The mother planet secretly transformed without telling us

Chapter 799 This shot ignited the entire summer

Facts have proved that everyone is still naive and wants to take some time out from the busy schedule to have a peaceful meal.

Li Cang hadn't even picked up the bowl yet. Over there, there was a leak in the sky, and tons and tons of messy things fell down, including geological fragments, corpses, walking corpses, and strange beasts.

The incident happened so suddenly that Li Cang had some doubts about his ability to interpret the Marauder's Map. Timi had just studied the distribution of red dots on this thing, so it should be quiet for a while!

Lao Wang stood up in a hurry and held Li Cang's shoulders: "Comrade, rest in peace and recover, and let your dear Davarich solve these little troubles for you!"

This bastard has not yet used his Little Demon Fairy transformation today, so he deserves to be confident.

However, when Lao Wang got a little closer, he immediately realized that something was wrong. These walking corpses did not look like they were stepping on the threshold to find trouble, but instead seemed to be running for their lives.

Lao Wang took a look at the telescope, which had mature night vision capabilities, and took a deep breath.


The outlines of extremely huge tentacles faintly appeared in the long-lasting dust haze above. The clusters of leaves made Lao Wang's scalp numb and the soles of his feet weak - Damn you, the scene in the nightmare is coming again. The horse reappears! !

Lao Wang compared the distance and size of the black vine tentacles and almost cried: "I'm a crow's mouth surnamed Li. If you have the ability, I guess you have the ability to come here and deal with them!"

Li Cang raised his head and took a look, with a face that was so hypocritical and calm.

He had consciously or unconsciously made the idea that the entire floating land of the Cage Land would sink. The imaginary enemy at that time was the black vine. After all, this ghost place is half floating and half sinking, and the overall hollow structure is not very suitable for photophobia. The growth and development of black vine.

But that's really just a guess. What kind of black vines must be spread to cover the bottom of such an astonishing floating land?

The black vine is a very metaphysical alienated plant. It is particularly interested in empty islands with subordinates, and the swaggering arrival of King Li Cang and the castle's subordinates on the empty islands obviously alarmed them.

There was a dull, heart-stopping sound of collision in the dense fog above. Countless wild islands and floating geological debris were pushed aside, rolling and hitting each other. The zombies, beasts and even abominations above fell down one after another. Black vines that often start at hundreds of meters and stretch for thousands of meters without end are hanging down. The seed pods like out-of-shape pea pods are ready to adjust their direction as the island below sails.

Not just above, but up, down, left, right, and even the entire floating continent was rumbling, echoing the sound of earthworms squeezing the soil and drilling back and forth, amplified a million times.


"I'm still using your fucking nonsense!"

Lao Wang immediately switched to manual driving mode. When he got started, he reached 10 times the speed and ejected to start!

Well, it sounds lively. In fact, the speed of Kongdao is not even as fast as the accelerator of the will-o'-the-wisp boys. However, compared to the normal speed of Kongdao, which is less than 11 kilometers per hour, 110 kilometers per hour is very, very incredible.

The air vortex stirred up by Bashishima is almost visible to the naked eye. Is it probably the shape of the exhaust gas that is a proportional burning coin of destiny?

Compared with the cruising speed of the sky islands that are not on the orbital line, the so-called rapidity of the three sky islands of Li Cang and Tai Xiaoyi at the moment is not worth mentioning, but it is enough to suffocate the batch of sky islands that follow - this kind of sky island The prodigal craft of burning destiny coins as coal in a steam engine is a luxury that is beyond the reach of most normal people.

The people following behind were all stupid, weren’t they just a few vines, vines, vines? Damn, run, run, run, run.

Relatively speaking, Black Vine's movements are extremely slow. The flexibility of this thing is comparable to that of a normal walking dead beast. Compared with it, the Magic Mountain with its horse riding on it looks so fast and lightning fast.

What Black Vine relies on for survival is quantity, size, information synchronization and cooperation, and the seed's inherent Lu Chen and prayer sacrifice interference characteristics, but not speed.

In just ten minutes, the black vines hanging from above became almost airtight. Lao Wang was so anxious that he was sweating profusely and wished he could erect an empty island with a blade to overtake and use a drainage ditch to negotiate the bend.

The edge of the island continuously collides with the black vines, causing the island to tremble every time. It cuts through the land of the island like chainsaws, bursting out a series of blazing sparks, and the falling debris washes away like a rain of meteorites. Covering the entire empty island.

Lao Wang's face turned green with distress when he heard the messy breaking sounds behind him: "My fucking house has just been repaired!"

