonder When we beat them up, no one came out to yell at them, so they were all piled up here?"

These people also have good combat effectiveness outside of the lawn illusion. In addition to being physically stronger than the baseline, they can still use illusion plants, and can even plant them directly on insects to a certain extent. After a short adaptation period, It would be nice if both sides cooperated.

Appear interesting.

As we all know, Li Cang is full of evil ingredients, cancerous, distorted blood, contaminated blood, poison, evil energy, fire, plague clouds, calcium, sucking, bloodthirsty, etc. All kinds of Deff can directly raise Gu in situ. It can be said that in this world Except for the four people who coordinated the merger, there was basically no one who could cooperate with them. Anyone who ran slower when they met was an Erlangzi who had never experienced the suffering of the world.

But this time is completely different. If the subordinates of the fantasy island chain can really drag them, they can drag them hard.

Debuff, unintended damage from enemies, or concentrated fire from Zerg. In short, as long as you feel that you can’t stand it any longer, you will immediately choose to force Zerg into the fantasy world and read the rules again. Thanks to the chessboard rules of the lawn fantasy, although you may not be able to defeat the bugs, you can at least defeat them. You can get a moment of respite, no matter ten or twenty minutes, effectively avoiding meaningless accidental injuries or even directly saving a small life.

Of course, not all the benefits of this trick are completely cost-free. Fantasy plant seeds also have costs.

This style of painting makes Li Cang feel very novel. The flow of the master of the lair is restricted by the double stuck points of the illusion channel and the warp storm, so that no matter how much troops are sent or how many resources are snatched, it can't keep up with the heat, leaving precious development for the illusion. Time and room for maneuver, if the situation remains unchanged, just let it develop and continue to be encroached, and it is not even ruled out that the fantasy island chain can defeat the Zerg on its own.

The odds are slim, but not zero.

The Zerg are a fairly pure creature. Once the resources they plunder cannot keep up with their own astonishing consumption rate, their industrial chain will collapse very quickly. The master of the nest trapped in Uggtrasil has already used Its unlucky and tragic insect life fully proves this.

A group of magic mountain masters rumbled around, and landslides and cracks in the ground pressed against the sky. A few unlucky dogs whose legs were trampled into flat pieces got up from under the hoofprints, and howled in front of Li Cang. They ran away with their teeth and claws open, and they didn't know whether they were chasing the master of the magic mountain, the bugs, or the more unlucky subordinates of the fantasy island chain.

Lao Wang's whole body was filled with something called sword energy, and he was as powerful as a thousand horses. He picked up a hammer and knocked over a gargoyle, and threw the dizzy big insect towards Miss Qiu.


As a result, a giant scythe dragged a chain-crossed knife through the gargoyle and dragged it away in the air. The precision and crispness of it made Lao Wang speechless.

Miss Qiu rolled on the ground in grievance.

Full of evil, attached to Guo Jingcheng, bathed in the mountain of fatherly love from Teacher Cang, without any skills, even grabbing slots to fill his belly is a problem, let alone picking up supplements, upgrading and climbing the alienation tree, the big corpse brother Gou Kun Town After the birth of Tomb Beast Sword Girl and Bone Girl, which one has not skipped a level and which one has not had a surge in attributes? Except for the picky little daughter Yamei, only Miss Qiu is as arrogant as ever.

Emmm, the reason why Lao Wang chose Miss Qiu as his feeding target is actually related to the corporate culture of being a jackal, a tiger, and a leopard.

Under the long-term bathing of Wang Hua's paternalism, Miss Qiu has become a filial licking dog, licking every piece of Lao Wang Li, Lai, Tai, Xiaoyi and even the food reserves. She is really lazy, greedy and has no fighting ability. It has fighting power, but it knows how to lick. It can't hold off one person, but it can really lick a group of people, and it's really happy to feed them——

Except Li Cang.

Li Cang really didn't want to take another look at this little beast that had been spoiled and raised to waste.

So, what else can I do, continue the above steps of exchanging licks for food, and enjoy the cycle of going back and forth, getting deeper and deeper, deeper and deeper, and the logic is self-consistent and the loop is closed.

But after all, Master Wang is not a big deal. Feeding him once is already an extrajudicial favor. He has fulfilled his duty as an uncle. He hates the iron and breaks it. He took a mouthful and said: "A cooked duck can even be eaten by a toad. Put it aside earlier." When the countryside is starving, children like you will never survive to be weaned!”


