Under the brilliant green light of prayer, two cubic meters of disturbed crystals were kicked into the transition point by Li Cang. At the same time, the forcibly sealed light film instantly opened and enveloped the empty island into a luminous dome.


Amidst the inexplicable fluctuations, the jump point began to swallow light that was shaped like a sharp sword. Five meters, ten meters, and one hundred meters away, the surrounding airspace gradually became blurred and unreal. It was not like the light dispelling the darkness, but instead It was like the darkness was torn from the whole body in bunches and swallowed by the sword light.

When the light expansion reaches its limit, a huge amount of unstable light spots that distort space and time erupt from the other end of the transition point. These weird light spots will even make a "beep, boop, boop" sound after colliding with each other, and then magnify infinitely. !

Looking down from a very high place above the Cage Land, the end area of ​​the floating land suddenly spewed out endless fragments of ancient animation style with the texture of soap bubbles blown by children. The external light and shadow were gorgeous and wandering, and the internal void was empty and could not be penetrated by the light. Penetrating, silently, a trumpet-shaped blank with a radius of 30 kilometers appeared on the edge of the floating continent. The land, plants, strange beasts, and everything within the range evaporated out of thin air.

Ten minutes later, about twenty empty islands sailed out of it, circling hesitantly in place.

"Are we free?"

Some people shouted loudly, some people held their heads and laughed wildly, and some people contacted the subordinates who set off after them to express their opinions fiercely and guide the direction.

The tattooed man Abel was silent for a long time, looked around and then shouted to the people on several nearby empty islands: "Where are they? Cang, Wang, who has seen their island?"

Everyone looked at each other, and someone said uncertainly: "I, just now I seemed to see a cantilever that exploded from the jump point swept down from their island, and then the sky appeared in front of it."

Abel looked at the grayed-out IDs in the discussion group. After pondering for a long time, he opened the forum and entered the keywords: "Nickname grayed out, jump point."


3/7 base.

A wave of lottery to buy up the fate servants, a wave of Luo Moluo being turned into a mule, plus three unnamed purges and changes of power, etc., etc., one after another such intensive offensive, it is necessary to To say that the base can stabilize all the "evils committed" and the riddled situation in just a few months and completely eliminate the negative impact is really the greatest slander on the advancement of human social activities. This situation continues When the gods come, your hair volume will decrease drastically.

And the reason why it seems so calm has only one essential core: the caliber is the range of justice, which is the truth.

The base controls absolute military superiority and economic hegemony. Any mule or horse can see that the base's momentum is unstoppable. Even if it's his own little ninety-nine, if he doesn't want to find another place, he can only wait or just wait. If you can wait and see, if the money is gone, you can make more money. If the momentum is gone, you can be patient. If your life is gone, then it is really gone.

What's more, under the situation of maximizing the scope of a series of plowing and sweeping holes, people and things vacated by all walks of life need to be filled in. The Huairou strategy will soon come, which is the most worth looking forward to.

Shuffle the cards, how can you not have dates if you have slaps?

However, all this is very painful for Rao Qifang, who is new to the "politics" world. Although she is not in the right profession, she only cares about Lehe's panda staff to become a full-time employee, but in fact she has suffered a lot of hidden losses without knowing it.

"Fangfang, let me tell you again, except for people from Wu Nansen, Bei Zhikang, and Zhao Yang, please do not express any attitude, especially a position, to anyone, at any time. Can you understand me?" Jin Yujing said earnestly: "You are the representative of the identity transition of the private armed forces. Any words you say will be chewed over and analyzed carefully."

"Then I can't just ignore people asking me questions during interviews, right?"


Jin Yujing really didn't know what to say. She rubbed her eyebrows desperately, her expression looking extremely painful: "Let me put it this way, you can beat up whoever you want, and you can just hug someone with a big ear of melon seeds if you don't like them. I beg you, please don’t start a quarrel, especially don’t bring anyone into a group to quarrel with each other, do you understand?”

"I've always been able to do my best to avoid making any noise. It's obviously you who keeps me restrained in everything!"

"I @#¥%" Jin Yujing spat out a series of unclear C language, which was a great defense. Finally, she said dejectedly: "Auntie, I was wrong. I was wrong. I apologize to you sincerely. My apology is because I am ignorant and I misunderstood your great wisdom. From now on, you can do whatever you want. If you beat someone to death, why don’t I dig a hole and bury it for you?”

"Really? Is it a deal?"


Rao Qifang suddenly said: "It's strange. When I was an instructor, there were always a few indifferent cats and dogs who always wanted to find an opportunity to impress me. How come there are no more of them now?"

"Oh, force is often the weakest and last resort. The earlier it is used, the less valuable it is. Besides, is there any use in staring at you now? Whether it is to assassinate you, Bei Zhikang, or Wu Nansen, unless someone doesn't If you kill them all, will it be useful? Can you interrupt the development trend of the base? Can you take advantage of it and gain actual benefits?"

