Shaoqing, Li Cang carried a number of tail-stabilized caseless armor-piercing projectiles and their firing devices on his back and took Rao Qifang and others to various nests to distribute fishing documents.

Bows and arrows are a good thing, although Qin Zhenzhen tried her best to say that she is better at firearms.

"Well, everyone, now let's allocate tasks. Aunt Kong and the young lady have a purpose. They want ten alien antelopes, one musk ox, two wild boars, two roe deer, one deer deer, one moose, several snow rabbits, flying dragon and black pheasant Appropriate amount of grouse, any wild vegetables, vegetables and mushrooms." Li Cang pulled out a list, glanced at it and put it down: "Also, the big white ones that suddenly fly are usually giant pigeons, they are not swans. It’s not delicious. The red-crowned crane has black wings and a red head. The swan’s beak is orange-red. Be careful of the moose. That thing has some signs of alienation. If you encounter alienated silver ants, you’d better run faster. Finally, don’t try to fight the alienated antelope alone. , kill them before they are discovered!”

"Got the order!"

"Chong duck~"

"Is there a bear? Is there a bear? Bear paws are the perfect match for a chef!"


The enthusiasm is very high and the strength is there, but it is still very doubtful how much they can bring out by throwing such a small number of people into a few big nests. It is still very doubtful how much they can bring out. It is just like organizing a spring outing for children.

Bai Huazi looked around and removed a page of drawing from the drawing board. A burst of light filled the paper, and an exclusive inflatable yellow duck for a bathtub, which was as big as a car, walked out of it and floated in the air. .

Lao Wang's all-terrain six-wheel-drive open-top off-road vehicle suddenly pales in comparison. This thing is even more popular than several small floating platforms. Even Jin Yujing can't help but want to sit on it and try it out.

Master Wang muttered: "This thing is like a big light bulb, it was discovered dozens of miles away."

Bai Huazi pursed his lips and smiled, pointed with the paintbrush, and the orange color of the little yellow duck gradually faded and turned into camouflage paint. Lao Wang had nothing to say and viciously messed up Bai Huazi's hair into strange shapes.

"No wonder they all like to come here." Jin Yujing held a small handful of thornberries and blueberries, her teeth were so sour that she couldn't get tired of it, "Princess Cangcang, how many of your wild ginseng can you dig up and make soup?"

"Let's dig it, but we have to go to another nest." Li Cang winked, "Mom, over there, the leftovers for the soup are here!"


The berries in Jin Yujing's hand disappeared, and after a few crisp explosions, the hazel grouse on the tree fell to the ground.

Li Cang and Rao Qifang, who were not very fond of playing, were the first to return to Jinping Lake. Jin Yujing immediately regretted it and fell down. Kong Jingqiao threw away a basketful of black dry vegetables covered with rotten leaves and mud. In front of them, another basket of dried mushrooms was given.

Kong Jingqiao warned: "Don't get wet, I'm useful!"

Li Cang: "."

The world is a giant mask of pain.

The turmeric sprouts when it rains, also called nostoc. This thing is not related to the fungus, but a kind of algae. Of course, that is not important. The important thing is that it is a kind of torture whether it is dry cleaning or wet cleaning, and dry bacteria are in front of it. They all have to be approachable.

"Stew that big goose!" Rao Qifang pointed to the Plus version of the swan she brought back and said, "The kind with chicken blood mushrooms, small potatoes, dried chilies mixed with dried wild vegetables and wide noodles, heavy ingredients, I love it!"

"Just mess with things," Kong Jingqiao said, "Okay, okay, I know, hurry up and choose the vegetables, waiting for them!"

"Oh, take it!"

Rao Qifang slapped the bamboo basket with his palm, and a cloud of ash rose into the sky like two small mushroom clouds. The sound of fine sand and pebbles falling off and hitting the bamboo basket was immediately gone.

Li Cang's eyes widened: "My mother's power is boundless!"