A black and white cloud of plague exploded under Lao Wang's eyes. The chains rattled, leaving long trenches on the dragging road. Several unlucky dog ​​legs were hung on the sickles, incompetent and furious. Wailing, he was carried into Bone Girl's arms.

Bone girl.

The second princess, who has a beautiful heart and a good IQ and can think divergently quickly, sees that her old father who is good at raising voodoos does not seem to mind the cruel abuse that the twin tyrants of the Magic Mountain Master inflicted on the four dogs. So, as a person, I Your Highness, Emperor Ji, can you also use Sigouzi's long insect-core knife to sew some beautiful buttons on your princess dress?

Li Cang ignored it and Si Gouzi didn't object, so the answer was obvious.

emmm, the insect core is so healthy.

Lao Wang muttered: "She can actually understand this. Teacher Cang, you have to be careful in the future. She really remembers this thing's grudges!"

Li Cang was very disappointed after opening the blind box but did not get an SSR. Naturally, he had no time to pay attention to Lao Wang. He looked at the insects all over the world and felt sad. You said that you all drove the warp storm into the illusion. He used to control it. There are so many layers of reality on the other side that you can get a wave of heat. How come you guys can't even adjust to a complete body?

Just when Li Cang was recounting the Zerg's moral corruption and complaining crazily, a scavenger suddenly emerged from the ground, and its ring-shaped mouthparts with stacked teeth like a toilet spatula swallowed the soil within a radius of ten meters, including Li Cang. Take it away and throw it into the ground.

Unknowingly, the Diggers and Scavengers have cooperated tacitly to corrupt the underground into a highly toxic miasma quagmire. Only a few meters of floating soil are left on the surface, so that even the sound of a behemoth like the Scavenger making small movements under the ground can't be heard. Ignored by Li Cang.

After saying this, Lao Wang, who didn't find anyone but saw the pit, was stunned for a moment and cursed: "Oh, a dog girl doesn't have a tiger father."

The shallow soil layer has no effect on normal human subordinates, and is very unfriendly to heavy units such as the Magic Mountain Master. The heavy sound of horse hooves flowing on the ground like muffled thunder disappeared in a few minutes, but the four dogs Zi took the opportunity to make a big profit.

Well, it didn't move much.

After all, any one you pick out on the panel is at the same level as Master Magic Mountain. In addition, the body shape is usually closer to that of a giant beast. When the erosion depth of various pollution attributes such as cancerous distortion is not enough, the four dogs have to fight hard. I'll beat him up soon.

Both sides focus on a porcelain solid with thick health and high defense. The Zerg can easily reach tens or hundreds of meters in size. It can take more than ten seconds for four dogs to grapple, crawl, roll, chop and bite them. The knives in the hands of the eldest son of the twin tyrants are the real insect cores, and the four dogs are not worthy of them.

However, there is one thing to say. The last time we met with the bugs, Master Magic Mountain was still the main force. This time, he was relieved of his burden and dedicated to penetration. Now the loser is the one who has successfully replaced Master Magic Mountain in the C position. It is comparable to Master Magic Mountain's ability to withstand beatings makes him look down on the endless sea of ​​​​dogs No. 1 and 2. The four dogs deserve this honor.

Lao Wang felt the vibrations of the ground three times a second. He lifted the page hammer upside down and began to refine the sword's intention. The cold silver-white light was like fine metal powder. It condensed with light and dust into bundles. It could be tens to hundreds of meters long. The "folds" swell and gather as the hammer lifts the page across the ground.

The next second, Lao Wang waved a half-moon shaped sword energy.


The ground was like a water surface with a stone thrown into it, and ripples appeared. Hot magma bubbles actually gushed out from the stones and soil. A second later, the land within a radius of two kilometers suddenly bulged and bloomed, like a flower in full bloom, and in the center was a wisp of burning wind that went straight up to the sky and cleared the clouds to see the sun. Dark green blood mixed with plasma flowed through the soil, and the body of the scavenger, which was more than two hundred meters long, was separated and fell out of the ground.

"I'm leaving before I finish talking. Can you have some basic manners?"

"You wash this shirt!" Li Cang threw away a broken tooth of the scavenger with a diameter of more than one meter with a dark face. "You are a sloppy person and you do things sloppily. If you cut it like this, won't it splatter blood all over me? It's so green and hard to wash!"

"You've been swallowed by me. If I'm late, you'll be in the same position as shit!"