The next second, the seed pods on the black vines exploded one after another, and the overwhelming density of seeds made it almost impossible to see what was more than a hundred meters away.

Black vine seeds are extremely dense and heavy, and have the ejection acceleration of pods. If they are dropped on an island in the sky, they can be embedded almost half a meter to a depth of one meter. One or two seeds are fine, but if there are too many, the physique of the slave will not be enough. Dare to bear it.

There was a lot of excitement. With the support of Li Laixi and Dao Mei, Li Cang mobilized a large number of doglegs and tomb beasts to clean up the black vine seeds on the empty island. It would be best to transport them back to the mill for preservation. The ones under the island base were the best. Just dig it out and throw it away.

At this time, body shape has become the biggest original sin.

Originally, many zombies, including abominations and other alienated bloodline creatures, fell on the empty island, but under the rain of seeds, they didn't even have a chance to get up, let alone show off any living creatures. It was inside, and it couldn't bear the beating. It couldn't stand it anymore, so it dug holes wherever possible and dug into the ground. The bigger ones just started smashing them, hiding their heads and sticking out their butts, loving so and so!

Lao Wang is responsible for micro-managing the details, Li Cang is responsible for cleaning the seeds on the island, Tai Xiaoyi is responsible for observing the map and providing general navigation, and Li Laixi and Dao Mei are responsible for protecting the three people, and their cooperation is perfect.

However, in less than 20 minutes, the first sky island captured by black vines appeared. Endless black vines snaked from all directions and soon wrapped the sky island like a giant ball of yarn. Can't move anymore.

"Hurry up!" Li Cang gritted his teeth and said, "If it doesn't work, just drive a few times more. Don't let the black vines in front make you dumplings!"


The sky was shaken so hard that it was almost tilted 30 degrees to one side by a wave of black vines. The right side of Laowang Kong Island was torn off hundreds of meters long, wide and high in an instant.

"Oh, the front is sealed." Lao Wang turned back and looked at Tai Xiaoyi: "Show me your face, my little baby~"

Almost no one thought that Lao Wang’s hobbies would actually come in handy one day, such as the eight collection-grade antique 152-caliber smoothbore cannons produced in the former Soviet Union, such as the anti-aircraft guns captured by Tili city-state, such as Lao Wang’s own hand-rubbed Play with the uncontrolled 200mm rocket launcher and so on.

Of course, the most important component in this sequence has to be Tai Xiaoyi.

Lao Wang continues to prepare for Tai Xiaoyi at an average rate of 1 to 2 new types of bullets every month. Even if there are frequent reverse promotions, he is still happy with it. It is difficult to say how much money the young lady has accumulated in her hands. arms.

There is a lot of scrap metal on the island for things like cannonballs. All that is left to create a rough template is copying and pasting. With their current financial resources, it would not be a problem to blast them to the end of the world. If it weren't for the bastards, they really wouldn't be able to learn. Able to aim on its own, Lao Wang was able to field an artillery regiment.

There is no need to consider the physical burden of the operator, let alone a series of safety issues such as the explosion of the barrel. Under the guidance of Tai Xiaoyi's high-explosive armor-piercing projectile, the most absurd and horrific artillery battle in human history began.

Aiming is completely arbitrary, and the operation bypasses all the correct methods allowed by the textbook rules of use. In short, the gunfire is roaring and fireworks are brilliant.

"It works! It really works, hold the grass!" Lao Wang laughed loudly, "It really exploded! Little Miss, go on, Teacher Cang, hurry up, copy a few more cannons, what are you doing, let your bastard keep up with the ammunition Ah, can’t you do this?”

Li Cang: "."

To be honest, he hated this kind of independent mental command that required a certain level of technical content. It was a huge burden on his and the bastard's brains.

"Add an incendiary bomb every three rounds, young lady."

Li Cang added that he didn't care about the small amount of money, and directly prayed to increase the number of several types of cannons to 150, and the cannonballs were piled up like a hill.

As soon as the fire started here, the subordinates following behind also knew what was going on. Who could open up mountains and bomb islands these days without a reserve of hot weapons? Unless there is a large-scale war, this thing will not cost many coins at all, or even It will give people the illusion that the price/performance ratio is higher than before the disaster.

Take anti-aircraft artillery as an example. The normal rate of fire is 1,000 to 3,000 rounds. Even if you use the cheapest shells, even the ones that cost a few hundred yuan per round, it will take one minute to fire out an apartment in the county.

Nowadays, if you are more refined, the coins you use can be controlled within 3 digits.