"Not necessarily~" Rao Qifang said happily: "Which bastard really made me proud? Those little brats of mine are sure to interrupt the base!"

Jin Yujing almost vomited blood and her fingers trembled.

"You you.

Thinking of this, it proves that you, a loser, can at least be saved. Don't think that just because you know how to be a three-legged cat, you will be so arrogant. If you really want to do it, there are ten thousand ways to play with you!

Everyone has an account, just look at whether the price is worth it!

I'm doing this for your own good. It may not matter outside now, but don't make everyone in the base want to settle accounts with you! "


Rao Qifang dismissed it.

In front of this elder sister who had taken care of everything since they started doing business together many years ago, Rao Qifang inevitably let herself go, especially her mind, not wanting to think at all.

"I'm tired, I'm tired. When I joined the base, I just wanted to lie down. If I had known this would happen, I might as well have wandered on the track. It's pitiful. Look, the first wrinkles in my life have already appeared! "

"You whipped it yourself last night!"

"Eh? That's not right! Didn't I pray for healing?"

"Shit! Are you still thinking about treatment? Don't you know what kind of constitution you have! The injury is almost healed before you can treat it! Even the scars will disappear in two days at most!"

"Why are you observing so carefully? Oh, you are jealous, have you got wrinkles? Please make me happy!"


"Alas." Rao Qifang and Jin Yujing were arguing for a while, and suddenly became depressed. She held her chin in one hand and fiddled with the tea cup: "These little bastards haven't shown up for a few days. They are so old that they can't help their mother. Goldfish, what do you think I have to wait for?" When can I hold my grandson in my arms?"

"That's your grandson! Grandson!" Jin Yujing simply hated the iron. "It's not about how good Li Cang is. Look at little Lace again. A mouse sees a cat, and she sees you."

"What a son-in-law!" Rao Qifang actually showed a bit of girlish delicacy, "Since I was a child, that stinky girl has never made me worry. Oh, you don't know that it was the first time I met that kid Li Cang. , Tsk, my only thought was that this child was not born into my belly because I had done some unreasonable things in my previous life. It was just too appetizing to me. Oh my, his character, and ah, that bone is really Yes, I have lived for most of my life, and I have never seen many people with his kind of talent!"

"Tsk, tsk~" Jin Yujing shook her head and said: "Stop, stop, stop, if you praise me again, you will go to heaven. Since we are not here, you should be more restrained. I don't know anything about martial arts talents, but Lace even complained to me. This has happened several times. Didn't you regret it if you beat me to death without teaching me? "

"It's not that I don't teach, I am..." Rao Qifang scratched her head and head anxiously, "Whether it's superstitious metaphysics or other things, our Rao family has always linked skin appearance, bone appearance, fate and root bones together and passed down the martial arts skills and tricks together. , that child, don’t think he is cheerful and polite at all times, but he... I can’t say, you just understand that in his bones, he treats people differently and takes lives instead of lives. Jie, how dare I teach him skills in a harmonious society? I would be afraid if he didn’t teach him. Besides, you will know how he does things now. Am I wrong at all? "

Jin Yujing could not understand this kind of social retrospection behavior at all, and said disdainfully: "It's coming again, it's like an old witch, no one's hands are full of blood now, and there are hundreds of people who have died under my hands. He is dead, Li Cang. He has no father or mother and is suffering from a strange disease. Haven't you seen him take revenge on society? "

"It's different!" Rao Qifang actually became serious, "Absolutely different! Some things don't necessarily have to wait until they become established facts before it's too late to regret them. Things like numerology pay attention to cause and effect. Out of sight is out of mind, but since I've seen it There will definitely be a connection, and with this cause and effect, if you intervene rashly, especially if you guide it in a bad direction, the consequences will be worse than if you do these things yourself. The five disadvantages and three shortcomings may be made up, but some things are I won’t lie to you.”

Jin Yujing was silent for a long time: "No wonder you ignore so many people's ideas about you. Uh-huh, what do you think of Xiahou Haiwei? You two are such a perfect match!"

"Go to hell."

Believe it or not believe it or not. A strong woman like Jin Yujing, who created two "business empires" before and after the disaster, has an extraordinary determination. It is no less difficult for you to subvert her existing cognition than to artificially launch a new one. A doomsday disaster.

"You're so angry!" Jin Yujing clicked her tongue, "Don't you say every day that with your current physique, it's not a problem to live for three to five hundred years? Oh, if you don't find a man, I'll make you last until you're exhausted. ! You talk so loudly that you have to swallow the pain of going to the basement every day!"

"Oh, what's wrong with playing with iron? I'm happy when I play with iron. I really thought I didn't look at your cabinet of toys. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. I'll let you finish peeling them."

