The mother planet secretly transformed without telling us

Chapter 1995 Lao Wang: Unlucky Years and Shocked by Bad News (1)

Chapter 1995 Lao Wang: Bad news in a fleeting year (+1)

"Hey~" Qin Zhenzhen covered her eyes and pretended to be disgusted, "Look at how decent you are when you act like there is no one around!"

Li Cang raised his eyebrows: "Hey, you didn't beat and humiliate that TV with her. The child finally grew up!"

"Shut your stupid mouth, I've cleared all the levels!" Li Laixi came out of the house with a dark face, picked up the jar of Comrade like a lucky cat, sat on it, and hugged Qin Zhenzhen. He was ravaged in his arms: "It's boring, I want to see blood flowing into a river!"

"The relationship is good, can I make an appointment for you with our mother for unlimited free fighting at dinner time?"


The demi-human bloodline did not actually show any extra combat power this time when it paid off its debts and upgraded its level. Of course, this was not because of the bloodline problem, but because the secondary disasters caused by the last synaesthesia were too terrifying for this girl. She also I didn’t understand it.

As a result, what appeared in front of Rao Qifang was naturally a fat and lazy girl who was as greedy as a smooth hob. She was not even as good as Lao Wang, at least the progress of her free-range wild apprentice who was neither cared for nor recognized. Visible to the naked eye.

In this regard, Rao Qifang's original words were: "You are an unsatisfactory thing. What is the use of giving birth to you, if it is not for your eldest grandson."

Li Taodun was even more shocked: "Oh, if you like your grandson Rao Qifang so much, why don't you just give birth to a grandson? What are you doing to give birth to me?"

There was a thunderous reaction on the spot.

If Li Laixi dared to look at Rao Qifang now, she would be considered a ghost.

"My god is back." Lao Wang jumped out of Wugouzi and said, "Zhou Cao, what a damn happy family of four. You two coaxed the children very well. No one cried!"

One drives a small car and the other plays with a rocking chair. There is no sense of inconsistency in Master Wang's rhetoric.

"There is another deserted island ahead, and I didn't find anything." Lao Wang took out a bottle of beer from under the old man's shaker and flicked the lid off, "Damn, this land is so deserted that it's cleaner than my heart, so pure Everyone must be like me, nothing, nothing!”

"That's right. If you don't free up some space for the colored trash in your head, I'm afraid you'll suffer premature heart attack one day!"

"Haha" Master Wang said that he knew but he didn't care, "I haven't had the smell of zombies for a few days, but I still feel a little uncomfortable in my heart, hahahahaha!"


I think you are adapting very well!

"Young lady, you came just in time." Li Cang took out a strange-shaped thing and handed it to Tai Xiaoyi, "This, crush it, make four parts, one for internal use, one for external application, one for release and one for stew!"


Use your luck to transform my wishes. Although I am not strong enough to catch them, I can still save them by crawling on my knees.

After the appraisal was completed, Lao Wang was horrified and slowly typed a question mark: "What do you mean? Why do I have an ominous premonition? How dare I use this vague thing? And it should be used externally or internally?"

"Do you still remember Old Harden? What he collected has limited effect, and I have already made a wish." Li Cang smiled skillfully and without a smile, "It is said to be something created by shamanism and voodoo. , the raw materials seem to be chickens and rabbits in the same cage, rabbit feet and chicken wishbones, etc. The probability of shipment is very low. Calculating hundreds of thousands of chickens and rabbits, not even one can come out. Anyway, just use your luck. Luck, it seems like it can help people win the lottery or something?”

"Isn't that just useless?"

Li Cang smiled: "No, it's useful, it's very useful!"

Lao Wang was even more frightened now: "No, what on earth did you wish for? I'm very lucky, but I don't want to be sacrificed to heaven for no reason!"

"you guess."

"I have a fucking guess about your mother, @#¥%... baa... baa ah... baa??"

Eat a piece of "Silence of the Lamb" raw, and Lao Wang's silence is deafening.

But speaking of it, as the six dimensions of their group are getting higher and higher, the resistances that are not written on the board are indeed getting more and more outrageous. In the earliest days, this card could be fully charged for about 15 minutes. , and then it took a big dive to 7/8 minutes, and then it was 5 minutes, and now it’s barely even three or two minutes——


What are you talking about? You said it was voluntary, well, theoretically it is not very successful. But the main thing is whether the acting skills are good enough!

Tai Xiaoyi smiled and said: "I just picked some honey. The orange-red color is very beautiful and fragrant. I have some bread left at home. Do you want some honey toast?"

Qin Zhenzhen struggled wildly like a convulsion in Li Laisi's arms: "Eat! Eat, eat, eat! I eat, I eat! Don't sprinkle sugar! Cover it with honey!"

Tai Xiaoyi felt like a doting child when she saw a bear and cute child, and said the same thing as Lao Wang: "Ah, you are so old, when did you give birth?"

Qin Zhenzhen's body is bulging and round, like a puffer fish.

Li Laixi took the opportunity to pinch her face and pull her to both sides fiercely: "I am still a young girl, how could I have such a stupid thing, and be so greedy that I cheated others out of just a popsicle!"

"Ahhhh, it hurts, it hurts!"

Lao Wang glanced at Li Cang: "Yes, together we have given birth to three children!"

Li Cang:─━_─━

There is no way to refute, no way to break the move.

Li Laisi suddenly raised her head: "Well, Song Qiang just sent me a message, Jiaojiao. It seems that she is here again."


"Cangzi, look at others, look at you, you can't be passive and slow down your work, you have to forge ahead, you have to know your shame!"

"You call me Cangzi but you treat me like Xiangzi, right? I'm slacking off? I'm wasting my time!"

Damn it

Wu Yisong, that idiot, came twice and stole wine twice like a rat stealing oil, but it's only been a few days, are you born in the Year of the Rabbit, you beast?

Li Cang and Da Lao Wang, whose pupils were also shaking, exchanged glances. The four eyes of the two were full of viciousness and cruelty: Damn, hit him! Strike the tree! If you don't knock down this Zhongdeng Kuchazi, that dog's empty space will be firmly hung!

If the difficulties and obstacles that Li Cang encountered in cultivating Li Xiaocang have been spread on the base forum and even in the corpse, beast, and even insect alien bloodline circles, then Comrade Da Lao Wang will undoubtedly face at least double the limit of slander. In a sense, the fact that he can't make a trumpet with the magician can be misinterpreted as loyalty to the human race.

What's wrong with you, Da Lao Wang?

Looking at the big and strong man who is secretly holding a silver-plated gun?

Is it okay, little dog?




Master Wang himself has a post on the forum, and unlike Li Cang, who appears as a socially anxious, hypocritical and serious smiling tiger, he personally participates in the forum to confront people from the upper level of the American parliament to the peddlers from time to time. The tricks of teasing Lao Wang have long become a skill passed down from generation to generation in the forum.

Therefore, it is conceivable where Lao Wang's anger will burn at this moment. It basically goes from the prostate to the hypothalamus. Thinking of the spine that has been poked by people all over the world, he wants to take down Li Cang's on the spot and weld it to himself.

Damn it.

Wu Yisong, you really deserve to die!

Endure ovarian cysts for a while, take a step back for breast hyperplasia, Lao Wang gritted his teeth and tried to show his iron will: "I haven't seen Lao Wu for a long time, wash your feet?"

"Eat wontons?"

"What the hell is wrong with you, you don't even have this tacit understanding!"

"How dare he come out when you lied to him about washing his feet?"

"Silver coin!"

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