Kong Jingqiao frowned, narrowed her eyes and said to Rao Qifang: "Well, then you should also pour out the goose intestines, turn them over and wash them three times with flour!"

Seeing that Rao Qifang was about to commit murder, Li Cang quickly said: "I'll do it, I'll do this, I'll do it, I'll do it!"

Kong Jingqiao brought a lot of seafood from the base. They had already prepared it and placed it on the long table that was rolled out from a solid spruce plate loaded with more than a dozen people. She just waited for the right time to immediately bake and stir-fry. Fry what needs to be baked.

Then, a large pot of cooked drunken prawns naturally caused some planned losses.

Helping in the kitchen, eating in secret, not shabby.

Kong Jingqiao rolled her eyes at Rao Qifang Jin Yujing, out of sight and out of mind, concentrating on rubbing her little Wangchao.

Grinding is not really grinding, but throwing those short octopuses into a wooden mortar and stirring them, making them die like a rollercoaster or comatose. Who knows, the octopus doesn't care. In short, wait until they curl up all their short legs. Shape the fancy eggs one by one, add hot rice wine to blanch them, pass them over ice, add the frozen juice, and refrigerate them. It’s not a little troublesome.

What's even more outrageous is the ground vegetable, which is simply washed and peeled and then soaked in cold tea chicken soup. It is said to be used to stir-fry shrimps and vegetables and to season mushroom hot pot.

In order to take care of the taste of Hesmore Aner, Kong Jingqiao also baked several kinds of berry pies, mixed raw ham and wild vegetable salad, baked cream mushrooms, etc.

In comparison, the prey brought back are not that eye-catching. They are just a few more cauldrons and grills. These are seemingly the simplest, lightest and easiest to serve gadgets, small mushrooms and small wild vegetables. Class, from processing methods to matching methods, it is pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger.

"Aba, Aba." The group of people were left with thumbs up in the end, "Sure enough, this kind of occasion is the most suitable for Aunt Kong to perform. There are inexhaustible materials and beautiful scenery!"



Especially the cooked drunken shrimp and small octopus, ugh, spoil the view, Wangchao!

The crystal clear Wangchao jelly, each piece of which has a complete little Wangchao in full bloom like a flower, dotted with asparagus, carrots and other colors, and finally served in the calyx of the pink pickled radish with skin, just enough for one bowl.

After eating it, Lao Wang's eyes were green, and he wanted to fight with the slot snatcher Zhen on the spot to celebrate.

"Mom, do you want mushroom hotpot or Feilong ginseng soup?"

"I just drank two bowls of ginseng soup, give me a bowl of mushroom soup"

After eating so much fishy food, I really need something light and delicious. Kong Jingqiao only moved her chopsticks a few times, but praised Li Cang's cooking skills: "This hazel mushroom sauce frog and big stew are really good. Xiao Cang's cooking skills are really good. Goose, goose, goose, it's true that simplicity is the best. It's rare to eat such a rice-like dish. Yiyi, help me get another half bowl of rice."

The bowl-stealer Jin Yujing: "Auntie is here! Eat! If it's not enough, I'll serve you more! There's plenty of rice!"

Li Cang was slurping the fresh and spicy eel shreds like noodles, and suddenly looked up: "Well, Mom, it seems that your and Auntie Jin's car has arrived."

Rao Qifang glanced at Li Lace: "Okay!"

Auntie Jin just likes to collect all kinds of luxurious and beautiful things, including antiques and modern products, while Rao Qifang really likes cars and sometimes modifies them. It's a pity that although she has so many cars that she can't park them at home, she has never had the nerve to race them at the base.

Now that the track is finally paved, the mother and daughter who are tired of each other will probably have a real fierce battle. If they win, I will be the best in the world, and if they lose, I will be hung on the ring as a living doll. It's very fair.

Of course, if she doesn't lose

Rao Qifang will at least have to find a symbolic excuse to check her homework. The probability of taking action directly is very small, no more than 90%.

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