"Which eye did you see me being swallowed?"

"Both eyes!"

The scavenger was not dead yet, and the four dogs had already rushed up and started a gluttonous carnival at an earth-shaking speed. The scavenger's body, which was broken into two pieces, was shortened rapidly from the cross section to the head and tail. In less than 20 seconds, it was eaten into a completely empty shell, and then the cortex and exoskeleton were eaten, and nothing was wasted.

All the followers of the Fantasy Island Chain within a five-kilometer radius were fortunate enough to witness this scene. The sounds of swallowing, gnawing flesh, breaking chitinous exoskeletons, and tearing apart exoskeletons from muscle tendons and cortexes were like an unforgettable nightmare.

The high-frequency blast of burning winds around Li Cang was so continuous that it almost seemed to have become his background. Wherever he went, it became a warm place. He sensed the chaotic and mixed energies and force fields floating in the battlefield, and finally nodded: "Come on, One Hundred Demons Night Parade!"

Liliana had a reason to dislike bugs. In addition to the beauty of the flesh, the surplus value that can be squeezed out of the soul is really pitiful. Li Cang himself estimated that this wave of One Hundred Demons Night Parade was purely due to the boundless love and dedication of friendly merchants.

Once the Night Parade of One Hundred Demons came out, there was no need to worry about the details of how the mental pollution affected the friendly competitors and how the Zerg were confused. In short, the terrain advantage that the Diggers and Scavengers had worked so hard to create could be basically broken. The footsteps of the Lord Demon Mountain, the gusty rain, the gray dragon, beat the drum again, which made people feel at ease.


[Fantasy Manifestation Creation Card: Night Parade of One Hundred Demons]

Skill card, gold

Use: After equipping, obtain the Night Parade of One Hundred Demons skill, materialize the projection of the Yellow Spring Road, the Other Shore Sand, and the Styx Water. All abnormal and unconventional life forms of the own sequence will ignore the terrain attributes to a certain extent according to the individual state, and increase the resistance to the loss of mobility caused by negative factors such as being captured, bound, confused, etc. to a certain extent.

Note: Please do not cross the bridge.)

Then, Li Cang habitually paused on the ground: "Deploy Ling'er!"

A homologous channel of unprecedented height suddenly stood in front of Li Cang. The ground rumbled and trembled, like a drumbeat knocking on the heart, and the afterglow of the distorted space stung the eyes of everyone on the battlefield like a needle. The hazy and huge body had not yet passed through the homologous channel, and the amazing coldness had already frost all over the sky and set off a biting and biting wind.


The long nose, ivory, and the body as majestic as a mountain, the whole battlefield was solemn.

The ground crackled and condensed into a dark blue ice surface. The diggers swimming in the toxic mud of liquefied soil under the ground either fled or jumped out of the ground. Some of the unlucky ones were half frozen and half exposed. After a little struggle, they fell on the ice surface with a plop - only half of their bodies.

Li Cang was very satisfied with this opening.

First of all, the size of the homologous channel has nothing to do with the flow rate allowed to pass through. Each fate servant, including the second son of the bloodline, is calculated independently; secondly, the size of the homologous channel is still unrelated to the size of the fate servant allowed to pass through, and only very slight changes will occur due to individual differences.


In short, being handsome is enough, highlighting a style and elegance!

The "domain" of the Silver Ridge Beast could not be called a dominant skill before, but after being adopted by Li Cang, it changed greatly and was classified as the skill of [Ice and Snow Prison] and was truly endowed with quantifiable power and blessing. Even Li Cang shuddered at the displacement of its life.

If the previous Night Parade of One Hundred Demons only turned the unilateral advantage into a shared advantage for both sides, then the [Ice and Snow Prison] of the Silver Ridge Beast caused a devastating blow to the terrain transformation that the Zerg had put all its efforts into, and even to the Digger Scavenger itself. The Scavenger still has some ground combat capabilities. With the biological structure and skill list of the Digger, do you still expect it to do anything else, such as playing on ice to make it slippery?

(Note: The panels and appearances of the five Zergs can be found in Chapter 1189, On the Clock, and Chapter 1190, Birds of a Feather)

The Fantasy Island Chain itself is an extremely cold climate fantasy, with an average temperature of at least minus thirty degrees. The Silver Ridge beast was doomed as soon as it came out. As the domain expanded, the temperature was instantly lowered to a terrifying level that even the followers of the Fantasy Island Chain felt suffocated. The low temperature and the cold wind were like the shadow of the god of death wandering over everyone's head, whispering.