Li Cang was a little relieved to see hundreds of flash bomb chains behind him starting to continuously output residual value. They were not just here to ride on the car, but were more or less useful.

As a fundamentalist believer in the Great Magic Wand, Li Cang had to admit at this moment that cannons are indeed so damn romantic. This density of firepower can directly raise a person's blood pressure to the upper limit!

As time went by, the advance became more and more difficult. The 10x speed changed to 8x speed, and the 8x speed changed to 4x speed. Li Cang doubled the density of artillery fire four times midway, and the air island was still struggling.

The strength and density of the black vines become more terrifying as you move forward. The thickness of the single black vine that appears in everyone's eyes has even reached hundreds of meters in diameter. SOP armor-piercing blasting shells hitting it can only form a three to five meter diameter. A small pit with a radius, and countless black vines completely locked all sides of the island, making it airtight.

Even the spore rain released by the Tomb Suppressor Beast only pushed the sky island forward for less than 3 kilometers. The operation of the sky island was almost completely stopped, and the black vines on the inside were still continuously shooting seeds onto the island.

Li Cang summoned two magic mountains: "Little miss?"


Tai Xiaoyi responded, turned over and stepped onto the white tiger. The red-gold [Tiger Crouch] and [Strong Attack Halo] unfolded at the same time. A fire of evil energy ignited the magic mountain. As one of the magic mountains turned into fly ash, it The squeezed life force, evil energy and death contract were fed back to Tai Xiaoyi.

A distinctive scarlet color spurted out from the muzzle: [Moonfall]!

Tai Xiaoyi, who was raising a gun, was directly swept away two or three meters by the recoil of the strongest posture, and groaned.

This time, the bullet did not penetrate upward into the dust haze and explode in its basic form. Instead, it was wrapped with an inconspicuous electric light and exploded more than ten times in a row. All the black vines on the path were turned into fly ash, and actually opened a path. A straight road that is more than ten kilometers long.

Visually, the glittering bullet seemed to freeze for a moment after reaching the limit distance. The scarlet spread infinitely along the arc of the shock wave and turned into a vertical vortex, just like the pupil of some ancient beast blinking slightly. Scarlet blood-like, extremely thick lightning bloomed in the vortex, turning into a winding, wide and vast river of lightning.


The thunder exploded so shocking that no language could describe it. The dazzling glow ignited everything. Within the "watershed" of the river of lightning, the black vines were silently annihilated, the sky island collapsed and fell, and the entire floating land was shaking violently.

"Good! Good. Hiccup?"

Old Wang's cheering stopped abruptly.

The passage was straight and wide, but the front was still pitch black. Yueyun's shot did not penetrate all the black vines.

Lao Wang furiously unfolded the live map. Part of the line representing their sky island had even protruded the range of the floating land of the cage land, but there was still no light behind the passage of hundreds or even hundreds of kilometers ahead.

It was so close, but it seemed as unreachable as the end of the world.

"Fuck!" Lao Wang spit wildly, and his newly replaced big white teeth were almost broken. "What should I do? The young lady can't fire a second shot in a short time."

Although Yueyu is strong, the 85% red bar consumption and 1800s cooling are really unacceptable.

Li Cang's face was a little blue and black. This level of battle was almost no different from fighting against natural disasters. Unless the no-fly restriction was lifted and Da Kunkun and Goudan were dispatched, and the worker bees were sprayed with acid to grind one centimeter at a time, otherwise this little firepower and blood son alone would not be enough to improve the situation.

As Lao Wang was driving the sky island, he saw that the key point was getting closer and closer, and he was also anxious: "Or, my sinking technique--"

"Are you looking for death?"

Summoning the mini prayer interface, typing words cracklingly, eyebrows twisted like two huge caterpillars, after a series of outputs by patients with tendonitis, the communication was settled, and Li Cang squeezed out a few words from his teeth: "Go, move a few disturbance crystals over!"

"Fuck you!" Lao Wang hurriedly picked his ears: "What the hell are you talking about?! Who is looking for death!!!"

Two full A cubic disturbance crystal was placed in front of the jump point. Lao Wang's hair stood up, and the roots of his hair felt like electricity. He made a sound like a toothache: "Cang, Teacher Cang, you really can't do this kind of hard work."

"Do you have any other ideas?"

"I don't have any ideas."

"Then shut up!" Li Cang called back all the lackeys and the Mountain who were busy cleaning up the black vine seeds to surround Lao Wang, Li Lace and others and stack them into a ball, "Transform and protect the young lady. I'll count to three, one, two, three!"

Hey, hey, didn't expect it, little darlings~

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