"I'm going to kill you. You really dare to say anything. I'm hissing." Jin Yujing's face turned red, and she suddenly froze in the middle of her words. She rubbed her eyes: "Fangfang, their names are gray!"

Rao Qifang hummed, but said nothing. She secretly scolded these bastards for their carelessness.

"Why are you going?"

"What else can you do? Go to the old woman's house. You may be so frightened. What should you do if you follow suit? The lives of these little bastards are tougher than Nokia's. I don't understand what there is to worry about. Let's go. Let’s go and talk together, so I don’t have to waste any time!”


Martinis is learning to drink tea and stir-fry tea recently.

The primary industry of the sky island allocated to the sacrificial tribe by the base is not very good, but at least it has mountains, water and forests. Coincidentally, wild tea trees grow on the small mountains of several islands. The environment of the sky island is very friendly to tea trees, and the quality of the tea produced is top-notch.

After being polished intentionally or unintentionally by the people under Jin Yujing, even the old leaves picked casually can be sold at a price that the tribe members think is extremely outrageous, at least it is much more optimistic than the black uncle who is busy fighting in the seafood market.

The base generally has a certain degree of fear and resistance to the Martinis tribe, but tea is not something that can be fermented with human heads and blood, right? That thing will affect the quality of tea, so sales are not a problem. There is less tea and the population of the tribe is even smaller. If you want to feed these thousands of mouths, it is not a big problem to do some business casually.

Several tall black girls aged 17 or 18, with delicate features and beautiful eyebrows, passed the tribal checkpoint with empty baskets on their heads, chatting and laughing. Seeing Martinis working hard in a black pot with smoke rising from it, they hurried over to greet him.

"Chief Martinis, are you still learning how to stir-fry tea?"

"Yes, I have to try it." Martinis looked at the pretty girls who did not follow the tribal custom totem tattoos on their bodies or use human heads and bones as decorations, and smiled very kindly: "How many words did you learn today? Did you have any trouble at the stall?"

One of the girls pouted with a cheerful expression: "Chief, Chinese is so difficult, but we moved to the entrance of the seafood market today, and no one bothered us. We sold hundreds of kilograms of lemons and lemon leaves!"

Another Then he said: "Chief, we are already adults, why don't you allow us to learn witchcraft? Do you think we are not loyal enough to the tribe?"

Facing several expectant girls, Martinis used his eyes to scare away several angry guards who were ready to come over and scold him, and explained in a gentle voice: "You are very talented, the elders have more important arrangements for you, and what you are doing now is just the beginning."

At this time, a middle-aged man wearing a feather skull crown and his body covered with blood-red, self-luminous complex totems came up, and several girls retreated with envy and fear.

"Chief, one of the people you arranged was lost."


"The other party is a group of 13 people, using dolls and hair as the medium to cast curses, spare..."


The middle-aged man knelt on the ground and trembled: "Dear guest, yes, dear guest, the dear guest is safe, but little Inapu has returned to the embrace of the ancestral spirit."

"Does Inapu have a younger brother?"

"Yes, Isai, his name is Isai."

"Let him accept the spirit, and start from Inapu's position. As for you, go and get 80 whips yourself, come to me later, and go to Inapu's house with me."

"Thank you, Chief, Marius will never make such a stupid mistake again."


Martinis cleared the fried food out of the pot, turned off the fire, and sighed faintly.

Before the disaster, some areas of Africa might be considered a paradise by him, but now in the closed sky island era, the market of the base can be described as extremely unfriendly. The base absorbed the garbage of the Santa Katana Federation. Under the influence of public opinion, he and his tribesmen are in a very embarrassing situation.

This is no longer a matter of prejudice. The reputation of the entire tribe is basically the level of a child stopping crying. People will walk around them on the road, for fear that they will be kidnapped and dragged to sacrifice their blood.

[Your image is not good. You must do something to improve the public perception by targeting the pain points.]

[Word of mouth is very lethal in China]

[I'll give you an idea. You can do this.]

Martinis looked at the brief conversation record with Li Cang over and over again, thinking again and again: "But will this really work? It's that simple?!"


"What's the matter? Hesitate and say it!"

The big, black and thick man had an indescribable melancholy and weirdness on his face, and perhaps a little bit of anger: "Yes, someone came and asked you to leave by name. It's very rude! If they didn't insist that you invited them here, I-"

"She? th ey? Yes! It's for me, bring them in quickly." Martinis sorted out the clothes and decorations on his body, took off a few miniature human skulls and a large string of bone beads and handed them to others: "Forget it, just follow me to see them, you little bastards, you won't scare my guests, right?"

"No, no, no." The man was so scared that he held his breath, "You told us to treat every guest politely, we dare not disobey your order."

"Well, very good, remember, this is related to the future development and prosperity of the tribe, absolutely, absolutely, absolutely follow every word I say, times have changed, you know, if I know that you are still as rude as before, you will have juice to eat!"


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