For a while, the special effects of countless great identification techniques complemented each other.

Those who could reach it directly identified Ling'er, and those who could not reach it, such as Miss Qiu, the bone sister, were not let go. It would be a good idea to take a look and earn a little. It would not be a good idea to delay bragging in the future.

What a pity

There are as many "*", "x" and "?" on the resulting identification panel as there are on their faces.

It’s not just the subordinates of the Fantasy Island Chain who are confused and confused. Don’t forget, after Li Cang and the Fantasy Island Chain communicated, the banquet hosted not only the diplomatic twins, but also the group of people who had been trapped in the Fantasy Island for who knows how long. As for the unlucky guy, they finally arrived at the scene.

"I said."

"I want to ask you little Coin boy right now. Everyone is just working on the street. How did others come up with such a thing? Is it possible that the gap between humans is really bigger than that between humans and dogs?"

"Wang Defa, who the hell is he?!"

"Suddenly I feel that this kind of targeting is really malicious. Has this guy seen the Zerg before?"

"Damn this ice can draw blood and stamina!"

"Damn it, this big brother can't tell the difference between friend and foe?"

"Shut up, you're fucking screwed and you want to die, don't hurt everyone!"

There were complaints and jumping up and down.

However, compared to the deafening silence on the battlefield, Lao Wang's squinting eyes were almost undisguised, and he locked onto Sister Ling'er openly: "You can ride this one for me, right?"

Li Cang smacked his lips with mixed feelings: "You"

"Get out of here, you're just taking a rest during the day, I'm talking about the kind you ride during the day!"


[Servant of Destiny: Linger]

Races: Servants of Destiny, Alienation, Lifelike Forms, Hybrid Origins, Traceability Fantasy Embodied Bloodline, Bloodline Pile of Old Dominators, Praisers of the Old World

Body length: 210m

Weight: 1,200,000t

Life: -1

Physical strength: x

Strength: about 101kc

Agility: about 2.2c

Status: The first stage of four transformations, mutation, blood variation

Abilities: Mimicry Wand, Origin Interoperability Link, Designated Mind Link, Ice Breaking Armor, Ice and Snow Prison, Armored Glory, Traceless Snow, Black Snow, Ice Storm, Ferry, Abstraction,? ? ?

Growth method: Eat, and the mill will produce alienated blood fragments to complete the blood.

[Ice-Breaking Mysterious Armor: Use the power of ice to transform into mysterious armor; while wearing armor, the damage received is reduced by 12.5%]

[Prison of Ice and Snow: Using the power of black armor, it is transformed into a cage; within the frozen area, the damage received is reduced by 22.5%, and the attack power is increased by 225%. At the same time, freezing, slowness, and life loss are given based on the duration and temperature drop. Wait for the weakened state]

[Armored Glory: In the name of the giant beast, glory is created; immunity to all physical damage is 55%. If the glory is not broken, the legal resistance will increase by 55%]

[Leave no trace on the snow: The power of the earth, the body is as light as a swallow, and the terrain will not be damaged due to weight when walking. When this servant of fate is on the island, his physical strength is not damaged]

[Black Snow: The blood of my blood, soaked in blood and crowned with blood]

[Ice Storm: The bones of my bones invade my bones and stain them]

[Ferry: The bloodline of traceable fantasy and the bloodline of the old rulers give the servant of destiny the ability to freely walk through illusions, dreams, fantasy dreams, the old world, and fantasy reality. The praisers of the past will eventually be lost in illusion. , but it may be able to find a home for the confusion of the soul in the subspace, and the ferryman who actually crosses it is the Nuo Lord]

[Abstract: The body and soul are integrated, virtual and real conversion; in the physical state, the soul damage received will be forcibly converted into physical damage; in the incorporeal state, the Lord of Yi Nuo will be provided with legal attack power equal to its own strength]

【? ? ? : The level is not enough to describe]

Tip: Silver Ridge Gamud comes from a world that has been harassed by hunters all year round. After being manifested, its accumulated anger still refuses to stop. It does not belong to anyone. It will turn into severe cold and ice and snow to freeze everything, causing alienation. The blood stopped flowing and the world solidified. Now it is forced to accept the bloodline of the old rulers. Will the glory of the old gods illuminate the origin world, or drag it into the endless abyss? )

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